06 November 2015

Funny Miscellaneous Messages

I hate two faced people, it makes it harder for me to decide which side to slap first!

People are like stained glass windows: They sparkle and shine when the sun is out but, when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.

Dream is not that what you see in sleep! Dream is that thing which does not allow you to sleep!

Heart speaks more when eyes start looking at someone silently and life seems to be more exciting when someone start reading those eyes.

In life there are five things you should never lose; character, self-respect, hope, heart and well you know my name

Sometimes, I 4get 2 say hi.
Sometimes, I even miss 2 reply.
Sometimes, my msg doesn't reach u.
But, it doesn't mean dat I forget u.
Im just givin u time 2 miss me!

Two things define you:
Your patience when you have nothing;
And your attitude when you have everything!

Five common tricks of shaytaan... Let's Beware!
 You are young, have some fun!
 Keep enjoying, life is long, you can repent later!
 Don’t remain cool during anger, patience is for cowards!
 Everybody’s doing it. Don’t be extremist; spice up your life!
 Oh, you have too many sins. Allah will not forgive you, keep doing sins!
O Allah! Let not shaytaan shake our Imaan by his tricks & keep us all steady on the Right Path. Aameen.

The only things you can take when you leave this world are the things you've packed inside your heart!

If you ever want to succeed in your life follow these:
Be sweet as honey;
Be fresh as a rose;
Be soft as tissue;
Be regular as a clock;
And be strong as a rock!

Positive-thinking poem:
Little bird in the sky
Droping shit into ur eye
U don’t worry u don’t cry,
U just thank God that,
Cows do not fly
Always b positive :)

People with good intentions make promises but people with good character keep them!

Tomorrow's Yesterday is Today,
And Yesterday's Tomorrow is Also Today.
But Today's Yesterday Was Yesterday's Today,
So Tomorrow's Today is Today's Tomorrow!

I'm on a course of collision
I'm not about to give in
Can't explain my position
Or the condition I'm in

Humanity is like treasure
Find it in humans not in expensive Cloths

Very Cute question :
Asked by a daughter to her father:
I feel very Proud and Lucky to have your name and Sir-name with me then
Why are you forcing me to change it?? :)

Life is a tragedy for those who feel;
And a comedy for those who think!

Past is your experience;
Present is your experiment;
And future is your expectation.
Use your Experience in your Experiments to get your Expectations.
Best of Luck!

A musician must make music,
an artist must paint,
a poet must write,
if he is to be at peace with himself.
What a man can be, he must be.

I wish:
Sweetness in your speech;
Peace in your mind;
Love in your heart;
Strength in your hands;
And victory at all times.
Good Luck!

Anything goes changes their lifes who grows as like mature personals to follows by God's paths as the way to be braveest.

NICE THOUGHT! The success never depend on the size of our brain, infact it always depend on size of our thought.

I saw a very meaningful sentence written at a graveyard...!!
"as YOU are ,so WE were, as we are,so shall YOU be..!!

words nd water are easy to flow but impossible to recollect...

God Help Those Who Help Themselves.
Love to all Human beings
Mohabat e Rasool (SAW) Her Ebadat ki Asal He

I hate two faced people, it makes it harder for me to decide which side to slap first...

If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me. If u save it thats bcoz u desire me & if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me. So what u gonna do with IT?

luck is not in Ur hand
Bt work is always in Ur hand
Luck never make Ur work
Bt work can make Ur luck
So always Trust in Urself
U can do everything.

We came with the fear of not knowing anybody.
But in the end
We go with tears knowing everybody...
And that's called:
"College Life"

Even if I dont See U Even if We have LessTalks Less Hellows Less meets & Less greeetings. Always remember That My Prayers Will Never B Less for U . Take care.

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,a person who invented these words was very intelligent but very stupied because he kept I and U so far....

If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me. If u save it thats bcoz u desire me & if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me. So what u gonna do with IT?

It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and an day to love someone... but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

I saw U on Road today. U were looking SO fine, Ur face SO divine, Ur walk SO perfect. My Heart started singing a Sweet Song: Who Let The Dogs Out!

Life is a one way street....
No Matter which door u take..
Non of them..
Leads back..
So Enjoy every moment of ur life..
B'coz nothing will happen the same way again....take care..

Never design ur character like a garden
where any1 can walk.
Design ur character like the sky
where every1 desire to reach

I hate two faced people, it makes it harder for me to decide which side to slap first!

People are like stained glass windows: They sparkle and shine when the sun is out but, when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.

 Dream is not that what you see in sleep! Dream is that thing which does not allow you to sleep!

 In life there are five things you should never lose; character, self-respect, hope, heart and well you know my name

Everybody has three chars ; the one is come out ,the one is owned ,the one is thought to have.

If you have got good friends , you don’t need to have a mirror.

Do you wonder what the diffence between ignorance and genius is ? A Genius has limits but an ignorant doesn’t have any.

The shortest way to make dreams come true is to wake up.

Magnates’ faults look like a solar eclipse , everybody sees them

There is no spare time , there is just the time wasting.

The Mystery of the love is more complicates than the death’s one.

Everything about love is true or wrong.That is the only thing nothing told about it is nonsense .

There are two types of people .Some of them say ‘I came’ when they came in somewhere ; Some say ‘Well You are here’

Love is the full story of a woman’s life, it is just an adventure for a man.

Bees has got honey in their mouths but they have got stingers at the bottom of their body

Laugh alone and the world thinks you're an idiot.

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you...

If you want to jump farther , you have to go a few steps back.Today goes to tommorrow with the help of yesterday.

A 19 yeared young boy wants to change the world.When he comes to his sixty,he wants to change it again but he has been aware that he can’t.

If you want to make some enemies ,then try to get ahead of your friends. If you want make friends , let your friends get ahead of you.

I try everything but I do what I can.

Honesty is the sun of infinity.Anyway it rises.

Being envied is better than being pitied

Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.

She took an IQ test and the results were negative.

When there's a will, I want to be in it!

Where there is a will, there is a way. İstenirse bir yol bulunur...

Time is the best teacher; Unfortunately it kills all its students!

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