14 January 2016

Sweetest I Mıss You Messages

Gloomy is the description of my day without you. 
I am feeling your absence so much my dear.

I am tired of a life, a day, a night without you. 
So sad to know that you are this far away from me. 
I miss you dear.

My life is full of daydream. 
I tried to stop thinking about you but I failed each time. 
I need you here my love. 
I miss you.

I see you in every person I see. 
I feel you in anything I though. 
Sad my day will end again without you in it. 
How I wish you are here.

I feel so empty thinking you are not here. 
The whole of me is really empty seeing you are so far away. 
I miss you.

I sit here all day waiting for the moment I'll see your face, and maybe I'll get a hug. So disappointing that it all ended a daydream.

I felt like smiling with someone but no one deserves my smile around here. 
I am missing the romantic moments with you. 
 Missing you like badly.

My agelong desire is for us to be together forever, not to be here all day thinking about you. 
I have missed you a lot dear.

My days are never complete without you in it. 
 It's happening again. 
I am really missing you my dear.

I miss you in every step I take and in every move I make. 
I miss you a lot and I wish you would understand.

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