02 January 2016

Good Luck Messages-SMS for First Job

    The best part of your first job will be your innocent ignorance of the fact that your seemingly simple ideas have the power to change a company’s future. Good luck.

    A word of advice as you start your first job – a job is only as good as the person doing it. Good luck.

    May you be your boss’ pet, colleague’s best mate and the life of after work parties. Good luck for your first job.

    The only difference between a new recruit and an intern is that one is paid to get bullied and the other is not. Good luck for you very first job.

    First job advice – never underestimate the value of a helpful colleague and never overestimate the value of an arrogant boss. A helpful colleague will Stand By Your Side when things go wrong while an arrogant boss will simply Brush You To The Side. Good luck.

    Your company is lucky to have you as their new hire, for you are the kind of employee that every organization would desire. Good luck.

     No matter where you go, no matter what you become, the experience of your first job will be a memory so beautiful and awesome. Good luck.

      May your first job show you a glimpse of the outstanding career path you are about to carve for yourself. Good luck.

     First jobs are like first girlfriends and boyfriends – you can hate them but never forget them. Good luck.

     Right now, your first job will seem like your life’s biggest challenge. But decades down the line, it will become one of your life’s most innocent and precious memories. Good luck.

    Coffee runs, photocopying and filing paperwork – these are some of the unofficial tasks of your job description as a new recruit. Good luck and have fun.

       The hardest worker is not necessarily the smartest one. The smartest worker is not necessarily the hardest one. So play it safe by working hard and working smart at the same time. Good luck for your first job.

     Only star students like you get picked straight from college classrooms into company boardrooms. Good luck.

     The first advice I will give you for your first job is to inculcate the discipline to be the first one to reach office every day. Success will follow. Good luck.

     The joy of your first promotion or the joy of switching to a better job – none of these will match up to the priceless joy of earning your first paycheck. Good luck and congratulations for your first job.

      First job, first cubicle, first colleague, first team, first boss, first monthly review, first performance appraisal, first promotion… phew, you have so many firsts to look forward to. Good luck.

     A first job is a level playing field in everyone’s life. It is in your hands to make the most of it. Good luck.

     Anyone can get good academic records and recommendations from professors. But not everyone can get your smartness and confidence. Good luck in your first job.

     Don’t be afraid to take decisions and never be afraid to fail – this should be your motto as you start your first job… because you really have nothing to lose. Good luck.

     Your first job will be like your first love – adventurous and magical yet sometimes frustrating, but priceless in hindsight. Good luck.

      Give your unique skills and talents the freedom to bloom uninterruptedly so that you can add value to your company’s performance organically. Good luck for your first job.

       I know that you are prepared to be a part of an amazing company. I wonder if your company is prepared to handle an amazing employee like you. Good luck for your first job.

      Your first job is the first rung of the ladder which will lead you to success in your professional life. Good luck for taking the first step.

     Let your enthusiasm negate and overpower any kind of pessimism that you may face in your first job. Good luck.

     Your biggest asset is not your college degree, it is your enthusiasm. Use it in abundance. Good luck.

     Every party that you missed and every holiday that you did not take with your friends for studying hard in college has finally paid off. Good luck for your first big role.

     You banked on your degrees to get your foot in the door. Now it is all up to you. Good luck.

     Bagging your first job is just one of the many accomplishments you are about to achieve in your professional life. I hope you will soon start bagging promotions, better perks and higher pay. Good luck.

     Always remember that your employers haven’t done you a favor by giving you this job. You are so good that they had no other option. Good luck for your first job.

       Life’s real test was not the one that got you a degree, but the one that will begin with your first job. Congratulations and good luck.

     Your inexperience is not a liability, it is dead stock waiting to be converted into a revenue generating asset. Good luck for your first job.

     The only thing you need to remember before starting your first job is that success is relative – you will get it only as much as you want it. Good luck.

      Your first job is the starting line of the marathon of your career. Make a good start but don’t hurry, else you will run out of steam before the finish. Good luck.

      All your life you have learnt what your teachers wanted to teach you. Your first job is your chance to learn the skills that you want to. Good luck.

     Sales figures will skyrocket and losses will plummet, now that your company has access to your amazing intellect. Good luck.

     Your first job doesn’t just mark the beginnings of your professional life, but new innings of your personal life too. Good luck.

     May your first job be awesome and may it set the tone for the rest of your career. Good luck.

     Although you are fresh out of college, you also have well rounded knowledge which I hope your new boss will acknowledge. Good luck with your first job.

     Now that you got your first job, you will finally be able to put up something meaningful on your LinkedIn profile. Good luck.

       All the mistakes you have made in your life so far are now a thing of the past. Your first job is a new beginning and a fresh start. It is your opportunity to put your life in the direction that you want to… make the most of it. Good luck.

Inspirational Messages-SMS for Teachers

    A good teacher is a doctor who heals ignorance and an artist who inspires creativity.

    Ordinary teachers tell students what life is all about. Extraordinary teachers like you let students discover life on their own while watching over their backs.

    Teachers – the link between knowledge and education.

    The most wonderful part of being a teacher is to think that many years down the line, there will be someone, somewhere out there, thinking about how lucky they were to be taught by a teacher as wonderful as yourself.

    Bad teachers teach to pay their bills. Good teachers teach because they are passionate about teaching. Great teachers like you, teach to make the world a better place.

    Behind every successful man and woman, there is an unsung hero – a teacher who silently enjoys tears of happiness when she sees her students succeed.

     There is nothing more inspirational that a teacher dreaming about being able to give flight to a child’s dreams.

     Only the teachers who are truly passionate about teaching can make students truly passionate about learning.

    Your job titles may be TEACHER but in reality you all are the ARCHITECT who is shaping humanity’s future.

       A good teacher is one who has the knowledge of a scientist and the personality of a politician.

     Teachers – the silent warriors who make the world a better place, one child at a time.

     Don’t let the brats ruin your day. Think about how the good students will one day look back at their lives and be thankful for having such an awesome teacher like you.

     Do you know why picking a gift for Teacher’s Day is the most difficult thing to do? Because it is hard to find a gift that comes anywhere close to the value of that a teacher adds in a child’s life. You are the priceless piece of the jigsaw puzzle of a child’s journey from being a curious kid to a responsible adult.

     Teachers do what books can’t and what parents don’t.

       A teacher is the gardener who sows the seeds of imagination today which will reap into the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

     The journey of every doctor, engineer, scientist, astronaut, programmer, architect, accountant, analyst and all other professions begins under the watchful eyes of the most important one of all – Teacher.

     The desire to be a good parent is organic. But the desire to be a good teacher is true sacrifice – it is the undying passion of trying to change the world one life at a time.

     The best part of being a teacher is that when your students grow up they will forget everything you taught them, but they will never forget YOU.
      There isn’t a single good thing about being a bad teacher, just like how there isn’t a single bad thing about being a good one.

     The difference between books and teachers is that books can teach a child the meaning of creativity but can’t do what teachers can – teach a child how to be creative.

     Teachers are torch bearers for mankind, carrying the light of knowledge and passing it from generation to generation.

      There is no need to read life stories of successful entrepreneurs to feel inspired. Just look at the life of a teacher whose life revolves around giving others a better one.

      Bad teachers are the biggest enemies of mankind while good teachers are the biggest allies. So much so, each and every teacher has to power to inspire the next Steve Jobs.

     The most intriguing part of being a teacher is that you never know how you will eventually shape the lives of your students. For every student, you are shaping not only their lives, but the lives of their husbands, wives, children, grandchildren and every single person they interact with in the future. Just imagine, you have the power to affect so many lives.

      Teachers are the people who dedicate their entire lives in for just one cause – helping others build their own.

     Students will forget what the books taught but they will never forget what the teacher said.

     A world without teachers is a world that doesn’t exist.

     Even Superman is not as powerful as a good teacher. Superman has the power to fly but teachers have something so much greater – the power to make someone else’s dreams fly.

     A high school teacher – the most hated personality in the school corridors, but the most adored one in minds of the same students when they grow up.

       Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Hillary Clinton come from different walks of life but they all have one thing in common – teachers who inspired them to be the visionaries that they are today.

     Teaching is not a service, profession or a job – it is a pillar of the society.

     Of all human beings, teachers are immortals because their words stay in the minds of their students for the rest of their adult lives.

     Even the best teachers never get the respect that they truly deserve. But they seek solace in knowing that even the best students never learn to give their teachers respect until it is too late.

     Being a teacher is such a selfless profession. Teachers spend their lives teaching children how to eventually live lives without their guidance.

     You have the chance to become that favorite teacher who someone will fondly remember decades down the line.

Motivational Messages-SMS for Runners

    Ordinary people know their limits. Marathoners know how to push them.

     The blisters in your legs will be temporary but the glory of being a marathon runner is permanent.

     Just before the last few miles, you will feel like dying from the pain. But just after the finish line, you will feel like you’ve been born again. Good luck.

     A marathon is less a test of your physical strength and more a test of your will power.

    Everyone can run a few miles, only winners can run a marathon.

    Marathon imitates life – never give up. Good luck.

    You can train and prepare for a marathon all you want but when you hit the wall, it’s all mind over matter.

    Marathon is a sport where you… don’t worry about your opponents, worry about the distance. Don’t worry about speed, worry about endurance.

     The trick to running a marathon successfully is the convert the Fear of stopping halfway into the Hope of going all the way.

     A        m race is all about how fast you can spend energy. A marathon is all about how well you can save it until you need it the most. Good luck.

     For a marathon, you can plan and strategize all you want but when your legs give away with a mile left to the finish line, there is just one thing you need to remember – RUN AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.

    The challenge of a marathon is such, that even the most successful people in the world start running marathons when they find life less challenging.

           m races make superstars, marathons make legends.

       Think about each and every time someone has called you a loser. Now channel all that frustration, bottle it up and unleash it at mile      to push yourself all the way to the finish line.

     Running a marathon is not an event, it is a way of life.

     No matter how hard you train, if you don’t believe that you can finish, you never will. Train hard, believe harder.

      Running marathons is not something you train for temporarily. It is a lifestyle and a school of thought.

      A marathon is not about winning, it is about completing. A marathon is not about rapid gains, it is about ability to endure pain. A marathon is not about the thrill, it is about stamina and skill.

     Just remember – if you think that you are running slower than you should, then you are running at the right pace. Good luck.

     Running a marathon? Don’t let adrenalin get the better of you at the starting line. You’ll need heaps of it later. Good luck.

     A marathon isn’t a test of excellence, it is a test of endurance.

       Training for a marathon can be your worst nightmare. But if you pull through, the rewards will be your sweetest dream come true.

     Marathons are not about testing your limits. They are about finding out how far you can push them.

     The later stages of a marathon are an ugly fight between your mind and your body. Your mind will keep telling the body to run, while the body will start to give up. They will keep fighting until neither have the energy to fight any longer. This is when your heart must step in and convince both your mind and your body to keep going. That’s exactly why, marathon runners have strong bodies, stronger minds and the strongest of hearts.

     Don’t believe in rebirth? You will, after your marathon. You will feel reborn the minute you cross that elusive finish line.

     Forget the miles, just remember the glory. Good luck.

      Train hard, run like there’s no tomorrow – success awaits you at the finish line.

      Run a marathon, you will unlock the true meanings of FOCUS and ENDURANCE.

     Running a marathon successfully is    . % Training,    . % Diet and   % Determination. Go for it.

       Complete that marathon – it will be the ultimate revenge against everyone who said you couldn’t do it.

     A marathon is an event where everyone is equal and ordinary at the starting line and a legend is born at the finish line.

     Marathon is the secret acronym for Motivation Ambition Redemption Aspiration Tactful Heroic Optimism and Never-give-up.

      Marathon is a funny race. You will feel Strong at the starting line. You will feel Weak at mile   . You will feel Pathetic at mile     . You will feel Dead at mile   . But at mile   . , you’ll feel the Strongest.

     Run a marathon as if your entire life depends on it – and you will never stop before the finish line. Good luck.

      If you learn how to really enjoy a marathon, you will never stop halfway.

       The essence of an ordinary race revolves around finding out How Fast Can You Run. But the essence of a marathon lies in realizing How Much Can You Endure.

     Men run        m races, beasts run marathon… bring out the beast within. Good luck.

     Forget all the advice that anyone has ever given you. Just remember one thing – you can do it.

     Nobody became great overnight. Different people have different ways to get there but one thing that they all have in common is that they START.

     A marathon will help you discover the strengths you never knew you had. Go for it.