13 January 2016

Best Romantic Love Messages-6

   “The complete world has been reshaped. The trees are swaying differently, flowers smell different, and the stars seem to be brighter. All of this is a consequence of falling in love with you.”

   “Breathing is effortless, but it isn’t as natural or easy as loving you.”

  “I have seen the path of love. The path is narrow and hard to traverse. The path of love requires just one person to pass through at a time, yet still be with their lover. The path can only be walked when two people become one.”

   “What do you know about love? I know that it starts and ends with you.”

   “You can be the strongest person in the world, but love can make you feel invincible.”

    “You think that I will stop loving you? The sky will turn bright red and the stars will cease to shine before I stop loving you.”

    “There has been a lot said on magic and how there is no way that it can be real. I always felt the same way, but I realized that magic is what you feel when you love someone. Magic and love are something you’ll never fully understand until you experience it like I have with you.”

    “A quote is the only way I can try and express my feelings for you.”

    “I can’t imagine my life without you. It would be empty, dark and void of love.”

   “Love and pain are one in the same. We can love someone so much that it hurts, or we can leave all the pain behind us with just an ounce of love.”

    “Breathing and loving: the two things we hope that we never have to choose between.”

    “Loving you is easy because you make life worth living.”

   “Life by yourself with no one by your side is not a life that I envy. I envy a life where someone is by your side at all times.”

    ““I love you forever” doesn’t seem to express the lasting love I have for you.”

    “It may seem crazy and it may seem wild, but I have always dreamed that you would love me and only me.”

    “I live for you. I breathe for you. I love you.”

   “There comes a time in life when you have to go into battle together to fight for love.”

    “Love is not meant to be restricting or cruel; love is meant to fill the heart with warmth, and free the soul from misery.”

    “Misery is what a lover feels when the person he loves is no longer in the room.”

    “A picture is worth a thousand words, and any picture in the world cannot fully capture the meaning of a love like ours.”

Best Romantic Love Messages-6

    “Touching your lips. Holding your hand. Hugging you at night. That is what I picture when I say “I love you.””

   “The bridge between happiness and our soul is forged with love.”

   “You may find someone prettier than me, someone that is more outgoing than me, someone that looks just perfect in that dress, but you will never find a person that loves you as much as I love you.”

    “You either love me or you don’t. But, no matter what you choose, I will always love you.”

    “Finding the right person is only half of the way to finding love. When you’re with a person, you have to work hard to create a relationship that will stand the test of time.”

   “Love is what it feels like to be rich. You’re on top of the world, and no one can bring you down.”

   “Nothing in this world is impossible except that idea that I could stop loving you.”

    “This magical thing we all call “love” has come into my life like a speeding bullet and robbed me of all my senses.”

    “The dreams and hopes that I have in life always seem to start with you.”

    “I only want to be closer to you when I am with you.”

    “If I let you into my arms, will you allow me to shield you from all of the pain in the world and love you endlessly?”

   “It is not every day that we can look into a person’s smile and see all of the stars in the sky – it is only the days that you’re in my arms.”

    “Love is the same for rich people and for the poor. It is the one similarity that we all can experience.”

    “You’re like a diamond: impossible not to stare at and admire, but irresistible the moment it is touched.”

    “I don’t think that there is another person on the planet that is like you. You’re one of those rare, few people that are a once-in-a-lifetime creation sent down from heaven to be the envy of the world.”

    “I believe that a person can keep falling in love. I have fallen in love with you countless times.”

   “It’s hard to find the words to express how I feel about you. I have tried and always come back to just one word: love.”

    “The world is brighter the moment we touch, filled with love the moment we kiss, and sad the moment we depart.”

    “Beauty fades. Happiness is a roller-coaster. But love – that is forever.”

   “What does being in love and being drunk have in common? You will lose all control over what you do.”

   “I see the stars in your eyes. In your smile, I see heaven. In the clouds, I see you – my angel.”

   “You can be a million miles away, but you will forever be close to my heart.”

Best Romantic Love Messages-5

   “There is no right or wrong place for love. It kind of just happens, and then you’re stuck with it.”

   “Your love is like a flame that grows in intensity and power. The longer I love you, the more I realize that life wouldn’t be worth living if you weren’t around.”

    “There is no   second rule when it comes to love. You can’t put it down and pick it up later without fear of someone being hurt in the process.”

    “Love is not a sprint. The strongest, most beautiful love is love that has been through a marathon and still stays together.”

    “Unfortunately, you need to care less to see if someone will actually care more.”

   “Loving someone means you’re not selfish. Love means even if a person doesn’t choose to live their life with you, you just want them to be happy.”

    “True love and happy endings don’t exist. True love is the one thing that has no ending at all.”

    “Who the heck wants perfect when you are in the world?”

   “I never wanted to be infected by anything in my life, but I want to be infected with your never-ending love.”

    “I think it’s only fair if I ask you to give me your heart because you already have mine in the palm of your hands.”

    “You must always love the person that deserves it most; not the person that requires it.”

    “There are times when you simply don’t want to fall in love. It is something that many people don’t want, but what people don’t realize is that your heart will never truly ask you for permission.”

  “I will hold your hand if you hold my heart.”

  “Perfection and imperfection are one in the same. I love you perfectly in my own imperfect way.”

  “Who wants to spend an eternity in heaven when spending a moment with you is possible?”

   “True love doesn’t need to run smooth. It just needs to run until perfection is found.”

  “The best thing in the world was finding you. The second best thing in the world is loving you.”

   “Kindness and love flow through your life so effortlessly that it can’t help but spread to everyone and everything you come in contact with.”

    “The sun is blazing and the ocean waves are crashing against the rocks. Everything is perfect and I owe it all to you.”

   “You are so very special to my heart. I hope you stay around forever so that I can remain as happy as I am with you.”

    “There are millions of times I wish I told you I loved you, but they all seem to collide together the moment I see you.”

Best Romantic Love Messages-4

  “I am not the person that chose to be with you. My heart chose you.”

  “Love that’s new is sweet; love that is sweet is true; and the sweetest love of all is loving you.”

   “You are the beating of my heart, the rhythm of my music, the essence of my soul.”

  “Smiles and love will brighten up your day, but no one’s day will be as bright as mine because I am with you.”

  “The beginning and end of anything that is worth it in life starts with love.”

   “I need you. I want you. I love you.”

  “Nothing in the world can brighten up my day as much as making you smile.”

   “There will come a day when one of us leaves this earth. That is the day that true love will die.”

  “You’re the every reason, the every hope that I’ve experienced.”

   “The moment that you said “I love you,” I knew you were the one for me.”

   “To be loved is to be extraordinarily lovable – just like you.”

   “It may seem impossible to you, but no one in the world has loved you as much as I do in this very moment.”

  “You may be a million miles from me, but I can still feel the warmth of your heart.”

   “In a heartbeat, love comes crashing through the door, overthrowing our lives and making it perfect.”

  “Whoever said that love was worth living for wasn’t lying. There is no better reason to live then to love someone so utterly completely.”

   “It all seems perfect. Your smile, your hair, the way that you love me and I love you. It is the definition of perfect.”

   “I used to be afraid of the dark. The sense of being completely alone was something I couldn’t overcome. Now, our hearts are so intertwined that the dark is overcome with your love.”

   “You are my first thought in the morning and my last thought before I go to bed. No matter how far we are from one another, we’re never truly apart.”

   “God asked me what the best thing that I experienced in life was. Do you know what I said? You!”

   “There are no rules when it comes to love – just values.”

    “Accidents don’t happen when we meet people. Every person that we meet in life crosses our path for a reason.”

  “By night time, my heart has pounded so swiftly that the only thing that will calm it down is the touch of your sweet embrace.”

Best Romantic Love Messages-3

   “From the moment I saw you, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. Years have passed and I am still in a trance when you come around.”

   “There isn’t a person on the planet that doesn’t know how to love. Everyone knows how to love, but few people know how to love forever.”

   “If I can be yours, you can be mine, and we will both be one love.”

  “You can feel wind, but you can’t see it. This is exactly what happens with love. You can feel it, but there aren’t enough hours in the day to explain it fully.”

   “Love starts off as cute, innocent and sweet. What new lovers don’t understand is that love doesn’t turn beautiful the moment it begins. Love is like wine; it gets stronger and more beautiful as each day passes.”

  “How can a person be too “busy”? If a person truly loves you, they will find the time to spend with you.”

   “Love is best described as a rubber band. You hold one side, and I hold that other. As our love grows, the rubber band stretches, and we hope that the other person doesn’t let go and allow love to smack us right in the face.”

   “The day after forever simply doesn’t give me enough time to love you endlessly.”

   “There is no reason to say “I love you” without a way to prove that it is undeniably true and sincere.”

   “Now and forever. These are the two things I think about when I say “I love you.””

   “What would I be if I could be anything? I would be a tear that swells in your eyes, trickles down your check and ends up on your lips.”

  “When we first met, I dropped a tear in the ocean. As time went by, I realized I had a better chance of finding that single tear than I do not loving you.”

   “Why would anyone ever ask what love is? Love is love; it is unexplainable and unimaginable. Love can be the best thing in the world, or it can lead to the deepest pain a person will ever feel in their lives.”

 “Love is beautiful because everything is perfect. You are perfect.”

  “Life provides us with countless beautiful people, but I have found that there is only one person that makes life beautiful.”

“When someone asks me, “How is life?” I just smile and tell them that she is fine.”

 “Everything is perfect when I am with you, yet nothing is perfect when we’re apart.”

  “Missing you is an indescribable ache that never goes away.”

  “Thinking of you is easy, but knowing that I won’t see you today truly hurts the heart.”

  “No matter what happens today, tomorrow or a million tomorrows from now, I will always love you. This I promise you.”

   “Experience has shown me that you can lust over many, but only truly love one person.”

   “Why does love have to have an ending? The moment one of us lets go, we can still love the other with every last fiber of our being. I know I love you in the same way.”