21 November 2015

Good Morning Messages for Husband

Like coffee with cream and pancakes with syrup, your hugs and cuddles give my mornings the perfect start. Good morning.

The best part about my life is that I get to wake up to the sight of the man of my dreams. Good morning.

The sun may reach its zenith in the day and descend in the evening, but my love for you will always be constant and everlasting. Good morning.

I don’t care if is morning or evening – because with you around, my life is a true blessing. Good morning.

Every morning I love wearing my favorite thing – the smile I have since the day we got married. Good morning.

I love you because you help me turn a blind eye to my past, and open my eyes to a better future. Good morning.

In the morning, some people like to indulge in their coffee, while others like their tea. I like to indulge in my hubby, who is the most handsome thing my eyes can see. Good morning.

There are no guarantees in life except one – my love for you and your love for me. Good morning.

Which magic potions do you secretly brew at night to make every morning so perfect? Good morning.

I promise to shield you from sorrow, I promise to give you a perfect tomorrow. I promise to love you always, I promise to help you through life’s maze. I promise to hold your hand forever, I promise to be your wife, friend and lover. Good morning.

Your hugs are the key to a secret safe where I store all my happy memories. Good morning.

Being with you makes mundane routines seem exciting. Good morning.

Anything is possible, miracles can happen, sparks can fly – as long as I don’t run out of your love’s supply. Good morning.

The rays of the morning sun may fill the lives of others, but my life is filled by the warmth of your love. Good morning.

Sunny hues flood my life, when I see your face. Looking in your eyes, puts me in a beautiful daze. Baby you are the fire that sets my love ablaze. Good morning

I was never a morning person until I started waking up next to the love of my life, my husband. Good morning.

Mornings begin when leaves are kissed by the dew, and my days starts when I am kissed by you. xoxo

My morning coffee is useless if I don’t have it while looking at the most handsome man in the whole world – YOU. Good morning.

Just because I love you and you love me, I am as lucky as I could ever be. Good morning.

I have no regrets about my past, because now I have you. Good morning.

In the horizon of my life, you are the sunrise that fills my life with happy hues of orange and yellow. Good morning.

If I had a time machine, I would pause my life right here and right now. Because life with you is as perfect as it can ever get. Good morning.

Every morning I am bitten by the love bug and fall sick. The only way to make me feel better is with lots of hugs and kisses from you. Good morning.

Ever since the day we’ve been together, you have reminded me to do something that I had completely forgotten to do – laugh and smile. Good morning.

We didn’t have just intertwined fates, we are entangled at the core like soul mates. We are not just husband and wife, we are also best friends for life. Good morning.

Our love is like a snooze button – I start dreaming again the moment I think about it. Good morning.

Since the day you became mine, my day starts with a sweet melody that rings in my heart and reverberates in my soul. Good morning.

If I had the chance to life my life again, I wouldn’t want to change a single thing. Even rough times have left sweet memories, because I’ve gone through them with you. Good morning.

You are the happy in my sad, together in my lonely and smiles in my tears. Not just now, but forever. Good morning.

Screw time. In my life, the rises when I see you. Good morning.

Happiness is just one part of our journey, as husband and wife. Unconditional love and undying commitment, is what makes ours a perfect married life. Good morning.

I can do without a morning cup of tea or coffee, but not without cuddling with my handsome hubby. Good morning.

Your kisses make my heart beat, your hugs help me feel and your love energizes my soul. Good morning.

In a world full of deceit and lies, I feel lucky when see the love in your eyes. Good morning.

Forget the hashtags, the only thing trending in my heart is YOU. Good morning.

You are charming, handsome and hot, but those are not the only reason I love you a lot. You make me laugh and smile, which makes everything in life feel worthwhile. Good morning.

Every day gives us a chance to add yet another beautiful couplet in the romantic poem of our lives. Good morning.

By your side and in your arms – this is the best way to wake up every morning. Good morning.

You are the only person in front of whom I can be ME, because you are the only person who loves me for what I am and not what I can BE. Good morning.

Other people wake up to sunshine but I wake up to YOU. Good morning.

Good Morning Messages for Boyfriend

Your warmth envelops me tight, your affection makes everything right. Your company puts me on cloud nine, your presence makes everything fine. Your eyes show me the way, your heart beat guides me night and day. Good morning.

lYour hugs are the reason for my happiness, baby you make my life priceless. Good morning.

Even the surreal colors of the early morning sky aren’t as dreamy… as the kisses you give me. Good morning.

Your morning coffee will be made perfect, with a teaspoon of my love and a pinch of my hugs. Good morning.

Other girls wear makeup every morning to feel confident about themselves. All I do… is think about you. Good morning, I love you.

Your hugs and kisses are the only sunshine I need… Good morning.

I want to live in the present but I am always caught up dreaming about either the past or the future… the beautiful memories that we have shared or the happy times that lie ahead. Good morning.

The best part about this morning is that I am thinking about you, but the worst part of this morning is that I am so far away from you. xoxo

Every day in my life is perfect because it starts by wishing you good morning. Muah.

I am waking up to the morning sunshine and thinking about how awesome it would be… if only you were right here beside me. Good morning.

I was smiling all night long, because I was dreaming about you. This morning too, is drenched with our love’s dreamy hues. Good morning.

Dates in the calendar change every day, but the fact that you have been my hottest date ever, will never change. Good morning.

I wish I could just come over, run my fingers through your hair and give you a soft kiss to wake you up. Good morning.

It doesn’t matter whether today is Monday, Wednesday or Sunday. As long as are together, it will always be a beautiful day. Good morning.

Why does the morning have to start so soon? I need more time to dream about the guy who gives me weak knees every single day. xoxo

You are my sweetest dream come true. Good morning.

Some girls just dream about having a boyfriend as handsome and caring as you. I dream about it too… but the difference is that I am living my dream every single day. Good morning.

I love the sun because every time it comes up in the morning, it gives me yet another day to spend with you – the guy I dream about at night. Good morning.

Wishing a good morning to the person who is the reason why I feel like waking up every day. I love you.

May a handsome guy like you have a day, as beautiful as a girl like me. Good morning.

The glow you bring to my life is more radiant than a thousand sunrises put together. Good morning.

Were you a coffee bean in your past life? Must be, because I can’t start my day without you. Good morning my love.

Happy thoughts are the only cure for a sleepy morning… and I feel the happiest when I think about you. Good morning.

I hate the fact that I have to, send a good morning text to you. I wish I could be with you night and day… so I can love you silly in every possible way. But you are so far, over there. This distance I can no longer bear. Yet again as a new day starts, I say I Love You with all my heart. Muah.

I woke up with a sweat… not because the morning was too hot to handle, but because my dreams about you were too hot to handle. I miss you, good morning.

As the morning sunrise creeps through the blinds, being with you is the only thing on my mind. I love you.

Even the most profound quote about love can’t do justice to the bond between you and me… because we both have been brought together not by chance, but by destiny. Good morning.

Gazing outside the window and thinking about you while I sip my morning coffee is the best part of my day. Good morning handsome.

I wish I could say this to you, face to face. I wish I was right there beside you, at your place. I wish I could look deep into, your eyes and gaze. I wish we were together right now, to embrace our love’s blaze. Good morning.

I was looking for something to keep me warm this chilly morning… so I thought of you. Good morning.

Even before you have your first yawn, even before you step out to see the dawn. Even before you have your morning coffee, I hope you’ll close your eyes and think of me. Good morning.

Good morning… to the guy whose hugs make my days sweeter and kisses make my life brighter.

My pillow hates you because it knows that I would trade it for your warm shoulder any day. Good morning.

Mornings are the loneliest part of the day because that is when I need you the most to give me warm hugs and cute cuddles. I miss you, good morning.
The warmth of every single ray of the sunshine reminds me that we were just meant to be. Good morning.

It doesn’t matter if I have a coffee or tea. I will feel the same… as long as I know that you are thinking about me. Good morning.

I don’t know what is more romantic – the thought of meeting you soon or the dream I had about you last night. Good morning.

I dream about you while rolling around in bed, remembering all the romantic things you’ve said. I think about you, with every breath I take… baby you are the icing on my life’s cake. Good morning.

A cozy selfie with you, is the perfect way to cherish the morning hues. xoxo

You have replaced my nightmares with dreams, my worries with happiness and my fears with love. Good morning.

Good Morning Messages for Friends

A soulful good morning message is a sweet gift that does not come wrapped in a box, but can be stored forever in your inbox. Good morning.

A beautiful morning spent without friends like you, is worse than a night which is gloomy and blue.

Waking up in the morning has become much easier for me, knowing that I will be spending the day with amazing friends like you. Good morning.

It is easy to imagine the world coming to an end. But it is difficult to imagine spending a day without my friends. Good morning.

Not coffee, but friendship is the only caffeine I need to give myself a kick start in the morning. Good morning.

Whether it is a hangover, headache or sickness, even the worst of mornings become happy and cute when I think of friends like you. I hope this message makes you happy too. Good morning.

Now that such a sweet person like you has read this message, I won’t need to put sugar in my coffee. Good morning.

The only way to warm up this chilly morning is to get rid my shivers by giving virtual hugs to my close friends, starting with YOU. Good morning.

It is a great feeling to start a morning with gratitude. So I am going to start my day by thanking you for being in a good friend. Good morning.

Romantic relationships are based on expectations and responsibilities. Professional relationships are based on gains and losses. But friendship is based on smiles and laughter. Good morning my friend.

If you have a good morning today, you will have a good night, which will help you to sleep tight and make the next day nice and bright. So I wish you good morning with all my might.

Your mom may call you a sleepy head and your dad may call you a lazy bum. But no matter how late you wake up, you will always be my best chum. Good morning.

Dreamers like you don’t need inspirational good morning messages. They need big alarm bells and annoying friends like me. Good morning, time to wake up.

The rising sun is telling you to rise so that you can shine the beautiful rays of friendship on friends like me. Good morning.

As you start yet another day in your life, always remember that your troubles will come and go but friends like me will stay with you forever. Good morning.

It is a myth that you need to rise and shine to have a good start to a day. You can roll around in bed thinking about friends like me and you will still have a great start to the day. Good morning.

On such a beautiful morning I thought of the most beautiful person I know – You. Good morning my friend.

Have an awesome morning and if your day goes really well, thank me in the evening for wishing you so. Good morning my friend.

I cannot guarantee that you will have an awesome day but I can guarantee that you will be in the loving company of friends like me. Good morning buddy.

Awake and arise to enjoy life’s fiesta, otherwise your sleep will continue into a morning siesta. Good morning.

Today’s forecast for all my friends: If you are reading this message, nothing can stop you from having an incredible day. Good morning.

The only thing more beautiful than the warm sunrise is our Friendship. Good morning.

You can choose between waking up late and doing nothing or spending the day with friends and creating beautiful memories which will last a lifetime. What will it be, my friend? Good morning.

I asked the sun to rise a little sooner so that I can get a few more minutes to spend with you in the day. Good morning.

This is the second time your alarm clock is ringing to wake you, get out of your bed to enjoy the early morning dew. Good morning.

Wake up and smell the coffee, or life will pass by in a jiffy. Good morning.

If your coffee is foamier than usual, if your pancakes are gooier than usual, if your cereal is sweeter than usual – don’t be surprised. That’s the magic of my good morning message.

My mom always taught me to always start the day with a good thought. That is why I am thinking of good friends like you. Good morning.

Friendship is what makes life worth living. Good morning.

Your day ends with my good night message and begins with my good morning message – your life couldn’t get any better. Good morning.

The days on which you are sleepy, aren’t fun enough to spend with you buddy. Here’s a good morning wish from me, so wake you up and get ready. Good morning.

The sun may light up the earth but my life is lit up by friends like you. Good morning.

Friends… the delightful pieces of sugar in life’s cuppa.

I am happy today and I want you to be happy too. That is why I have sent this good morning message to you. Good morning.

I want you to start your morning by smiling. The best way I can do that is by wishing you a sweet morning.

Friendship has a funny way of making you look forward to each and every day. At night you think about the fun you’ll have with your friends tomorrow while during day you gossip with your friends about the fun you had yesterday. Good morning.

I have a terrible day ahead of me. But I feel that everything will be right once I give my best friend a warm virtual hug. Good morning bestie.

Another beautiful day like today begins in the beautiful life of a beautiful person like you. Good morning.

Wishing the sweetest friend in this world, a sugary sweet morning. Good morning.

I hate waking up early but if that is what it takes to meet my friends earlier, I’m all for it. Good morning.

Good Morning Messages for Girlfriend

The rising sun reminds me of your radiant face and the misty dew reminds me of your dreamy eyes. The sounds of the bustling city remind me of your soft whispers and the cool breeze reminds me of your tantalizing kisses. Good morning.

I am tired of having to dream about you every night, I want you by my side so I can gaze at your beautiful sight. I am sick of waking up every morning and texting you, now I want to spend my mornings cuddling with you. I miss you, good morning.

Happiness, trouble, success, disappointment or failure – I don’t know what’s in store for the day, but I know everything will be fine as long as I have you in my arms. Good morning.

The cold morning breeze reminds me of you – a tingling sensation I feel on my skin, bringing a surge of joy from within. Good morning.

Every day I wake up and forget all the reasons that make me sad because I just need one reason to make me happy – YOU. Good morning.

You are the reason I can be happy even when I am sad and smile even when I cry. Good morning.

My past will never haunt me, as long as I have you sweetie. Good morning.

I don’t care whether the sun rises or not, my morning starts only after I say that I love you a lot. Good morning.

I don’t know how long we will be together because that is not important. What I do know and what really matters, is that we will never be apart. Good morning.

Every night I fall asleep dreaming about what it would be like to hug you during the day and I pass every day imagining what it would be like to dream about you at night. Good morning.

There is only one remedy to cold shivery mornings – warm cuddly hugs with you. Good morning.

Today I promise to live without Facebook and Twitter, if you promise to kiss me all day and make me feel better. Good morning.

Your smile is the only inspiration I need. Your voice is the only motivation I need. Your love is the only happiness I need. Good morning.

I am sipping on hot coffee, looking outside my apartment window at the beautiful misty morning and all I can think about is YOU. Good morning.

The beautiful morning DEW and the lovely morning HUE are symbolic of my love for YOU. Good morning.

I hate to wake up because it takes me away from all the dreams I was having about you last night. Good morning.

Morning or afternoon, evening or night, I will always love you with all my might. Good morning.

Since I’ve spent the night dreaming about you, I want to spend the day cuddling up with you. Good morning.

It takes just one second to think about you in the morning, but the smile on my face lasts throughout the day. Good morning.

Regardless of life’s ups and downs, you’re the sunshine that wipes away my frowns. xoxo

If the early morning sky was a representation of every person I know, you are the sun and everyone else are the fading stars, soon to disappear by your blazing love. Good morning.

You are the pulse that throbs in my veins, you are the antidote that frees me of all pains. You are the rhythm of my heartbeat, without you my life would be incomplete. Good morning.

I want to be the only guy to be in your heart, because you are the only girl in mine – now and forever. I love you, good morning.
Morning is the most beautiful part of the day, because I think about you when I roll around in bed. Good morning.

Every morning reminds me of all the wrong dreams I had been chasing all my life until I found the right one – YOU. Good morning.

I had a dream last night in which I died. I could see my body floating up to the heavens above but I wasn’t allowed inside. The guy at Heaven’s gate said to me ‘Dude, I can’t let you in. Your girlfriend will kill me’ Good morning.

Alarms can go off as loudly as they want, my day won’t start unless I hear your voice. Good morning baby.

Every morning I wake up to realize that I am dating the Princess from my Fairytale. Good morning.

I must be the luckiest guy alive because every day I meet the girl who I saw in my dreams the previous night. Good morning.

If you were right here, I would run my fingers through your hair, gaze into your eyes and give you a kiss that you’d remember for a lifetime. Good morning.

Every day you make me feel something that words can never express. Good morning.

Good morning to the cherry on my life’s cake. xoxo

I will never hurt you. I will never lie to you. I will always support you. I will forever care for you. I will never let you cry. We will be together, even after we die. I love you… Good morning.

Every morning I wake up to my life’s biggest truth – my love for you. Good morning.

During the night you’re the twinkle that lights up my life’s sky and during the day you’re the sunshine that keeps me going. Good morning. xoxo

Just like how a beautiful morning is incomplete without its orange hue, my morning coffee is incomplete without texting you. Good morning.

I don’t care if we were meant to be or not, but I do know that I love you a lot. Good morning.

If you were the ocean I would be the beach so no matter where you go, you would always come back to me every day. Good morning.

The weather forecast said there is a storm coming our way. I’m looking forward to stand in the rain with you and then sip coffee as we gaze outside the window, dreaming about our future together. Good morning.

Good night messages for husband

Your hugs make me feel peace, your cuddles make my worries cease, your kisses give my body a release. Good night.
I don’t care if the night doesn’t turn into day as long as I can just be in your arms, looking forward to yet another day of succumbing to your charms. Good night.

Nothing seems better than you handsome face, nothing feels better than your caring touch. As I wish you a good night, let me tell you again that I love you very much.

No matter how bad a day you have had, always remember that I am the woman whose only dream is to make all your dreams come true. Good night.

The night may be dark but your dreamy eyes make everything so bright. The night may be silent but your sweet whispers make it seem like a beautiful symphony. Good night.

Every night I feel thankful for being married o a man who accepts my pasts, fixes my present and brightens my future. Good night honey.

I know I can sometimes be annoying because I argue even when I am not right, but I will make it up with lots of hugs and kisses as I wish you good night.

Cuddling with my husband at night, sets everything right. Giving him a hug or two, drives away my blues. Falling asleep on his shoulders, makes me feel strong enough to move boulders. Good night.

Good night to my soul mate, I’m glad to have you in my fate. Good night to the love of my life, I feel blessed to be your wife.

I manage to get through the daily grind, just because I always have you in my mind. Whether it is morning, day, afternoon or night, having you by my side makes every moment of my life bright. Good night.

Thanks for being the eyes that helped me see beautiful dreams, the mind that helped me have amazing thoughts, the heart that helped me have conviction and the backbone that helped me stand strong. I love you, good night.

Every night before I sleep I chant my favorite letter of the alphabet – U. Good night.

Before marriage, all the sweetest dreams I have ever dreamt about were of YOU. After marriage, all the sweetest dreams I have ever dreamt about were of US. I love you, good night.

You are my honey bun, with whom I can have lots of fun. You are my lemon tart, my childhood sweetheart. You represent everything sweet, my hubby you are my life’s treat. Good night.

There are no guarantees in life except one – your kisses always give me sweetest dreams. Good night.

Your hugs, kisses and cuddles are the dessert I have every night before I fall asleep. Lucky for me, these things won’t make me fat even though they are sweet. Good night.

One role in my life which I am really proud to play, is to be your wife and love you in every way. One thing in my life which I was proud to do, is to get married to a husband as amazing as you. Good night.

If a genie came to me and granted me one wish I would say ‘Go away because I already have everything I want – my husband’ Good night.

After marriage my life has gone from nothing to everything, from empty to full, from dull to vibrant and from sad to happy. Good night to the man who made it all happen.

Hatred is a feeling I will never know, because you have never let me feel low. True love is a feeling I will always experience, because you have never made me sad, not even once. Good night.

If true love had a name, it would be yours because you are both the same. If true love was a person it would be you, because guys like you are very few. Happiness and care seem to be in your domain, because it seems you are an expert in shielding me from pain. Good night my love.

Whenever I wanted a shoulder to lean on, you have always been there. It is because of you, that my life doesn’t even have a trace of despair. Good night love.

I wish that the dreams you see are just as sweet and cute as you are. Good night.

Morning or evening – looking at you always make my heart sing. Night or day – looking at you drives all my worries away. Good night.

As my friend, you are the best. As my lover, you are the only one. Good night.

Before you fall asleep I just want you to know that my life is just perfect the way it is. Having you as my husband and the children of my father – there is no other way I would have ever wanted it to be. Good night.

The only thing I would want to change in my life is NOTHING. Because with you as my husband, I have EVERYTHING. Good night darling.

If my life was a pizza, you would be the cheese. If my life was a mug, you would be the coffee. If my life was the ocean, you would be the water. But since my life is the way it is, you are my husband – making it complete in every way. Good night.

Life will have its ups and downs. Our marriage will have its highs and lows. But no matter what happens, we will always make our love grow. Good night.

I am glad you are not one of those men who change after marriage because you are perfect the way you have always been. Good night my love.

All my problems, all my worries, just melt away when you smother me with your kisses. Good night.

The universe might be made up of the moon, the stars, the sun and the planet. But there is just one thing in my universe and it’s YOU. Good night.

Thanks to you, every night when I close my eyes I just see one thing – a beautiful future. Good night.

The sun may have set and it might have become dark, but I am happy because I am about to cuddle up with the man who makes my life a walk in the park. Good night.

As tired as I feel during the day, I feel like a fairy at night because your love gives me the wings I need to soar away into sweet dreams and the land of fantasy – where it is just you and me. Good night, love.