13 January 2016

Best Romantic Love Messages-5

   “There is no right or wrong place for love. It kind of just happens, and then you’re stuck with it.”

   “Your love is like a flame that grows in intensity and power. The longer I love you, the more I realize that life wouldn’t be worth living if you weren’t around.”

    “There is no   second rule when it comes to love. You can’t put it down and pick it up later without fear of someone being hurt in the process.”

    “Love is not a sprint. The strongest, most beautiful love is love that has been through a marathon and still stays together.”

    “Unfortunately, you need to care less to see if someone will actually care more.”

   “Loving someone means you’re not selfish. Love means even if a person doesn’t choose to live their life with you, you just want them to be happy.”

    “True love and happy endings don’t exist. True love is the one thing that has no ending at all.”

    “Who the heck wants perfect when you are in the world?”

   “I never wanted to be infected by anything in my life, but I want to be infected with your never-ending love.”

    “I think it’s only fair if I ask you to give me your heart because you already have mine in the palm of your hands.”

    “You must always love the person that deserves it most; not the person that requires it.”

    “There are times when you simply don’t want to fall in love. It is something that many people don’t want, but what people don’t realize is that your heart will never truly ask you for permission.”

  “I will hold your hand if you hold my heart.”

  “Perfection and imperfection are one in the same. I love you perfectly in my own imperfect way.”

  “Who wants to spend an eternity in heaven when spending a moment with you is possible?”

   “True love doesn’t need to run smooth. It just needs to run until perfection is found.”

  “The best thing in the world was finding you. The second best thing in the world is loving you.”

   “Kindness and love flow through your life so effortlessly that it can’t help but spread to everyone and everything you come in contact with.”

    “The sun is blazing and the ocean waves are crashing against the rocks. Everything is perfect and I owe it all to you.”

   “You are so very special to my heart. I hope you stay around forever so that I can remain as happy as I am with you.”

    “There are millions of times I wish I told you I loved you, but they all seem to collide together the moment I see you.”

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