Showing posts with label best romantic messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best romantic messages. Show all posts

14 November 2015

Best Romantic Love Messages-1

   “The soul is a magical thing; an unexplainable part of every person’s life. The soul only really displays itself when someone it loves dearly is not in their arms.”

   “Love is just love. No matter how much you want to explain it, love will always remain a mystery until you experience it.”

   “I love life because it has brought me to you; I love you because you have shown me life.”

  “I love you for you. This I know is true. But I love you forever, this is something I feel in my heart.”

   “Maybe the world is going to hell and maybe there are a lot of things I will never understand, but the one thing I know for certain is that you have made my life worth living. I love you.”

   “Maybe dreams will come true, but for once, my dream is fulfilled in you.”

   “I always wanted to be your friend, until the moment that we were friends. As soon as we were friends, I wanted to forever be your lover.”

  “Your name is etched in my heart and soul, and will never be forgotten. You are the last remaining piece to a heart that was never quite whole until you were in it.”

   “The night is worthwhile because I dream of you. Opening my eyes in the morning is worthwhile because you’re by my side.”

   “Thinking of you is almost euphoric. The moment you cross my mind, I have a tendency to smile, laugh and feel like the world is perfect.”

  “I died the moment you left me, I was born the moment that we kissed. My life was truly lived the second we spent time together.”

   “Every morning provides me with the chance to live out my dream life – my life spent being with you.”

  “The light of your love is as bright as the blazing sun, and only the stars at night can tame your brightness.”

   “The scorching sun in the desert provides an everlasting thirst, but your love creates a lasting purpose.”

   “I wanted to tell you I loved you the moment I met you, but that would have been too soon. Now, I want you to tell me you love me the moment we’re together.”

   “I fell in love because of a smile, but I stayed in love because of your heart.”

  “I swear to you that this moment in time, this very second while we’re together, I will never forget it as long as I live.”

   “When you’re gone, I long for your embrace, your touch, that smell that makes every other scent in the world seem dull and plain.”

  “Perfecting the love we can give is far more productive than trying to find the perfect person to love.”

  “Grandma and grandpa will be just how our love story will unfold. Romeo and Juliet never got to grow old together.”

  “Every night I go to sleep hoping and wishing that dreams come true. Every night, in my dreams, I am with you.”