06 January 2016

Get Well Soon Messages-SMS for Boyfriend

    If hugs and kisses could cure, you’d have been immune to everything by now. 
Get well soon.

    I know I can’t kiss you because you’ve got the flu, but that doesn’t stop me from expressing how much I love you. 
Get well soon baby.

    Ask your doctor to prescribe medicines for two. 
Because when you feel sick, I do too. 
I love you.

    I don’t know why the doctors took so long to find out that you had fever. 
I always knew that you were sizzling hot. 
Get well soon.

    I am going to take a hiatus from smiling until we break out of this hiatus of kissing. 
Get well soon.

    Sickness may make life seem, gloomy like a dark night sky. 
But never forget that you are the star that lights up my life’s skies. xoxo

     I miss your hugs and I miss your smiles, without which life isn’t worthwhile. 
I miss being together and I miss looking in your eyes. knowing you are sick, often makes me cry. 
I miss your cuddles and I miss the real you, I hope you think about me and miss me too. 
Get well soon.

     Facebook is waiting for you to post something while twitter is longing for your tweets. 
But more importantly, I am waiting for your hugs so sweet. 
Get well soon.

     Just remind your doctor that he will face the wrath of an angry girlfriend if you don’t feel better soon. xoxo

      Don’t worry, my sweet hugs and kisses will wipe away all the bitterness of the pills you are taking right now. 
Get well soon.

     Worry is chewing me up, stress is biting into me and tension is nibbling my heart away. 
Now feel better soon so that your love can brighten up my days.

       I got the shivers and the chills, after finding out that you were ill. 
But now I am slowing breaking into a smile, after finding out that you will recover in just a short while. 
I love you.

       If your doctor doesn’t mind, I would like my hugs to be a core part of your treatment and daily dose of medication. 
Get well soon.

     Hope is the best medicine, and I’m here to give you just that. 
Get well soon.

      A few bugs, are not going to stop me from giving you hugs. 
Get well soon.

     No matter how dark and dull you feel, always remember that you are the sunshine in my life. 
Get well soon.

     You have no idea how desperately my life depends on your smiles and your hugs. 
Get well soon, so that I can start living again. xoxo

    Don’t worry about being sick. 
Our selfie on your hospital bed will be yet another addition to our relationship’s awesome memory bank. 
Get well soon.

     Sickness may keep you away from me for a few days, but I promise we will make it up in every way.
 Get well soon.

     When I heard about your sickness, my heart just broke apart. 
I no longer look forward, to a day’s beautiful start. 
My life has plunged, into a gloomy darkness. 
Until you get better, my life is void of happiness. xoxo

     I may not be medically ill but until you feel better 
I won’t feel alive. 
Get well soon.

     Even the doctor knows that medicines are useless until I brighten up the smile on your face with my kisses. xoxo

     I hope my wishes add a bright ray of sunshine to your day, just like how your smiles light up my life. Get well soon. xoxo

     I just can’t believe how the flu, managed to get into you. 
But don’t worry it won’t last too long, my hugs will make you healthy and strong. 
Get well soon.

     I can literally feel your sickness because our bodies might be separate but our hearts beat as one. Get well soon.

     You may be down and out right now. 
But once you feel better we will make it up and how. 
From romantic dates to the cutest of selfies, we will make the most beautiful of all memories. 
Get well soon.

      You may be sick but you look hot and handsome even in that hospital gown. 
I love you, get well soon.

      While you are getting your treatment I am missing you so much, that I am on the verge of feigning a sickness so that we can be roomies. 
Get well soon.

     I am sure that your sickness is just one of those life’s curve balls which you will hit out of the ball park. 
After all, your girlfriend is cheering for you! 
Get well soon.

       I know there is no substitute for my hugs, but I promise we will more than make up for it once your health is free of sickness’ bugs. 
Get well soon.

     With your sickness you have found a great excuse for… your friends to miss you, your family to fuss over you and most importantly, your girlfriend to kiss you. 
Get well soon.

     Ever since you have fallen ill, my heart skips beats at its own will. 
Maybe it just can’t keep up with the stress, of watching you suffer in distress. 
Get well soon.

     Be strong because no matter how many injections you have to take during your illness, I will always be here to nurse you back to happiness. 
Get well soon.

     The selfies I am taking these days are missing their biggest spark – YOU. Get well soon.

     Just like how nothing can replace the role of medicine to help you recover, nothing can replace your hugs to make me feel happier. 
Get well soon.

     Sickness comes, sickness goes – but I will always be close. 
Get well soon.

      For me there is no difference between the words I and YOU. So when YOU fall sick, I do too. 
Get well soon.

      I googled ‘How to help your boyfriend recover from his sickness’ and the first search result was ‘Kiss him until he feels better’ So here I am. 
Get well soon.

     I wish I was a doctor so that I would get to treat you, fuss over you and pamper you endlessly until you feel better. Get well soon baby.

       Your illness has created a void which can only and only be replaced by long drives and romantic cuddles after you feel better. Get well soon.

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