Showing posts with label Sorry Messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sorry Messages. Show all posts

20 November 2015

I Am Sorry Messages

Take your time. Don’t worry. I’ll wait forever, if that is what it’ll take for you to forgive me. I’m sorry. 

My heart has been leaking and bleeding since the day I hurt you. Please plug the holes with your forgiveness. 
I am sorry.

I thought our RELATIONSHIP was immune to all of life’s diseases until a virus called LIES made it sick. I am going to use a regular doze of medication which includes APOLOGIES, HUGS and KISSES to make it feel better. 

I am sorry.
Angry is ugly, forgiveness is sexiness.

I’m sorry. Forgive me please?

With a bruised heart and a deflated ego, with sad soul and a head hung low. 
I apologize to you unconditionally, baby 

I am really very sorry.  I love you so much.

I am sorry for being jealous. 
It’s just that I’m afraid of losing the best thing to have ever happened to me.

I overlooked your happiness in an attempt to make myself happy, only to realize that my happiness lies in yours. I am sorry, please forgive me.

I trust fate and I believe in love, which is why I know you’ll accept my apology. 

I’m sorry.

I have shown you what an idiot I can be by making that mistake. Now it is your turn to show me what a darling you can be by giving your anger a break.

 I am sorry.

I am sorry I forgot our relationship anniversary but in my defense, every day that I spend with you feels like the first day of falling in love with you. 

Please forgive me.

I took for granted, all our smiles, laughs and memories. I promise I’ll never do it again, because they mean the world to me. I am sorry.

I am not saying sorry just because I understand the difference between right and wrong. I am saying sorry also because our relationship is more important to me than my ego.

Regret, heartbreak and sadness, have stolen my life’s happiness. I am sorry for letting you down, but I promise to erase your frowns.
I’m sorry again.

I can’t believe how I drove us apart, when all I ever wanted was for us to be together… now and forever. 

I am so much sorry.

Sorry is the only word you will see in my texts, Facebook updates, tweets and pins… until you forgive me. 

I’m sorry again and again.

I am not perfect but I’m still me. The same guy who holds you in his arms because you’re all that matter to him. 

I’m sorry so much.

Just like the words I Love You, the value of the words I Am Sorry too does not decrease no matter how many times they are said or repeated. 

I am sorry.

I know you’re angry but I want you to think about all the beautiful memories, that have made us believe that we’re meant to be. 

I am sorry.

The homepage of our relationship cannot be currently displayed because of a server error. Can we please click on the refresh button and start over again? 

I am sorry my baby.

I am sorry for making you lose your temper. But to be honest, you look boiling hot when your temper boils over.

I thought I would be better off alone. But I am nothing without you, time has shown. Better off apart, I thought we would be. But that, is what my heart refuses to believe. I am sorry, I took your love for granted. But trust me, this is not what I really wanted. 

I love you.

Being my girlfriend I know you have the right to be angry. But don’t forget that being your boyfriend, I too have the right to pamper you until you accept my apology. 

I am sorry.

Sorry for being aloof and making you feel that I don’t care for you. I promise to behave in a way that mimics our love – profound and true.

Being sorry is the first step to repentance, and repentance is the first step to being a better person. So if you don’t forgive me, I will never be able to become a better boyfriend. 

I am sorry.

I betrayed your trust and created my life’s biggest disaster. But now I realize that having you in my

My lies have caused a lot of pain. I promise to never do it again. All I want is to see you smile – forever and ever, not just for a while. 

I am sorry.

I made a mistake because I am only human. But I expect you to forgive me because I know that you are Supergirl. 

 I am sorry.

Ever since the day I broke your heart, I may have lost your trust but I gained something much more powerful – the urge to make you fall in love with me all over again. 

I am sorry.

I know that I don’t look handsome when I wear anger on my face. Sorry for looking so ugly the other day. I love you.
If I had a time machine, you wouldn’t be reading this message right now because I would have gone back in time and undone the hurt I caused you. I regret my actions badly and I am very sorry. xoxo

By lying to you I broke your heart. But in doing so I broke mine too. I made the biggest mistake of my life, by betraying a love so true. 

I am sorry.

My biggest mistake wasn’t the mistake I had made – it was that all this while I was letting my ego come in the way of a heartfelt apology. 

I am sorry baby.

Sorry for all my WHITE lies. I promise that from on our relationship will be free of lies, irrespective of their color. 

I love you, I am sorry.

I don’t want to make any grand promises. All I want to do is hug you and tell you how much you mean to me. 

 I’m sorry.

If I begin to tell you how terrible I feel for what I did to you, my apology will run into days, weeks and months. To cut a long story short, 

I am really so much sorry.

I know that my lies have damaged our relationship beyond repair. But I want you to know that I still care. I know it will be very hard for you to forgive me. But I want you to look into my eyes to see that I am truly sorry. 

I love you.

I have realized that lies and deception are glamorous only in movies and novels, not in real life. 

I am sorry that I lied to you.

I wish I had that neuralyzer which Will Smith uses in Men in Black to erase someone’s memory. Then I could erase all the horrible things I did to hurt you. So Much Sorry.

I have realized that it doesn’t matter how much I care about you, until I actually show it. 

Sorry, sorry, soryy.

I am sorry for being so possessive but this is one mistake that I will always be proud of, simply because I love you lots. At the same time, I will calm down and avoid overreacting to silly situations. I’m sorry.

 I feel ashamed that I broke my friend’s trust. I know what I have done is unjust. But I will never let our friendship rust. I’m sorry.

09 November 2015

Sorry Messages

– “Before you make a decision, I want you to know I am sorry for what I did to you, I will never do it again and I will do what it takes for you to forgive me.”
– “I appreciate you so much it is hard for me to be upset with you. I know I should forgive you, but I must ponder it first.”
– “I feel all my mistakes are like a terminal disease which only your forgiveness could cure.”
– “I know I am responsible for your feeling sad now. I only ask you for a chance to prove you are everything to me. Forgive me.”
– “I know I failed you today and what I did is unspeakable, but I also know that you will understand and forgive me.”
– “I know your regret is sincere, as is your love for me. Give me some time, because I do not know if I will forgive you.”
– “I never meant to hurt you, because you are important in my life. I ask you to forgive me for the things I did and I promise I will not do them again.”
– “I realize my mistakes have driven you apart. I know you might not believe what I say anymore. And even if you decided to be apart forever, I would still want you to forgive me.”
– “I still cannot get over the mistake I made. I ask all those who trusted me to forgive me, and I promise I will not fail them again.”
– “It will be many days before I forget how you treated me. I ask you not to speak to me. Give me some time to consider it and I might forgive you.”
– “Life is full with obstacles. We can fail people who love us the most. Show our nobility by apologizing for our mistakes.”
– “Only your forgiveness can soothe my pain for failing you.”
– “Promises go with the wind. If you really want me to forgive you, prove it with actions.”
– “Remember when you made a mistake and I forgave you. I did so because I appreciate you. I have failed you now, I ask you to understand and forgive me too.”
– “The way I behaved was not right. I probably do not deserve being with you. I just want you to forgive me and so I will be in peace.”
– “Your forgiveness depends on you only. Remember we all make mistakes and nobody is perfect, except God.”
 The heart that knows how to bow down and say SORRY is the heart that loves the most
"I'm sorry" & "Trust me" Are the 2 most overly used Phrases. Don't tell me you're sorry, Show me you are ! ! Don't tell me to trust you Show me that i can !!
"Never apologize for how you feel, Thats like saying sorry for being real!"
Apologizing doesn’t mean that you are wrong and the other is right. It only means that you value the relationship much more than your ego
As I feel the tear go down my cheek, I notice that my heart is weak, For the love I have for you, Will always be gold and true, I have made some mistakes, they rest in the past, But know my love will always last, Even though we are a distance apart, You always have the key to my heart.
'Forgiveness' When it's not given in the rite time or When it is not asked in the rite time, You will miss something PRECIOUS in your life...
I am sorry to be smiling every time youre near. I am sorry my eyes twinkle whenever youre here. I am sorry that cupid has made his hit. I am sorry i love you, I cant help it.
I Don't Know How To Make Things Better Between Us I Can Start By Saying I'm Sorry I Really Am:(
I Know How Angry You Are ... & What You Must Be Going Through So I Hope , You Know How Sorry I Am For All That Happens Between Us ... Please Forgive Me
Making The First Move To Patch Up Things, Shouldn't Always Come From The One Who Made The Mistake But It Should Come From The One Who Understands ... !!
Refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison; and waiting for the other person to die. I am Sorry!
Refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison; and waiting for the other person to die. I am Sorry!
Saying sorry and accepting your mistakes means you are growing up.
Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thin on earth... But its the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called Relationship..!!!
Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth but it is the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called relationship!
SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY Dont get confused ,Aray Baba SORRY means: S->Some, O->One Is, R->Really, R->Remembering Y->You.. Have A wonderful day.
Tears are words the heart can’t express. I am sorry!
We love ourself even after making so many mistakes. Then how can we hate others 4 their small mistakes? Strange but true! So make habit of FORGIVING.
What I Did Was Foolish & Impulsive If I Cud Take It All Back I'd Do This So Instant I Truly Didn't Mean To Hurt You In Any Way I'm Sorry For Hurting You

Words Will Not Be Able To Ever Express How Sorry I Am For This, And I Have Profound Regret And Sorrow For The Multitude Of Mistakes And Harm I Have Caused.

03 November 2015

Apolagize Messages

  • Apologizing doesn’t mean that you are wrong and the other is right. It only means that you value the relationship much more than your ego
  • Accept my apologies or send me yours! *wink*
  • Be with me forever, sweetheart. I am sorry!
  • Before I even ask for forgiveness, I want you to hug me and place your hand on my heart so that you can feel it beating for you. You will hear the words ‘I Am Sorry’ with every beat.
  • Breaking up with you is something that I never imagined even in my wildest dreams. But you are adamant on splitting up, it seems. I don’t expect you to take me back but I beg you to give this mess some time. Let me win your heart again to show you that I am yours and you are mine. I am sorry.
  • Ever since we started dating you have done everything I asked you to. As one last favor, please forgive me so that I can start doing everything that you want me to. I am sorry.
  • Forgiveness is a part and parcel of being in a relationship as sexy as ours. Please accept my apology and put an end to these painful hours. I am sorry.
  • For old times’ sake, accept my apology. I want to be with you again, don’t keep me away.
  • I have a hot temper but it isn’t hotter than you. Please forgive me.
  • I am sorry for going through your Facebook, emails and all the texts on your cell phone. But jealousy and possessiveness put me in a very nasty zone. In my defense, what can I do if I have the most handsome guy as my boyfriend – how do you expect this jealousy to ever end? xoxo
  • I am so sorry for doubting my boyfriend for cheating on me. But the problem is that he is hotter than fire and sweeter than honey. When other girls swoon over him I am swamped with jealousy. But now I promise that extremely possessive, I will never be.
  • I am sorry – if you accept my apology we can move on from being angry and get on to being naughty.
  • I am sorry that I bombarded you with my angry outburst. From now on I promise to think about our relationship first. I am sorry.
  • If you can’t see the tears in my eyes, I plead you to feel the pain in my heart. I am sorry.
  • Ironic it is, that your love so kind, was blemished by my selfish mind. Ironic it is, that your love so selfless, had to face all this mess. Ironic it is, that my regret and heartbreak – is now coming across as fake.
  • I crave to see the smile on your face. I crave to be in your arms, my favorite place. I know, what I did was totally wrong. But please forgive me baby, it’s been too long. I am sorry.
  • I am shouting out my apology in front of all my friends and family by posting SORRY all over my Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Now you know how sorry I really am.
  • I am sorry for acting crazy the other day. I swear it wasn’t me… blame my hormonal changes and mood swings for irritating you in every possible way.
  • I get really annoyed when pretty girls try to flirt with you. Since I am your girlfriend I can’t help but feel blue. But I promise that next time I won’t lose my cool, when girls see you and drool. I am sorry.
  • I know you want to breakup, I know you are tired of me. But I will not relent until, my love you finally see. I know you want to be apart, I know you are sick of the fights. But I won’t rest until, I make everything right. xox
  • I have cried, till my tears have tried. I have sobbed, till my head has throbbed. I have wailed, until my voice has failed. I have been heartbroken, since we haven’t spoken. I have been saying sorry, baby please… accept my apology.
  • I am repenting for my mistakes, and crying out in pain. But if you don’t forgive me, everything will be in vain. I am sorry.
  • I remember, you once said that you would do anything for me. All I am asking today from you is to accept my apology. I made a mistake but I promise I didn’t mean to, there is no one else I love but you. I am sorry.
  • I never intended to hurt you but it seems like destiny intended to make you feel that I did. Please forgive me for causing you pain and all my actions that we insipid. Sorry.
  • I know I hurt your ego when I spoke in rudely and showered you with insults. But I will do everything to make this mess less difficult. I plead you to just sit down with me and listen to my apology. I am sure that once you see how remorseful I am, you will hug me tightly. I am sorry.
  • I hurt you with my actions. And you are hurting me back by not forgiving me. So doesn’t that mean we are even by now?
  • I am sorry I was so berating, but I never meant to hurt your feelings. I inadvertently made a few mistakes along the way, but love is all I have had for you from the very start.
  • I know I have not been the girlfriend that you deserve but I promise you that I’ll never stop trying. I’m sorry baby, please forgive me.
  • I am sorry, and I am waiting to rest my head on your strong shoulders again. I am sorry, and I am waiting to be hugged by your caring arms again. I am sorry, and I am waiting to be loved by your beautiful soul again. I am sorry… I just want you to make me smile again.
  • I feel bad, for making you sad. I feel guilty, for making you feel iffy. I am sorry baby, please forgive me.
  • I was slightly drunk when I said all those nasty words. I am sorry, but my judgment was totally blurred. I hope you can forgive my nonsensical outburst, I never meant to show you my worst. I am sorry.
  • I look ugly when I cry and howl in pain. Now it is in your hands to forgive me and make me look pretty again. I am sorry.
  • I never meant to be indifferent, I never meant to be aloof. I’m sorry you feel that we are drifting apart, my love for you is the biggest proof.
  • I apologize and promise that I won’t be extremely possessiveness from now on. But this doesn’t mean that if another girl tries to flirt with you, she won’t get pawned. I am sorry.
  • I don’t expect thing to become normal straight away. But until that happens, I will keep trying every single day. I am sorry.
  • If you can’t get yourself to give me another chance, at least share with me one last dance. Hold me by my waist, sway away with me. Feel my heart’s pain, feel my soul’s agony. I want to say sorry for what I have done, and remind you that you are my only one.
  • I Don’t Know Quite How To Make Things Better Between Us I Can Start By Saying I’m Sorry I Really Am ..
  • I Know How Angry You Are … & What You Must Be Going Through So i Hope , You Know How Sorry I Am For All That Happens Between Us … Please Forgive Me
  • “I’m Sorry” n “Trust Me” Are the 2 most overly used phrases. Don’t tell me you’re Sorry, Show me you are ! ! Don’t tell me to Trust you Show me that I can !!
  • Its very easy to hurt someone & say “sorry” but its really difficult to get hurt & say ” Its Ok “:((
  • I’ve decided I’m not going to focus on my past anymore. So if I oweanyone money, I’m sorry! Don’t feel sad over someone who gave up on you feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them
  • It was totally unintentional and I’m very sorry for it. Please forgive me!
    • I may not be the best but I love you better than the rest, accept my apologies and be mine again.
    • I could apologize again but would you accept it?
    • I love you deeply and apologize for hurting you.
    • If I could take back my words I would, but since I can’t – here is a new set: I am sorry!
    • If I could, I would take back all the things I did to hurt you. But since I can’t, please make do with my apologies.
    • I said my sorry, but you still have to accept it!
    • I won’t quit until you accept my apology. I am sorry.
    • I would wake up with you in bed, but unless you accept my apology, I don’t think that can happen again.
    • If you leave me to myself, I would self-destruct. But if you accept my apology, I would be born again.
    • I am sorry, forgive me and be mine again.
    • I know saying sorry once won’t help. So here… sorry * infinity. Accept my apologies
    • I may have been wrong but if I don’t do this, I’ll never be right. I apologize.
    • I send this message to say sorry, you can take it or leave it. If you leave it, I’ll send in another message till you accept it.
    • It’s surprising to see where we have landed because of a simple mistake, here is my sorry but where is yours?
    • If I could avoid what happened, I would, but since I can’t, I’ll apologize.
    • I am sorry if I hurt you, I didn’t mean to. You are the love of my life. Come back to me.
    • If you won’t hold me, I’ll cry, if you won’t be with me, I may not survive and if you don’t accept this apology, I’ll surely die.
    • I apologize not because I am wrong but because I value our relationship more than my ego.
    • I didn’t mean to do what I did but I am willing to be forgiven. Will you forgive me?
    • I apologize for doing wrong to you. Forgive me, honey!
    • I want to forgive and forget. But unless you forgive, I can’t forget!
    • If not for me, accept this apology for the bond we share.
    • I send you my love with this apology, accept it and make me happy.
    • I hope you accept this apology, for it comes not only with the deepest regrets but with feelings so pure, that it’d make a pearl seem tainted.
    • If our relationship doesn’t work, I’ll blame you for it. Accept my apology and I’ll take the blame.
    • Love is a four letter word and sorry is five, but when they walk hand in hand, they make a relationship shine.
    • Let’s put things back as they were! I am sorry.
      • Life is bleak without you. I am sorry, my angel. Forgive me.
      • Let’s get our life back on track again. Take my apology and make it happen.
      • My world is a better place because of you. Don’t walk away. I am sorry.
      • My lies may have been the dark clouds, but your forgiveness will be the silver lining. I am sorry.
      • My heart knows you would never cheat on me, but possessiveness got the better of me. I am sorry.
      • My fickle mind may have made the mistake of lying to you, but my heart and soul are forever committed to loving you. I am sorry.
      • My apology to you is like a selfie – brutally honest and straight in your face. Please forgive me and stop being angry… I miss the real you.
      • No matter what, you will always be my number one. Can you please forgive me for me for what I have done? I am sorry.
      • Our relationship is important to me and here comes a sorry for you to forgive me and forget what I said.
      • Our future hangs on this note of apology! Accept it and change my life forever.
        • Our life is like a flower in spring. If you leave, you’ll take away the essence! Come back and let’s be together again.
        • Refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison; and waiting for the other person to die. I am Sorry!
        • Saying sorry and accepting your mistakes means you are growing up.
        • Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth but it is the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called relationship!
        • Saying sorry can revive our relationship and let it blossom like before. I miss you sweetheart and I love you.
        • S-O-R-R-Y.
        • Saying sorry is the first step to restoring a broken relationship. I said it but will you accept it?
        • Since you are such a handsome, hot and sexy gentleman, forgiving me is something you surely can. I am sorry.
        • Saying that I will never fight with you again would be a false promise. But I assure you that I will never make you sad by being so remiss. Please forgive me and accept my apology, you mean more to me than anything else, baby. I am sorry.
        • Take me back in your arms, hold me close tightly. Feel my heavy breath, as I tender my apology. Hold my hands, nervous and sweaty. Look into my eyes as I say sorry. Give me a hug, give me a kiss. Let’s again embrace, our love’s bliss.

        • Tears are words the heart can’t express. I am sorry!
          • The genie granted me 1 wish. I asked for world peace. ‘No’ he said. I asked for your forgiveness. He said he he’d try world peace.
          • Things were said in haste, things happened against fate, but if you do accept my apology, everything will be better again.
          • Take my hand and guide me. Take my apology and forgive me.
          • The hardest to say but the easiest to acknowledge is a five letter word – Sorry. I said it, will you acknowledge it?
          • What I did was foolish and impulsive. If I could take it all back I’d have done it the instant I learnt I hurt you.
          • What I Did Was Foolish & Impulsive If I Cud Take It All Back I’d Do This So Instant I Truly Didn’t Mean To Hurt You In Any Way I’m Sorry For Hurting You
          • Words are rare for a feeling so pure, saying sorry won’t suffice.
          • You have the heart of an angel; forgive me my love, for I will never do this again.
          • You are the brightest ray of light in my life. Your anger makes my world dark. Please forgive me.
          • You are as sweet as honey. You are as bright as the sun. If you accept my apology, you’ll be my number 1.
          • You are my pole star. But when you are angry, you misguide me. Accept my apology.
          • You know that you’re pretty; you know that you’re smart; you know you’re intelligent but do you know that I am sorry too?
          • You are the kindest person I have met. Forgive this fool who can’t live without you.