Showing posts with label thank you messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thank you messages. Show all posts

06 January 2016

Thank You Messages-SMS for Coming to Birthday

    Thanks for coming to my party. It is a memory that I’ll hold close to my heart forever. xoxo

    The massive hangover I’m having right now after my birthday party last night means just one thing… you should start a band because you party like a rock star. Thanks for such an amazing time.
    Beautiful gifts, beautiful people, beautiful moments, beautiful toasts and a beautiful day – Thanks for coming and making my birthday beautiful.

    Birthdays and parties will come and go, but the priceless memories will stay in my heart forever. Thanks for coming.

    The best selfies of my life were clicked yesterday at my party, all thanks to friends like you who made it a perfect memory. Thanks.

    Times change, years go by and life takes its own turns, but the memories remain. Thanks for making my birthday one such beautiful memory.

     You came, you sang, you danced and you enjoyed. I know that was your way of getting sadistic pleasure while watching me grow old. Thanks a lot.

     I know YOLO but yesterday you taught me how to YOPO – You Only Party Once. Thanks for coming!

    Just like how a cake is incomplete without a candle and a gift is incomplete without wrapping paper, my parties are incomplete without my besties. Thanks for coming.

       The beautiful hues of my birthday selfies would have been drab and dull if it weren’t for you. Thanks for coming.

     Without you, my birthday would have been just another day in the calendar. Thanks for coming!

     I really don’t mind turning older on my birthdays, as long as I have friends like you who make life seem like a massive celebration. Thanks for coming.

     My birthday party finds its spot in my life’s top      happiest moments… thanks to friends like you who made it so awesome. xoxo

     The best day of my life was yesterday, not just because it was my birthday, but because you went out of your way, to make sure I had a party which made me go YAY. Thanks.

     Because you came, my birthday remained less of a small party and became more of a massive festivity. Thanks for coming.

     Awesome friends like you are the only thing stopping me from feeling old on my birthday. Thanks for coming.

      Cakes and parties are useless, if you can’t share them with friends who make life priceless. Thanks for coming to my party.

      My birthday party was cool, awesome and sexy only because it was attended by cool, awesome and sexy people like you. Thanks for coming.

     I may be hung-over, tired and grumpy today. But I was happy, excited and cheerful last night – and I owe it all to friends like you. Thanks for coming and living it up.

       My birthday party would have been like a quiet theater play. But thanks to you, it turned into a wild rock and roll concert. Thanks for the crazy times.

     Friends like you make my life totally worthy of being hashtagged YOLO. Thanks.

     I was pretty sure that you would come to my birthday party even if the city was washed away with floods, destroyed by an earthquake or conquered by aliens. After all, where else would you get free drinks and free food. Thanks for coming buddy.

     The music wouldn’t have been groovy, the food wouldn’t have been yummy and the drinks wouldn’t have been slurpy… if you hadn’t come to my party. Thanks.

     Your presence in my birthday party was like finishing off a delicious meal with a sinful desert – beautiful and memorable. Thanks for coming.

     According to an urban legend among us friends, every party you attend goes from dull and boring to crazy and fun. Thanks for coming and living up to your legendary status.

     You came and partied all night long, you came and same my birthday song. You came and brought amazing gifts, you literally gave my birthday a lift. Thanks.

      Awesome music, food and drinks were the good things about my party. But the best thing was that I had you to share it all with. Thanks for being a part of the celebration.

      Meet the star of my birthday party – this is how you have been tagged on Facebook in my latest album. Thanks for the good times rock star.

     If I could go back in time and have the same birthday party again, I would have done a lot of things differently except one – the guest list, because it was perfect and awesome. Thank you all for coming.

    If don’t care if the sun rises or not, as long as I am with my wife who I love a lot. Good morning.

     By coming to my birthday party with your presence, you filled my heart with happiness and my day with awesomeness. Thanks.

     Friends make parties worth attending. But besties like you made my birthday party worth remembering. Thank you so much for coming.

       You could have texted if you wanted to, made excuses if you wanted to, called in sick if you wanted to, sent in a gift if you wanted to… I’m glad you didn’t do any of these and came all the way to wish me on my birthday. Thanks.

      The presence of a superstar like you, made my birthday party nothing short of a Page   do. Thank you so much for coming.

      Awesome friends like you who know how to party like there’s no tomorrow, is the reason why I don’t mind saying again and again that ‘The treat is on me’. Thanks guys.

     To yet another year in my life as I bid adieu, I’m glad I celebrated with friends like you. Thanks for coming.

     I would have been sitting in a corner sulking and sobbing if you hadn’t come to my birthday party. Thanks for coming and saving the day.

       You came, you brought gifts and you partied the night away as if there was no tomorrow… thanks for celebrating my birthday as if it were your own. xoxo

     Your presence was the biggest blessing and gift that I got on my birthday. Thanks for coming.

     My birthday party would have been boring and lifeless, if it weren’t for friends who made it a blast of happiness. Thanks for making it, so memorable and truly priceless.

     Thanks to all the awesome selfies we clicked yesterday, my birthday party has been a hit not just in my heart but also on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Thank You Messages-SMS to Teachers from Parents

    A good teacher is everything a parent can never be. Thanks, for being one.

    We parents may be accountants, scientists, doctors and engineers – but nothing contributes to the nation’s development more than the sacrifices made by teachers. Thank you.

    Thanks for giving our LITTLE one BIG dreams.

    It is impossible to thank a teacher. There are no words, to appreciate someone whose words empower children to chase their dreams.

    Teachers are probably the most underrated yet the most powerful professionals in the whole world. Their work has a long term impact on not just the lives of the children they teach, but on society as a whole. They have the power to shape generations, impact minds and make the world a better place. Thank you for your contribution.

    The school may have found a teacher in you, but our child found a hero in you. Thanks.

     Our once introvert child’s personality has bloomed open like a beautiful fragrant flower ever since being tended by a lovely gardener in the form of a teacher like you. Thanks.

     We might not be paid to teach our children the values of life, but your salaries are far too miniscule considering that your words will resonate inside our children’s minds for the rest of their lives. Thank you for taking good care of our child.

    Teachers should be called Fillers because they fill all the gaps and crevices in a child’s life. Thanks for making our child’s life rounded and complete.

       Your words are the sparks that light up our children’s futures. Thank you.

     A good teacher is someone who can think like a student, look like a parent and behave like a boss. You are the boss our kid is lucky to have. Thanks.

     Every word you say, every class you take, every paper you grade – goes on to change lives. Thanks for being a great teacher to our kids.

     Children eventually forget what they read in books but they will always remember how awesome a teacher was. Thanks for being just that.

     Parents have got the easy job of raising our own kids. They are rewarded for all their sacrifices with the joy of watching their own blood grow up into fine young men and women. Teachers have got the tough jobs. Their rewards are limited to the hope that their wisdom will make a tiny difference into the lives of children, helping them to be better human beings. Thank you for all your selfless sacrifices.

     My child has become a better person because of a wonderful person like you. Thanks.

     Great inventors and leaders are not born. They are motivated and inspired to do great things by great teachers like you. Thanks for inspiring our kids.

      Our child’s school years will be a priceless memory, thanks to a teacher who always made sure he was happy.

      As a wonderful teacher, you may not realize that all good teachers have good parental qualities. But as good parents, we realize that we don’t have exquisite teaching qualities like yours. Thank you for taking good care of our child.

     Our children are safeguarded from all of life’s negative influences, because teachers like you shower their love in ton and not just ounces. Thanks.

       Google, Wikipedia, Wikihow, Seventeen and Encyclopaedias have no place in our child’s life because of awesome teachers like you. Thanks for being our child’s one-stop helpline.

     Technology will keep evolving but nothing can replace the power of a teacher’s inspirational words.

     As the years fly by, technology will change, society will change and education will change… but one thing that will remain constant is the value of a good teacher. Thanks for being one.

      As parents it is impossible for us to stop worrying about our child’s future. But at the back of our minds we are at peace because we know our child is in good hands of teachers like you. Thanks for being there.

     There is nothing more satisfying for parents than knowing that their child is being given the same amount of love and care as at home. Thanks.

     The biggest compliment a teacher can get is when a student goes home and says ‘Mom I had a great day at school’ Our child does that every day. Thanks.

     As parents whenever we get credit for our child’s achievements we just say ‘Our child has the best teacher’ Thanks for bring out the best in our child.

     No matter how hard parents try to give their children the best of values, they will ultimately grow up to be young adults whose personalities are shaped by teachers like you. Today we want to show gratitude for the way you have looked after our child, we know you really care because every time he has come back from school he has smiled. Thanks.

     Teachers like you should be immortalized so that children can forever receive education that is truly prized. Thanks.

       As parents we try and give our child the best of everything at home. We rest easy because we know our child will get the best of everything at school – thanks to wonderful teachers like you.

     Every now and then we hear about EXTRAORDINARY students who go out of their way and learn things from outside their coursework to become all-rounders. But today we want to thank an EXTRAORDINARY teacher who has gone out of her way to stay back and take extra classes to make sure her students find their way in life. Thank you.

      When it comes to knowledge our child trusts you not only more than us, but also more than Wikipedia. Thanks for educating our child just like how a perfect teacher should.

     Great teachers like you aren’t always the ones who have fancy degrees and qualifications. They are the ones who have a big heart and a desire to make the world a better place one kid at a time. Thank you.

     We knew our daughter had the best teacher in the world when we were on a holiday and she said ‘Mom I miss going to school’ Thanks for making our child look forward to getting a good education.

      You have no idea how grateful we are for helping our daughter cope up with the pressure of her midterms. She might have studied hard but we all know that the credit for her progress doesn’t go to those classes but to a helpful teacher like you.

      More than putting children in good schools, parents should think about putting kids in the hands of good teachers like you. Thanks for everything.

     As parents, sometimes we worry because our child never comes to us for advice and guidance. But our worries are soon laid to rest when we remind ourselves that our child seeks advice and guidance from the best source possible – a teacher like YOU. Thanks.

     It is impossible to put a price tag on the kind of education our child receives because as a teacher, your guidance is truly priceless. Thank you.

     As parents we have lost because you are a bigger influence on our child than us. But this is one race we are happy to lose. Thanks for imparting the best lessons to our kid.

     For giving our kids much needed advice, for educating the youth today, for shaping the future generation, for showing our lost kids the way. For making sacrifices aplenty, for taking up a profession so selfless, for letting us parents breathe easy, for being a teacher so flawless – Thank You.

       Thanks for believing in our daughter and helping her believe in her own abilities.

Thank You Messages-SMS for Doctors:

    Good doctors understand responsibility better than privilege and practice accountability better than business. Thanks for being one such doc.

    Many of your patients have recommended you as a good doctor. But I am going one step further to also to recommend you as a great human being. Thanks.

    More than a good doctor, I value the fact that you were a good listener. More than being just professionals, I value the fact that your staff’s attitude was exceptional. Thank you.

    Thanks for teaching me the difference between Fact and Faith: Fact is when any ordinary doctor diagnoses illness in a report. Faith is when good doctors like you give their patients the strength to recover.

    The very thought of hospitalization is scary and traumatizing. But caring doctors like you make it friendly and pleasing. Thanks for your effective analysis and diagnosis. Else, I would never have been able to continue living a life of bliss.

    Before saying that you are an extraordinary doctor, I want to tell you that you are an extraordinary human being. Thanks for showing so much care and concern.

     Real doctors spend time to look beyond the medical reports and understand the suffering and pain that patients are going through. Thanks for being one.

     You have been much more to me than just a doctor. You have been my therapist, supporter, friend, well wisher and angel in disguise. Thank you.

    I was an ordinary patient of ordinary means but your team took care of me as if I was the most important person on earth. Thanks doc.

       An apple a day keeps a doctor away. But who wants to keep good doctors like you at bay?

     Medicines can cure, but a good doctor’s inspirational words can give the strength to fight from within. Thanks for doing just that.

     Any doctor can prescribe, but only a few good ones can really heal. You, are the latter. Thanks.

     Good doctors know how to prescribe the most important drug of all – a positive attitude. Thanks for doing just that.

     If every doctor strives to be as caring and generous as you, the world would be filled with smiles and laughter instead of pain and sorrow. Thanks for everything doc.

     The nightmare of my illness slowly became a dream of recovery, all thanks to a wonderful doctor who changed my destiny. Thanks doc.

     A good doctor’s comforting and reassuring words are sometimes more powerful than the medicines.

      I will be able to thank you for your medical services by paying my dues but I will never be able to thank you enough for all the support and advice you gave me as friend. Thanks doctor.

      It wasn’t the medicines, but your reassuring words which gave me the strength to pull through my illness. Thanks doc.

     Motivation and Positive Attitude are the two most important medicines any doctor can prescribe. Thanks for doing that perfectly.

     Exorbitant bills, tasteless food and painful recovery – all of this was bearable only because I had a wonderful doctor like you. Thanks a lot.

       If you hadn’t treated my pain, I would have gone insane. Thanks for all your support – medical and emotional. Your contribution in my life is nothing short of magical.

     A patient’s testimonial is less of a recognition of a doctor’s professional expertise, and more of a recommendation of a doctor’s ability to listen, care and heal. I can vouch for the fact that your abilities are unmatched. Thanks doctor.

     You’re the best doctor in my books because you give me fewer medicines and more reasons to smile. Thanks.

     Nine months of my pregnancy could have been a nightmare without your medical supervision. Thanks for making my journey to become a mommy nothing less than a dream come true.

     Good doctors like you replace the Fear of Illness with Trust in Recovery. Thanks.

     Whether it is a headache, fever or the common flu, no illness stands a chance against a doctor like you. Thank you.

      My baby was able to see the light of day because you kept awake all night for my C-section. Thank you doctor.

      Cancer as a disease is ruthless, merciless, frustrating and very tough. But good oncologists like you make this illness a little less rough. Thanks doc.

     Other doctors simply treat their patients with medicines but forget to do the most important thing which you do – help them to move on with their lives with motivating words and inspirational thoughts. Thanks for everything doc.

       Until now I associated the word Surgery with Misery. After being under the careful watch of a doctor like you, I associate Surgery with Recovery. Thanks.

     For dealing with a highly irritable, grumpy and annoying patient like me, I give you the award of the best doctor of the century.

     Doc, thanks for always putting the health of your patients ahead of their bills.

     I hate going hospitals but your friendly staff made sure that my hospitalization very pleasant. Thanks.

     The surgery gave my life a new beginning, mainly because your words were nothing short of inspiring. Thanks.

     Going through childbirth is a mix of immense pain followed by immense happiness. In this journey, the presence of a wonderful doctor is simply priceless. Thanks doctor, for comforting me and taking away all my stress.

     The secret to my awesome recovery, is a doctor who is simply extraordinary.

      I owe my recovery to your ability to understand not just the numbers on my reports, but also the distress I was under. Thanks doc.

      Surgeons like you are not just doctors, but real life-savers. I may not have talked to God in my prayers, but in your services I have seen some of His favors. Thanks.

     Apart from your MD, I certify that you have the following skills – Good Listener, Lots of Patience and Caring Attitude. Thanks doc.

       I found more healing in your inspirational words, than I did in those medicines. Thanks for adding a human touch to my treatment.