13 January 2016

Best Romantic Love Messages-4

  “I am not the person that chose to be with you. My heart chose you.”

  “Love that’s new is sweet; love that is sweet is true; and the sweetest love of all is loving you.”

   “You are the beating of my heart, the rhythm of my music, the essence of my soul.”

  “Smiles and love will brighten up your day, but no one’s day will be as bright as mine because I am with you.”

  “The beginning and end of anything that is worth it in life starts with love.”

   “I need you. I want you. I love you.”

  “Nothing in the world can brighten up my day as much as making you smile.”

   “There will come a day when one of us leaves this earth. That is the day that true love will die.”

  “You’re the every reason, the every hope that I’ve experienced.”

   “The moment that you said “I love you,” I knew you were the one for me.”

   “To be loved is to be extraordinarily lovable – just like you.”

   “It may seem impossible to you, but no one in the world has loved you as much as I do in this very moment.”

  “You may be a million miles from me, but I can still feel the warmth of your heart.”

   “In a heartbeat, love comes crashing through the door, overthrowing our lives and making it perfect.”

  “Whoever said that love was worth living for wasn’t lying. There is no better reason to live then to love someone so utterly completely.”

   “It all seems perfect. Your smile, your hair, the way that you love me and I love you. It is the definition of perfect.”

   “I used to be afraid of the dark. The sense of being completely alone was something I couldn’t overcome. Now, our hearts are so intertwined that the dark is overcome with your love.”

   “You are my first thought in the morning and my last thought before I go to bed. No matter how far we are from one another, we’re never truly apart.”

   “God asked me what the best thing that I experienced in life was. Do you know what I said? You!”

   “There are no rules when it comes to love – just values.”

    “Accidents don’t happen when we meet people. Every person that we meet in life crosses our path for a reason.”

  “By night time, my heart has pounded so swiftly that the only thing that will calm it down is the touch of your sweet embrace.”

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