20 December 2015

Cute Messages

You know what? I never, ever planned to like you this much and I never thought you’d be on my mind this often. 
Came as a total surprise but I’m loving it!

 You’re the reason for my smile.

 Words can’t explain what a wonderful person you are.

 You make my heart melt.

 My life has never been the same since I met you.

 I miss you. Let’s see each other soon!

 I would wait an eternity for you.

 I love you, forever and always.

 I can’t stop thinking about you.

 I’m so honored to be your girlfriend/boyfriend.

 I wish I could wake up right next to you.

  I would do anything to make you smile.

 You take my breath away.

 I have the perfect life now that you are a part of it.

 I love you, (insert name here). All I need is you.

 Every time I see you I get butterflies in my tummy.

 You make my heart race without doing a thing.

 I wish I could hold you and never let go.

 You are my knight in shining armor/my beautiful princess.

 My love for you is never ending.

 You are the light in my life.

 I can’t wait to see you again.

 I love your hugs and kisses.

 You complete me.

 You are my other half.

 I couldn’t live without you.

 Thank you so much for your support. I couldn’t do it without you.

 Cuddling with you sounds so perfect right about you.

 You brighten my day with the sound of your voice, so call me ASAP- I want to hear it.

 I’m just sitting here thinking of you and wanted to tell you that I love you.

 If I could rewrite the alphabet, I would put U and I together.

 You are the only one for me.

 You’re the missing piece to my jigsaw puzzle.

 People come and go, but I will always be here for you.

 Loving you is as natural as breathing.

 You + Me = Together Forever in Happiness

 If loving you was against the law, I’d be happy to spend the rest of my life in prison.

 I never knew what love was until I met you.

 Every time you smile it warms my heart.

 Do you know how wonderful it is to wake up every day knowing I have you? You’re perfect. I love you.

 For the last hours, minutes, and seconds, I have missed you.

 Thank you for taking such good care of my heart without knowing anything about cardiology.

 You are my favorite reason to lose sleep.

 Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world, because finding you was the first.

 I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!

 Missing you gets easier every day, because even though it’s one day further from the last time we saw each other. It’s also one day closer to the next time we will meet.

 Love is sweet when it’s new, Love is sweeter when it’s true, but sweetest, when the one loving is you.

 Between a million yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there’s only one today. And I would never let it pass without telling you 
– I’m thinking of you.

 Its big, it’s warm, and it’s fuzzy. 
Before you get any ideas 
– it’s a big HUG from me to you!

 If a kiss was a raindrop, I’d send you showers. If a hug was a second, I’d send you hours. If smile was a drop, I’d send you a sea. And if love was a person, I’d send you ME!

15 December 2015

Good Night Messages-SMS (1)

Good Night

The moon may rule the sky at night and the stars color dreams of human; I wish you a good night rest to turn musical dawn chorus to a celestial song of peaceful sleep and a quiet lovely night. Sweet Dreams.

The sun has run home and your eye lashes dance to drum of fatigue and long for quiet hours of the night; may the sweet cool breeze of this night whisper sweet lullaby into your ears and carry your dreams to a peaceful world. Good night.

The world is dead this hour of the night, but a lovely heart of mine is awake, thudding to the thought of the lovely moments we shared together. Just to say good night and sweet dreams my darling.

Take a moment to look through your window; in the sky is my sweet and lovely good night wishes riding on wings of the cool night breeze, gazing through eyes of shining stars with glowing smile of the moon, saying: Sweet and peaceful night, my dear.

My arms are far away from you who is so dear and close to my heart; I give you a warm hung in my prayers saying, good night.

The world is asleep and all is dead to the world, the only sound you hear is the thud of my heart, echoing: Good night.

This good night wishes before you wrap yourself up in your silky bed is not just saying sweet dreams and good night; its echoing, I carry thought of you to bed.

This is a moment to reflect that every day is a blessing; good days to relish happiness; bad days to acquire experience; both are necessary for a whole life. Good night.

In the chilly silence and darkness of the night, all is mystery but the shining stars. Look again in the dazzles of the stars and feel warmth of my smiling wishes whispering sweet dreams.

God is always awake like a broad day lavishing on us his blessings, love, care and guidance everyday of our lives. May His angels encamp around you for a peaceful night and sweet dreams. Good night.

Dear, here is my bed for your rest, my blanket for your warmth and my pillow for your comfort; all wrapped up in my sweet and lovely good night wishes. Sweet Dreams.

The beauty of the night is not whole with dazzles of the night stars and warm glow of a full moon; its beauty is perfect when two hearts share the same lovely thought. Good night.

As the day picks its walking stick to retire, set the worries of the day aside and let slumber wrestle down your eye lashes to sleep. Have wonderful dreams. Good night.

As you walk to your bed for a peaceful night rest, may the glow of the moon keep you warm and may the sparkles of the night stars light the darks hours of the night with my lovely good night wishes.

Stars are the lamps of the night; in this silence of the night, I see nothing but the dazzles in your eyes which are tied to sparkles of the stars. Sweet dreams.

Life may seem uncertain and there may seem to be no one to lean on. Take solace in my sweet good night wishes, after this dark mystery of the night will come a bright day full of joy, hope and peace. Good night.

Good Night Messages for Girlfriend

Good Night

This message is a GUARANTEE that you will have SWEET DREAMS and you will wake up with a SMILE on your face. All FEEDBACK, CLAIMS and COMPLAINTS must be forwarded to the BOYFRIEND department along with cute KISSES and warm HUGS. Good night.

I wish I could come over quickly, I wish you would kiss me. I wish we could cuddle the night away, I wish it would never turn into day. Good night.

I may be tired, I may be sleepy. But I will never be able to fall asleep, until I message my sweetie. Good night.

This text is a drug which drives away NIGHTMARES and induces SWEET DREAMS. Recommended dosage is One Message every few hours. Good night.

Thousands of stars in the sky shine bright, but you are the only shining star in my sight.

Whenever I think about my love for you, I see all my dreams coming true. Good night.

Looking at the dark skies of the night lit up by the sexy glitter of the stars and the romantic glow of the moon, makes me think of just one thing – wish you were here with me. I love you, good night.

I don’t want to be your blanket in which you snuggle, I don’t want to be your sheets on which you wriggle. I just want to be the guy with whom, you can do all those things together and cuddle. Good night.

Do you know why the moon is shining so brightly tonight? Because it is trying to be as beautifully radiant as you are. Good night.

This text message is an official invitation for you to join me in my dreams. Muah.

Technically I am asleep but in reality all I am doing is thinking about you. Sweet dreams love.

The night is not forever, but our love is. Good night.

I have never felt so lonely like this, all I can think about is giving you a kiss. Such is the blissful effect of our love on me, that all I do is miss you dearly. Good night.

I wish we could cuddle all night long… and fall asleep after watching the sun rise together. Good night.

This message has the following attachments – the sweetest kiss and coziest hug, the cutest cuddle and warmest snuggle. Good night.

The night is far too long, for you to be away. I am desperately waiting, for it to turn into day. My heart will rot away, if things keep going on like this. All I want to do, is give you a kiss. Good night.

Just like how the sun rises no matter what, I too can’t stay away from you because I miss you a lot. xoxo

The only thing my sweetest dreams, my life’s most priceless memories and my life’s biggest aspirations have in common… is YOU. Good night.

As long as they are about me and you, I wish that all your dreams come true. Good night.

I Googled… What are the best words I can use in a good night message for my girlfriend? Google replied… Ask your heart. xoxo

Thinking about you is the tipping point where my nightmares end and sweet dreams begin. I love you.

I want to be the cool night breeze which gives you goosebumps as you sleep. Good night girl.

The moon is angry at me and jealous of you because I said that no one can light my nights up like my girlfriend. Good night.

I just can’t describe, how I feel. With my loneliness, I just can’t deal. All I can think of, is meeting you. This intense despair, I hope you can feel too. Good night.

I wish I could just jump into your Facebook and give every picture of yours a tight good night hug. xoxo

Every night I fall asleep with a smile on my face… because I know that I’m going to wake up and meet the person who puts it there. Good night.

During the morning you are my SUN… shining your gorgeous rays, which power my days. During the night you are my MOON… with radiance bursting from your seams, powering my dreams. Good night.

As the clock ticks away to midnight, I just want to say that you are the prettiest and the most beautiful girl in the whole universe. I love you, good night.

The dark skies of the night are a canvas on which I paint my dreams and imagine us together, now and forever. Good night sweetheart.

Do you know what is temporary? The twinkle of the stars which disappear as the sun rises in the east. Do you know what is permanent? The way in which for you, my heart happily beats. Good night.

I owe my life to Instagram. Without looking at your pictures my nights would have been suffocating and lonely. I miss you, good night baby.

This message is to remind you that even though the night will give way to the day, I will always be the dark night sky that covers you like a blanket, and the radiant moon which shines love forever. Good night.

Your boyfriend has a love-hate relationship with the night. He hates it because he can’t be with you, but he loves it because he can dream about you endlessly. xoxo

I wish I was an owl so that I could sit on a branch outside your window and stare at you all night long. Good night.

Good night to the girl because of whom my nights have become longer and dreams have become dreamier. I love you.

I promise to be the warrior who fights all your NIGHTMARES and the messenger who brings all your SWEET DREAMS. Good night.

If it is a hot summer night, thinking about you gives me sweet shivers down my spine. If it is a chilly winter night, thinking about you gives me a cozy warmth all the way through to my heart. xoxo.

Good night to the fairy who magically makes all the troubles of my life disappear with her kisses. Muah.

How can I fall asleep without saying good night to the girl who has been the reasons for all the beautiful memories of the past and the happiness that I’m about to see in the future. I love you.

I know it is past midnight, I know everyone’s asleep and I know it is terribly late. But all I wanted to say is that for the moment I can kiss you tomorrow, I just can’t wait. Good night.

Miss You Messages-SMS for Wife

Miss You
    I planned to say a lot of things to you, but in the end all I could muster up was,
 I Miss You.

    I don’t know what to post on Facebook, I don’t know that to tweet. I miss the person, the very reason my life seems sweet.

    When you are at work – the kids miss their mommy who is the world’s best cook, I miss my honey who gives me the naughtiest of looks.

    Being away from you has placed me in the hands of the devil of loneliness. The only way I can escape this wrath is to be rescued by an angel called YOU.
I miss you.

    Economics says that a need is different from a want. I say that both are the same because I need you and want you at the same time. 
I miss you.

    I don’t need to be away to miss you. Even when I’m with you, I miss the memories we’ve made before and think about those that are yet to be.

     This text messages has been sent by your husband’s heart  it misses you.

     I am afraid of the feeling of missing you, because it reminds me of all the dark days I’ve spent being away from you. 

    Even though I am alive, my heart has stopped beating. Even though I am breathing, my body is suffocating. Even though I still care, I can’t bear any longer that you’re not there. 
I miss you.

       Missing you is like breathing  involuntary, continuous and critical to my survival. 
I miss you.

     Sometimes I start missing you just because it reminds me of what it’s like to fall in love.

     The kids miss their mommy, I miss my honey and the home misses its queen bee.

     Sometimes I wish we were away from each other for a while, so I could have the sweet feeling of missing you all over again.

     My state of mind right now… is how the Internet would be without Google. 

I miss you.

     Without thinking, I spoke endlessly. Without pausing, I fought with you baby. Without reflecting, I called you names. Without introspecting, I blamed you for playing games. 
I’m sorry, 
I miss you.

     If missing you gave me strength, I would be Superman right now.

       I wish I was allergic to my wife’s absence so that the doctor could prescribe her constant company for me. 
I miss you.

     When you are not with me, I miss out on the best moments of my life. 
I miss you.

     I strive to treat you like a queen who reigns over the globe, just like the one who wears jewels and silky robes. But my actions made you feel like a stranger I didn’t care for, it maligned our love which is so clean and pure. Baby forgive me for losing my temper and doing stupid things, without your love I am suffocating and dying.
I miss you.

      Missing you is like therapy  it replenishes my mind and body with happy hormones. 
I miss you.

     Without you, I feel like a flower withering away without sunshine, a lake parching up without water and a heart… limping along without its beat. 
I miss you.

      Missing you is like being diagnosed with a disease. The pain is slow, excruciatingly painful and constant.

     I have I have got a new job after you have left for your trip. The company’s name is Missing You and I am its CEO.

      Like a dog without its bone and a cat without its milk, I am rotting away without my favorite treat… your hugs and your smiles. 
I miss you.

     I have hugged my pillow more than I have hugged you this week. Come back soon from your business trip or else my soul will get weak.

      Without you my body clock has gone haywire because seconds seem like minutes, minutes seem like hours and hours seem like days.
I miss you.

     Just because we’re together now doesn’t mean I miss you. Sometimes, I wish I could just turn back time to when life was simple and love was all that mattered. 

     I went overboard, I crossed the line. I gave you, many a reason to whine. Baby I am sorry, for not being myself lately. Please come back, and forgive my stupidity. 
I miss you.

     The reason for my existence, the purpose of my life. The core of my being, is you my dear wife. 
I miss you.

I promise never to leave my dirty laundry on the bedroom floor. 
I promise never to hog the TV remote. 
I promise never to burp when you are around. 
I promise to help you clean up after dinner. 
But all these promises come at a cost  you will come back early to spend more time with me.
 I miss you.

     My life has plunged into darkness and I am drowning in frustration.
 I feel as if I’ve been pushed to the deepest depth of the oceans. 
Save me baby, rescue me from this pain.
 I just want look into your eyes and hug you again. 

     Your absence has completely ruined my life. Everything feels hollow without the woman who I call my wife. 
I miss you.

     I miss the way, you wake me up to sunshine. 
I miss the way, you fulfill every dream of mine. 
I miss everything about you. 
Come back baby… without you I feel blue.

     Our kids are not the only ones who miss their mom when she is at work, I miss their mom too. 

       The only thing stopping me from going insane are your romantic whispers that echo in my heart. 
I miss you.

      When I miss you, I can’t sleep. When I can’t sleep, I can’t dream. When I can’t dream, I lie awake. When I lie awake, I miss you. 
Where do I go?

     If practice makes perfect, by now I have become a pro at missing you.

     Do you know what is common between your job, your colleagues and your boss?
 I hate them all because they get to spend more time with you than I do. 
I miss you.

      I want to be Superman so that I can fly to my wife’s office during lunch breaks to see her. 
I miss you.

     All of life’s hues have become gloomy, days have become lifeless and dreary. 
The distance between us is killing me slowly. 
Day after day, I am gasping breathlessly. 
Save me from this excruciating misery, please… come back soon baby.

14 December 2015

True Friendship Messages-3


A true friend is a soul living in two body.

Friendship is always a tree that gives shade.

Chance our parents, our friends, is awarded to a selection of.

Animals are best friends ; what they ask, nor do they find it wrong.

Friends are like melons. 
Why? Hundreds because you'll have to come up with one better.

The greatest poverty in the world is to remain friendless.

Go often to your friend's house because of shrubs to cover up the unused path.

Friends is the gift that people gave him.

Life is not a gift greater than friendship.

Friends, from people you don't like a person who doesn't like you.

Looking for perfect friends, pull the hand of friendship.

you just look good friends, to be accurate, to tell the truth.

just friends is a bad day indeed

Light up your friend when you're alone, praise in front of others

Friendship is more difficult than love, because it takes more time.

Friendship is like a tree than one that they came from a different branch even though they may have the same body.

Friendship is always a tree that gives shade.

There is no such thing as friendship.

Friends, if you're coming, you go to the enemy you'll know best

Tell me about your friend, I'll tell you who you are.

A friend is one who knows us and who loves us.

True friendship is like good health. They are not very aware before value is lost.

True friendship shows you the truth

True friendship is like health, but after that NO is understood.

A true friend , a soul living in two body.

Hearts of one's world apart though, friendships, love I don't care if you lie I won't forget it for the world although also my friend away

The mirror is the one you don't need a good friend :)

Brother sister is a friend is a friend is mandatory if the selected

Hidden miles and miles away, although we share the same skies our friendship as long as we're friends

Sorry to tell your friends immediately find.

When you cry, I cry, if you laugh you laugh at me, I love you, my dearest friend.