Showing posts with label good bye sms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good bye sms. Show all posts

10 December 2015

Goodbye Messages for Husband

Good Bye

    No one can understand how I feel as I see you go. My anxiety and the impeding fear of loneliness, no one will know. All I can say is that I’ll be lost in darkness while you’re gone. Only after you come back, will my life see a dawn. Goodbye.

    Packing bags is not the tough part. Doing it for you, is what it shattering me from within. I will miss you, goodbye.

    Be prepared to pay for extra baggage when you travel. I can’t fit into your suitcase but I can surely fit into your heart. Goodbye.

    Goodbyes are never truly meant when they’re said. A real goodbye is when silence does all the talking.

     Whoever said that nothing is impossible, probably never had to say goodbye to someone like you. Come back soon. xoxo

     I hope that the time we stay apart, is as short as the time it takes to say goodbye. Come back soon.

    The word goodbye occupies seven characters in a text, but limitless loneliness in my heart. Goodbye.

     I don’t know what is more terrifying, the thought of our kids missing their dad, me missing my husband, the home missing its foundation or the family missing its hero. I’ll miss you, goodbye.

    Distance does to love, what time does to memories. Sometimes it can make it stronger, sometimes it can make it fade away.

    Loneliness is too shallow a word to describe the feeling a wife has when she misses her husband. It’s not as simple as missing someone special. It’s as complex as a watching dawn without sunshine, sleeping at night without darkness, listening to music without sound… and living a life without meaning.

       Missing you is a problem, to which even Google does not have an answer to. Come back soon.

     Being away from you, is like being away from the meaning of my life. xoxo

     As you leave, all I want to say is that regardless of how long the distance keeps us apart, I promise… that the memories will never fade away. Goodbye.

     I will convince myself that my husband is going away for work. I will convince the kids that daddy will be back soon. But how will I convince my heart with it misses its beat? xoxo

     I think I will be down with the flu from the minute you leave to the moment you come back. The doctors will be unable to treat me because the only medicine to my illness will lie in the warmth of your hugs. Goodbye.

     Goodbyes hurt, but not as much as the memories. I’ll miss you.

      Before you leave, let me stock up on the two most important things that’ll keep me going while you’re gone – your hugs and your kisses. xoxo

      I don’t want to see you off, because I refuse to walk my heart walk away. Goodbye.

     All these years together and I never realized that you’d become everything that I’d never want to say goodbye to. Come back soon.

       Please don’t believe me when I say goodbye. Actually, I want to say that please don’t. xoxo

     Don’t worry about me. I’ll be right here waiting for the day you’ll come back, pick me up and hug me, just like when we fell in love. Goodbye.

     The more beautiful the memories, the more they hurt. I had never thought that all the happy moments in our relationship would come back around to become by biggest weakness. Come back soon.

     I am sad you’re going away, but I’m lucky to have someone who makes goodbyes so hard. xoxo

     A thousand heartbreaking goodbyes and a million painful farewells will be contained in just one tear that drops from my eye when you leave. Goodbye.

     I know, this goodbye will be worth the pain. But what I don’t, is how I will survive until we meet again. xoxo

     I will miss you every single day. Your absence will shatter me in every possible way. Lonely and alone in the bed, I will lay. Please come back soon and drive my heartbreak away. Goodbye.

      Just the thought of being away from my husband, my best friend, my life partner, my soul mate and my heart’s beat… is shattering me from within. Come back soon, goodbye.

      Life with you, is like lying on a bed of roses. Without you, it is like swimming in a sea of thorns. Goodbye.

     I can tolerate waking up to an empty bed, but I won’t be able to tolerate waking up to an empty heart. Goodbye.

       Goodbyes are never painful, because when they are… they’re never said. xoxo

     When you are gone, I am not scared of losing you. I am scared that I will lose myself. Goodbye.

     Never before, has a travel itinerary aroused such intense emotions of anxiety in me. But since it is yours, it had to be. Goodbye.

     Transient, temporary, momentary, impermanent, fleeting, brief, short-lived – these are the perfect words to describe our goodbyes. Come home soon, goodbye.

     I understand, that work has be done. I know, life has to move on. I realize, bad times will pass. I recognize, the need of the hour. But no matter what, my heart refuses to accept that you’re going to be away. Goodbye.

     No matter how many miles you are into your journey, don’t forget to miss your lonely wifey. I love you, goodbye.

     My best I will try, not to cry. I will deal, with my heart’s refusal to heal. I will control, your absence’s heaving toll. But how will I lessen the pain, when all my efforts will go in vain. Goodbye.

      My business trip may turn out great, but it won’t be awesome. It may turn out enjoyable, but it won’t be fun. It may turn out lovely, but it won’t be memorable. Dull and boring it will be, just because you won’t be there with me. Goodbye.

      How do you expect me to say goodbye, when I don’t even want to spend a single second away from you? Come back soon.

     I promised never to lie to you, so I won’t say goodbye… because I don’t want to see you go. xoxo

       The difference between just living and feeling alive, is the difference between life without you and with you. Goodbye.

21 November 2015

Good bye Messages for Friends

While seeing you off I may have a smile on my face, but after you leave I will be in a lonely place. My facade might be cheerful and happy, but deep down inside I will be suffering in agony. Goodbye.

Everything in my life was perfect, until it all suddenly came crashing down. I may smile while saying goodbye but your absence will put on my face, a permanent frown. Goodbye.

Fights, girlfriends, boyfriends, arguments, lies – Nothing has ever come between our strong friendship. So a few hundred miles is not going to make any difference either. We are friends forever. Goodbye.

I thought 160 characters would be too less for a goodbye tweet on Twitter. But the thought of living without my best friend has left me speechless. Goodbye.

The world will come to an end, as I say goodbye to my friend. But I know I’ll pull through this pain, because I know we’ll meet again. Goodbye.

Today I take a moment to thank Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Jan Koum, Brian Acton, Evan Spiegel, Robert Murphy and Steve Jobs. Without them we wouldn’t have Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat and FaceTime. How else would I have possibly kept in touch with you? Goodbye.

Our friendship is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Talking to you made me smile and meeting you set me free. I can’t believe that fate is taking you away and ripping us apart. I just want to say that I will miss you from the bottom of my heart. Goodbye.

I never knew that saying just one word could make me feel so blue, until I said GOODBYE to a special friend like you.

My heart is breaking into pieces as I see you leave. I hope you are happy that you have made me cry. You have no idea how much I am going to miss you. My life will sink into loneliness with this goodbye.

Who will tolerate my annoying antics, who will calm me down when I am angry. Who will listen to my daily rants, who will make sure I am always happy. Who will I harass with my banter, who will I hang out with every day. I am sad and totally devastated, as my bestie goes away. Goodbye.

The only reason I am saying goodbye is so that I can get a chance to say hello again.

All the beautiful memories that we have made together as friends will be cherished and fondly remembered. I guess we have a lot to keep ourselves busy with until we meet again. Goodbye my friend.

Life and destiny can steal my best friend away from me but nothing can take away the precious memories. Goodbye my friend.

If lovers can be in long distance relationships with each other, why can’t we be in a long distance friendship? Goodbye and cheers.

When I say that bidding you farewell is easy, take it as a compliment. Because it shows how blindly I trust you when you say that you will come back soon. Bye, my friend.

Our friendship was the oxygen that kept me alive. This goodbye is the vacuum that will suffocate me to death. Farewell.

With the wind in our hair and the sun in our eyes, we cherished our friendship as life’s greatest prize. Now that you are going away my life will cease, I will blissfully drown in all the beautiful memories. Goodbye.

Saying goodbye is tough… but still not as painful as desperately hoping that destiny will bring us back together again. Farewell.

The only reason I am happy saying goodbye is because I know that life will find a way to bring us back together again. Farewell.

Our friendship has taken me on a magical journey which will never come to an end. Even though you are going away, we will never stop being friends. Goodbye.

When best friends say goodbye to each other, what they are really saying is ‘Hold that thought, I will be back soon’ So I will hold my thought until you return to hear the rest. Bon voyage.

Taking you for granted, sometimes I’ve made you do things you didn’t want to. But all I want you to remember is that no one can be my best friend except you. Goodbye.

When the sun says goodbye to earth, it leaves a beautiful sunset as a gift. When friends say goodbye to each other, they leave mementos of everlasting and priceless memories. Goodbye my friend, I will miss you.

How can I say goodbye to a friend who I can’t live without? I will suffer in silence but my heart will scream and shout.
Our last hug may feel warm but your absence will leave my heart shivering in a cold abyss. Goodbye.

Don’t expect me to come to the airport to see you off when you leave. I will be in my room, crying on my loneliness’ eve. Goodbye.

I’ll silently stand in the corner and cry, on this fateful day. I refuse to say goodbye because I don’t want to see you go away.

Just like how you don’t forget the tune when a song fades out and stops playing, I will never forget the priceless memories of our friendship even though you are going away. Goodbye.

Sorry, for all the times I may have unknowingly hurt your feelings and caused you pain. Goodbye my friend, until we meet again.

Saying goodbye to a friend like you is like saying goodbye to my own soul – it is just not possible.

I will force myself to say the word goodbye, but my heart will never mean it. Goodbye.

Dear friend… I don’t want you to leave, I refuse to say goodbye. I will just watch you walk away while my heart silently weeps and cries.

Even though you are going away you will still be a core part of my everyday life. First I used to hang out with you all the time, and now I will miss you all the time. Goodbye.

It is easy to become friends, difficult to remain friends and hardest to say goodbye to a friend. Sorry, but I cannot do the hardest part. xoxo

I would have never said hello to you many years ago, if I knew that saying goodbye would be so traumatic. Bye buddy, I will miss you.

The absence of a friend is going to make me feel lonely and frustrated. There is nothing good about goodbye… it makes me feel lonely and suffocated.

I feel sick, I feel low, I feel depressed and I feel sad – when I think about how I will miss you real bad. I feel miserable, I feel unwell, I feel down and I feel lonely – when I think about how life will be without my bestie. Goodbye.

Since true friends never really say goodbye to each other, please treat this goodbye message as a mere formality and delete is as soon as you have read it.
This goodbye is just a test of our friendship. Let’s promise each other that distance and time won’t come in the way of our beautiful relationship. Goodbye.

The hundreds of friends on Facebook and Twitter mean nothing to me in any way, if I don’t have real friends like you to meet every day. Goodbye.