04 December 2015

Jumma Mubarek Messages (2)

Many problems will be resolved quickly and smoothly when you take them to ALLAH in prayer, Jumma Mubarak

Many problems will be resolved quickly and smoothly when you take them to ALLAH in prayer, not to social networks or friends. Jumma Mubarak

Prayer is an amazing exchange. We hand over our worries to God; And He hands over peace to us! Jumma Mubarak

Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, but laying hold of his willingness. Jumma Mubarak

Pray as if everything depends on God and work as everything depends on you! Jumma Mubarak

O ALLAH! Distance us from our mistakes as You have distanced the East from the West..(Ameen) Jumma mubarak..!!

May Allah Shower His Countless Blessings On You and Your Family on This Holy Day. . Jummah Mubarak.

None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself Jumma Mubarak

O Allah you are the greatest forgiver, you forgive everyone and you love to forgive the people Jumma Mubarak

O Allah, let me not fall into an error, nor let me be called to account on unawares, nor let me fall into neglect. Jumma Mubarak

O my Allah our sins are so many but your mercy is unlimited please forgive us  Jumma Mubarak

Oh Lord ! Thank you for today, yesterday and tomorrow; My family, my joys and my sorrows; For all that made me stronger. Jumma Mubarak

On the special day of FRIDAY I wish you good fate I wish you Inner peace I wish you Contentment I wish you Love  JUMMA MUBARAK

Our Lord! You Truly Know All That We Hide (in our heart) As Well As All That We Bring Into Open, For Nothing Whatever, Be It on Earth or in Heaven, Remain Hidden From Allah! Jumma Mubarak!

Oh Lord! Please bless our week. Give us strength to perform even the most difficult of tasks! Jumma Mubarak

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is “ALLAH”. Jumma Mubarak!!

Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart. JUMMA MUBARAK

Our mothers were our doors to the dunya. And they are also our doors to Jannah. Jumma Mubarak

Pay attention to Allah and He will pay attention to you. Jumma Mubarak

People are paying no attention to the best act of worship – Humility Jumma Mubarak

The fact that you were able to make Dua is already a sign of mercy from Allah to you. Don’t waste this opportunity in Ramadan Remember me in your prayers please Ramadan ka 3rd jumma mubarak ho.

The Best Day On Which The Sun Has Risen Is Friday. Allah Created Aadam On It, Made To Enter Into Paradise, And Was Expelled To It. And The Last Day Will Take Place None Other Than On Friday. Jumma Mubarak.

Struggle and strive in the Dunya for the sake of Allah so that you can rest in the Akhirah Insha’Allah. Jumma Mubarak.. Remember me in your prayers..!!

Soney ki chnd sunatein: 1. wuzu karke sona, 2. bistar jhad ke sona, 3. dahni karwat par sona, 4. sonai ki dua padhkar sona(ALLAHUMA-BISMIKA-AMUTU-WA-AHYA) Jumma Mubarak

Sometimes unanswered prayers are the best. You never know what God has in store for you. Keep praying, you never know where God will lead you!

The Biggest Suspense Of Life Is… You Know For Whom You Are Praying But….. You Never Know The Person Who Is Praying For You. Jumma Mubarak

Remember, what God removed from your life was not to hurt you but to protect you! Jumma Mubarak

Remember.. everything a servant.. of Allah endures.. every loss he experiences.. Allah always has a .. reward for him…!! :) %%%%%HApPY FRidaY%%% Jumma Mubarak

Put God first and you will never be last! Jumma Mubarak

Prayers & seeds are similar in nature. Both having nothing within, but have the potential of creating everything..!! So remember me in ur prayers Jumma Mubarak

Remember, everything a servant of Allah endures, every loss he experiences, Allah always has a reward for him. Jumma Mubarak

Prayer isn't to remind God what your problems are; But prayer is to remind your problems who God I! Jumma Mubarak

Prayer is the best antivirus in the world It protects the windows of our life from fatal viruses of sorrow, gloom, sins and hopelessness. So update your antivirus daily for a blissful living! Jumma Mubarak

Sometimes a prayer doesn't change the situation but it changes our attitude towards the situation and give us hope which changes our entire life! Jumma Mubarak

People can give great advice, but only Allah gives perfect guidance.

Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays. Jumma Mubarak

Prayer Doesn’t Change GOD … But It Changes Him Who Prays …  Jumma Mubarak

She goes out, comments form men flatters her.

Today is FridayThe Day Of Acceptance Of DuaI pray for you & your family a goodhealth,long life,brilliant success, Barkat-e-Kaseerin your Jan-o-Mal, Izzat-o-Iqbal,Emaan, Rizq,andall joys of life which you have ever wished. Aameen

Today is Friday . . . the day of acceptance of Dua! I pray to ALLAH for u nd ur family a good health, long life, brilliant success, Barkat-e-Kaseer in ur Jan-o-Mal, Izzat, Eeman, Sehat, Rizq, Elm and Umr and all joys of life which u have ever wished. *AAMEEN* Jumma mubarak.

THINK When Islam advises women to cover themselves & be simple, Its not without a reason. Islam doesn't limit the Freedom of Women But to make them more Independent. Follow Islam Jumma Mubarak

Thinking of YOU and praying that the Lord keeps you in His loving care at all times! Have a blessed Good Friday!

They stare at her develop dirty thoughts & Some would want to act upon their thoughts & some do. She didn't want that Or did she?

Sometimes unanswered prayers are the best. You never know what God has in store for you. Keep praying, you never know where God will lead you! Jumma Mubarak

The best Day of week is Jumma Jumma Mubarak

Trusting God won't make the mountain smaller but it will make climbing easier! Jumma Mubarak

To speak to Allah, no breath is lost. To walk with Allah, no strength is lost. To wait for Allah, no time is lost. So trust in Allah and you will never be lost..!! Jumma Mubarak

Truth is bitter, but its result is sweet; falsehood appears to be sweet but it is poisonous in its effect. Jumma Mubarak

The Most Sacred Day With Countless Blessings & Mercies of ALLAH. May This Jummah Lighten Your Life With Teachings Of Islam & Protect You From Calamity Have a Blessed Friday JUMA MUBARAK

The fruit of silence is PRAYER. The fruit of prayer is FAITH. The fruit of faith is LOVE. The fruit of love is SERVICE. The fruit of service is PEACE. Jumma Mubarak

The first ever cordless phone was created by God. He named it prayer. It never loses its signal and you never have to recharge it. Use it anywhere! Jumma Mubarak

The fruit of silence is prayer; The fruit of prayer is fait;, The fruit of faith is love; The fruit of love is service; The fruit of service is peace! Jumma Mubarak

The love of Allah is the power of the heart, the sustenance of the heart, the light of the heat.. Jumma Mubarak hoo dosto..!!

The path to Jannah is never going to be easy. Good things are worth striving for. Jumma Mubarak

The Shortest Distance Between a Problem and it's Solution is the Distance between your Knees and the Floor. The one who Kneels to Allah (Ta'Ala) can Stand Up to Anything. Jumma Mubarak

When you feel alone and have no one to talk to, connect with Allah. That line is never busy and there’s always an answer that soothes the heart. Jumma Mubarak

When we praise Allaah, it should not merely be a statement on our tongues. It should come from our hearts and be apparent in our actions. Jumma Mubarak
When earthly help is no avail, there is one friend who will never fail. Just lift ur eyes, the answer is there. For nobody knows the power of prayer. Have a worry free day. Jumma Mubarak

When All Things Went Dark, And You Search For A Light To See Things Clearly, Then Hidaya Is The Light Waiting For You. Don’t Wait For It But Start You Search For It From Now. Have A Fruitful Jumma.

When God gives us 'NO' for an answer Keep in mind that there is a much greater 'YES' behind it.  His 'NO' is not a 'REJECTION', But a 'REDIRECTION' :-) Jumma Mubarak

When my arms can’t reach people close to my heart I always hug them with my prayers,may God grant you what ur heart desires and keep you happy always. Bundles of PRAYERS for you.. Jumma Mubarak

We often don’t realize how much our parents sacrifice to give us everything we need. Allah protect and bless our parents’ immensely ‘Aameen. Jumma Mubarak

We are not human beings going through a temporary spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings going through a temporary human experience! Jumma Mubarak

We want to be forgiven by God for the countless wrongs we do every day, and yet we are unwilling to forgive others for any wrong done to us. Jumma Mubarak

We Always feel that ALLAH’s Blessings Never come on time. But the Truth is… They are Always on time… but we are Always in Hurry… Jumma Mubarak!!

Ur Heart Beats 72 Times A Minute Every Time It Beats It Does So with The Permission Of Its Creator Don’t Forget To Thank Him 4 that Jumma Mubarak.

The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it. JUMMA MUBARAK

The Strength Of Eemaaan Stay In Ur Heart Nd May Allah Shower His Countless Blessings On U Nd Ur Family On This Holy Day Jumma Mubarak

The world has been created for you and you have been created for the Aakhira Jummab Mubarak

True poverty, is poverty of character, it is far worse, and far more dangerous than poverty of wealth.

When a husband and wife look at each other with love, ALLAH Look at them with mercy Jummah Mubarak

When prayers go up.. blessings come down…!!! Jumma Mubarak!! Remember me in your prayers!

Ya ALLAH Our Sins Are So Many But Your Mercy Is Limitless Plz Forgive Us You Are The Greatest Forgiver You Love To Forgive Plz Forgive me, my Parents, my Family And The Whole Muslim Ummah Past & Present Aamin – SumAmeen Jumma-tul-Alwida Mubarak

Ya ALLAH Our Sins Are So Many But Your Mercy Is Limitless Plz Forgive Us You Are The Greatest Forgiver You Love To Forgive Plz Forgive me, my Parents, my Family And The Whole Muslim Ummah Past & Present Aamin – SumAmeen Jumma-Mubarak

Whoever Reads Surah-Al Kahf On Jumma, Allah Promises He Would Have Light In His Life That Shines From One Friday To Next. I Wish You Too Have The Same With Blessings Through Out The Week. Jumma Mubarak.

Whoever Reads Surah AL -KAHF on The Day of JUMMAh, will have a Light that will Shine from Him from one Friday to the Next.

Whenever U Have A Burden 0n U Nd If The R0ad Is Uphill Then D0nt Despair Cause The View Fr0m The T0p Is Reathtaking Nd Allah Is Always With U always f0ll0w ur heart Jumma Mubarak.

Whenever you are in a condition to help someone just do it and be glad because God is answering someone's prayers through you. Jumma Mubarak

When your problems are big and your strength is no longer enough to sustain you till the end, do not give up; because where your strength ends, the grace of God begins! Jumma Mubarak

When you really want the hereafter (akhirah) more than the dunya, you will forgive those who wronged you, and those who made you angry.

Whenever you are in a condition to help someone just do it and be glad because God is answering someone's prayers through you. JUMMA MUBARAK

Ya Allah I ask You by Your Beautiful Names and the secret of Your Divine Power to answer my Dua on behalf of my brothers/sisters who seek your help. Ameen. Jumma Mubarak

Why worry when you can pray? And your lord says,  “Call upon me, I will respond to you”. Jumma Mubarak

When problems knocks on the door, answer with prayer and patience! Jumma Mubarak

When you decide to trust Allah, you will reduce a lot of stress in your life Jumma Mubarak

When you focus on Allah’s promises instead of the problems, you’ll notice your thoughts will be healthier and filled with peace. Jumma Mubarak

When you pray for others, Allah listens to you and blesses them… When you are happy & feel blessed,,, Remember someone has prayed for you… Jumma Mubarak

Whenever you are in a position to help someone, just do it and be glad. Because God is answering someone's prayers through you!

While being spiritual, we know for whom we are praying; But we never know the person who is praying for us! Jumma Mubarak

Whoever gives reverence, receives reverence. Jumma Mubarak
Worries end when “SALAH” begins. Jumma Mubarak to all..!!

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. Jumma Mubarak

You receives the Glory:  When the silence start to listen. When the hidden starts to see. When the unknown attachment start to get attached. Jumma Mubarak

Your heart beats 72 times a minute. Every time it beats, It does so with the permission of its Creator. Don’t forget to thank him for that…!! Jumma Mubarak..!!

Your sins are not hidden from Allah, but He is ready to forgive and start over. Turn back to Allah. Jumma Malik

Your worship is not a gift from you to Allah, it is a gift from Allah to you. Jumma Mubarak

Miscellaneous Messages,

If you feel emotional about your trading, you are doing it wrong.

Don't hate. Hate is a burden too heavy to move.

The separation covers missing and waiting.

There are things you thought you'd forgotten.
Suddenly comes to your mind..
Sometimes rain, sometimes the silence of the night..
Sometimes a tiny smile.

You know the value of what is beside. Like if you like it's the last time "I love you" say.

I can't tell you to live in the bosom of a heavy cavity.

A friend just does not flatter. Friends should say their real thoughts honestly .

Should not be remembered for things that are not able to come back.

Sometimes someone's departure, for arrival is more useful.

Ungrateful people knows the price of everything, but that people who don't know the value of nothing.

Never give up. Great things take time.

Once you have true feelings for someone, it will always be there. You may not like them anymore, but you still care.

True Lines,
Some People Are So Lucky because Even After Hurting, They Get So Much Love.
But, Some Are So Unlucky because Even After Giving So Much Love, They Always Get Hurt.

People aren’t as beautiful as they look, as they walk or as they talk.
They are only as beautiful as they love, as the care and as they share

I May Not Be The Most Important Person In Your Life But I Just Hope That One Day When You Hear My Name You Would Just Smile &
Say " I Miss This Person 

Once you fall in love, there’s no going back to being just friends.

A True Girl Should Care For Her Boy Like Her Child...
A True Boy Should Respect His Girl Like His Mom...
No Boy Would Hurt His Mom
And No Girl Would Love Someone
More Than Her Child  if yOu Love someone.