Showing posts with label miss you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miss you. Show all posts

19 January 2016

I Miss You Quotes

"Missing someone is your heart's way of reminding you that you love them."

"When I miss you I re-read our old conversations and smile like an idiot."

"When I close my eyes I see you, when I open my eyes I miss you."

"I miss your cuddles, I miss your kisses but most of all I miss you! the love I have will never change as each day goes by I will love you till the day I die."

"When I miss you it seems every song I listen to is about you."

"If you really love that person, learn to wait. Maybe you're not meant to be together today but meant to be in the future."

"During the day I keep myself busy and sometimes time passes. But at night, I really miss you."

"I heard someone whisper your name but when I turned around to see who it was, I was alone then I realized that it was my heart telling me that I miss you."

"You can love someone so much but you can never love people as much as you can miss them."

"I'll miss you forever like the starts miss the sun in the morning skies."

14 January 2016

Sweetest I Mıss You Messages

Gloomy is the description of my day without you. 
I am feeling your absence so much my dear.

I am tired of a life, a day, a night without you. 
So sad to know that you are this far away from me. 
I miss you dear.

My life is full of daydream. 
I tried to stop thinking about you but I failed each time. 
I need you here my love. 
I miss you.

I see you in every person I see. 
I feel you in anything I though. 
Sad my day will end again without you in it. 
How I wish you are here.

I feel so empty thinking you are not here. 
The whole of me is really empty seeing you are so far away. 
I miss you.

I sit here all day waiting for the moment I'll see your face, and maybe I'll get a hug. So disappointing that it all ended a daydream.

I felt like smiling with someone but no one deserves my smile around here. 
I am missing the romantic moments with you. 
 Missing you like badly.

My agelong desire is for us to be together forever, not to be here all day thinking about you. 
I have missed you a lot dear.

My days are never complete without you in it. 
 It's happening again. 
I am really missing you my dear.

I miss you in every step I take and in every move I make. 
I miss you a lot and I wish you would understand.

11 January 2016

Heart Touching I Miss You Quotes

"Missing someone is your heart's way of reminding you that you love them."

"When I miss you I re-read our old conversations and smile like an idiot."

"When I close my eyes I see you, when I open my eyes I miss you."

"I miss your cuddles, I miss your kisses but most of all I miss you! the love I have will never change as each day goes by I will love you till the day I die."

"When I miss you it seems every song I listen to is about you."

"If you really love that person, learn to wait. Maybe you're not meant to be together today but meant to be in the future."

"During the day I keep myself busy and sometimes time passes. But at night, I really miss you."

"I heard someone whisper your name but when I turned around to see who it was, I was alone then I realized that it was my heart telling me that I miss you."

"You can love someone so much but you can never love people as much as you can miss them."

"I'll miss you forever like the starts miss the sun in the morning skies."

15 December 2015

Miss You Messages-SMS for Wife

Miss You
    I planned to say a lot of things to you, but in the end all I could muster up was,
 I Miss You.

    I don’t know what to post on Facebook, I don’t know that to tweet. I miss the person, the very reason my life seems sweet.

    When you are at work – the kids miss their mommy who is the world’s best cook, I miss my honey who gives me the naughtiest of looks.

    Being away from you has placed me in the hands of the devil of loneliness. The only way I can escape this wrath is to be rescued by an angel called YOU.
I miss you.

    Economics says that a need is different from a want. I say that both are the same because I need you and want you at the same time. 
I miss you.

    I don’t need to be away to miss you. Even when I’m with you, I miss the memories we’ve made before and think about those that are yet to be.

     This text messages has been sent by your husband’s heart  it misses you.

     I am afraid of the feeling of missing you, because it reminds me of all the dark days I’ve spent being away from you. 

    Even though I am alive, my heart has stopped beating. Even though I am breathing, my body is suffocating. Even though I still care, I can’t bear any longer that you’re not there. 
I miss you.

       Missing you is like breathing  involuntary, continuous and critical to my survival. 
I miss you.

     Sometimes I start missing you just because it reminds me of what it’s like to fall in love.

     The kids miss their mommy, I miss my honey and the home misses its queen bee.

     Sometimes I wish we were away from each other for a while, so I could have the sweet feeling of missing you all over again.

     My state of mind right now… is how the Internet would be without Google. 

I miss you.

     Without thinking, I spoke endlessly. Without pausing, I fought with you baby. Without reflecting, I called you names. Without introspecting, I blamed you for playing games. 
I’m sorry, 
I miss you.

     If missing you gave me strength, I would be Superman right now.

       I wish I was allergic to my wife’s absence so that the doctor could prescribe her constant company for me. 
I miss you.

     When you are not with me, I miss out on the best moments of my life. 
I miss you.

     I strive to treat you like a queen who reigns over the globe, just like the one who wears jewels and silky robes. But my actions made you feel like a stranger I didn’t care for, it maligned our love which is so clean and pure. Baby forgive me for losing my temper and doing stupid things, without your love I am suffocating and dying.
I miss you.

      Missing you is like therapy  it replenishes my mind and body with happy hormones. 
I miss you.

     Without you, I feel like a flower withering away without sunshine, a lake parching up without water and a heart… limping along without its beat. 
I miss you.

      Missing you is like being diagnosed with a disease. The pain is slow, excruciatingly painful and constant.

     I have I have got a new job after you have left for your trip. The company’s name is Missing You and I am its CEO.

      Like a dog without its bone and a cat without its milk, I am rotting away without my favorite treat… your hugs and your smiles. 
I miss you.

     I have hugged my pillow more than I have hugged you this week. Come back soon from your business trip or else my soul will get weak.

      Without you my body clock has gone haywire because seconds seem like minutes, minutes seem like hours and hours seem like days.
I miss you.

     Just because we’re together now doesn’t mean I miss you. Sometimes, I wish I could just turn back time to when life was simple and love was all that mattered. 

     I went overboard, I crossed the line. I gave you, many a reason to whine. Baby I am sorry, for not being myself lately. Please come back, and forgive my stupidity. 
I miss you.

     The reason for my existence, the purpose of my life. The core of my being, is you my dear wife. 
I miss you.

I promise never to leave my dirty laundry on the bedroom floor. 
I promise never to hog the TV remote. 
I promise never to burp when you are around. 
I promise to help you clean up after dinner. 
But all these promises come at a cost  you will come back early to spend more time with me.
 I miss you.

     My life has plunged into darkness and I am drowning in frustration.
 I feel as if I’ve been pushed to the deepest depth of the oceans. 
Save me baby, rescue me from this pain.
 I just want look into your eyes and hug you again. 

     Your absence has completely ruined my life. Everything feels hollow without the woman who I call my wife. 
I miss you.

     I miss the way, you wake me up to sunshine. 
I miss the way, you fulfill every dream of mine. 
I miss everything about you. 
Come back baby… without you I feel blue.

     Our kids are not the only ones who miss their mom when she is at work, I miss their mom too. 

       The only thing stopping me from going insane are your romantic whispers that echo in my heart. 
I miss you.

      When I miss you, I can’t sleep. When I can’t sleep, I can’t dream. When I can’t dream, I lie awake. When I lie awake, I miss you. 
Where do I go?

     If practice makes perfect, by now I have become a pro at missing you.

     Do you know what is common between your job, your colleagues and your boss?
 I hate them all because they get to spend more time with you than I do. 
I miss you.

      I want to be Superman so that I can fly to my wife’s office during lunch breaks to see her. 
I miss you.

     All of life’s hues have become gloomy, days have become lifeless and dreary. 
The distance between us is killing me slowly. 
Day after day, I am gasping breathlessly. 
Save me from this excruciating misery, please… come back soon baby.

11 December 2015

I Miss You Messages-SMS for Friends

I Miss You

 I have no regrets. 
Life tore us apart but I’m glad I had the chance to call you my friend. 
I miss you.

    When Will You Come Back is the only hashtag trending in my life right now. 
I miss you.

    Nothing can be compared, to the memories we shared. The awesome times that we had, made everything so rad. But now I am going mad, missing you makes me sad. 
My heart can’t be repaired, without you my life’s impaired. 

I miss you.

    When you are with me, time just flies away. 
 When you are not here, even seconds seem like days. 

I miss you.

    I have discovered gloomy hues, of life that I never knew. 
Now I understand our friendship’s value, from the bottom of my heart I miss you.

    I know that miles and distance don’t matter in friendship. But who’s going to explain that to my heart?

 I miss you.

     If I could write a book right now, it would be titled            ways to miss your BFF. 

I miss you.

     I don’t care whether it is Monday, Wednesday or Sunday, every moment is boring and gloomy when my friend is away.

 I miss you.

    I always order two cups of coffee when I go out. 
Even the sight of an extra cup lying across the table makes me smile… because it reminds me of the time when you were here. 

I miss you.

       The only thing stopping me from feeling blue, are all the selfies I took with you. 

I miss you.

     Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. 
Maybe life had other plans for you and me… 

I miss you.

     Our selfies are not just pictures that we took together. They are they priceless memories that keep me sane when you’re not here. 

I miss you.

     How would you feel if the Like button was taken away from your Facebook? 
That is how I feel without you because since you have gone away, there is nothing to Like in my life. 

 I miss you.

     Friendship is life’s biggest addiction. 
 Unfortunately, you don’t realize this until you start missing your old friends.

     Even though you are just a post away on Facebook and a tweet away on Twitter… 
I wish you could just be a hug away in real life. 

I miss you.

     The true test of our friendship is not how much fun we have when we are together but how much we miss each other when we are not together. 
And I have definitely passed the test because I miss you a lot. 
Please come back.

     Take my iPhone away, take my laptop away. 
 Take my Facebook away, take my car away… just give me my friend back. 

I miss you.

     I remember the way we argued, but still remained glued. 
I think about the way we shared, and for each other how we cared. 
I remember all the promises we made, I hope that our friendship never fades. 

I miss you.

     What’s the point if life rips two friends apart, leaving them to make new friends from the start. 
There is no point of going through this rigmarole, because life without friends is like living without a soul. 

I miss you.

      If thinking about every beautiful memory that I share with you was equal to traveling one mile, then we would practically be sitting next to each other right now. 

I miss you.

     The one and only good part of missing you, is that I can rewind and replay all the beautiful memories we share… again and again. 

I miss you.

     Life moves on, but memories don’t. 
You may have gone away but our friendship is right here… in  my heart. 

I miss you.

      Being away from you has brought a definitive and hurting twist in my life’s story. 
First it was full of happiness and now it is drowning in melancholy. 

I miss you.

       Someone should quickly make a law that requires friends to spend a certain minimum amount of time together before going away, and that time should be FOREVER. 

I miss you.

     College may have taken you away from me but there is one place from where you will never leave, my heart. 

I miss you.

     Numbness is all I can feel, darkness is all I can see. Silence is all I can hear, since you are away from me. Rotting is all I can smell, bland is all I can taste. 
A life without friends… everything is a waste.

      I miss my friend, and there is no other pain like it.

      Vacationing without friends has severe penalties. One of them is receiving an endless and annoying barrage of MISSING YOU texts from a bestie like me.

      When you were here, life was sweet and tasty. 
Now that you’re away, everything is sour and savory. 

I miss you.

     Your role in my life was so central. 
So much so, that your absence has left me dysfunctional.

 I miss you.

     Life must go on. 
That, I always knew. 
But honestly, it sucks without friends like you. 

I miss you.

     Life is just not the same, and you are to blame. 
Since you have been away, I’m having gloomy days. 
My heart is beating strangely, I am missing you terribly. Please come back quickly, I beg you to restore my life’s sanity.

     Missing you is like breathing 
 I can’t stop no matter how hard I try.

 I miss you.

       I love you and hate you at the same time because you gave me the best thing in life, friendship… and then went away.

     I made many new friends after you left school, I made pals with all the kids who were cool. 
I may have made acquaintances by the ton, but I still miss a friend like you… who is one in a million.

     The difference between PRICELESS and WORTHLESSS… is the difference between life with you and life without you. 
I miss you.

      If you don’t come back soon, I will change your title from BFF (Best Friends Forever   to FBFF (Former Best Friend Forever  . 

I miss you.

     The movies are lifeless, the cafes look barren, and even I, am not the same without you. 

I miss you.

       I don’t want to be friends forever with you, because even forever seems like too short a time for our friendship. 

I miss you.

     How big a mess my life is without you, can’t you see? Just like how terribly I am missing you, are you missing me? 
Instead of being so far apart, together, can we not be?