Showing posts with label islamic messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label islamic messages. Show all posts

02 December 2015

Islamic Messages

Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said:
He who guides towards something good will have reward equal to one who does it.
Sahih Muslim Vol.3, Hadith No.4665

"The way to paradise is an uphil climb whereas hell is downhill.
Hence, there is a struggle to get to paradise and not to hell."
Imam Al Ghazali

"Deepest" feelings of my heart while praying for you ,
May "ALLAH" Convert Ur Discomforts To Comforts,
Ur Pains To Gains,
Ur Minimum To Maximum,
Ur Losses To Profits,
Ur Tears To Smiles,
Ur Sorrows To Pleasures,
Ur Bad-wishers To Well-wishers,
Ur Debts To Credits, &
Ur Good Dreams To Realities!
And make these "Everlasting!
Good Morning and have a blessed day.

"If you walk the way guided by humans, you will find a hopeless end.
But If you walk the way guided by ALLAH, you will find endless hope"

Things aren't always as they seem.
Umm-e-moosa was told to throw her son in the river
Hazrat yusuf (a.s) was left to die in a well.
Hazrat maryam delivered a child alone.
Hazrat yunus (a.s) was swallowed by a fish
Hazrat ibrahim (a.s) was thrown in the fire.
Yet look at how it turned out for them, in the end.
Allah always has a better plan for us,
Things may not start off too Well,
But the ending is usually better than we except.
If today you are facing hard times,
Have faith and pray for a better tomorrow.
Miracles do happen when
You seek guidance from Allah.
For he is all-knowing,
All-wise & all-powerful.

"Eat together and not separately, for the blessings is associated with the company."
(Ibn Majah).

"O God, when I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing...
Then help me to remember that, Your Love is always greater than my disappointments, & Your Plans for my life are always better than my dreams.."
(Ameen) Share this prayer wth all. It strengthen's faith.

Invitation of Namaz is 700 times in Quran,
Hazrat Ayesha was the first who counted all qurani ayats, Quran-e-Pak was completed in 22 years, 5 months & 14 days.
The name of Allah is 2584 times in Quran-e-Pak,
Qurn-e-Pak has translated in 103 languages in the world,
4 Names of masjids r mentioned in Quran-e-Pak

The prophet (SAW) said:
"He who remembers his Lord and who does not remember his Lord, are like the living and the dead."
(Al-Bukhari) 11/208;Muslim 1/539

The fire of jahanam will not touch the person who recites
"Allah-huma aajir-ni minan-naar"

Do ordinary 4 Allah he will do xtra ordinary 4 u,
Do natural 4 Allah he'll do supernatural 4 u,
Do possible 4 ALLAH he'll do impossible 4 u,

If you will carry on the way guided by human,
you will find a HOPELESS END.
But if you will carry on the way guided by Allah, you will find an ENDLESS HOPE.

"Gift" of "SALAM"
wrapped with "AFFECTION" tied with "CARE" &
sealed with "DUA" 2 keep u safe & happy today & always.

"ISLAM" stands for:
I Shall Love Always
Muhammad (S.A.W)

Significances of the prayers.
Fajar - increases the complexion or noor,
Zohar - increases Income,
Asar - Improves health,
Maghrib - good future 4 u r children,
Esha - peaceful sleep.

Pray to Allah Almighty,
And show some faith n dignity,
Quran be at your side,
Islam giving you a pride,
Sunnah be a light for you,
That will glow and let you do,
All the acts to make you feel,
Nothing but this land is real.

Never a weakness that He can't fill,
Never a sickness that He can't heal,
Never a sorrow that He dsn't share,
Moment by moment- you are under GOD's care

I ask Allah 2 make u happy, make u smile, guide u safely, though every mile, grant u wealth, give u health & most of all grant u paradise!

Allahs blessings are a treasure so true, that their value cannot be measured, and one of Allahs blessings is you!

Watch your Thoughts, they become Words!
Watch your Words, they become Actions!
Watch your Actions, they become Habits!
Watch your Habits, they become Character!
Watch your CHARACTER!, It becomes your DESTINY!!!

Make sure your food is good (halal and bought with halal earnings), and you will be one whose prayers are answered.

Prayer is a free outgoing call to GOD, no network or battery problem, always good signal & all messages sent.
Make prayer a habit and remember me in your prayer.

Never say "HI" instead say ASSALAM-O-ALIAKUM
Never say "BYE" instead say "ALLAH HAFIZ".
Do not ignore your reality, u r muslim

Allah did not promise
Days without pain,
Laughter without sorrow,
Sun without rain.
But he did promise:
Strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears,
and light for our ways.

In God"s eyes, Love is never absent.
In God"s heart, forgiveness is never impossible.
In God"s embrace, no one is ever alone or forgotten.

Flowerful Morning
Colourful Noon
Joyful Evening
Peaceful Night

Wish u a Fantastic month ahead..!!

Best cosmatic for the lips is truth,
For the voice is prayer,
For the eyes is pity,
For the hands is charity, and for the heart is care
Always keep these in your beauty box(heart)

1 Day we all will depart on a journey free of cost
Don't worry about seat reservation,its confirmed
Flight is always on time
Our good deeds will be our luggage
Islam will be our passport
Kalma will be our Visa
Grave will be our waiting lounge,
May you travel 2 heaven in 1st Class.
Ameen!! Remember me in your prayer.

Enlighten what is Dark in Me,
Strengthen what is Weak in Me,
Mend what is Broken in Me,
Bind what is Bruised in Me,
Heal what is Sick in Me,
Straighten what is Crooked in Me
and Revive whatever Peace and Love has Died in Me..! Ameen

How blessed I m 2 b a Muslim!
I say a simple Salam to some,I'm rewarded.
I smile at someone, I'm rewarded.
I pray in Masjid with Jamaat,I'm rewarded 27 times more than those who pray alone.
I begin anything with Bismillah, that action of mine is rewarded.
I think of doing a good deed,I'm rewarded.
I control my temper,I'm rewarded.
I hold the glass with my right hand while drinking,I'm rewarded.

When God gives us 'NO' for an answer Keep in mind
that there is a much greater 'YES' behind it.
His 'NO' is not a 'REJECTION', But a 'REDIRECTION' :-)

Allah Says:-
Try to Walk on My Way,
Ill Make all the Ways Easy for you.
Try to Spend your Wealth in My Way,
I ll Open Oceans of Treasure for you.
Try to Leave your Wills for Me,
I ll Make your Desired Destiny for you.
Try to Bear Pain on My Way,
I ll Open the Doors of My Care for you.
Try to Believe in Me,
I ll Make Sincere Friends for you.
Try to Be Mine,
I ll Make Everyone for you !

What a nice feeling To Be In Love With AlLah
No Pain No Disapointment No worries.
Just Blessings Blessings AND Blessings.!

Pray is an Amazing Exchange. u handover Your Worries to ALLAH. Allah handsover His Blessings to You Just keep Praying and Remember me too

BEST in the world:
Leader: A L L A H
Guide: Q U R A N
LifeStyle: I S L A M
Person: M O M I N
Personality: M U H A M M A D (S.A.W)
Routine: S U N N A T
Law: S H A R I A T
Lyrics: A Z A A N
Loyalty: E M A A N
Request: D U A
Protection: S A D Q A
Oath: K A L M A
Exercise: N A M A Z
Control: R O Z A
Charity: Z A K A T
Tour: H A J J
Decision: S A B A R
Work: T A B L I G H
Action: N E K I
Hobby: D U R O O D
Hope: We'll try 2 be the best INSHAALLAH.

O Allah, forgive me all my sins
Great and small,
The first and the last those that are apparent and
those that are hidden.
Jummah Mubarak

To All Those Suffering From Sadness Or Depression,
Know That It Isn'
t Your Fault.It Isn't Because You are Weak. 
It Isn't Because You are Just Not Grateful Enough.
It Isn't Because You are Just Not Religious Enough.
It Isn'Because You Don't  Have Enough Faith. 
It Isn't Because ALLAH Is Angry With You.
To All The Well-Meaning People Who Tell You This, Just Smile.
And Know Deep In Your Heart That The Tests Of ALLAH Come In
Different Forms To Different People.
And Know That, By The Help Of ALLAH, Every Test Can Become
A Tool To Get Closer To Him.
And That, Verily, With Hardship Come Ease - And Like All Things Of This World - This Too Shall Pass.

If You Feel That The Distance Between You & ALLAH Has Increased...
ALLAH Has Not Moved.... Even An Inch...!!!!

"And those who believe and do righteous deeds.
We will surely admit them among the righteous."
Al - Qur'an 29:9

Ya ALLAH Our Sins Are So Many
But Your Mercy Is Limitless
Plz Forgive Us
You Are The Greatest Forgiver
You Love To Forgive
Plz Forgive me, my Parents, my Family
And The Whole Muslim Ummah Past & Present
Aamin - SumAmeen
Jumma-tul-Alwida Mubarak

If I wasn't broken I may have never known you, So break me
If it brings me to you Allah..

How & What to speak according to Quran
Speak the truth [Al Qur'an 3:17]
Speak straight [Al Qur'an 33:70]
Speak justice [Al Qur'an 6:152]
Speak kindly [Al Qur'an 2:83]
Speak politely [Al Qur'an 17:53]
Speak fairly [Al Qur'an 17:28]
Speak gently [Al Qur'an 20:44]
Speak graciously [Al Qur'an 17:23]
Speak not in vain [Al Qur'an 23:3]
Speak no lie [Al Qur'an 22:30]

Islam is not about, "We are better than you".
Islam is about , "Let me show you something,
that is better for you".

ZAM ZAM is about 18*14 feet and 13 meters deep well.
It started 4000 years ago.
Never dried since then never changed taste.
No Algae or Plant growth in the well.
This small well provides water to Millions of people.
Through Heavy motors pulling 8000 liters per second (69.12 core liter in 24 hrs)
& after 24 hours it completes its level in only 11 mints.
Thus its Alter level never decreases.

Take your words into account as part of your actions,
and do not say anything unless it is good.
Imam Ali (a)

"Do not betray anyone who places his trust in you ...
even if he betrays you."
Imam Ali (a)

"Perfume yourselves with the fragrance of seeking forgiveness lest the stench of sins pollute you."
by Imam Ali (a)

"Faith has four pillars: patience, certainty, justice,
and struggle."
By Imam Ali (a.s)

"When you have to depart fro this world and have to meet death (eventually) then why wish delay (why feel nervous) about death ..."
Hazrat Ali [R.A]

"Then as to those who disbelieve I will chastise them
with severe chastisement in this world and the
hereafter and they shall have no helpers ."
< Al- Qura'an >

A woman was created from a mans rib(Adam).
Not from his feet 2 be walked on,
Not from his head 2 be superior over,
But from his side to be equal,
Under the arm to be protected,
and Next to the heart to be loved...

May Allah increase ur EMAN,
Grant u AHSAN,
Restore on u SABAR,
Delight u in ZIKER,
Bless u with TAQWA,
Accept ur TOBA & honour u with JANNAT(HEAVEN)

When you are in trouble, don't ever say,"Hey God!, I have big problem"
instead say,"Hey Problem, I have big GOD!"
and everything will be fine....

The thing that weighs most heavily in the balance (of good deeds) is a good attitude.

If things r happening according to ur wish, u r lucky!
But if they r not, u r very lucky,
Bcoz they r hapning according to God's wish!

Pay attention to Allah and He will pay attention to you. 

Verily, Allah does not look towards your bodies nor towards your appearances.
But, he looks towards your hearts.

Happy Moments - PRAISE ALLAH
Difficult Moments- SEEK ALLAH
Quiet Moments - WORSHIP ALLAH
Painful Moments - TRUST ALLAH
Moment By Moment - THANK ALLAH

The Shortest Distance between a Problem and it's Solution is the Distance between your Knees and the Floor. The one who Kneels to Allah (Ta'Ala) can Stand Up to Anything.

Life is Test,
Islam is best,
Namaz is must,
Aakhrat is for rest,
World is only dust,
If Quran is in chest,
nothing need next,
Obey ALLAH first.
Success will be next.
The most beautiful word is ALLAH,
Most beautiful song is AZAN,
Best exercise is NAMAZ,
World perfect book is QURAN,
And You are so lucky if YOU are a MUSALMAN.
Five common tricks of shaytaan... Let's Beware!
You are young, have some fun!
Keep enjoying, life is long, you can repent later!
Don't remain cool during anger, patience is for cowards!
Everybody's doing it. Don't be extremist; spice up your life!
Oh, you have too many sins. Allah will not forgive you, keep doing sins!
O Allah! Let not shaytaan shake our Imaan by his tricks
& keep us all steady on the Right Path. Aameen.

Prayers are invisible,
But they make imposible things possible
It is ALLAH's job to work the wonders.
Our part is the most simple PRAY, BELIEVE n WAIT... :)

Islam Gives 5 Solutions 2 Bring Unity
1 Avoid Useless Talk
2 Avoid Pet Names
3 Avoid Making Fun Of Others
4 Avoid Anger
5 Speak Truth.

Islam is University,
World is class room,
Quran is Sylabus,
Hazrat Muhammad SAW is the teacher,
Allah is the Examiner,
Try to pass the final exam

"It is part of the Sunna that
A man should accompany his guest to the door of the house." (Ibn Majah, Baihaqi).

"It is better for a man to give one dirham as Sadqa during his lifetime than to give a hundred at the time of his death."
(Abu Dawud).

Jab meri dua qubul hoti hai to mai khush hota hu k is me meri RAZA hai, or jab meri dua qubul nahi hoti
tab me aur ziyada khush hota hu k is mai ALLAH rabbul izzat ki raza hai.

"Log tung-dasti se jtna darty hain agar dozakh se dare'n tou dono' se bach jaye'n
Maal se jtni mohabbat karty hain agar jannat se kare'n tou dono' pa le'n"
Imam Ghazali

"An honest treasurer who gives what he is ordered to give fully, perfectly and willingly to the person to whom he is ordered to give , is regarded as one of
the two charitable persons ... ''

'' A Group Of People From My Ummah Will Continue To Fight In Defense Of Truth And Remain  Triumphant Until
The Day Of Judgment ...''

According to HADEES,
Duaon ki qaboliat k auqaat,
1.Farz namaz k baad,
2.Azan or aqamat k darmian,
3.Tahajjud k waqt,
4.Barish barastay waqt,
6.Iftaar k waqt,
7.Jummay k din ek ghari,
8.Shab-e-qadar main,
9.Zam zam peetay waqt,
10.Arfa k din maidan-e-arfat main,
11.Quran ki tilawat k baad.

Never make any decision in anger &
Never promise in happiness!
(Hazrat Ali A.S)

Sukon dhondta phirta tha me baharon me,
Haseen wadiyon mei, surmaye nazaron me,
Me is talash mein ja phncha chand taron main,
Magar ye mujhe mila Quran k 30 paron mein

O Prophet!
Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) over their bodies (when outdoors).
That is most convenient that they could be known as such (i.e decent and chaste) and not molested."
(Quran 33:59)

If your problem is as big as a ship, never forget that Allah's blessings are as wide as an ocean."