28 December 2015

Birthday Poems

    Who needs amusement parks
Who needs a garden
Who needs a play area
Who needs toys for fun
Who needs cartoons on TV
Who needs games that are new
Who needs teddy bears
When they have an aunt like you
Happy birthday

    When I get good grades in school
You are the first person to know
When I get a new dress
You are the first one I want to show
When I achieve something
You are the first to hear about the same
When I feel a sense of euphoria
What comes to mind is your name
When I face a difficulty
I try to think how you would advise
When I am down in the dumps
I rejuvenate thinking of our memories so nice
In summary this simply means
That everything I say and do
Everything I feel and think
Is somehow linked to you
Happy birthday aunt

    Aunts like you are cathartic
Everyone should have an aunt so terrific
Aunts like you are comforting
Not just that, you are also inspiring
Aunts like you make life beautiful
Fun, enjoyable and colorful
Aunts like you are a true example
Of their role in life being indisputable
Aunts like you are worth looking forward to
Happy birthday dear aunt, I love you

    Aunts are a lot like mothers
But slightly different
They come without the yelling
And they aren’t so blunt
They also shower
Treats more often
And do things that are
A lot of fun
They hardly ever nag
And are always ready to play
All they bring is joy
In their niece or nephew’s way
From such lovely aunts
All mothers should take cue
If every mother was like you
Happy birthday

    Although we don’t meet often
You are always in my mind
I think of you many times
Even through life’s daily grind
Although I haven’t seen you
Since quite a long while
Thinking of you always makes
My face light up with a smile
I miss you a lot, dear aunt
On this special occasion
I send you lots of hugs
Since I can’t be there in person
Happy birthday

    There is a reason why
Aunts were sent on this earth
Of love and affection
Because there was a dearth
Then God decided to spew
His blessings and magic
That’s how aunts were born
To make life fantastic
Happy birthday aunt

     In our family tree you will
Always be the best leaf for me
For I cannot imagine
My life without your company
Even when seasons change often
And strong winds blow over the tree
I know that as my aunt
You will always hold on to me
Happy birthday

     I look up to you
In every way
I try to be like you
Every single day
I ape the best
Of your personality
I do everything to get
A bit of you in me
This is how much
To me you are special
Happy birthday aunt
You are my idol

       You are my agony aunt
In the true sense
I can call you any time
To discuss anything intense
Even if I feel like
Laughing for no reason
The person I would call
Dear aunt, you are the one
Happy birthday

     An aunt like you
To a niece like me
You make my life
Carefree and bubbly
Although there is a large
Age gap between us
We get along like besties
Without any fuss
We aren’t just like
Any other aunt and niece
Of my life’s puzzle
You are a precious piece
Happy birthday

     Your birthday should be made
Aunt’s Day officially
For you, are the best aunt
That can ever be
I am going to give
Sweet treats to many people
As a tribute from me
To an aunt so lovable
Happy birthday

    If I had an elder sis
She would be just like you
If I did something wrong
She would scold me black and blue
If I tried to use her stuff
She would try to drive me away
But if I would go to her with a problem
She would help me any day
She would share her bedroom with me
And I would share my life with her
I wish you weren’t my aunt
But my adorable elder sister
Happy birthday

     My friends become
Full of envy
Whenever they know
That you are with me
Everyone knows that you are
My heart’s precious piece
And that I have always been
Your most favorite niece
Happy birthday aunt

     To my dearest aunt…
Family gatherings
Would be so boring
If not for you
I would be yawning
Family portraits
Would look so empty
Without your presence
Pictures would be dreary
If not for our memories
There would be no nostalgia
Life would be colorless
In monotone sepia
Happy birthday

     You are an aunt
Beyond compare
In front of you I can
Lay my heart bare
You know me inside out
You are my confidante
That’s why I always claim
To have the world’s best aunt
Happy birthday

     Sincerely making
A birthday wish for you
Is none other than
Your dearest nephew
Hoping for the best
To happen to you
Wishing you get
Success which is due
Happy birthday

      Maybe when I become
An aunt like you one day
I will realize why
You always behaved this way
Why you have always
Showered so much love on me
And also why you have
Treated me so affectionately
Until then I want you to
Set the perfect example
So please continue making
My life so special
Happy birthday

      My aunt is my favorite
For she always brings me
Sweet treats and games
That makes me happy
I don’t how she always
Manages to figure
What is the thing
That I always desire
Happy birthday

     The one place where
I always go
When there is something
That I don’t know
That is none other
Than my aunt’ place
Where I’m always welcomed
With her smiling face
Happy birthday aunt

       Calling you aunt
Is just a formality
For I think of you
As my bestie
I can chat with you
Late into the night
Until I figure out
What is wrong and right
We have ties of blood
Not just because we’re family
But because we are friends
Who love each other dearly
Happy birthday

     To my dear aunt…
Mom likes you because
You are the best
Dad likes you because
You are better than the rest
All the cousins like you because
You are the life of the family
But I like admire you because
You bring out the best in me
Happy birthday

     As sweet as a macaroon
In my life, you are a boon
As tangy as candy
You always make me happy
Just like a really good meal
Everyone’s hearts, you steal
The taste of your care, I will savor
Not just now but forever
Happy birthday aunt

     My best memories are the ones
Of all the time that I have spent
With you and the family
Full of crazy fun and enjoyment
The best moments of my life
Have been the ones with your presence
If not for you, life’s memoir
Would lack joy and exuberance
Happy birthday

     You should visit us more often
Meeting so rarely is just not done
Although you are so busy
I wish you’d take more time out for me
But since you are far away
I wish you a happy birthday
Through this sweet greeting card
May you spend the day partying hard
Happy birthday

     I could have used Facebook
To send you a ping
I could have downloaded
A birthday card from Bing
I could have used Google
To look for birthday wishes
But you deserve nothing less
Than lots of hugs and kisses
Happy birthday aunt

20 December 2015

Breakup Messages for Boyfriend

Break Up
Our relationship was not a mistake but it is definitely something I would not want to do again. We are so different that being in love causes us both so much pain. 

It’s not that I don’t deserve someone’s love. 
It’s just that you don’t deserve mine.

I never wanted to breakup with you but fate had something else in store. All the jealousy and possessiveness has made our connection sore. 
I don’t harbor bad feelings for you in my heart, but I think it’s time for a new start.

Breaking up with you is the only thing in my life that sounds terribly wrong but feels soulfully right. 

Before you ask me why I want to break up with you, ask your heart why it did not love me like how it was supposed to.

Our relationship was my whole world, while yours was outside it. 

It has been quite a while since you knew, that I want to break up with you. 
Today is the fateful day when I am firm on my decision, I hope we can part without any complications.

Heartbreak is something that I never wanted to give to you. 
My decision to dump you is going to hurt me too. But I don’t expect you to understand any of this, you concern for our relationship has always been remiss.

I never imagined that the guy of my dreams would give me nightmares too. 
The way you have changed, is why I am breaking up with you.

The coldest of hugs and soulless kisses, shallow lies and a barrage of false promises. 
Total disrespect and an obvious lack of care, absence of love and virtually nothing to share. You have left me with no option but to, hold back my tears and break up with you.

As my boyfriend you had the right to ask me to be yours, which I was. 
As your girlfriend I had the right to ask you to be mine, which you didn’t. 
I don’t think there’s anything else left to say, it’s best if we just walk our separate ways.

I am breaking up with you because I am sick of being a second priority to the person, who has always been my priority number one.

I walked away because you were busy finding faults in me, while I was busy overlooking yours.

I want to break up with you. 
It’s not that I have begun to hate you but it’s because my heart has stopped loving you.
Every moment we have spent together will be a memory that I will hold close to my heart. 
But now is the time to move on and make a new start. 
We are breaking up but I don’t regret being girlfriend and boyfriend. 
We have always understood each other and I hope our friendship never ends

Our breakup will hurt me as much as it hurts you, but it is something that we must do. 
Our fights and arguments have ripped our love to shreds, there’s no point in trying to revive something that is already dead.

I am the same girl who gave you my heart to love it. Instead you chose to corrode it with malice, bit by bit. 

Breaking up with you is not my choice but I don’t have any other option  just like how loving me was a choice but you did it as if you had no other option.

There was a time when I loved you like crazy, and that will never change  unlike YOU. 

Now I realize that you didn’t change. It’s just that you pretended to be someone else in the beginning. 

You will never be the guy my heart sees and I will never be the girl you want me to be. Goodbye.

You treated our relationship like a Facebook status update that you could conveniently change every day. 
I am sorry but I refuse to be treated this way. Goodbye.

My love may be unconditional but there was an unspoken condition when I gave you my heart it’s yours only as long as you love it. 

Breaking up will hurt me more than it will hurt you  just like how being together gave me more joy than it did to you.

I never thought that my feelings for you would change but then again, I never thought that you would change either. 

I am breaking up with you. 
Our relationship will die but our love will live on.

We both knew what it was going to take to make our relationship work. 
The only difference is that I look forward to   doing those things while you looked away. 

EVERYTHING is the only thing I regret about being with you. 

Our breakup will hurt me a lot but I’d rather mend a broken heart than suffocate in a toxic relationship. 

I will never deny that I loved you. 
But someone has rightly said that with time, things change… and so did you. 

I am breaking up with you… maybe I’ll regret this, maybe I won’t. 
But it doesn’t matter, because I know you won’t.

As painful as it is, tolerating heartbreak is still better than tolerating your lies. 

I knew I fell in love with you on the day when my heart became yours and refused to be mine. Today it’s time to walk away because your heart refuses to be mine.

You insulted my commitment with betrayal and marred my love with lies. 
You were indifferent to my pleas and apathetic to my heart’s cries. 
Since you don’t have a spine, let me say this to you  there is no way out now, breaking up is all that is left to do.

What really hurts, isn’t how you make me feel like a loser today, but the memories of how you made me feel special before.

Our relationship was always about give and take… until you stopped giving but never stopped taking. 

A breakup is not something I had on my mind but I still want it  just like how love was not on yours but you still pretended to.

The time has come to say goodbye, even though it will make me cry. I never thought that it would come to this, but this is our last kiss.

It’s not that I don’t care about your feelings, but things haven’t remained the same. 
 For the way we have drifted apart, we both are to blame. 
How much longer all this can go on, I have my doubts. 
Breaking up and going our separate ways, is the only way out.

I never meant to break your heart but you never bothered to understand mine. 