23 November 2015

Get well soon messages for girlfriend

I think by the time you feel hale and hearty, I will fall ill for missing you like crazy.
I think by the time you start smiling again, seeing your suffering will make me wither in pain.
I think by the time you stop feeling so blue, I will fall sick because I missed kissing you.

Get well soon.

I need your kisses more than you need your medicines.
I need you more than you need your doctor.

I love you, get well soon.

Only I am allowed to give you a flushed face, not your flu. Get well soon baby.

I am sad that my SWEETheart has to take BITTER pills.
I am glum because my BEAUTIFUL princess has got an UGLY infection.
I am devastated that my HOT girlfriend has caught a COLD.

Get well soon.

I request you to spare the bacteria and stop attracting them to your beautiful body.
Get well soon.

If kisses were a drug, hugs were a medicine and cuddles were a home remedy, believe me baby I would be nursing you 24×7.
Get well soon.
My love for you is stronger than any germ in this world.
Get well soon baby.

My hand misses your hand, shoulders miss your head, arm misses your waist and mouth misses your lips.
Get well soon baby.

Your sickness is affecting my happiness.
Your condition is causing me frustration.
Your ailment is affecting my enjoyment.
Not being able to kiss you is causing me desperation.

Get well soon baby.

The flower of my life is withering without the sunshine of your face.

Get well soon.

I am coming to meet you, so say goodbye to tablets, capsules and balms.
You will be well as I make you feel better with my never ending charms.

Get well soon.

First, your mom wanted you to stay away from me. Now she’s got an alibi in your germs.

Get well soon.
If I were a genie, I would make a magic potion to beat your illness.
But since I am only your boyfriend, I am just going to cure you with smiles, laughs and happiness.
 Get well soon.

I know I’ve been telling you how HOT you are all the time. But you didn’t need to take that literally and heat up with a fever.
Get well soon.

I know you like my pampering a lot, but this isn’t the right way of asking for more.
Get well soon baby, I promise to pamper you even when you are not sore.

I don’t know if I am the perfect boyfriend but there is one thing that I do know – I will hold you tight, give you warm hugs, cuddle with you and kiss you until you feel better.
I love you, get well soon.

Whether the battle of your life is big or small, I promise to be with you though it all.
Get well soon baby.

A white flower for good immunity, pink flower for happiness, red flower for love and a lavender flower for strength – my perfect floral picks for my beautiful sweetheart.
Get well soon.

Your place is not in the hospital, it is in my heart.
Your company isn’t meant for nurses, it is for my soul.
You don’t deserve strong doses of medicine, you deserve my love.
Get well soon.

I am jealous of your flu. That’s because it gets to spend all day with you.
Get well soon.

Without you, Facebook seems boring, Twitter has become dull and Instagram is dreary  but none of them are as lonesome as my heart.
Get well soon.

Even when pale, you look hot.
Even when weak, you look bubbly.
Even when tired, you look cool.
Even when frail, you look lovely.
Get well soon.

I feel like giving you a kiss even though I know I will catch an infection myself.
That is how desperate I am to have you in my arms.
Get well soon.

Your postoperative care includes lots of hot dates, amazing gifts and night outs with your handsome boyfriend.
I hope now you feel better.
Get well soon.

Going anywhere without you is like going to watch a 3D movie without the glasses  no fun.
Get well soon.

If this illness is your way of making me realize your importance in my life, then your job is done.
Get well soon, I really miss you.

A box of chocolates, pack of candies, carton of muffins and a string of kisses.
This is what I have got for you, now I hope you stop feeling blue.
Get well soon.

Whether it is a royal blue satin gown or ordinary blue hospital pajamas you look pretty as always.
Get well soon.

Smack'em,  slap'em,  beat’em,  strike’em,  sock’em,  belt’em,  whack’em,  pulp’em  that is what I want to do to the germs in your body right now.
Get well soon.

Your hospitalization is God’s way of giving you plenty of time to think about what a cool boyfriend I am.
Get well soon.

Just looking at you makes me feel better every day.
I hope my kisses drive your sickness away.
Get well soon.

Your parents miss having you at home.
Your friends miss having you at college.
But I miss having you around me everywhere I go.
Get well soon darling.

There is pain in your body, but it is my heart which is palpitating.
There is fever in your body, but it is me who is sweating. There is discomfort in your sleep, but it is my body which twists and turns every night.
Get well soon so that I can get well soon too.

I would have pampered you anyway.
I would have spoiled you anyway.
I would have indulged you anyway.
You didn’t need to fall sick for that.
Get well soon.

I want you to close your eyes and think about the first time we kissed. I hope you feel better.
Get well soon.

Good night messages for wife

The night may be dark and spooky, but my life’s view will always be – beautiful, hot and pretty as long as you are with me. 

Good night my all.

Whether my day at work is good, bad or worst, I always look forward to the night because you quench my heart and soul’s thirst. 

Good night my life.

When the sun rises from the east, on you my eyes love to feast. When the sun sets in the west, you make me realize that my life is the best. 

Good night my dreams woman.

There is one vicious circle of life I never want to get out of – spending romantic nights with you after every single day. Good Night my Sweet dreams sweetheart.

You are the rose that makes the garden of my life beautiful, fragrant and complete. 

Good night sweetheart baby.

Beautiful in the morning, pretty at noon and stunning at night, no wonder I can’t let you out of my sight. 

Good night my biggest love.

Day turns into night and night turns into day because the earth revolves on its own axis. But my life goes on because I hinge on an axis called My Wife. 

Good night  have nice dream.

A sweet good night message after a fight may not wash away my unworthiness in your eyes. 
 But it will make you believe that spending our lives together is life’s best prize. 

Sorry and good night.

Days and nights will come and go, but my love for you will forever grow. 
Don’t worry about the future or the past, because my love for you will forever last. 

Good night my sweethearth love.

The length and breadth of the galaxy may be full of shooting stars, protostars, red giant stars or neutron stars. 
But the length and breadth of my life has only one star – you. 

Good night my shining star.

If there was a fast forward button in the video tape of life, I would skip the days to be in your arms every night. 

Good night my dear woman.

To my sweetest dream, prettiest fantasy, loveliest thought and dearest wife – good night my all..

Looking at the moon’s radiant shine bouncing off your beautiful face, all the worries of my life vanish without a trace. 

I love you, good night & have nice dreams.

In the morning, 
I can’t wait to get out of bed to seize the world for you. 

At night, 
 I can’t wait to get into bed to find my world in you. 

Good night my love.

Every night, I look forward to snuggling with my comforter – which is you. 

Good night my dreams.

My mornings are about thinking how soon the afternoon will arrive. 
My afternoons are about waiting for evenings to come. 
My evenings are about running a countdown until the night – all to take a beautiful wife like you in my arms and feeling the warmth of true love. 

Good night baby.

Most people end their day with their heads rested in the warmth of their pillows. 
I end my day with my head rested in the warmth of my wife’s embrace. 

Good night my angel.

I don’t care if the sun doesn’t set, 
I don’t care if the moon doesn’t shine. 
I don’t care if the world stops spinning, as long as I am yours and you are mine. 

Good night sweethearth love.

Being married to a beautiful and sexy woman like you was just a dream, that I had when I was single and looking for love. 

Little did I know that all my dreams would come true with you, the pretty angel sent from the heavens above. 

I love you, good night have nice dreams.

Sometimes stars shine bright, sometimes they are dull. 
But in the way I love you and pamper you every day, there will never be a lull. 

Good night darling.

With every passing day, my hopes become brighter, ambitions become stronger, love becomes deeper and heart grows fonder – only for you. 

Good night and sweet dreams my beautiful love.

Whether pages of the calendar flip, years pass by, months fly away or night changes into day, my love for you will always stay. 

Sweet dreams baby, good night & have a nice dream.

Evening, afternoon, night or day – I think of you every minute, in every possible way. 

 Good night, I love you so much.

The body recharges itself at night in the warmth of a good night’s sleep. 
But I sleep so that my heart can recharge itself in the warmth of a beautiful woman who I call my wife. 

Good night baby.

Romantic hugs and naughty tugs, cute cuddles and long kisses, is how I wish good night to my beautiful Love.

The night sky of my life just has one star "YOU". 

Good night my cute baby.

The sigh of relief I heave when I lay on my bed every night does not suggest how exhausted I am, but how exhausted I would be with my life if not for you. 

 Good night, forever love you.

May the darkness of the night become a blanket for our ecstasy. 
May the radiance of the moon throw light on all the happiness we are yet to see. 

Good night & Love You so much.
You are the dream that every man wants to see, but only a man like me who gets to open his eyes to. 

Good night my sweety sweetheart.

As harsh as the sun may be during the day, just having you in my arms at night will soothe all the stress away. 

Good night my sweetheart love .

Until mobile phones are enabled to transmit moist kisses, tight hugs and sizzling touches, here’s wishing you a good night with a few loving words. 

Good night sweetheart woman.

Good night is too bland a greeting for a woman who makes my nights amazing. 

I love you so much my baby.

The most beautiful thing about every night is not the stars being with the moon or cool breeze being with the clouds, but you being with me. 

Good night my life.

The end of one more day signifies yet another beautiful paragraph that has been added to the book of my life. 

Good night darling.

Eight hours of sleep are not enough for me. I need more time to enjoy cuddling in bed with my wife. 

Good night my love.