06 January 2016

Anniversary Wishes for Couples

    Real relationships are when you don’t have to pretend to be someone else, just to be liked for being someone you’re not. Happy anniversary.

    Looking at divorced couples make me feel that marriages are ephemeral. But you both have proved that marriages are truly eternal. Happy anniversary.

    Some of the best memories of a couple are not just the magic of their first few kisses but the magic they create every time they kiss for the rest of their lives. Happy anniversary.

       Real relationships are when you can fight like enemies, laugh like best friends and love like soul mates. Happy anniversary.

    The wrinkles on your faces are not signs of how much you have aged, but how beautifully your marriage has survived the test of time. Happy anniversary.

    The echo of your love and the sound of the sea have a few things in common – they are both constant, soulful and eternal. Happy anniversary.

     Anniversaries are milestones where you can pause and look back at your life – to cherish all the beautiful memories and bind yourselves to all the wonderful promises that are yet to be fulfilled. Happy anniversary.

     The bond of a marriage can take various forms, depending on whether life is imitating calm or storms. Sometimes in can be a beautiful knot, sometimes it can be a fragile cord. Regardless of what it is, I hope your lives overflow with bliss. Happy anniversary.

     Your dreams, ambitions and hopes for the future may not be always the same. But the beauty of your marriage is that you both live to make each others’ dreams come true. Happy anniversary to a perfect couple.

     Parties, dinners and get-togethers – we have many selfish reasons to gather and wish you both a great life ahead. Happy anniversary.

     More than the pop of balloons, flash of lights and shower of confetti – may the sounds of laughter, flashes of smiles and showers of happiness mark your anniversary.

     Whatever you do and wherever life takes you, never underestimate the power of honesty, love and friendship. Happy anniversary.

      Your family name too should end with EST because it comes after every word I use to describe you as a couple – happiEST, coolEST, hottEST and the very bEST. Happy anniversary.

    No one and nothing in this world is perfect, but the two of you are as close as it gets. Happy anniversary.

      If your love story was made into a movie, it would give The Notebook a run for its money. Happy wedding anniversary.

    Not a long journey, your marriage is an adventure. Not a love story, your marriage is an epic tale of romance. Not a happy ending, your marriage is a blissful loop of sweet memories. Happy wedding anniversary.

     For some people, a perfect marriage is a myth, fairytale, legend, fable or false hope. But for me, it is a real thing which exists between you both. Happy anniversary.

     Relationships are not about give and take, they’re about share and care. Happy anniversary.

     Success doesn’t always come in the form of pay checks and awards. It also lies in smiles that are a result of happy relationships and experiencing the little pleasures of life. Happy anniversary.

       Most married couples hear each other’s words, you listen to each other’s heartbeats. Most of them  admire each other’s looks, you complement each other’s souls. Most of them commit to each others’ lives, you have committed to each others’ dreams. Happy anniversary to an awesome couple.

     The sweetest of anniversaries are a result of getting through the life’s most bitter moments… hand in hand and heart to heart. Happy anniversary.

     Times change, people change, but memories remain. Wish you both a lifetime of happy memories. Have a fantastic anniversary.

     The first few years of marriage are likely to be the best. It is only later that life becomes a test. But the love between you both makes you better that the rest. Happy anniversary and good luck.

     For some couples, being perfect means being flawless. But for a wise, mature and beautiful one like you, being perfect means accepting each other and making the most of what life has to offer. Happy anniversary.

     Your anniversary should have been a monthly and not a weekly affair, for having just one day in a year is just not enough to show each other how much you care. Happy anniversary.

     Some marriages are a cocktail of different emotions, feelings and experiences. Yours is straight and on the rocks –        % pure and undiluted love. Happy anniversary.

      A romantic journey, thrilling ride, fun adventure, amazing voyage, beautiful expedition, memorable escapade, heavenly trip – this is the definition of your marriage and the path to your destiny. Happy anniversary.

      Every year, your anniversary makes me anxious, insecure, nervous and stressed because it adds to the pressure of finding the perfect match – just like you both did. Happy anniversary.

     Sometimes your marriage is slow like Waltz, sometimes it is peppy like Salsa, sometimes it is hot like Tango and sometimes it is soulful like Jazz – cheers to the couple who can dance to any rhythm of life. Happy anniversary.

       You don’t need to wait for your     th,     th or   th anniversary to celebrate a milestone in your life. Every anniversary of yours is a special milestone. Happy anniversary.

     May the sunshine of happiness always break out from the clouds of misunderstandings to form a rainbow of love in your timeless marriage. Happy anniversary.

     As an old couple your legs may have become wobbly and beautiful wrinkles may adorn your lovely faces, but your love for each other never seems faded regardless of life’s phases. Happy anniversary.

     Even after so many years of living together, you both haven’t got tired of each other. Here’s wishing that you stay, like this forever. Happy anniversary.

     Even amidst difficult times, tough situations and harsh circumstances, you have proved that a happy marriage can sail you through any storm of life. Happy anniversary.

     Happy anniversary to a couple who has made their marriage as perfect as it is made out to be in romantic books and movies.

     In the Waltz of Life, you have proved to be the perfect dancing partners for each other and forever. Happy anniversary.

      Your anniversary will remind you not just of the best moments of your relationship, but also of all the strife you went through to experience those blissful moments. Happy anniversary.

     Good relationships don’t just happen. They need to be nurtured and given a foundation that is unshakable – just like yours. Happy anniversary.

      The fact that you don’t behave like a typical husband-wife makes your marriage perfect. Happy anniversary.

       A real relationship is when destinies align, souls connect and hearts beat for each other, forever and ever – just like yours. Happy anniversary.

Get Well Soon Messages-SMS for Boyfriend

    If hugs and kisses could cure, you’d have been immune to everything by now. 
Get well soon.

    I know I can’t kiss you because you’ve got the flu, but that doesn’t stop me from expressing how much I love you. 
Get well soon baby.

    Ask your doctor to prescribe medicines for two. 
Because when you feel sick, I do too. 
I love you.

    I don’t know why the doctors took so long to find out that you had fever. 
I always knew that you were sizzling hot. 
Get well soon.

    I am going to take a hiatus from smiling until we break out of this hiatus of kissing. 
Get well soon.

    Sickness may make life seem, gloomy like a dark night sky. 
But never forget that you are the star that lights up my life’s skies. xoxo

     I miss your hugs and I miss your smiles, without which life isn’t worthwhile. 
I miss being together and I miss looking in your eyes. knowing you are sick, often makes me cry. 
I miss your cuddles and I miss the real you, I hope you think about me and miss me too. 
Get well soon.

     Facebook is waiting for you to post something while twitter is longing for your tweets. 
But more importantly, I am waiting for your hugs so sweet. 
Get well soon.

     Just remind your doctor that he will face the wrath of an angry girlfriend if you don’t feel better soon. xoxo

      Don’t worry, my sweet hugs and kisses will wipe away all the bitterness of the pills you are taking right now. 
Get well soon.

     Worry is chewing me up, stress is biting into me and tension is nibbling my heart away. 
Now feel better soon so that your love can brighten up my days.

       I got the shivers and the chills, after finding out that you were ill. 
But now I am slowing breaking into a smile, after finding out that you will recover in just a short while. 
I love you.

       If your doctor doesn’t mind, I would like my hugs to be a core part of your treatment and daily dose of medication. 
Get well soon.

     Hope is the best medicine, and I’m here to give you just that. 
Get well soon.

      A few bugs, are not going to stop me from giving you hugs. 
Get well soon.

     No matter how dark and dull you feel, always remember that you are the sunshine in my life. 
Get well soon.

     You have no idea how desperately my life depends on your smiles and your hugs. 
Get well soon, so that I can start living again. xoxo

    Don’t worry about being sick. 
Our selfie on your hospital bed will be yet another addition to our relationship’s awesome memory bank. 
Get well soon.

     Sickness may keep you away from me for a few days, but I promise we will make it up in every way.
 Get well soon.

     When I heard about your sickness, my heart just broke apart. 
I no longer look forward, to a day’s beautiful start. 
My life has plunged, into a gloomy darkness. 
Until you get better, my life is void of happiness. xoxo

     I may not be medically ill but until you feel better 
I won’t feel alive. 
Get well soon.

     Even the doctor knows that medicines are useless until I brighten up the smile on your face with my kisses. xoxo

     I hope my wishes add a bright ray of sunshine to your day, just like how your smiles light up my life. Get well soon. xoxo

     I just can’t believe how the flu, managed to get into you. 
But don’t worry it won’t last too long, my hugs will make you healthy and strong. 
Get well soon.

     I can literally feel your sickness because our bodies might be separate but our hearts beat as one. Get well soon.

     You may be down and out right now. 
But once you feel better we will make it up and how. 
From romantic dates to the cutest of selfies, we will make the most beautiful of all memories. 
Get well soon.

      You may be sick but you look hot and handsome even in that hospital gown. 
I love you, get well soon.

      While you are getting your treatment I am missing you so much, that I am on the verge of feigning a sickness so that we can be roomies. 
Get well soon.

     I am sure that your sickness is just one of those life’s curve balls which you will hit out of the ball park. 
After all, your girlfriend is cheering for you! 
Get well soon.

       I know there is no substitute for my hugs, but I promise we will more than make up for it once your health is free of sickness’ bugs. 
Get well soon.

     With your sickness you have found a great excuse for… your friends to miss you, your family to fuss over you and most importantly, your girlfriend to kiss you. 
Get well soon.

     Ever since you have fallen ill, my heart skips beats at its own will. 
Maybe it just can’t keep up with the stress, of watching you suffer in distress. 
Get well soon.

     Be strong because no matter how many injections you have to take during your illness, I will always be here to nurse you back to happiness. 
Get well soon.

     The selfies I am taking these days are missing their biggest spark – YOU. Get well soon.

     Just like how nothing can replace the role of medicine to help you recover, nothing can replace your hugs to make me feel happier. 
Get well soon.

     Sickness comes, sickness goes – but I will always be close. 
Get well soon.

      For me there is no difference between the words I and YOU. So when YOU fall sick, I do too. 
Get well soon.

      I googled ‘How to help your boyfriend recover from his sickness’ and the first search result was ‘Kiss him until he feels better’ So here I am. 
Get well soon.

     I wish I was a doctor so that I would get to treat you, fuss over you and pamper you endlessly until you feel better. Get well soon baby.

       Your illness has created a void which can only and only be replaced by long drives and romantic cuddles after you feel better. Get well soon.

Thank You Messages-SMS to Teachers from Parents

    A good teacher is everything a parent can never be. Thanks, for being one.

    We parents may be accountants, scientists, doctors and engineers – but nothing contributes to the nation’s development more than the sacrifices made by teachers. Thank you.

    Thanks for giving our LITTLE one BIG dreams.

    It is impossible to thank a teacher. There are no words, to appreciate someone whose words empower children to chase their dreams.

    Teachers are probably the most underrated yet the most powerful professionals in the whole world. Their work has a long term impact on not just the lives of the children they teach, but on society as a whole. They have the power to shape generations, impact minds and make the world a better place. Thank you for your contribution.

    The school may have found a teacher in you, but our child found a hero in you. Thanks.

     Our once introvert child’s personality has bloomed open like a beautiful fragrant flower ever since being tended by a lovely gardener in the form of a teacher like you. Thanks.

     We might not be paid to teach our children the values of life, but your salaries are far too miniscule considering that your words will resonate inside our children’s minds for the rest of their lives. Thank you for taking good care of our child.

    Teachers should be called Fillers because they fill all the gaps and crevices in a child’s life. Thanks for making our child’s life rounded and complete.

       Your words are the sparks that light up our children’s futures. Thank you.

     A good teacher is someone who can think like a student, look like a parent and behave like a boss. You are the boss our kid is lucky to have. Thanks.

     Every word you say, every class you take, every paper you grade – goes on to change lives. Thanks for being a great teacher to our kids.

     Children eventually forget what they read in books but they will always remember how awesome a teacher was. Thanks for being just that.

     Parents have got the easy job of raising our own kids. They are rewarded for all their sacrifices with the joy of watching their own blood grow up into fine young men and women. Teachers have got the tough jobs. Their rewards are limited to the hope that their wisdom will make a tiny difference into the lives of children, helping them to be better human beings. Thank you for all your selfless sacrifices.

     My child has become a better person because of a wonderful person like you. Thanks.

     Great inventors and leaders are not born. They are motivated and inspired to do great things by great teachers like you. Thanks for inspiring our kids.

      Our child’s school years will be a priceless memory, thanks to a teacher who always made sure he was happy.

      As a wonderful teacher, you may not realize that all good teachers have good parental qualities. But as good parents, we realize that we don’t have exquisite teaching qualities like yours. Thank you for taking good care of our child.

     Our children are safeguarded from all of life’s negative influences, because teachers like you shower their love in ton and not just ounces. Thanks.

       Google, Wikipedia, Wikihow, Seventeen and Encyclopaedias have no place in our child’s life because of awesome teachers like you. Thanks for being our child’s one-stop helpline.

     Technology will keep evolving but nothing can replace the power of a teacher’s inspirational words.

     As the years fly by, technology will change, society will change and education will change… but one thing that will remain constant is the value of a good teacher. Thanks for being one.

      As parents it is impossible for us to stop worrying about our child’s future. But at the back of our minds we are at peace because we know our child is in good hands of teachers like you. Thanks for being there.

     There is nothing more satisfying for parents than knowing that their child is being given the same amount of love and care as at home. Thanks.

     The biggest compliment a teacher can get is when a student goes home and says ‘Mom I had a great day at school’ Our child does that every day. Thanks.

     As parents whenever we get credit for our child’s achievements we just say ‘Our child has the best teacher’ Thanks for bring out the best in our child.

     No matter how hard parents try to give their children the best of values, they will ultimately grow up to be young adults whose personalities are shaped by teachers like you. Today we want to show gratitude for the way you have looked after our child, we know you really care because every time he has come back from school he has smiled. Thanks.

     Teachers like you should be immortalized so that children can forever receive education that is truly prized. Thanks.

       As parents we try and give our child the best of everything at home. We rest easy because we know our child will get the best of everything at school – thanks to wonderful teachers like you.

     Every now and then we hear about EXTRAORDINARY students who go out of their way and learn things from outside their coursework to become all-rounders. But today we want to thank an EXTRAORDINARY teacher who has gone out of her way to stay back and take extra classes to make sure her students find their way in life. Thank you.

      When it comes to knowledge our child trusts you not only more than us, but also more than Wikipedia. Thanks for educating our child just like how a perfect teacher should.

     Great teachers like you aren’t always the ones who have fancy degrees and qualifications. They are the ones who have a big heart and a desire to make the world a better place one kid at a time. Thank you.

     We knew our daughter had the best teacher in the world when we were on a holiday and she said ‘Mom I miss going to school’ Thanks for making our child look forward to getting a good education.

      You have no idea how grateful we are for helping our daughter cope up with the pressure of her midterms. She might have studied hard but we all know that the credit for her progress doesn’t go to those classes but to a helpful teacher like you.

      More than putting children in good schools, parents should think about putting kids in the hands of good teachers like you. Thanks for everything.

     As parents, sometimes we worry because our child never comes to us for advice and guidance. But our worries are soon laid to rest when we remind ourselves that our child seeks advice and guidance from the best source possible – a teacher like YOU. Thanks.

     It is impossible to put a price tag on the kind of education our child receives because as a teacher, your guidance is truly priceless. Thank you.

     As parents we have lost because you are a bigger influence on our child than us. But this is one race we are happy to lose. Thanks for imparting the best lessons to our kid.

     For giving our kids much needed advice, for educating the youth today, for shaping the future generation, for showing our lost kids the way. For making sacrifices aplenty, for taking up a profession so selfless, for letting us parents breathe easy, for being a teacher so flawless – Thank You.

       Thanks for believing in our daughter and helping her believe in her own abilities.