Showing posts with label Abbreviation Messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abbreviation Messages. Show all posts

14 November 2015

Abbreviations & Shortcuts Messaging

143 or 459 - I Love You
2MORO - Tomorrow
2NITE - Tonight
411 - Information
420 - Marijuana
AAF - As A Friend
AAK - Asleep At Keyboard OR Alive And Kicking
AAMOF - As a matter of fact
AAP - Always A Pleasure
AAR8 - At Any Rate
AAYF - Always Your Friend
ABT - About
ACC - Anyone Can Come
ADAD - Another Day, Another Dollar
ADN - Any Day Now
AFAIAA - As Far As I Am Aware
AFAIC - As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AIGHT - Alright
AKA - Also Known As
AM - Morning
AML - All My Love
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ATM - At The Moment
ATYS - Anything You Say
AWA - As Well As
AWC - After Awhile Crocodile
B4 - Before
B4N - Bye For Now
BAU - Business As Usual
BBL - Be Back Later
BBS - Be Back Soon
BC or B/C - Because
BCNU - Be Seein' You
BD - Big Deal
BEG - Big Evil Grin
BF - Boyfriend
BFF - Best Friends Forever
BFN - Bye For Now
BIF - Before I Forget
BIL - Brother In Law
BLNT - Better Luck Next Time
BMG - Be My Guest
BR - Best Regards
BRB - Be Right Back
BTA - But Then Again
BTDT - Been There, Done That
BTW - By The Way
BWDIK - But What Do I Know
BYTM - Better You Than Me
C-P - Sleepy
CD9 - Code 9: Parents Nearby
CID - Consider It Done
CMIIW - Correct Me If I'm Wrong
COS - Change Of Subject
CRB - Come Right Back
CSL - Can't Stop Laughing
CU - See You
CUL or CUL8R - See You Later
CUS - See You Soon
CUZ - Because
CWOT - Complete Waste Of Time
CYA - Cover Your A**
CYE - Check Your E-mail
DEF - Definitely
DFO - Done Fell Out
DIIK - Darned If I Know
DIY - Do It Yourself
DKDC - Don't Know, Don't Care
DQMOT - Don't Quote Me On This
DTRT - Do The Right Thing
DUCWIM - Do You See What I Mean?
DW - Don't Worry
DWF - Divorced White Female
DWM - Divorced White Male
DWBH - Don't Worry, Be Happy :O)
DYFI - Did You Find It?
E2EG - Ear To Ear Grin
EOD - End Of Discussion
EOL - End Of Life
EOM - End Of Message
EOR - End Of Rant
ETA - Estimated Time Of Arrival
EZ - Easy
F2F - Face To Face
F2T - Free To Talk?
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FBM - Fine By Me
FBOW - For Better Or Worse
FCOL - For Crying Out Loud
FIMH - Forever In My Heart
FITB - Fill In The Blank
FOAF - Friend Of A Friend
FOFL - Falling On The Floor Laughing
FOMCL - Falling Off My Chair Laughing
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition
FWD - Forward
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYEO - For Your Eyes Only
FYI - For Your Information
G2CU - Good To See You
G2G - Got To Go
G2R - Got To Run
GAC - Get A Clue
GAL - Get A Life
GB - Goodbye
GBTW - Get Back To Work
GBU - God Bless You
GF - Girlfriend
GGN - Gotta Go Now
GI - Good Idea
GIWIST - Gee, I Wish I Said That
GJ - Good Job
GL - Good Luck
GM - Good Morning
GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
GNT - Good Night
GOL - Giggle Out Loud
GR8 - Great
GTG - Got To Go
H8 - Hate
H/O - Hold On
HAGN - Have A Good Night
HAGO - Have A Good One
HAK - Hugs And Kisses
HAND - Have A Nice Day
HBU - How About You?
HH - Ha-ha
HHIS - Hanging Head In Shame
HO - Hold On
HOAS - Hold On A Second
HTB - Heavens To Betsy (for the older crowd)
HTH - Hope This Helps
IAC - In Any Case
IAE - In Any Event
IC - I See
ICBW - It Could Be Worse
IDC - I Don't Care
IDGI - I Don't Get It
IDK - I Don't Know
IDM - It Doesn't Matter
IDTS - I Don't Think So
IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
IK - I Know
ILY - I Love You
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMLTHO - In My Less Than Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IMPOV - In My Point Of View
IOW - In Other Words
IRL - In Real Life
JIC - Just In Case
JK or J/K - Just Kidding
JLMK - Just Let Me Know
JMO - Just My Opinion
JP - Just Playing
JT or J/T - Just Teasing
JTLYK - Just To Let You Know
JW - Just Wondering
K - Okay
KIS - Keep It Simple
KIT - Keep In Touch
KMP - Keep Me Posted
KOTL - Kiss On The Lips
KOW - Knock On Wood
KWIM - Know What I Mean?
L8 - Late
L8R - Later
L8RG8R - Later, Gator
LBAY - Laughing Back At You
LBH - Let's Be Honest
LLTA - Lots and Lots of Thunderous Applause
LMIRL - Let's Meet In Real Life
LMK - Let Me Know
LOL - Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots Of Laughs
LOLO - Lots Of Love
LMAO - Laughing My A** Off
LQTM - Laughing Quietly To Myself
LTNS - Long Time No See
LYL - Love You Lots
LYLAB - Love You Like A Brother
LYLAS - Love You Like A Sister
MIA - Missing In Action
MIRL - Meet In Real Life
MMA - Meet Me At
MMB - Message Me Back
MOO - My Own Opinion
MorF - Male or Female
MOS - Mom Over Shoulder
MSG - Message
MTFBWU - May The Force Be With You
MYOB - Mind Your Own Business
NALOPKT - Not A Lot Of People Know That
NBD - No Big Deal
NC - No Comment
NE - Any
NE1 - Anyone
NEWB - person who is new to something
NFS - Not For Sale
NM - Nothing Much
NM - Never Mind
NMH - Not Much Here
NMP - Not My Problem
NMU - Not Much, You?
NOOB or N00B - inferior person
NOYB - None Of Your Business
NP - No Problem
NRN - No Response Necessary
NVM - Never Mind
NW - No Way
NWO - No Way Out
O4U - Only For You
OAO - Over And Out
O RLY? - Oh, Really?
OIC - Oh, I See
OMDB - Over My Dead Body
OMG - Oh My Gosh -or- Oh My God -or- Oh My Goodness (for the older crowd)
OOTO - Out Of The Office
OT - Off Topic
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OTP - On The Phone
OTTOMH - Off The Top Of My Head
OWTTE - Or Words To That Effect
OYO - On Your Own
P911 - Parent In Room
PAW - Parents Are Watching
PCM - Please Call Me
PDH - Pretty Darn Happy
PIR - Parent In Room
PITA - Pain In The A**
PLS - Please
PLZ - Please
PLU - People Like Us
PM - Evening
POC - Point Of Contact
POS - Parent Over Shoulder
POV - Point Of View
PPL - People
PRW - Parents Are Watching
PTMM - Please Tell Me More
Q - Question
QT - Cutie
ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing
R - Are
RL - Real Life
RSN - Real Soon Now
RUOK? - Are You Okay?
S2R - Send To Receive
SFETE - Smiling From Ear To Ear
SIT - Stay In Touch
SITD - Still In The Dark
SMH - Shaking My Head
SMS - Short Message Service
SOH - Sense Of Humor
SOMSW - Someone Over My Shoulder Watching
SOSDD - Same Old Stuff Different Day
SOZ - Sorry
SRY - Sorry
SSDD - Same S***, Different Day
STFU - Shut The F*** Up
STR8 - Straight
SUP - What's Up?
SYS - See You Soon
TAFN - That's All For Now
TBA - To Be Announced
TBC - To Be Continued
TBH - To Be Honest
TC - Take Care
TFF - Too Freaking Funny
TGIF - Thank Goodness It's Friday
THX - Thanks -or- Thank you
TIA - Thanks In Advance
TIC - Tongue In Cheek
TISNF - That Is So Not Fair
TMB - Text Me Back
TMI - Too Much Information
TOTT - Think On These Things
TOY - Thinking Of You
TTFN - Ta-Ta For Now
TTYL - Talk To You Later
TY - Thank You
U - You
U2 - You Too
UR - You Are -or- You're
VBG - Very Big Grin
W8 - Wait
W/ - With
W/E - Whatever
W/O - Without
WB - Welcome Back
WBS - Write back soon
WFM - Works For Me
WOLO - We Only Live Once
WTF - What The F***
WTG - Way To Go
WTH - What The Heck?
WU - What's Up?
WYGOWM - Will You Go Out With Me?
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
WYRN - What's Your Real Name?
XOXO - Hugs and Kisses
Y - Why
YOLO - You Only Live Once
YRG - You Are Good
YT? - You There?
YW - You Are Welcome

ZZZ - Tired or bored

08 November 2015

Abbreviation Messages

I hate you..
Don’t be upset, because
“HATE” I mean
H: Hold me in your heart
A: Always be with me
T: There is no end to our love
E: Enter into my heart
So again “I hate you

The Word ‘Hello’ means
H=How R U?
E=Everything all right?
L=Like 2 hear 4rm U
L=Love 2 C U soon
O=Obviously, I mis U!

When U miss me just say: C.L.I.C.K
C=Can’t live without u.
L=Love U.
I=I miss U.
C=Care About U.
K=Kiss from my Heart to u

In the New Year, U may get:
N- New
W- Workin
E-Efforts for
Wish U a very eventful New Year!

B: Badmasion ma sub se aagy.
O: Ollu ke tarha raat ma jagy.
Y: Yari nibhaty jaan laga ke.
S: Sharif sirf ami abu k aagy.

Alphabetic advice for you:
Avoid Boring Company..
Don’t Entertain Fools..
Go for High Ideas .
Just Keep a friend like ME..
Never Overlook the Poor n suffering..
Quit Reacting to Silly tales..
Tune Urself for ur Victory..
We Xpect You to Zoom ahead in life

Don’t be confused I mean to say
S: Sari zindagi
T: Tum sai
U: Umar bhar ki dosti
P: Pana chahta hon,
I: Islie
D: Duawon mai yaad rakhna

B- Begin you day with.
L- Love in your heart.
E- Expect blessings.
S- Share goodness.
S- Shine like the sun.
I- Inspire some one.
N- Never forgot that.
G- God is with you all time.

What is MATHS?
M = Mental
A = Attack
T = To
H = Healthy
S = Students..

T-Teachers R like candles,
E-Every inch they consum,
A-Are stars 4 students,
C-Cheerful and kind,
H-Helpful and fine,
R-Ready to,

Few Relations In Earth Never Die.
Want To Know What Is It?
Read Again

H-Happiness of life.
O-Ocean of color
L-Language of love
I-Integration with one another.
Wishing u and ur family
“Happy colorful n safe HOLI”

The Full Form of Chocolate Brand:
KITKAT: Kiss in Time, Kiss at Time.
PERK: Perfect Emotional Romantic Kiss.
MUNCH: Meet Urgently Now for a Charming Hug!
So Think before giving chocolate to any one.

ISLAM stands for:
I = I
S = Should
L = Love
A = Always
M = Muhammad (S.A.W)

Husband asks: Do you know the meaning of WIFE?
It means? Without Information, Fighting Every time!
WIFE says: No darling,
It means :- With Idiot For Ever

These are some of the romantic countries in the world
“Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies”
“I Trust And Love You”
“Love Is Beautiful You Also”

T-here’s richness in a love for life
H-ere among the valentines,
A-king and queen as man and wife:
N-ot leaning towards what lust inclines;
K-nowing well the needs of state.
Y-on regal grace alone attends,
O-n which the peace, both small and great,
U-ndone by doubt, alone depends

Funny abbrevation of some finanacial terms.
Bse = bombay se exit
Nse = nation se exit
F/o = future over
Nifty = no income for this year
Fii = fraud international

Education Is Incomplete Without 5 B’s
B – Bikes.
B – Beers.
B – Babes.
B – Bunks And The Most Important.
B – Backlogs.

S: Sincere
H: Hard Worker
E: Energetic
I: Inteligent
K: King Of Mind
: Honest

When you love
you get hurt.
When you get hurt
you hate.
When you hate
you try to forget.
When you try to forget
you start missing.
When you start missing
you fall in love again..!

Do u know what bhai stands for
B.. Best
H.. Husband
A.. Among
I.. Ideals
So be the bhai of every girl

Did u know meaning of WOMEN?
“M”an for

Do U know the full form of COLLEGE
That’s why Boys go to college regularly.

Live With The 3 E’s . . .
| Energy |
| Enthusiasm |
| Empathy |
And The 3 F’s . . .
| Faith |
| Family |
| Friends |
Then U Will Feel Life In Ur Life.

Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words
E – Embrace with open heart
I – Inspire with impressive attitude
D – Distribute pleasure to all
~Eid Mubarak~


S: Sets u free,
M: Makes u special,
I: Increases ur face value,
L: Lifts up ur spirits,
E: Erases all ur tensions,
So, please keep smiling.

H- appy Feelings
U- nlversallY warm and fuzzy
G- reaT to give and toreceive
S- ure to Make Anyone’S day
I hope this
Makes your Day Brighter

You will not mind it if you know what I mean from “BITCH” it means
B: Beautiful
I: Intelligent
T: Talented
C: Cute
H: Hilarious
I know you are smiling now

Do you know what does “HELLO” mean??
HELLO stands for
H: How are you?
E: Everything is fine?
L: Like to hear from you.
L: Love to see you soon.
O: Obviously, I miss you

B- Begin you day with.
L- Love in your heart.
E- Expect blessings.
S- Share goodness.
S- Shine like the sun.
I- Inspire some one.
N- Never forgot that.
G- God is with you all time.

It’s My Last Msg To U.
LAST bole tu..
L= Love U alwz
A= All time miss U
S= Save U in my heart,
T= True friend in my life.
So Don’t Wory n B Happy! ;->

Meaning of Love
L: Life
O: Opinion
V: Vision
E: End of life

What is the meaning of SMS?
It means
S – Sarderon ke
M – Mazak udane ki
S – Service

G: God
O: Offers us His
O: Outstanding
D: Devotion 2
M: Make us
O: Obedient &
R: Ready 4 a
N: New day 2
I: Initiate
N: New Aim 4 d
G: Glory of God

When U miss me just say: C.L.I.C.K
C=Can’t live without u.
L=Love U.
I=I miss U.
C=Care About U.
K=Kiss from my Heart to u
So, When U miss me just say:- (CLICK)

With these PAINS one can surely win and gain in this life…

Meaning of Father:-
F= Forever With His Family
A= Always There For You No Matter What
T= The Only One Who’s There
H= He’s My Hero Till The End
E= Encouraging In Everything I Do
R= Really The Only One…
No One Can Beat Him He’s The Best!!!

Do You Know What Pakistan MeanS?
Let Me Tell You
P-> Perfect
A-> Aimitious
K-> Kool
I-> Islamic
S-> Super
T-> Talented
A-> Able
N-> Nation.


*Field of love*
*Root of joy*
*Island of God*
*End of sorrows*
*Name of hope*
*Door of understanding* (=

Some Degrees and their meanings
Most Beautiful But Stupid
Basic Confidence of Mohabbat
Beautiful, Bold & Attractive
Life Lasting Boredom
Perfect Healthy Dream-girl

Oh don’t be confused, SORRY means
S: Some
O: One is
R: Really
R: Remembering
Y: You

L =====
O =====
V =====
E =====
L=loss of money.
o=out of mind.
v=vaste of time.
e=end of life.
So don’t LOVE.
Only line maro….

You are a DOG…
Kyon Bura laga na?
Bura Mat Mano Yaar.
Dog Means.

Now You are Smiling.
You Naughty DOG.
Lay Biscuit Kha.

Friendship is
“More Clear than Water”,
“More Pure than Gold”,
“More Sweet than Honey”,
So thank you for Sharing God’s Beautiful Gift With me.

Superb Definitions…!
School- A Place Where Papa Pays ‘n Son plays.
Life Insurance- A Contract That Keeps You Poor All Your Life So That You Can Die Rich.
Nurse- A Person Who Wakes You Up To Give You Sleeping Pills.
Father- A Banker Provided By Nature.
Experience- The Name Men Give To Their Mistakes.
Atom Bomb- An Invention To End All Inventions.
Smile- A Curve That Can Set A Lot Of Things Straight.
Compromise- The Art Of Dividing A Cake In Such A Way That Everybody Believes He Got The Biggest Piece.
Tears- The Hydraulic Force By Which Masculine Willpower Is Defeated By Feminine Water Power..!!

M:”M Y M O M”
O:”O B L I G E”
T:”T E R R I F I C”
H:”H O N E S T”
E:”E X C E L L E N T”
R:”R E S P O N S I B L E”

When you love
you get hurt.
When you get hurt
you hate.
When you hate
you try to forget.
When you try to forget
you start missing.
When you start missing
you fall in love again..!

Friendship is
“More Clear than Water”,
“More Pure than Gold”,
“More Sweet than Honey”,
So thank you for Sharing God’s Beautiful Gift With me.

When all the birds
leave the sky….
when all friend’s say
I will be there always to
tell U….

With these PAINS one can surely win and gain in this life…

Meaning of Father:-
F= Forever With His Family
A= Always There For You No Matter What
T= The Only One Who’s There
H= He’s My Hero Till The End
E= Encouraging In Everything I Do
R= Really The Only One…
No One Can Beat Him He’s The Best!!!

When U miss me just say: C.L.I.C.K
C=Can’t live without u.
L=Love U.
I=I miss U.
C=Care About U.
K=Kiss from my Heart to u
So, When U miss me just say:- (CLICK)

G: God
O: Offers us His
O: Outstanding
D: Devotion 2
M: Make us
O: Obedient &
R: Ready 4 a
N: New day 2
I: Initiate
N: New Aim 4 d
G: Glory of God

School: A place where Papa pays and Son plays.
Life Insurance: A contract that keeps you poor all your life so that you can die Rich.
Nurse: A person who wakes you up to give you sleeping pills.
Tears: The hydraulic force by which masculine willpower is defeated by feminine water power.
Lecture: An art of transferring information.

What is da true meaning of ‘Study’ ???
S. Sleeping
T. Talking
U. Unlimited sms
D. Dreaming
Y. Yawning…
So study hard ok !!!!

L =====
O =====
V =====
E =====
L=loss of money.
o=out of mind.
v=waste of time.
e=end of life.
So don’t LOVE.

Live With The 3 E’s . . .
| Energy |
| Enthusiasm |
| Empathy |
And The 3 F’s . . .
| Faith |
| Family |
| Friends |

Then U Will Feel Life In Ur Life.