Showing posts with label hate messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hate messages. Show all posts

21 November 2015

I Hate You Messages for Ex-Girlfriend

The heartbreak you have given me is a hurricane that will last long. But I promise, I will pick myself up and come out strong. There will come a day when I will stand tall and rise above. Then you will realize how big a mistake you made by betraying my love. I hate you.
I trusted you blindly, you lied to me blatantly. I lusted after you crazily, you cheated on me heartlessly. I loved you endlessly, you betrayed me mercilessly. I hate you.
Falling in love with you will be my life’s biggest regret, I will never forgive and forget. You are a cheater and a dirty liar, I will hate you forever and ever.

Our love gave me wings which you clipped mercilessly. Our love set me free but you chained me in heartbreak’s captivity. Our love made me smile but your lies stole all my happiness. Our love was precious but it was ruined by your heartlessness.

I loved and treasured your heart like a trophy while you kicked mine around like a football. I hate you.

Time will slowly heal me and pull me out of misery. But I hope karma slowly gives you wounds that you deserve in your destiny. I hate you.

Why did you pretend to like it when we used to kiss and caress? You could have just told me that you were lusting after someone else. I hate you.

I hope karma rips off your life’s happiness, just like how pushed me into sadness. I hope someone breaks your heart, just like how you lied to me from the start. I hope you rot in agony permanently, just like how I hate you endlessly.

I gave you my heart and in return you gave me lies. You will move on easily but who will wipe the tears in my eyes? I hate you.

Why did you have to lie to me all this while when you could have just told me that you didn’t love me. Yes, it would have broken my heart but at least I would still have my respect and dignity. I hate you.

You look so beautiful and pretty – how did your heart turn out to be so ugly and dirty? I hate you.

Looking at you reminds me of something beautiful, like a heavenly abode. But feeling your heart reminds me of something dirty, like a filthy commode. I hate you.

You smeared the innocence of my love with your lies. Now I will hate you till the day that I die.

From being the best decision of my life to becoming the biggest mistake I had ever made, asking you out was a blunder for which I have heavily paid. I wish I could turn back time and never have met you in the first place. But since I can’t do that I just hope I never again, see your ugly face. I hate you.

You made me feel that true love and trust are the weaknesses. But don’t worry, one day I will find someone who sees them as my biggest strengths. I hate you.

Even after the way you walked away I won’t stop myself from falling in love again. I am sure someone special is out there who can soothe all my heart’s pain. I hate you.

I am glad I took a lot of selfies with you. At least I have proof to show everyone that I danced with the devil. I hate you.

I hope nobody breaks your heart the way you broke mine. Yours should be broken at least ten times more cruelly. I hate you.

You promised to give me wings, but you pushed me in a ditch instead. I hate you.

I don’t blame myself for falling in love with you. After all, my eyes could only see how beautiful you are. It was my bad luck that beneath all that beauty, was a heart darker and more toxic than tar. I hate you.

I am heartbroken, but at least my love was true. Time will erode the heartbreak, but I will never stop hating you.

No one forced you to love me, so why did you need to pretend? Your lies have left me heartbroken, and I hate you till no end.

I may never be able to completely trust anyone again. I just don’t want to risk going through all the pain. I will think a hundred times before giving my heart to someone. Love is something that I will now try to shun. People will probably see me as heartless and void of emotions. I hope you can see how you have pushed me into a state of loneliness and depression. I hate you.

I still keep thinking about you even after all these months after our breakup – but don’t worry I don’t Miss You, I just Hate You.

I will mend my heart, slowly but surely it will be rebuilt. But how will you survive, how will you live through the guilt?

You will move on, you will eventually be happy. I will be depressed, I will forever be lonely. You will find someone else, you will get someone’s affection. I will rot away in my heartbreak and cower into my seclusion. I hate you.

I didn’t choose to fall in love with you because it was my heart’s calling. But now I choose to hate you because you have left me heartbroken and rotting.

Love is blind and I hope it continues to be. I can’t blame love just because you betrayed me. I hate you.

I don’t want to express my heartbreak aloud in words. If I did, it would be the nastiest thing you have ever heard. But let me tell you something that I need to get off my chest – until karma comes back and bites you, my hatred towards you will not rest.

My love was so vibrant that it made even the colors of the rainbow look drab. But you destroyed it by piercing my heart, jab after jab. I hate you.

I would rather die in misery and pain, than take you back in my arms again. I hate you.

I gave you my love and in return you gave me heartbreak. You are pretty on the outside but deep down inside you are a vicious snake. I hate you.

You already know that my heart is rotting in loneliness. But what you don’t is that yours is rotting in malice. I hate you.

I don’t want to take revenge for how you stabbed my heart with lies. But I hope karma gives you what you deserve – I can’t wait to hear your heart’s cries. I hate you.

My only goal, was to enter your soul. While yours was to, take advantage of my love so true. I hate you.

My life was a beautiful medley of smiles and priceless memories when I loved you from the bottom of my heart. But thanks to you, my life has now become a mosaic of nightmares, loneliness and heartbreak. I hate you.

If you like someone else you could have just told me, I would have let you walk away. It would have been difficult but at least I wouldn’t have had to see these painful days. I hate you.

My heartbreak is the only proof, that I loved you. My tears are symbolic, of how deeply I was into you. The emptiness of my sadness’ silence show how much I hate you.

I should shame you on Facebook and Twitter for what you did to me. But I won’t, because that won’t make me any different from you. I hate you.
You may have dumped me and broken my heart, but I still believe in true love’s glory. I am not going to let the actions of a heartless person like you smear my idea of something so heavenly.

I Hate You Messages for Ex-Husband

) On the day that you walked away, you completely shattered my life. You make me regret every moment, that I lived as your wife. Not even time can heal my wounds, because they are so deep. I may pretend to move on, but my heart will forever weep. I hate you.
Divorcing you is something that I never wanted, but you took me and my love for granted. Splitting apart was the only way out, because you have been a jerk throughout. I hate you.
I forgot to read the fine print on our marriage certificate which said ‘Beware of a cheating husband’. I hate you.
If I knew that lusting after other women was one of your hobbies, I would have made spying on you a hobby of mine. I hate you.

I can’t sleep on a bed which has been smothered with another woman’s scent, and I can’t be with a man whose morals are so bent. I hate you and regret each and every single moment.

My husband, I forever wanted you to be. My undying love, you never cared to see. I made many sacrifices, so we could be happy. But now everything is in vain, since you chose a separate destiny. I hate you.

If lusting after other women was your fancy, why did you decided to marry me. I hate you.

I thought we were mature enough as a couple to leave petty issues behind. Little did I know that you had other plans in your dirty mind. I hate you.

The problem with our marriage was that you wanted freedom from the responsibilities of committing your life to me, while I saw my freedom in committing my life to you. I hate you.

Our wedding day was pristine and so beautiful. Our married lives were loving and so perfect. Everything became bitter and sour, because of your carelessness and neglect. You never bothered to show even a little bit of care. Not once, did you ever show respect. You have totally changed as a person, which is why our marriage has been wrecked. I hate you.

The difference between you and me is that our divorce was just a chapter in your life’s book whereas it was The End in mine. I hate you.

Our divorce changed our lives – you got freedom while I got heartbreak. I hate you.

Word’s can’t describe how much pain you have put me through. I just hope that karma never forgives you. I hate you.

You should be ashamed of the way you have shunned responsibility. You have ruined your wife’s life and marred your kids’ destinies. We will never forgive you for the way you left us all in misery. I hate you.

I put everything I had into our marriage, you put everything you had outside it. I hate you.

For the way you have betrayed and cheated, you are a man worthy of nothing but hatred. I hate you.

I always knew that marriage was going to be all about sacrifice but I never knew that all the sacrifices had to be made by me. I hate you.

You forgot all the vows and the promises. You forgot all the love and care. You forgot all the little things that matter. You forgot all your duties and responsibilities. I hate you for taking things so lightly, I hate you for making us drift apart. I hate you for being so selfish. I hate you for mercilessly breaking my heart. I hate you.

The most unfortunate part of our divorce is that in reality, there are no winners. I don’t care about my heartbreak because our children are the real losers. I hate you.

The way you have pushed me into a pool of depression and pain, I don’t know if I will ever be able to love again. I hate you.

The only problem with our marriage was that you saw it as one. I hate you.

The vibrant colors of our marriage were marred by your dark thoughts. I hate you.

Destiny had carved out the perfect future. We had everything going for us. But you had to screw everything up. You turned a blessing into a curse. I hate you.

Don’t worry about my heart because it is already broken. But who will explain your betrayal to the children? You have polluted their young minds with your dirty actions. I hope that you never get any redemption. I hate you.

I hate my ex-husband from the very core. I hope that for him, life has only bitterness in store.

Every marriage has its own problems, flaws and faults. The only difference is that in ours, I tried to fix them while you ran away from them. I hate you.

Everyone makes compromises and sacrifices in life. It’s a pity that I made mine for a loser like you. I hate you.

Not once did you care to think, how your actions would ruin my life. You are a selfish monster, who never cared for his kids or his wife. I hate you.

I lusted after the man I loved, not knowing that his love for me, was lust in disguise. I hate you.

In our marriage I always thought that lust and love was intertwined. Little did I know that you had another woman on your mind. I hate you.

For you, hate is the only thing I will harbor in my heart. You treated me like a slave, from the very start. I regret the fateful day when we got married, because that is when I pushed myself into a life so horrid. I hate you.

Husbands are supposed to be caring and loving. How did you turn out to be so evil and cunning? I hate you.

Before our wedding, you were such a sweet and caring guy. But you became a heartless human being, as time went by. I was over the moon when I walked down the aisle to marry you, unaware of the sorrow and sadness I was pushing myself into. I hate you.

As a father I thought you would be more caring. As a husband I thought you would be more loving. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that you would be so conniving and deceiving. I hate you.

Were you asleep when we took those wows on our wedding day? Because you have broken them in almost every possibly way. Not even for once, did you think about the consequences of your behavior. Now I cringe at the fact that I was betrayed by you, someone who was so dear. I hate you.

For how conveniently you made your way into another woman’s bed, I just wish you were dead. I hate you.

The worst part of divorce isn’t the hardship that follows. It is the regret of devoting and wasting all the precious years of my life for a man like you. I hate you.

Only a monster like you can turn a marriage from a beautiful union to an ugly regret. I hate you.

For the way you have ruined my life forever, I hope that you fail in all your endeavors. Fate will make you pay for your horrible actions. I hope that life shows you no mercy or compassion. I hate you.

I Hate You Messages for Friends

I hate you for making fun of me… but I hate myself more for thinking that you were my best friend.

It is not easy to learn how to forget someone. But it will be easy to forget a friend like you who lied to me just for fun.

I shouldn’t have expected our friendship to be true, because the tag LIAR perfectly suits a jerk like you. I hate you.

Friends are meant to watch each others’ backs, but your lies literally stopped me in my tracks. For the way in which you washed my trust away, our friendship… ends today.

I dived into the serene waters of friendship… not knowing that it would eventually turn into a whirlpool that would suck me in and drown me to my emotional death.

Cheating, betrayal, deception and lies – I never thought such dirty things would break our friendship’s ties.

I am glad I finally got to know about your deceit today. Now I can always keep friends like you at bay. I hate you.

You could have picked our friendship when you had the chance to choose. But you didn’t, so now there is no chance to have truce. I hate you.

Your malice turned our friendship into a leech that sucked the happiness out of my life. I hate you.

It would have been one thing if you were rude and mean from the very start. But you chose to be all those AFTER I held our friendship close to my heart. I hate you.

I am never going to talk to you again. Trusting friends like you has put me through a lot of pain.

Don’t ever say that we were friends, don’t ever believe that you can make amends. People like you give friendship a bad name, I hope you suffer in guilt and shame. I hate you.

You lied to me, betrayed me and ruined our friendship with foul play. I may stop crying but the tears of my soul will never dry away. I hate you.

You marred the beauty of our friendship with your ugly lies… which turned my smiles and laughs, into sobs and cries. I hate you.

Life feels suffocating without friendship… but I’ll tolerate the suffocation than to be with malicious friends like you.
First, you gave me every reason to like you and make you my friend. Now you have given me every reason to bring our friendship to an end.

A friend on the face, a bully in disguise. I should have known from the start, not to let our friendship get to my heart.

From deleting all the selfies that we took together to ripping apart all our photographs, I’ll do everything to get rid of the memories of the good times that I shared with someone who I once… used to call my best friend. I hate you.

Why did you bother smiling in front of my face when you were busy gossiping behind my back? I hate you.

You may have cheated and won the game, but I hope your conscience rots in shame. I hate you.

I don’t have a problem with you wanting to hang out with the cool crowd in class and school. But what I don’t understand is why you had to pretend to be my friend when you never liked me, you fool. I hate you.

I trusted you blindly, but you gossiped about me. I couldn’t foresee, what a jerk you could be.

Your biggest mistakes were that you talked behind my back and lied to me. It is a pity that the value of my friendship’s trust, you could never see. I hate you.

If you wanted to stop hanging out with me, you could have just told me. There was no need to avoid my calls, lie to me and tell me that you were busy. I hate you.

I made a mistake by trusting you once, twice and thrice. For trusting my best friend, I have paid the ultimate price. I hate you.

I always thought that friendship was supposed to be fun, warm and comforting. Until a friend like you came along and made me realize that friendship can also be hurtful, painful and betraying. I hate

I don’t hate you because you talked about me behind my back. I hate you because you pretended to be my friend all this while. I hate you.

I will easily be able to forget that I had a backstabbing friend like you, but I will never be able to forget that even a beautiful friendship like ours could have such an ugly face. I hate you.

You have joined the club of friends who have cheated and stolen. You are the reason why our friendship has fallen. I hate you.

I don’t mean to be rude, but still want to say that I Hate You… just like how you never wanted to be friends but still labeled our friendship as True.

I don’t hate all my friends… because I know that not everyone is as mean as you.

You finally proved that you are everything but a friend. I am not even going to waste a single minute of my time trying to make amends.

Hate is a small word to describe how much I loathe you. Just like how I can’t describe how badly you betrayed my friendship, so true.

Friendship is supposed to be innocent, fun and sweet. You made ours malicious, tormenting and bitter. I hate you.

Friendships are built on smiles and trust. It’s a pity that ours had to bite the dust. I hate you.