Showing posts with label True Friendship Messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label True Friendship Messages. Show all posts

14 December 2015

True Friendship Messages-3


A true friend is a soul living in two body.

Friendship is always a tree that gives shade.

Chance our parents, our friends, is awarded to a selection of.

Animals are best friends ; what they ask, nor do they find it wrong.

Friends are like melons. 
Why? Hundreds because you'll have to come up with one better.

The greatest poverty in the world is to remain friendless.

Go often to your friend's house because of shrubs to cover up the unused path.

Friends is the gift that people gave him.

Life is not a gift greater than friendship.

Friends, from people you don't like a person who doesn't like you.

Looking for perfect friends, pull the hand of friendship.

you just look good friends, to be accurate, to tell the truth.

just friends is a bad day indeed

Light up your friend when you're alone, praise in front of others

Friendship is more difficult than love, because it takes more time.

Friendship is like a tree than one that they came from a different branch even though they may have the same body.

Friendship is always a tree that gives shade.

There is no such thing as friendship.

Friends, if you're coming, you go to the enemy you'll know best

Tell me about your friend, I'll tell you who you are.

A friend is one who knows us and who loves us.

True friendship is like good health. They are not very aware before value is lost.

True friendship shows you the truth

True friendship is like health, but after that NO is understood.

A true friend , a soul living in two body.

Hearts of one's world apart though, friendships, love I don't care if you lie I won't forget it for the world although also my friend away

The mirror is the one you don't need a good friend :)

Brother sister is a friend is a friend is mandatory if the selected

Hidden miles and miles away, although we share the same skies our friendship as long as we're friends

Sorry to tell your friends immediately find.

When you cry, I cry, if you laugh you laugh at me, I love you, my dearest friend.

22 November 2015

True Friendship Messages-1

Mother Terasa said : “Dont expect your FRIEND to be a perfect person” But, “Help your FRIEND to become a perfect person”

That's true Friendship!

We met it was Luck! 
We talked it was CHANCE! 
We became friends it was DESTINY! 
We are still friends it is FAITH! 
We will always be friends its a PROMISE! 
On this Promise Day.

We can always lose something for some1, 
But we should not lose someone for something, 
Because life can return that something but not that someone..

Life is a touch & go Some people will be there for a while, Some will go away, but People who find you special will always find ways to stay with you!

A Little tune can make you sing, 
A Little hug can make u feel better, 
Some little things can make u happy, 
Hope My Little DISTURBANCE will make YOU SMILE

When Life Becomes Lonely, Just Call Your Friend and Shout.. . . . . . How Dare I Feel Like Dis, When You Are On Earth..!!

Friendship is not a word, 
Not merely a relationship, 
It is a silent promise which says: 
 “I was” “I am” & “I will be” A headache for you forever & ..ever..& ever..

Heart could only love for a while, 
Feet could only walk for a mile, 
Clothes wont forever be in style, 
but having u as my frnd is forever worthwhile!

“Remembrance” is the sweetest flower in the garden of friendship. 
A friend is a person who never think of the last 3 letters of the word FRIEND!!

FRENSHIP is crossed cheque of Rs. HAPPY/- 
When you feel upset n alone, Withdraw from my a/c. wen ur 2 happy, deposit in my Heart. Happy Friendship Day

Hearts r many sweet hearts r rare. 
Lovers r many true love rare. 
Ur names r many but ur 1 & only 1 4me as special frnd. 


Dictionary is the only place where 
DEATH comes before LIFE, 
SUCCESS before WORK and 
but the best part is FRIEND comes before LOVER..

Most people walk in and out of your life, but only FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart.

Friendship is like a glass handle it with care because once broken cannot be mended and even if mended…. a crack is always there

To live a life i need heartbeat, 2 have heartbeat i need a heart, 2 have heart i need happiness, to have happiness i need a friend, and 4 a friend i need U.ALWAYS

Friendship is not a game to play, It is not a word to say, It doesn’t start on March and ends on May, It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday.

A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious a friend is u.

If u r a chocolate u r the sweetest, if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable, If u are a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my ?FRIEND? u r the ?BEST?!

FRIENDSHIP is vast like UNIVERSE. Deep like OCEAN. High like SKY. Strong like IRON. Kind like MOTHER. & cute like U.

Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont you leave ur friend.I looked at moon and said does ur sky ever leave u when u dont shine.

True friends are like mornings, u cant have them the whole day, but u can be sure, they will be there when u wakeup tomorrow, next year and forever.

6 rules to be HAPPY: Free your heart from hatred; Free your mind from worries; Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have ME as UR FRIEND

Never abandon old friends. They are hard 2 replace. Friendships is like wine: it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER. Just like us… i get BETTER, u get OLDER.

GOD is so wise that he never created FRIENDS with price tags, Because….. if He did, I can’t afford a precious FRIEND like YOU!!!

Difference between Good Friend and True Friend. Good Friend comes to visit u in the hospital with flower and goes. But A True Friend sits near u and says: yaar, Nurse ekdum mast hai, aaram se theek hona.

Heart can skip beat for a while. Memories can be kept in a file A Desert can replace the Nile But nothing can stop a Smile When your NAME comes on my Mobile DEFINITELY U !

Friends R like a page in a book of life, Every page with a different subject. But best friends r d index page covering every subject. Thx 4 being index page of my life.

True friends R those, Who care without hesitation, Who remember without limitation, Who forgive without explanation & Who trust without communication.

Friends r like street lights along the road. They don’t make the distance any shorter,
But they light up the path & make the walk worthwhile.

Life is like a novel. Many chapters read and forgotten. But there is one I wont forget. It’s the chapter “I met u and we became friends”.

Fish said to water : you wont see my tears, because I am in the water. Water replied: But, I can feel your tears because you are in my heart. That’s FRIENDSHIP

“FRIENDSHIP” is a sim, which has no activation charges. Free incoming and outgoing with roaming all over the world and it’s validity “NEVER ENDs”…

A good Friend is like a computer he ENTERS in your life SAVE himself in your heart,FORMATS all your troubles and never DELETE you from his heart.

“Feeling”is a painting never spoil it “FACE”is a book try to read it “LOVE” is precious be ready to sacrifice for it “Friendship” is a mirror never”break” it.

Friendship is not collection of hearts but it is selection of hearts. All friends are not True. But true friends are very few, Which includes U……

I m not Wealthy but i have Rich Heart, I m not Best but i will try my Best, I may not be Right every time but
I m Surely not Wrong to choose U as my Friend !

Best ever quote in friendship: Some say “always remember me.” some say “never forget me.” But I will say.. “forget me if u really can..”

Years may fly, tears may dry, but my friendship with u will never die.

Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.