09 November 2015

Sorry Messages

– “Before you make a decision, I want you to know I am sorry for what I did to you, I will never do it again and I will do what it takes for you to forgive me.”
– “I appreciate you so much it is hard for me to be upset with you. I know I should forgive you, but I must ponder it first.”
– “I feel all my mistakes are like a terminal disease which only your forgiveness could cure.”
– “I know I am responsible for your feeling sad now. I only ask you for a chance to prove you are everything to me. Forgive me.”
– “I know I failed you today and what I did is unspeakable, but I also know that you will understand and forgive me.”
– “I know your regret is sincere, as is your love for me. Give me some time, because I do not know if I will forgive you.”
– “I never meant to hurt you, because you are important in my life. I ask you to forgive me for the things I did and I promise I will not do them again.”
– “I realize my mistakes have driven you apart. I know you might not believe what I say anymore. And even if you decided to be apart forever, I would still want you to forgive me.”
– “I still cannot get over the mistake I made. I ask all those who trusted me to forgive me, and I promise I will not fail them again.”
– “It will be many days before I forget how you treated me. I ask you not to speak to me. Give me some time to consider it and I might forgive you.”
– “Life is full with obstacles. We can fail people who love us the most. Show our nobility by apologizing for our mistakes.”
– “Only your forgiveness can soothe my pain for failing you.”
– “Promises go with the wind. If you really want me to forgive you, prove it with actions.”
– “Remember when you made a mistake and I forgave you. I did so because I appreciate you. I have failed you now, I ask you to understand and forgive me too.”
– “The way I behaved was not right. I probably do not deserve being with you. I just want you to forgive me and so I will be in peace.”
– “Your forgiveness depends on you only. Remember we all make mistakes and nobody is perfect, except God.”
 The heart that knows how to bow down and say SORRY is the heart that loves the most
"I'm sorry" & "Trust me" Are the 2 most overly used Phrases. Don't tell me you're sorry, Show me you are ! ! Don't tell me to trust you Show me that i can !!
"Never apologize for how you feel, Thats like saying sorry for being real!"
Apologizing doesn’t mean that you are wrong and the other is right. It only means that you value the relationship much more than your ego
As I feel the tear go down my cheek, I notice that my heart is weak, For the love I have for you, Will always be gold and true, I have made some mistakes, they rest in the past, But know my love will always last, Even though we are a distance apart, You always have the key to my heart.
'Forgiveness' When it's not given in the rite time or When it is not asked in the rite time, You will miss something PRECIOUS in your life...
I am sorry to be smiling every time youre near. I am sorry my eyes twinkle whenever youre here. I am sorry that cupid has made his hit. I am sorry i love you, I cant help it.
I Don't Know How To Make Things Better Between Us I Can Start By Saying I'm Sorry I Really Am:(
I Know How Angry You Are ... & What You Must Be Going Through So I Hope , You Know How Sorry I Am For All That Happens Between Us ... Please Forgive Me
Making The First Move To Patch Up Things, Shouldn't Always Come From The One Who Made The Mistake But It Should Come From The One Who Understands ... !!
Refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison; and waiting for the other person to die. I am Sorry!
Refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison; and waiting for the other person to die. I am Sorry!
Saying sorry and accepting your mistakes means you are growing up.
Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thin on earth... But its the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called Relationship..!!!
Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth but it is the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called relationship!
SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY Dont get confused ,Aray Baba SORRY means: S->Some, O->One Is, R->Really, R->Remembering Y->You.. Have A wonderful day.
Tears are words the heart can’t express. I am sorry!
We love ourself even after making so many mistakes. Then how can we hate others 4 their small mistakes? Strange but true! So make habit of FORGIVING.
What I Did Was Foolish & Impulsive If I Cud Take It All Back I'd Do This So Instant I Truly Didn't Mean To Hurt You In Any Way I'm Sorry For Hurting You

Words Will Not Be Able To Ever Express How Sorry I Am For This, And I Have Profound Regret And Sorrow For The Multitude Of Mistakes And Harm I Have Caused.

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