09 November 2015

Romantic Love Messages (3)

 At night I dream of you and imagine that you're right there beside me.

 You are the only one that can cheer me up whenever I am down. Brighten my day with a simple hello. 

A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won't start or end without me thinking of u..See! I just did. Take care.

A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. ~ Max Muller

A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away.

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.

A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.

A love poem for you wouldn't suffice. I'd have to write a whole epic of love for you my dear husband.

A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.

A ring is round, it turns forever and that's how long we'll be together!

All I need is my one star in the sky to wish for you everday.

All the hardships I can endure just to make you happy.

All the treasures and luxuries in the world would mean nothing without you being there. You are the jewel of my life. I love you.

All the words in the world would also fail to describe what we share between us. All I can say is, always love me the same way forever. I love you.

an icing can make a cake so sweet. a string can make a baloon so high. a match can make a candle so bright. I hope dat a simple txt can make u smile.

Anything on this world can take a change over, but my love towards you is not going to change forever. I love you all my life!

At night I dream of you and imagine that you're right there beside me.

Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me, after all, you're my wonder-wall.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~ by Lao Tzu

By choosing you, I chose happiness for life, Am so glad to be your wife, You are the best thing happened to me, Beyond you, there is nothing I can see, love you dear!

Can i say i love you today? If not, can i ask you again tomorrow? and the day after tomorrow? and the day after that? coz i'll be loving you every single day of my life.

Come in a lot of volumes! But I’ll never have second thoughts of reading those just for you.

Could you do me a favor? Put your left hand over your right shoulder then your right hand to your left shoulder. There! I've just given you a morning hug.

Could you stop being so lovely? You’re driving me so crazy. I love you.

Days can be so tough and at times cruel, 2 much 4 1 to b alone, wen u feel dat u can't hold on any longer, il take ur hand and we'll go thru with it 2gether. I'll be here and dat's 4ever.

Dear hubby, We make an awesome couple you know, I may not have too many gestures to show, But, I truly love you from my heart, No one can ever make us apart, Love you loads! We don’t say it as much as we did before but I love you!

Destiny decides who you meet in life but its only your heart that can decide who gets to stay in your life.

Do you know why I came into this world? So that I could absorb the riches of your love and give you more love in return. That, my dear, is the singular purpose of my life.

Don’t ever change; I love you the way you are, In the darkness of my life, you are my shining star, You complete me and give me a reason to live, There is so much to say, so much to give, Will love you my hubby till the end of time, Love you!

Don’t worry, nothing will change. 

Don't compare our love to the flowers that only bloom on summer, instead, compare it to the river that flows forever.

Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love, because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall.

Don't frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.

Don't spend your life with someone you can live with - spend it with someone you can't live without.

Each time I look at you, I just smile to myself and think, 'I certainly could not have done better'. 
You are perfect the way you are. I love you honey.

Even a galaxy of stars cannot compare to the depth of your eyes. I love you dear husband!

Every man loves two women; one is the creation of his imagination, and the other is not yet born.

Every minute with you is a minute well spent.

Evryday is a happy day as long as u txt me once a day. I tell u, this is no lie. A txt from u always makes me smile. :)

Explaining to you how much and why I love you, would be like me describing how water tastes. It's impossible.

Fallin in love is like goin crazy. You see beauty on the wall, hear songs all day long, say the darnest things and act like a fool. Goin crazy is wonderful.

Find the person who will love you because of your differences and not in spite of them and you have found a lover for life. ~ by Leo Buscaglia

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

For you I may be just one person, but for me you are the world.

For you my dear husband, I make a prayer that no treachery, jealousy, envy, betrayal, lies or misunderstandings come in between us. This will be God's biggest gift in my life.

Friends are gifts wrapped in ribbons of thoughtfulness and trimmed with kisses and smiles, given by God to stay not just for a day, but for life. Thanks!

Friends are like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold you up, sometimes you lean on them. 
But sometimes, it's enough to know they're just standing by

Give her two red roses, each with a note. The first note says "For the woman I love" and the second, "For my best friend".

God has given me a wonderful gift, he has made you mine. I always thank him for this valuable gift in my life. Love you my honey!

God was wise for not putting a price tag on you: There's no way I could afford someone as amazing as you.

God, I’ve seen like a million people today and all I can think of is how I can’t wait to get home to see you!

Good friends are like coffee, sugar and cream. They have different appearances and purposes, but when mixed together, create a delicious drink.

Good Morning Good-Lookin ;)

Good Morning Sunshine

Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.

He is not a lover who does not love forever.

How can you tell the sun not to shine, when clouds exist. How can you ask leaves not to fall when wind exists. How can you tell me not to fall in love when you exist.

How does it matter if the world knows that we are a wonderful pair or not? What is important to me is that the God living within us knows how much we care for each other. May this spirit always 
stay alive. Love you.

Humble, genuine, caring, admirable, lovable these are all the words I use it for  escribing you I know these words are very mere and not enough to describe you.

I am a gifted person to have you as my gifted husband.

I am going to steal away the letter U from the alphabets, because it belongs to me. I LOVE YOU my dear!

I am happy to be your side ever and forever.

I am nobody without you.

I am so addicted to you.

I am very willing to be the diary of your life. Just tell me everything, even the bad things about you.

I am very willing to be the diary of your life. Just tell me everything, even the bad things about you. 
Don’t worry, nothing will change.

I am willing to do anything just to make you smile.

I am willing to let go of everything but not you.

I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart. xoxo

I can’t live without you.

I can’t wait to be with you again. Loves and hugs.

I cannot express my feelings for you, I know it is not something new, But, want to revive my love for you, Coz people like you are one in few, Love you honey!

I cannot live without you.

I cannot live without you.

I care for you, more than you know.

I could attempt to live without you but I wouldn't last a day.

I could attempt to live without you. But I would fail miserably.

I could never get tired of you. My love grows deeper each day.

I desire nothing more than to be in your heart until forever dies.

I do not want to make reasons for you to stay, only reasons for you to return.

I don't have much to offer you but I promise, you can have the best of me ....

I don't have words to describe what I feel for you. I fall deeper in your love with every passing day. 
Every moment I spend with you, feels like a dream. I'm madly in love with you.

I don't know the real meaning of love. But, when I hear your voice I can feel my heart skip a beat. 

When we are together, it feels like I'm a part of some fairytale. I may not know the real meaning of love. And maybe, love is just the way I feel for you. I love you.

I don't need to be wanted, I want to be needed.

I don't regret the things I have done or the things I have chosen not to do because what ever I've done, I must have done something right because I ended up with you.

I don't say it enough, but I want you to know that I love you.

I don't think you understand how important it is for me to hear the sound of your voice every day.

I don't think you understand how important it is for me to hear the sound of your voice every day. 

I don't wish to be everything to everyone rather i would like to be something to someone.

I dream of you in colors that don't exist.

I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you.

I feel comfortable being myself when I'm around you.

I feel like it’s my sole responsibility to light up your feeling whenever you are lonely. I hate it seeing you sad.

I feel so happy around you. When you are not with me, it is your memories that brighten up my gloomy days. I will love you forever!

I fight with you, because of passion, I am friends with you, because of compassion, I love you; no there are no reasons, Will do it in all the seasons, Love you honey! Times and seasons are ought to change. But my love for you my beloved, will live forever. I will love and respect you all my life.

I get jealous when you bond with other guys, but when you tell me that you love me; I am assured that you will never let me go.

I had a dream about you and I woke up smiling…

I have not only given my heart away to you, I have also dedicated and given away my soul, my prayers and my very being to you. I don't have anything else left with me to give you my dear husband, I love you.

I have said nothing because there is nothing i can say that would describe how i feel as perfectly as you deserved it.

I heard that those who don't believe in magic will never find it. I did and I found you!

I hope God will let me take care of you for the rest of our lives. I love you!

I know I’ll see you tonight at home but I just can’t help missing you the entire day!

I like you a lottle. It's like a little, except a lot.

I love being yours. 

I love everything about you.

I love seeing you happy and my biggest reward is seeing you smile.

I love the sun for days, the moon for nights and you forever.

I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.

I love thee, I love but thee With a love that shall not die Till the sun grows cold And the stars grow old. ~ by Willam Shakespere

I love walking in the rain cause then no one knows im crying.

I love you <333333333333333

I love you and it doesnt matter if you love me back because i rather live for the chance than die from the truth.

I love you so much.

I love you!

I love you, As I have never loved another or ever will again, I love you with all that I am, and all that

I love you, As I have never loved another or ever will again, I love you with all that I am, and all that I will ever be. 

I love you, I miss you and I can't wait to see you today!

I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.

I love you. All I need is U.

I may not be able to buy you a diamond but yours is my love that is more precious than that.

I may not be the right guy for you yet you have made me feel like I really deserve you every time we are together.

I may not be your Superman, but I’ll always do whatever it takes to protect you. I love you.

I may run out of message to text you. I may run out of jokes too. I may also run out of battery or even a peso but my heart won't run out of space for you!

I miss u wen ders no reason, how much more if der was?I mis u even F we talk, how much more F we Don't? I mis u after we're 2geder, how much more F i c u never? i mis u now, how much more later?

I miss you!

I miss you, we should get together soon!

I never ever thought I'd like you this much and I never planned to have you on my mind this often.

I only saw you for a second, but it made my day.

I only thought about you once today.. I never stopped.

I plan on being with you until forever ends.

I promise to be by your side forever and for always. I love you. Nothing can do us apart.

I saw you were perfect and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.

I see sunlight in the morning and starlight at night. No matter what time is, you make my feelings bright.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever.

I think I would rather possess eyes that know no sight, ears that know no sound, hands that know no touch than a heart that knows no love.

I think the most important decision I ever took in life is, Well it is getting married to you, because you are the best person on earth, Love you hubby!

I think you are the sweetest thing.

I thought about you and it made me smile.

I usually don't get attached too easily, but that changed when I met you.

I want to be your favorite hello, and hardest goodbye.

I want to build a happy family with you.

I will always have this piece of my heart that smiles whenever I think about you.

I will ever be.

I will forever be thankful to God for gifting me with you. You are not just my husband, you are my best friend. I know I can always count on you. I love you so much.

I will love you forever and always.

I will not allow anything to come between us.

I wish there was nothing else in the world to do except for losing myself in your eyes. I could continue doing that for the rest of my lifetime. I love you.

I wish to have all my mornings with your warm hug and sweet kiss.

I wonder how my life would be if I hadn't met you.

I would climb a thousand mountains to see you smile.

I would rather be blind than not to see you. I would rather not hear anything than not to hear you, 
I would rather lose my voice if I didnt tell this to you, that I would rather lose my heart than not love you.

I would walk through the dessert I would walk down the aisle I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile. 

I’d like to wake up next to you every morning!

I’m baking a sweet apple pie for my sweetie!

I’m having one of those days that make me realize how lost I’d be without you… Just wanted to let you know.

I'd rather replace my words of love for you with kisses of love. It's a much better deal, isn't it?

If even a day should go by when I don't say I love you, may never a moment go by without you knowing that I do.

If Holy Matrimony is there to keeps us together, we will make sure that our love and affection for each other never lets us go. I love you with all my heart dear hubby.

If I could describe you in one word, I'd call you my life.

If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand.

If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd walk through a garden forever.

If I had to count the reasons why I love you and why I'm so in love with you...I'd have to count forever.

If I had to make a wish, I'd close my eyes and ask the skies to make you a shining bright star and me the tiny one beside it. This way our love will become immortal even when we are no more in this world.

If I had to, I would wait for an eternity to be with you.

If I know what love is, it is because of you.

If I was your bed, you’d sleep on top of me!

If I were in Hell and you were in Heaven, I'd always look up and be proud of you. But, if I were in 
Heaven and you were in Hell, I'd ask God to send me down, because Heaven isn't Heaven without you.

If I'm out of time and I could pick one day, one moment and keep it new, of all of the days I have lived I would pick the day I met you.

If love is great, and there are no greater things, then what I feel for you must be the greatest.

If my life was a jigsaw puzzle you'd be my missing piece.

If The Only Possible Way We Can Be Together Is In My Dreams...Then I'll Sleep Forever.

If there was a perfect way for me to show you how much you mean to me, I'd be the happiest person in the world. Because you really are my whole life and I want to shout that out loud to the world. I love you darling.

If there will be a book regarding on how to understand a woman, I’m sure it will be thick. And will

If there will be a book regarding on how to understand a woman, I’m sure it will be thick. And will come in a lot of volumes! But I’ll never have second thoughts of reading those just for you.

If we discovered that we only had five minutes left to say all that we wanted to say, every telephone booth would be occupied by people calling other people to stammer that they loved them.

If words are not enough to say that I love you, I will shower you with my hugs and kisses.

If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life.

If you believe perfection simply isn’t real, Kiss your love in the rain, Many things in this world can wash away pain, But none of them compare, to kiss in the rain

If you have it [Love], you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have. ~ by Sir James M. Barrie

If you judge people, you have no time to love them. ~ by Mother Theresa

If you need someone to talk to, just call me. I’ll make myself available just for you. I love you!

If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I.

If you see a shooting star, close your eyes and make a wish. It worked for me, I wished for you!

If you stumbled and fell down, take my hand. I’ll be your feet, so you could go on. I love you!

If you’re too furious, here’s my body, punch me all you want until you released all the anger. 
You’ll hug me afterwards.

If, out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I'd pick the moment I met you.

I'll lend you my shoulder for you to cry on, my ears to listen to, my hand for you to hold, my feet to walk with you, but I can't lend you my heart coz it already belongs to you.

I'm falling for you ... will you catch me?

I'm having one of those days that make me realize how lost I'd be without you ... Just wanted to let you know. Love you baby.

I'm having one of those days that make me realize how lost I'd be without you.

I'm on a mission to get over you, in other words mission impossible.

I'm sorry to be smiling every time you're near. I'm sorry my eyes twinkle whenever you're here. 

I'm sorry that cupid has made his hit. I'm sorry I love you, I can't help it.

I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you.

I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have you.

Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.'

In my dream you are mine, but in my life you are a dream.

In our life there is a single color, as on an artist`s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.

In the night sky filed with stars,you’re the one that shines the brightest.I love you for lighting up the darkest moments of my life.

Is that love i see in your eyes, or merely a reflection of mine?

It feels like you have pumped a new life into me. I feel like a completely different person. I feel more confident about myself. Thank you so much, for walking into my life and transforming it into something so wonderful.

It is best to love wisely, no doubt; but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all. ~ by William Thackeray

It is not that i'm afraid to die, it is that if i die who will love you as i do.

It is really puzzling how you were able to fit inside my heart.

I've been thinking about you all day and smiling. :)

Just because somebody doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Just hearing your name makes me smile!

Just wanted to let you know you're on my mind right now.

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.

Keep me as a friend and i will keep u in my heart lock it up.. throw away the key so that no one can take you away from me...

Last night I matched each star with a reason for loving you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.

Let’s stay this way forever. I Love You.

Let's be absolutely stupid and Fall In Love with each other.

Life has never been better, thanks to you, sweetheart!

Life in abundance comes only through great love. ~ by Elbert GreenHubbard

Life is beautiful because of you.

Life is but a brief moment. The years go by quickly and old age arrives suddenly before we have an inkling. People desire so many things and waste their days in vain. Some yearn for gold, others for power, yet others for glory and a higher station. But when death's moment nears and they look back at their lives they've lived, they realise they've been happy only during those moments when they've loved.

Life is not worth living without you. You make me complete. I love you so much. I thank God for blessing me with your love.

Life is the flower of which love is the honey. ~ by Jean Baptiste Alphonse Karr

Living without you takes a lot of getting used to; you're a hard habit to break.

Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Love creates an 'us' without destroying a 'me'.

Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction.

Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination. ~ by Voltaire

Love is a friendship set to music. ~ by E. Joseph Cossman

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within the reach of every hand. ~ by Mother Theresa

Love is a game that two can play and both win. ~ Eva Gabor

Love is a path to the heart that knows its own way ~ Lamar Cole

Love is a science; It is all about passionate chemistry, dimensionless physics with a bit of biology thrown in.

Love is a trick of the heart to fool the mind.

Love is always bestowed as a gift -- freely, willingly, and without expectation..

Love is always open arms. If you close your arms about love you will find that you are left holding only yourself. ~ by Leo Buscaglia

Love is an irresistable desire to be irresistably desired.

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. ~ Aristotle

Love is like a bus, if you miss it, don't worry, you'll catch another one.

Love is like a mirror. When you love another you become his mirror and he becomes yours....And reflecting each other's love you see infinity.

Love is like a violin, the music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever.

Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

Love is magic. The more we hide it, the more it shows; the more you suppress it, the more it grows.

Love is more easily demonstrated than defined.

Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense. ~ by Mark A. Overby

Love is not a matter of what happens in life. It's a matter of what's happening in your heart. ~ by Ken Keyes

Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.

Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds.

Love is not love until love's vulnerable.

Love is or it ain't. Thin love ain't love at all.

Love is the fairest flower that blooms in God's Garden.

Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration. ~ by D.H.Lawrence

Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness. ~ by Oliver Wendell Holmes

Love is the true means by which the world is enjoyed: our love to others, and others' love to us. ~ by Thomas Trahern

Love is timeless, it is the memory of past, the happiness of today and the promise of tomorrow.

Love is when you look into someone's eyes, and see everything you need.

Love makes life so confusing, but without love would you really want to live?

Love means never having to say you're sorry. ~ by Erich Segal

Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love. ~ by Erich Fromm

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish it's source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.

Love, an emotion so strong that you would give up everything. To just feel it once, to know that you are part of something special. To know that you can feel what love really is; to know, to feel, to love.

Love... I want to hold you close to me and feel our hearts beat as one forever.

Loving you is important to me. Your love is precious to me.

Loving you is like breathing, how can I stop.

Loving you is like breathing. I can’t stop and it’s necessary for my survival.

Loving you is the best thing that happened to me.

Mature love says: 'I need you because I love you.'

May no gift be too small to give, nor too simple to receive, which is wrapped in thoughtfulness and tied with love. ~ by L.O. Baird

More Sweet Romantic Text Messages

My dazzling princess, may I dance with you to the tune of the music that lasts forever?

My heart 2 U is given: ØH, do give urs 2 me; We'll lock them up together, & throw away D key.

My heart beats a bit faster when you're around.

My heart for you will never break. My smile for you will never fade. My love for you will never end. I love you!

My heart is and always will be yours.

My heart skips a beat every time I see you.

My heart to you is given: Oh, do give yours to me; We'll lock them up together, And throw away the key. ~ by Frederick Saunders

My life has all the colors, Because I have you as my hubby, You are so caring and loving; I just want to ‘thank you’ for being there in my life, It is a pleasure to be your wife!

My life is a jigsaw puzzle and you’re my missing piece.

My life is perfect, but it’s because I am with you.

My lips want to kiss u, my eyes want to see u, my hands want to touch u .....evry part of me wants u, maybe bcoz i was made just 4 u!!

My love for you is never ending!

My love for you keeps increasing every second. 

My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it's surprising how often they head in your direction.
My world has no meaning without you.

Never marry but for love; but see that thou love's t what is lovely. ~ WILLIAM PENN, Some Fruits of Solitude

Never underestimate the amazing power of love to change hearts and mindsets. Love can even give fresh inspiration to tackle what seems to be impossible.

Nice people are blessed people, ever friendly, always smiling, forgive easily, hold no grudges and keep no malice. Send this to a nice person. I just did. One measure of friendship consists not in the number of words that friends can discuss, but in the number of words they need no longer mention.

No matter how far you go, you’ll remain close to my heart. I love you, darling.

No matter how high, I’ll climb any mountain if I have to, just to have you. I love you!

No matter how horrible my day went, when you smile you just made everything all right. Love you.

No need to be extravagant to impress me for your personality already captures my heart. Love you dear.

Nobody compares to you.

Nobody tells d fishes 2 swim, d birds 2 fly, d cows 2 moo, dogs to bark... dey just do & nobody tels me 2 remember u.. i just do.

One does not fall 'in' or 'out' of love. One grows in love.

One text from you can make my entire day!

One text from you changes my whole mood. 

Only in hindsight will we be able to see the beauty of our relationship and the journey of our love. 
Until then, let's keep loving each other!

Other men said they have seen angels, But I have seen thee And thou art enough. ~ by G. Moore

Our love is like a flower. It is beautiful, radiant, divine, affectionate and pure. I'm so glad to be with you.

People wait for the air to fill up with romance by having a candlelit dinner and roses by their side, but for me, romance is in the air 24x7 as long as you're by my side.

Please let me know what I did to deserve you ... I want to make sure I keep on doing it.

Press 1, press 2. This text is for you. Press 3, press 4. What is it for? Press 5, press six. Do you wanna meet? Press 7, press 8. Can we be text mate? Press nine. I hope you don't mind. Press 10. 
That I become your friend.

Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit.

Remember - you are worth not for what you have, not even for who you are, but for what others have become because of you. Wish you the best!

Remember how we kissed …. (insert time and place)….? I kind of want to do that now…

Romance has been elegantly defined as the offspring of fiction and love. ~ by Benjamin Disraeli
Smile if you want to sleep with me!

So I kinda sorta maybe like you a LOT more than I had originally planned.

Some joys are better expressed in silence as a smile holds more meaning than words. I was asked if i enjoy having you in my life..I just smiled!

Someone has stolen my heart and you are the highest on my list of suspects.

Sometimes I wonder if life is really worth it, then I look at your smile and I know it is.

Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for. Then I look at you. I'm ready for war. 

Thank you for letting me drive your favorite car, for doing the dishes day after day, for painting my nails and for treating me like a princess. But most of all, thank you for marrying me and for loving me for the person I am. I love you.

Thank you for opening my eyes to things that I can do which I thought I can’t.

Thank you for standing up for me and supporting me, even when the whole world is against me. 
Even after all these years, I can proudly say, 'My darling husband, you are my hero'. I love you.

Thank you for supporting me today. If it wasn't for you, I’d be lost.

Thank you so much for entering into my life and lifting me to the heights.

Thanks hubby, You are there when I feel sad, You are there when my mood is bad, You always support me in life, You are the only reason why I survive, Love you!

The best proof of love is trust. ~ by Joyce Brothers

The hardest thing I could ever do is to forget about you. 

The important thing was to love rather than to be loved.

The love that you have for me, has transformed my black and white life into something so beautiful and colorful. Thank you so much for coming into my life.

The more I know you, the more I love you.

The more I stay with you, The more I love you, Do you have a clue? That's why I love you, Coz you are the best husband of the world!

The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman’s heart. ~ Josiah G. Holland

The thought of being wonderfully in love with you, I just can’t get it out of my head.

The virtue of true love is not finding the perfect person, but loving the imperfect person perfectly.

The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

The wisest decision I made in my life is choosing you, I have made the right choice. Proud and excited to be your wife.

There are a million ways I can say that I love you. I don't know which one to pick. All I know is that I love you tons and tons!

There are three steps to complete happiness: 1) You 2) Me 3) our hearts for eternity.

There's only one place in the world I call home, and it's because you're there.

They could take all my possessions as long as I have you.

They say love gives you wings but is that why I’m in seventh heaven?

They say love hurts, but I’m ready to take that risk, if I’m going to be with you.

They say love's like a bus, and if you wait long enough another one will come along, but not in this place where the buses are slow and most of the cute ones are gay.

They say that Disney World is the happiest place on Earth obviously, they've never been in your arms.

Think about it, there must be higher love Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above Without 
it, life is a wasted time. Look inside your heart, I'll look inside mine. ~ by Steve Winwood

Thinking of You

Thinking of you, wish I was with you right now.

Time is gold but time spent with the queen of my heart is absolutely priceless. I love you so much.

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too 
short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. ~ Henry Van Dyke

To be able to say how much love, is love but little.

To be in Love is the best way to see the life at it's best!

To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. ~ by Bertrand Russell

To forget u is hard to do n to forget me is up to u. Forget me not, forget me never. Forget this text, but not the sender.

To handle yourself, use your head, to handle others, use your heart. Love is like an hourglass With the heart filling up As the brain empties ~ by Jules Renard

To have you as my girl is my honor. Be with me always!

To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart, and to sing it to them when they have forgotten. ~ by Anonymous

To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.

To love someone is to understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your heart and to trust one another. One important thing is to let each other go if you can't do this.

To me, you are perfect (yes, you!)

To say that we will be together until death is a waste. To say that we will be together until we live is what I really want! I love you dear.

To stay away from you is something I can't do. Come home soon.

Today is the special day for us to celebrate our love, affection, care and warmth. We are perfect soul-mates.

True love never lives happily ever after - true love has no ending. ~ K. Knight

Trust me that there is no space left for another girl.

Waiting for you at home, come back soon. I miss you.

We don't love to be loved; we love to love. ~ by Leo Buscaglia

We may not have it all together ... but together we have it all!

We were two and had but one heart. ~ Francois Villon

What I need to live has been given to me by the earth. Why I need to live has been given to me by you.

When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I see you. There is nothing I can do without thinking of you.

When I’m in the midst of a struggle, it is from you where I drew my inspiration, and surely, I’ll make it through. I love you!

When words aren't enough to tell you how great you've been, remind me to come and kiss you.

When you need someone to be there for you, I'll be right there by your side always!

Wherever you might be in the world at this very moment, my love will easily find its way to you. 
Such is the power of our bond! I love you darling. Stay safe wherever you are.

Who needs superheroes and romantic novels to fantasize? I have you and that is more than enough for me! I love you darling.

Will you accept me to be your man?

With every kiss, I feel closer to you. So close in fact, I shall kiss you again.

With the language of love, our hearts also learnt the language of sharing, bonding, fighting, teasing and making up with each other. Let's hope this language of love between us always survives.

With you I lose myself, and without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.

Without you I cannot think my life on this earth. My days spin around you.

Words are not enough to express my love for you, I am so blessed; coz people like you are few, I am glad you are a part of my life, Love you loads, just know you are mine!

Words aren't enough to tell you how wonderful you are. I love you. XOXO Muah!

You + me = Happiness forever.

You always make me feel special and I love more for that.

You are always there, when I need you, You have been a friend, a guide, and a perfect man to me, And, after so many years of togetherness, It is just you that I can see, Love you loads my love!

You are everything to me. Love you.

You are IN my mind every second of the day. But if you want, you can be IN my house right now.

You are mine. I am yours.

You are my #1 always!

You are my everything.

You are my finest gift of God! I love you my hero!

You are my happy. 

You are my mentor and you are my life! Love you to my heart!

You are my star on a dark night, you are my hope when all is bleak, if it wasn't for you, I’d never be me!

You are my superhero and you are my life’s romantic hero whom I feel proud to possess.

You are my sweet and adorable husband! I love you so my dear!

You are my warmth when I feel cold.

You are so dear to me.

You are so humble and caring, With you,it is a great sharing, The best life partner that I could ask is you, Thanks for being the best hubby, a very special thank you!

You are the best hubby in this world, I can’t describe, how I feel for you, I know I love you lots, and it is so true, Please stay forever this way, My love for you will never change, Come what may!

You are the flowers in the plants; you give flamboyance to my dim world. I love you!

You are the one for me.

You are the one that I want to be with forever!

You are the only girl who ever got my parent’s approval. You must be special!

You are the only one for me.

You are the only one that can cheer me up whenever I am down. Brighten my day with a simple hello.

You are the perfect girl for me.

You are the reason for my smile.

You are the reason why I always wear this smile on my face.

You are there for me when I am in my horrible situations, you are there for me to console me when I was in desperate situations and you will be there for me whenever wherever I need you.

You bring out the best in me.

You bring sunshine into my life! You aren't the sun, but you’re just as hot.

You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.

You complete me.

You don't know what you do to me.

You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.

You gave me everything I wanted. You taught me everything I needed to know. You helped me with everything when I was down. What more can I ask for? Now simply seal our love with a kiss!

You have no idea the amount of happiness you brought into my life.

You have this incredible way of making my heart happy. 

You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy; even if you're not part of their happiness.

You know it's love when forever is not long enough.

You know it's love when the tiny details about another person, ones that are insignificant to most people, seem fascinating and incredible to you.

You know you love someone when you save their texts and re-read them when no one is watching..

You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh, but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry.

You light up my life.

You make my heart melt!

You must be a thief cause you stole my heart, you must be tired cause you're always running through my mind. And maybe I'm a bad shooter cause I keep missing you.

You sowed a seed of love in my heart, and for now it sprouted as a plant of happiness.

You still give me butterflies. 

You take my breath away. 

You understand me, When I don’t speak a word, Without you, everything looks blurred, You are the light of my life, Without you I can’t survive, Love you too much my hubby!

You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived, are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love. ~ by Henry Drummond

You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it. ~ by Anonymous ~

You’re a lovely rose in full bloom. But even if it withers, you’re still the most beautiful woman for me. I love you.

You’re like a twister, you just blow me away. I love you, my beautiful disaster.

You’re my angel.

You’re pretty with your make up on but I still love you the same even without it.

You'll know that you miss someone very much when every time you think of that person, your heart breaks into pieces and just a quick "Hello" from that person can bring the broken pieces back.

Your hand fits in mine, like it's made just for me.

Your love is all I think about.

You're always in my heart!

You're always on my mind.

You're exactly what I've been looking for all this time.

You're my angel.

You're nothing short of my everything.

You're so pretty.

You're such a Sweetie!

You're sweeter than candy!

You're the most amazing guy I've ever met.

You're the salt to my pepper, the coca to my cola!

You're the type of boy I'd make a sandwich for.

You're weird ... but I like it!

You've seen me at my best and my worst, yet love me anyway.

Ramadan Messages

May the lamps of joy, illuminate your life and fill your days with the bright sparkles of peace, mirth and goodwill. Happy Ramadan!

I thank Allah who has kept us up to now to be able to celebrate this special day. I also thank him for his blessings and all he has done for us. Happy Ramadan!

Oh Allah, fill our hearts with faith in this beautiful Ramadan. (Amen) Happy Ramadan Mubarak!

Ramadan is the month of victories, many battles were fought on this blessed month. May Allah grant victory to our brothers around the world!

May this Ramadan bring in you the brightest and choicest happiness and love you have ever wished for. Ramadan Mubarak.

On the month of Ramadan, I’m wishing you 4 weeks of blessings, 30 days of clemency, and 720 hours of enlightenment. Happy Ramadan!

As you fasts and offers prayers to Allah, may you find your peace and happiness. Have a peaceful and happy Ramadan!

Your sincere prayers, your devotion, your faith in Allah, will make you a better human, to serve this society with wisdom and truth. Happy Ramadan.

That time of the year has come. A month to repent from our wrong-doings and sin. May all of us find peace on this Ramadan. Happy Ramadan Kareem!

May the divine Allah bless you with peaceful and prosperous life throughout the year. Happy Ramadan!

May the Spirit of Ramadan stay in our heart and illuminate our soul from within. Happy Ramadan

May Allah’s immaculate grace and exceptional wisdom conquer your life as you celebrate this holy month of Ramadan. Have a blessed and peaceful Ramadan!

I hope you will achieve the purification of the soul upon commemorating the month of Ramadan. Wishing you a blessed and happy Ramadan!

As the month of Ramadan starts, talk respectfully, treat others kindly, walk modestly and pray sincerely. May Allah bless you and your family.

 Welcome the month of Ramadan with the heart filled with peace, harmony and joy. May the divine blessings of Allah protect and guide you.

May you find answers to your prayers. Happy Ramadan!

Wishing u 1 month of ramadan, 4 weeks of barkat, 30 days of forgiveness, 720 hours of guidance, 43200 minutes of purification, 2592000 secs of Nuur..!!

I am coming to ur house to give u all types of happiness success & joy plz welcome me after few minutes U know I'm Ur's.... *Ramadan* Barkaton n Rehmaton ka Mah-e- Mubarak Happy Ramadan Mubarak Remember me in ur prayers.

Walk humbly Talk politely Dress neatly Treat kindly Pray attentively Donate generously May ALLAH bless & protect you!

08 November 2015

Emotional SMS

> If you drop me, I will break. If you hold me, I will shake. If you need me, I will hurry. If you don’t call me, I will worry. If you hurt me, I will cry. But if you leave me, I will die!

> Brothers are like streetlights along the road they don’t make distance any shorter but they light up the path and make the walk worthwhile.

> Those who are special never go away. They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, still near, still special, still missed and still very dear

> You were always my best friend looking out for me making sure the path I travelled on was smooth. Even if I searched the world over there cannot be a better sister / brother than you.

> The rain falls because the sky can no longer handle its heaviness, just like the tears, it falls because the heart can no longer handle the pain

Marriage SMS

> Never laugh at your wife’s choices, you are one of them. Never be proud of your choices, your wife is one of them :)

> Position of husband is like a split A.C. No matter how loud he is outside, but inside the house, he is designed to remain silent, cool and controlled by remote.

> Every boy wishes; I’m not a prince but my life-partner should be a princess. Real boys wish; my life-partner may not be a princess but I promise I’ll treat her like a princess!

> Congratulations your happiness begins with your wonderful wedding day. You will share everything together; through it all, your love will stay. Happy married life.

Father’s day SMS

> Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. Happy Father’s Day

> It is easier for father to have children than for children to have a real father. I’m glad to have you dad, happy Father’s Day

> Friendly, affectionate, tender, heroic, easy going and righteous that’s you Papa Happy Father’s Day!

> A father means so many things. An understanding heart, a source of strength and support right from the very start. Happy Father’s Day!

> So many wonderful years in all kinds of weather, thinking of you father brings memories to mind, wonderful moments I will treasure forever. I love you so dearly. Happy Father’s Day!

Politics SMS

> Politics is the art of looking for trouble; finding it – whether it exists or not; diagnosing it quite incorrectly; and applying the wrong remedy!

> Some men change their party for the sake of their principles others change their principles for the sake of their party.

> Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.

> Honesty in politics is much like oxygen. The higher up you go, the scarcer it becomes.

> In politics, your enemies can’t hurt you, but your friends will kill you.


> One of the saddest part of life: It is tough when someone special starts to ignore you, but it is even tougher to pretend that you don’t mind!

> I love photographs because the best thing about them is that, they never change, even when the people in it do!

> Trust is like a sticker. Once it is removed, it may stick again; but its hold is not as strong when it was first applied!

> In deep sadness there is no place for sentimentality.

> I like to walk in rain because no one can see my tears.

Moral SMS

> Mistakes are painful but years later a collection of mistakes called experience leads us to success. So don’t be afraid of mistakes.
> Being a good person is like being a goal keeper. No matter how many brilliant saves you have on your record, people will remember only the one you missed. That’s Life!
> Life is the toughest school. You never know what class you are in, what exam you will have next and you can’t cheat because nobody else has the same question paper.
> Ship is always safe at the shore but it is not built for it! So, don’t limit yourself and always take risks! Because success is beyond the risks.
> Silence and smile are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems.

Poetry SMS

– I Want a Country
Let the sky be blue, the bough green, the cornfield yellow
Let it be a land of birds and flowers

I want a country
Let there be no pain in the head, no yearning in the heart

Let there be an end to brothers’ quarrels

I want a country
Let there be no rich and poor, no you and me

On winter days let everyone have house and home

I want a country
Let living be like loving from the heart

If there must be complaint, let it be of death
Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı

– Free
We live free
Air is free, clouds are free

Valleys and hills are free
Rain and mud are free
The outside of cars
The entrances of cinemas
And the shop windows are free
Bread and cheese cost money
But stale water is free
Freedom can cost your head
But prison is free
We live free
Orhan Veli Kanık

Mother’s Day SMS

> I believe in love at first sight. Because I’ve loved my mother ever since I opened my eyes. Happy mother’s day!

> A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.

> I take this opportunity to thank you for your immeasurable contribution to my life. Thank you Mom! And wish you a very happy mother’s day!

> You’ve seen me laugh. You’ve seen me cry. And always you were there with me. I may not have always said it but thanks and I love you Mom. Happy Mother’s Day

> The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.

Religious Islamic SMS

> Faith is when you close your eyes and open your heart!
> Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.
> Patience with family is love; patience with others is respect; patience with self is confidence; and patience with God is faith!
> What has he found who has lost God? And what has he lost who has found God?
> Enjoy your life by obeying Allah’s orders and followıng the methods of Muhammad (S.A.V).
> If God answers your prayers, he is increasing your faith. If he delays, he is increasing your patience. If he does not answer, he knows that you can handle it perfectly.

Husband-Wife SMS

  • One million copies of a new book sold in just 2 days due to typing error of 1 alphabet in title. “An idea that can change your wife while real word was life.

  • A husband is someone who, after taking the trash out, gives the impression he just cleaned the whole house.

  • What is the difference between mother and wife? One woman brings you into this world crying the other ensures you continue to do so.

  • If men behave after marriage the way they do before it, half the divorces won’t take place. On the other hand, if women behave before marriage the way they do after it half the marriages won’t take place.

Rude Messages

  • Immature: A word that boring people use to describe interesting people!
  • You are selfish, you don’t care, you think of yourself only, don’t you care of my happiness? My well-being? No, you only care about you.
  • If you think only of yourself, if you forget the rights and well-being of others, or, worse still, if you exploit others, ultimately you will lose. Because you will have no one who will show concern for your well-being.
  • Boys are very kind and girls are very selfish! Most girls don’t like to help unknown boys, but, all boys are ready anytime to help unknown girls :)

Relationship Messages

Sometimes when I say ‘oh I am fine’ I want someone to look me in the eyes and say ‘tell me the truth’.

Hugs are to pull two people together, but why is that you can never see the other person’s expression when it happens? Because some great moments are meant to be felt.

Give your absence to your loved ones to make them miss you so much. But don’t make it a habit because they will learn to live without you!

True Relation: It’s the one in which yesterday’s fights do not stop today’s communication!

Health is the greatest gift; contentment the greatest wealth; and faithfulness the best relationship!