Showing posts with label congratulations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label congratulations. Show all posts

06 January 2016

Congratulations Messages-SMS for Passing Exams and Tests

    Even Wolverine couldn’t have cleared these exams. You may not have blades of steel but your pen is mightier than any blade on this planet. Congratulations.

    Centuries ago, battles were fought with swords and shields. Today, battles are fought with knowledge and degrees. Congratulations for empowering yourself.

    Exams or not, we always knew that you were a champion in the making. Well done.

    The speed at which you are passing your tests shows that you’ll reach the finish line called SUCCESS before everyone else. Congratulations.

    Everyone has intellect and presence of mind. But only few students like you are able to use it at the right time. Congratulations for passing your exams.

       My Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram are dedicated to celebrating the success of a bright student like you. I am going to treat you with Likes, Retweets, Pins and Shares. Congratulations.

     Age-old wisdom says that hard work always pays off in life, and you have proven that it holds true even today. Congratulations.

     If annoying teachers and arrogant bullies can’t stop you from getting good grades, nothing ever will. You are one tough nut. Congratulations for shining out.

    Education is as useless without experience, as experience is without education. By getting a degree, you have the best of both worlds. Congratulations on graduating.

    Doing well in exams are the only shortcut to success. Well done.

     By passing these exams you have proved that the phrases Beauty Without Brains and Dumb Blonde are a complete myth. Congratulations to the prettiest student ever.

     The best students are not those who are the most intelligent. They are the ones who take advantage of their talents and work hard to surge ahead of all their classmates – just like you. Congratulations.

     It doesn’t matter whether you want to become a lawyer, doctor, astronaut, engineer, dancer or CEO. What matters is that by passing these exams, you have proved that you have the ability and talent to become anyone you want to be. Congratulations.

     Exams may not be the ultimate test of life but they are definitely the ultimate test of character. By passing, it has been proven that you have a strong character – full of determination, focus and commitment. Congratulations.

     This exam may not be the biggest test of your life. But with good grades, you have proved that you are ready to take on life’s bigger challenges. Congratulations.

     Exams and tests will come and go but your determination and self-confidence will stay with you forever. Congratulations.

      Passing the SATs require a lot of perseverance. I hope your perseverance transforms into success in all your exams repeatedly, not just once. Congratulations.

      For a change, your girlfriend, mom, dad, brother, sister, teacher and friends have the same feelings for you today – they are all very Proud of You for passing your exams. Congratulations.

     The fact that you scored well in your exams does not come as a surprise to me. I always knew that you were destined to be successful – and these exams are just the beginning. Congratulations.

       You aced your tests, which is a sign that you will ace many other things in life. Congratulations.

     Even your grades agree that you’re going to go places in life. Congratulations.

     We didn’t need a scorecard to tell us that you were a winner. We always knew. Congratulations.

     You are not just a source of inspiration for your friends, but also a source of pride for your family. Congratulations for acing your papers.

     Just like how a diamond is worthless until it is polished, intelligence is worthless if it is not put to good use. You, have used your intelligence to shine like a diamond. Congratulations for passing your exams.

     Poor students always find problems and look for excuses. Good students like you always find solutions and move ahead. Congratulations.

     Exams and grades are temporary, but education is permanent. Congratulations.

      Now that you’ve got good grades, everyone around you will have to live up to your benchmark. Congratulations, thanks for making our lives miserable.

      There will be a vibrant rainbow in the sky today, because you’ve passed an important test with flying colors. Congratulations.

     Kudos to you for passing this important exam. I hope your result motivates you to pass every challenge that life throws at you.

       Getting good grades will get you into a good college. Getting into a good college will help you get a good job. Getting a good job will help you have a good career. As you can see, good grades are the stepping stone to a good life. Congratulations.

     Make the motto of your life, to never settle for anything but the best. That’s the only way you’ll excel and leave behind the rest. Congratulations.

     It’s no surprise that you’ve aced your exams. Tell us something more exciting. Congratulations son.

     We never need to read inspirational quotes and motivational stories, because we have an ambitious friend like you around. Congratulations.

     I sent you good luck before your exams. I prayed for your success in these exams. Obviously, the credit for your awesome results goes to me.

     There are two Types of students. One, who cry and complain about how difficult, tough and demanding their coursework is. Second, who take pride in being able to study and clear a difficult, tough and demanding coursework. You are definitely the Second Type. Congratulations.

     Exams are not just a test of brilliance, but the perseverance to be brilliant constantly. Congratulations.

      Like Alexander the Great, you have conquered the most arduous terrains of life by passing your tests. Congratulations.

      I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the worst part of passing every tests with good grades is that your intelligence will be taken for granted. Anyway, congratulations.

     Conquering your exams is just the beginning. May you conquer many more summits in your life. Congratulations.

       The only way to guarantee success in your life is to give everything your best shot, just like how you did to your tests. Congratulations.