05 November 2015

Wise Word Messages

Think outside the box  Don’t be afraid to be different, but it is important to understand your goal first.
 Change your thoughts and you change your life.
  Enjoy every little things in life, because one day when you turn back and see those amazing moments, it will be big things to remember.
We all know that everything begins with an idea. But what is more important is how to make ideas actually happen.
BURSTING with big LIFE changing, BRILLIANT ideas.
  Trust the timings you have for your life and remember things happen for a reason where youmake that reason.
  Those who give up on their dream will never realize how close they were to success.
  Hating someone is like burning down your own house to get rid of a mouse!!
  Never judge people by their look but by their act.
  The truth will not be obscured!
Hope is the best medicine that keeps you going young 
Of all the life skills available to us, communication is perhaps the most important thing we have.
Respect others feelings even when they make no sense to you! it could mean everything to them!!
If being with you is just a dream then I never want to wake up!
Think of your thoughts when you are alone and think of your words when you are with others.
If someone is willing to help they don't wait until asked.
Don't let the other's words we hear have more power than what we already know in our own heart.
Raising your voice louder doesn't mean that it makes you anymore right.
Without dreams there is no reason to work hard. Without hard work, there is no reason to dream.
Why would I care so much about what other people think of me that I would lie for them!!
Always try not to be angry because anger makes your mouth work faster than your mind 
Age is just a number but time is the real teacher
If you risk nothing, you will never win anything.
Do not waste your words on those who only deserve your silence. Sometimes the best words to say is nothing at all!
Silence is a kind of art. If you are an artist in your silence, you will be a genius in your words.
At the end of the day, your life is your road and yours only! others may walk with you but not for you!
Regret of the past is a waste of the present. Do not make yourself chained to what you cannot change.
You can’t be understood until you fully understand 
True seeing is no longer believing & believing is not truly seeing!
We don’t meet people by chances, we are meant to learn from teach other.
Most problems has three options: Accept it, Change it, or Leave it. If you can’t accept it, change it. If you can’t change it, leave it.
I usually learn more from my mistakes than my successes.
"Spoken words can only forgiven, not forgotten. So be very careful what you say!
We will be happier if we give people a bit of our heart instead of a piece of our mind."
Being afraid to die is the worst way to live and Being afraid to living is the worst way to die!
95% of conflicts are due to not knowing when to speak and when not to, not thinking what to say and what not to.
Yes I am poor, but I am a survivor with a rich heart.

"If you don’t start somewhere, you’ll never get anywhere.
If you don’t step forward you are always in the same place.
If you don’t ask the answer is always no.
If you don’t go after what you want you’ll never get it."

Show me and I will get it, Guide me and I will do it, Involve me and I will understand, but If you just tell me; I may forget 
Not all fingers r same in d Length, bt when dey bend all stand equal, Life becomes easy when we bend a little & adjust 2 d situation ...
I am not even going to be mad anymore. I am just going to expect the lowest from the people I thought highest of!
Sometimes following ur heart means losing ur mind.
Believe it or not, some people know they are doing something they shouldn’t and that’s exactly why they do it!!!
I live in a world full of people pretending to be something in which they are NOT!(unfortunately!).
Time is free but where’s the free time? Time is priceless but you can not own it!
You can sell your time but you will never be able to buy it back again! Make the most of every second and enjoy every moment of your life because we all live once not twice!
Everyone has talent, but it has to be discovered and make the most of it?
I believe that the whole worlds addicted to the drama.
A dash of salt or two won’t make a river salty. A bad friend or two won’t ruin your entire life.
I don’t know why ... but Every time I want to give up on them there’s always something inside telling me wait! just give it abit more time, see what happen!
Sometimes it is way better to pretend that you do not care, than to admit that it is actually killing you 
Dear Present: Hold on a minute while I work on the past. Dear Past:Thanks for all the great lessons for the future. Dear Future: Now I am ready. 
Silence is one of the hardest arguments to dispute

"Love is never die, but be careful, it can kill you!
Failure is never desirable, but be willing to face, it can be a lesson to learn.
To prepare is never too early, but be warned, it can be too late!
Fighting for success is never easy, but be optimistic & truly believe you can win.
Change is never easy but be proud of yourself & eventually you can manage it all."

Strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet, but it is so sad when friends become strangers!!

"Everyone has a past no one’s heard about.
Everyone has a secret they haven’t shared.
Everyone has talents that most people don’t notice.
Everyone has weaknesses hidden inside.
Everyone has a story left untold,
so never start judging someone thinking you know them back to front.
Because the truth is, you probably don’t.
If you think you know people; think again !!"

Be smart but don’t show your smartness. All you have to do ’’not be a dumb’’.

"Be prepared for losing something you never had.--
Be fair, you can’t keep what’s not yours.--
Be realistic, you can’t hold on to something that doesn’t want to stay for you!!--
Be honest, you can’t pretend to be something that you’re not.--
Be forgiven, you can’t hold someone to their small mistakes forever.--
Be smart, you can’t replace the brain cuz even heart doesn’t know what to do without it!!"

·        "Worst feelings in our Life :
-- Being mad at someone cuz you’re mad at yourself.
-- Being told that someone is better than you .
-- Being used.
-- Knowing that you’re being lied to .
-- Letting yourself beat down .
-- Being made fun of .
-- Crying hard .
-- Changing for someone else .
-- Losing someone close .
-- Watching yourself be beat down .
-- Breaking up .
-- Falling apart because you’re alone .
-- Being alone because you’re falling apart .
-- Hating yourself .
-- Not being good enough .
-- Being told that she’s prettier .
-- Best friends falling apart .
-- Being told that you’re fat!! .
-- Falling out of love .
-- Realizing that he doesn’t love you .
-- Falling asleep alone when he should be next to you ."

"I thought I was the winner, until 1 day I looked into the mirror & saw the face of a loser!!.
I failed to have the person I loved most to be with me in my best years.
How wonderful it would be
if we could forget the past... "

Time-kill does not mean you kill the time;but it means time kills you!!
The bad news is time flies.The good news is you’re the pilot.
Doing something is never nothing even if it is small, it is always something.But doing nothing is always nothing no matter what!!!

"Quotes about facing two equal choices
-- When faced with 2 choices, we only see 2, and forget to think of more unseen options.
-- Often times when faced with 2 choices the harder one is often times the right choice.
-- When faced with two choices, always take the third!.
-- Toss a coin when faced with two equal choices. It works, not because it settles the question for you, but because in that brief moment while the coin is still in the air, you suddenly know what you are hoping for!!
Try it if you don’t believe me"

Stop fighting not to lose, nowstart fighting to win.That if you know the difference ... 
In the game of Chess;The Queen protects the King to the death!so if you want to be a king you need to find the right Queento be your side when you are in mess 
You can fool some of the people all the time,you also may be able to fool all the people some of the time,but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Time is like a sword, if you don’t use it properly, it will cut you.
People are not always what they claim to be or what they seem to be. Try to get to know them before you rush into something too quickly. Always learn before judging!
Sometimes I just need to be told everything is okay, because maybe then I can pretend that really it is!
Your presence is the greatest blessings to my existence!!
Have you noticed whenever you do something good rarely anyone cares!, but when you make a small mistake, people see it with their big eyes and it’s suddenly become the most important thing in the world?!!

"Always assume nothing and Expect little,
Do more and Demand less,
Laugh often and Smile a lot,
Think of God and Pray always,
Cry once for missing me Everyday!! "

Have you ever wondered which hurts you the most: saying something but wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had? Thinkkk.... ?

"Seven free tips 2 Be Happy In your Life:
Do not Cheat
Expect Little and Work More
Never Be Late
Live Simple
Always Smile
Never ever break good Relations....
If you do that, believe me you will be the happiest person in the world."

Here is a great advice: Talk less, think twice, do more, finally see more and more.

"You can please some of the people all the time,
You may also be able to please all the people some of the time,
But You can never please all the people all the time."

what really hurts some people, is when they see you're doing fine without them.

We all do mistakes but the strong person who can convert those mistakes to success!!! Learn form Mistakes rather than blaming.

Welcome 2011... what a year its about to be! Only 1 more year to live before the end of the world! Really Exciting! Can't Wait! 

If Anyone doesn't love you at your worst, that one doesn't deserve you at your best...

Forget those who made you cry. because there is always someone who is just around the corner who will make you smile. Remember, I am always available for you 

The body of the sun is dark, and the eye sees everything except itself!.

A young boy went into the jungle to hunt with his arrow and bow. He found a monkey on the branch of a tree and aimed his arrow. The monkey spoke to him: "Stop. You must think before you shoot me. If you kill me, your mother will die and if you don’t kill me, your father will die."

Often people don't make decisions because they afraid of the outcome. We think that we could possibly be worse off by deciding, and we might be better off by staying in our comfort zone. That is the biggest viewing mistake ever because it ensures we never move forward. A better way is to think that actually DECIDING is the success, not the outcome of the decision.

Shoot for the moon even if you miss it, you will still be landing among the stars....

You know that God arranged for you ... 52 Weeks Non Stop Fun, 12 Months of Love, and 365 days of Happiness. Therefore when you Mixed them all ... You will find a Very Happy New Year! Happy New Coming Year 2012.
The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion & style & compassion & generosity & humor and finally with kindness.

If you can not forget some difficult things in your life, The least you can do about them is making sure you do not give your self time to remember them."

Happiness can not be found If you seek it 4 yourself but when you give it 2 others, it will find its way back 2 you that is the magic of happiness, it grows and grows when it is shared.

No one falls in love by choice, but it is by chance. and No one stays in love by chance, but it is by work. Also No one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice.

Be who you are and just say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

You know you are in love when you can't fall a sleep because reality is finally better than the dreams.

Send me your best. There is only 2 possible outcomes: First, I will lay you to rest. Second, they can send me to my lord. I like the second one the best!

All humans are dead at some point except those who have knowledge; and all those who have knowledge are asleep, except those who do good deeds; and those who do good deeds are deceived, except those who are sincere; and those who are sincere are always in a state of worry.'

There may be no such thing like, a perfect job, a perfect family, or a perfect life. But there is such thing as "Perfect Moment" So take what I just said; If we do one crazy thing probably does make you crazy but also may make you happy!!

I just want to hug you but you are not close anymore.
I just want to cry but it will change nothing now!
I just want to turn the time back but it is all gone forever!
I just don't want to think it's impossible but I can't.

It really hurts a lot when something you never want to lose gets out of your life forever out of your control;but that is the fact of life that we have to face it.
Be always positive and look for the brighter side.

When you find a dream in your mind don't ever let it go wasted but put it inside your heart and start working for it. Because; Dreams are the seeds from which beautiful tomorrows grow. Have a Very Successful Day!

No one in this world is rich enough 2 buy his own PAST. So, Enjoy each moment of your present life before it gets beyond your reach. Have Good life...

A True friend is the person who sees your first drop of tear, Try to Catch the second one, Stops the third drop and turns the fourth into a Smile!..... Hope all of us have one friend like this in our life....

A Blind Man once asked a Wise man: Is there anything worse than losing your Eyes (eye sight) ? The Wise Man replied: Yes of-course ... losing your 'VISION'.

Do not keep a distance between yourself and a person who likes you so much. And don't get too close to a person who does not like you. Because in both situations you are the one who get hurt.

Love means having to forgive even when it hurts, forgiveness is the key to happiness, its all about letting it go and not looking back. No one is complete, we all do mistakes. That is why forgive so you might be forgiven when you need it!

Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind ! So do not judge fast! Try to pinpoint and understand where your angry feelings are coming from.

In the Life, Our future is a Question Paper while Past is a News Paper and Present would be an Answer Sheet.! So, Read, Learn and Write Carefully to get the best result.

A nice quote for those who believe in friendship. It is not necessary to share every secret between real friends But it is important that whatever you share is true.

Confidence comes naturally with Success But, Success comes only to those, who are Confident and happy. So, Begin your day with a great confidence and Always be confident and appear happy even if you are not. HAVE A NICE DAY WITH CONFIDENT

Do not waste your time with jealousy, Sometimes you are ahead and sometimes behind, The race is long and in the end you are only hurting yourself.

If you wait to be happy, you will wait forever! However if you start to be happy, you will be happy forever!  Start Smiling and keep happy.

Do not walk as if you rule the world. Walk as if you do not care who rules the world…

Choosing 100 wrong persons may not affect your life, But missing 1 right person will leave you a broken heart for the rest of your life and may affect your entire life...

Always believe In Yourself, because there Will Come one Day When Others Will Have No Choice But 2 Believe With U .

Be careful when you make decisions, Because the choice you make today will definitely affect your tomorrow.

A wise man was asked... “How do we get the Best out of our Life..? He answered: “Face your Past without regret, Handle your Present with confidence, Prepare for the Future without fear..” Then He added to his word: “Keep the Faith… & Drop the Fear. Do not believe your Doubts & never doubt your Beliefs.. Life is Wonderful if you know how to Live..” So be prepared.....

Remember; the people you love who can hurt you the most. So, always be careful When you think to abuse the one you love The day or the hour, no one can tell But one day goodbye may come and it will be farewell, You may never ever see the one you love again, and you just can't do anything other than blaming yourself.

Once a wise Man asked GOD
What is the Meaning Of this life?
God: Life itself Has No Meaning
But it is An Opportunity for human to create a Meaning.
So from this moment start make a meaning for your life......

The Hardest thing About Growing Up is that you Have to do what is right for you even If It Means breaking someone's heart Including your own…..”
Always be nice and good to the people on your way up because most likely you need them on your way down. Good Luck.

 Usually we don't succeed in our very first love, because we lack some certain qualities. But After knowing and achieving those qualities, We never love again  That is life, a Sad reality.

 Have you ever thought that tears are more precious than Smiles ? You may smile for anyone, but you would not cry for any one unless that person really touched your heart....

Good Friends; Real friends are those who care without hesitation, who remember you without limitation, who trustful without suspicion, and who love even without communication.
Fake friends; Laugh/mad on you without real reasons, never remember you unless they need/use you, never around when you need them.
So be careful how to choose your friends and how to plan your future. Good Luck.

Always be good with the good people, But never be bad with the bad people, Because you can never wash mud with mud It is a reality if you can understand.
Always remember 2 forget those things that make you sad and depressed, But never forget 2 remember those things that make you glad and impressed. These are simple rules 4 a happy life.

 LIFE is like a Book; Each day you read a new page with adventures to experience, Many lessons to learn and good deeds to replicate. Have A VERY COLORFUL PAGE Everyday!
No one is 100% perfect therefore try to understand others mistakes and forgive minor failings otherwise you will not be able to keep your friends long ... Also remember the famous quote: No one is perfect... that's why pencils have erasers.

 New Day New Blessing, Do not Let Yesterdays Failures Ruin The Beauty Of Today, Because Each and every Day Has Its Own Promise Of Love, Joy, Forgiveness and Blessings....
Talent is like a Perfume bottle. If you never open it Noboday knows the Fragrance inside it. Be wise and be open like fragrance in your Life
You never get a person of your exact type 100% So you either have to compromise or adjust. You compromise when you want to be with someone. You adjust when Someone wants to be with you. But be careful how are you going to use any of those techniques.
If you don't change direction, you may end up where you started.
For everything you have missed, you have gained something else & for everything you have gained, you lost something else.
Those who have faith need no explanation while those who have no faith, no matter how much you try no explanation is possible or enough.
It requires wisdom 2 understand wisdom, The music is nothing if the audience is deaf.
In childhood period we always wanted to grow fast  but now while we are big, we realize that broken pencils and incomplete homework was much better than broken hearts and bitter experiences.

Start the work in the name of God...
Do the work with the help of God...
Finish the work with thanks to God... Because God decides, gives & makes everything in your life possible. May God Bless You.

Very beautiful and True saying of life..
Everybody is somehow special at the first sight
But only few will remain special 2 You till the last sight….

If you ever want 2 succeed in your life follow these :
"Be sweet as honey, Be fresh as a rose, Be soft as tissue, Be regular as a clock & Be strong as a rock."

Shakespeare saying:
The Trouble With The World Is That,
The Stupids Are Full Of Confidence.
The Intelligents Are Full Of Doubts.
What do you think ?

I do not know what is the key to success, but I do know That the key to failure is trying to please everyone.
There are some people who live in a dream world & there are some people who face reality; and finally there are those who turn dreams into the reality, So be like them....

 Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you don't have; but always remember that what you now have was once among the things you were only hoping and wishing to have."

Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them but I can look up & see their beauty, believe in them & try to follow them in a hope of reaching them soon.

Learn from yesterday, live 4 today, hope 4 tomorrow and the most important thing is not to stop questioning what you don't know.
If you want to achieve anything always think today is the last day. However If you want to enjoy anything, always think today is the first day.

 The single finger which wipes out tears during our failure is much better than the ten fingers which comes together 2 clap 4 our victory ! Have a nice life....

Be loved but never love,
Trip but never fall,
Attach but never combine,
To be broken is better than shuttered,
Be trust worthy but never trust, be cracked but never open,
Tell him of your strength but never your past.

Everything happens in life for a reason, things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they are right, people change so that you can learn how to let go, And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can come together.

 The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't do.

Once In your Life, Try to Fall In Love
Not Necessarily With A Person,
But With An Idea or A Dream or An Ambition
More Often It would Be A Reason 2 Wake Up With A Smile...

Advice is what we ask for when we already know all the answers but wish we did not know them.

Patience and Silence Are Powerful Energies.
Patience Makes U Mentally Strong.
Silence Makes U Emotionally Strong.
Hope you have a Strong and Healthy Life..!

SILENCE: Is the best Answer, for almost all questions.
SMILE: Is the best Reaction, in almost all situations.
But Unfortunately, every rule has its exception As always,
Remember; do not use any of the mentioned techniques in the following cases:
That is life!
Changing / Facing the Change "changing the face" can change nothing .. However "facing the change" can change everything....!!!!! So face your problems and issues and keep trying to resolve them, eventually you can do what you want!!.
When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed & powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope & accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working on making something better ....

 It is a good rule in life never to apologize. Because The right sort of people don't want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them. Be careful to whom you give your apology.....
Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired & discouraged men who kept on working and working. Never lose hope.....
When all the doors seem to be closed in front of Your eys; just Look QURAN! There is always something called hopes; there shell surely be at least a Window opened enlightening you with new Hopes and GUIDANCE. Allah Bless You.
Luck is not in your hands, but work is. Your work can make your luck, but luck can not do your work.
You may have created my past & screwed up my present, But the good news is that you have no control over my future thankfully.
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature 2 stop speech when words become superfluous.
In general we believe our memory is weak, However when we want to forget our lover,
We realize how powerful and strong our memory is!!!

 The future belongs 2 those who believe in the beauty of their dreams...

 The Greatest Advantage Of telling the Truth Is That You Don not Have To Remember What You have Said...

 If there is someone who does not like you so what!!, there are many others in your life who do. Just kill them with your kindness, that is it!!!
They say a person needs just three things 2 be really and truly happy in this world. First: Someone to love Second: something to do Third: something to hope for.

Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there's nothing in its nature to produce happiness.
The more of it one has, the more one wants and the more their life's gets complicated .

Shallow men believe in luck But Strong men believe in cause & effect.

 If people don't believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they don't realize how complicated life is....
When I do something great, nobody ever seems 2 remember, but when I do something wrong, nobody can ever seems 2 forget.
If you are bitter in the heart, sugar in the mouth will not help you.
Never explain yourself because Your friends do not need it and your enemies won’t believe it.
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something & wishing you had not said , or saying nothing, & wishing you had said?
Rules for a good relation do not need any promises, conditions or terms, they just need two wonderful peoples. One who can trust and another who can understand that trust. That is all!
When a man opens a car door for his wife, it is either he has a new car or a new wife....

 A successful man is the one who makes more money than his wife can spend and A successful woman is the one who can find such a man...
One advantage of marriage is that when you fall out of love with him or he falls out of love with you, it keeps you together until you fall in love again and again.

 It is better for me to be hated for what actually I am, than to be love for something that I am not. jannat ki talash men
You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; running across the fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you are sure they will not laugh if you fall down. This is love So Always be careful...
Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who is willing take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.

 Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman, But luckier than that, is the woman who is the last love of a man.
Keep feeling the need for being the 1st. But I want you 2 be the 1st in love. I want you 2 be the 1st in moral excellence. I want you 2 be the 1st in generosity.

M = M Y M O M
O = O B L I G E
T = T E R R I F I C
H = H O N E S T
E = E X C E L L E N T
R = R E S P O N S I B L E
I really really do love my mother, more than I can explain ever!!.

You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you can not close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.

 I do not think I am that good at telling time. He said he would love me forever, & I thought forever was a lot longer.

When you are in light, Everything will follow you....
But when you enter dark, Even your shadow will not follow you....
This is LIFE!!!
So Enjoy it.....
Have a Bright Day.

Never close your lips 2 those Whom you have opened your heart.

It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone & a day to love someone
But it takes a lifetime 2 forget someone you really loved.

Old friends are gold. New friends are diamonds. If you get a diamond, do not ever forget the gold because to hold a diamond you always need a base of gold...

 Life is not about the people who act true 2 your face. It is about the people who remain true even behind your back.

 A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity and A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty. Wish you an optimistic life....
Like your body your mind also gets tired So refresh it by wise word....

- Your friend is your needs answered.
- A true friend is the one who walks in to help when the rest of the world walks out.
- Best friends are like stars in the sky.... You may not see them, but you know they are always there.
- My real friend is the one who brings out the best in me.
- The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend first then ....
- A real friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
- Best friend is someone who knows all about you; good and bad; and loves you anyway.
- Remember; life is nothing without friendship so do your best to keep your best friends.

Morning is God’s way of telling us:
Here is One more time! Live life.
Make a difference.
Touch a heart.
Inspire a soul…
Encourage a mind.
Good Morning

Life Is So Confusing- What We Want We Do not Get,
What We Get We Are Not Satisfied,
What We Expect Never Happens,
And What We Hate Generally Repeats..

Life is a piano white keys are happy moments & black keys are sad moments,
But remember both keys are played together 2 give sweet music called rythem of life.

A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances.
And a complaining soul complains even if he lives in paradise..

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom....
Always tell the exact truth. This way, we don،t have to remember what we said! otherwise you may find yourself telling different stories about the same fact !!!

Friends, Health and Love
These things do not come with Price tags
But, When we lose them, then we realize the cost...

When money talks, of course the criminal walks.
Always remember you are unique, just like everyone else.
If you hate me, i still love you. It aint my fault i am better than you.
I am not getting older.......I am just getting better.
Hope you liked theme... bcuse I did it

On the Chessboard of LIFE,
All moves are Possible..
It is Never Checkmate till you LIVE.
So never quit, There is always Possibility to WIN.

It is very difficult to say Goodbye and it is even harder when its some one yo love It becomes ever worse when there is nothing can ever be done by refusing to let go!!! so do your best before it becomes the worse case that you can not do anything! because it is never easy to say Goodbye for ever!!

 END dose not mean finish, but E.N.D. means ''Effort Never Dies'' If you get NO as an answer, remember N.O. means the ''Next Opporunity'' Hence Alwzys Think confidently and positive
Nobody can go back & start a new beginning, but everyone can start today & make a new ending.

 Bees that have Honey in their Mouth, have Stings in their Tail . . .So be Careful from People Who pretend to be Sweet because Sweetness is in Honey, not in the Bee...
Never be Proud For what you are and the Position you hold, because after a Game of Chess, the King and the Soldiers, go into the same box..!

 Sometimes hurting is needed to make us grow, Loss is needed to make us gain, Failure is needed to make us know, Because some lessons are best when learned through pain.

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful. Good luck.

Never say sorry to someone who likes you
Never say bye to someone who needs you
Never blame the one who realy trusts you
Never forget the one who always remembers you....

Dreams are not that which we see when we sleep at nights ....
Dreams are that which do not allow us to sleep if we want to achieve that dreams become reality..........! Keep dreaming !!

By The Time You Realize That What Your Parents Said Was Right… You'll Have A Kid Who Begins To Think You Are Wrong....

 Do not Let Someone Become a Priority In Your Life, When You Are Just An Option 4 Them.
Future isn't what we plan for tomorrow… It is the result of what we do today.

The most selfish 1 letter word..........."I" -- Avoid it.
The most satisfying 2-letter word........"WE" -- Use it
The most poisonous 3-letter word......."EGO" -- Kill it.
The most used 4-letter word........"LOVE" -- Value it.
The most pleasing 5-letter word......."SMILE" -- Keep it.
The fastest spreading 6-letter word......"RUMOUR" -- Ignore it.
The hardest working 7-letter word....."SUCCESS" -- Achieve it.
The most enviable 8-letter word......."JEALOUSY" -- Distance it.
The most powerful 9-letter word......."KNOWLEDGE" -- Acquire it.
The most essential 10-letter word......"CONFIDENCE" -- Trust it

Never tell your problems 2 anyone . . . Because 20% do not care
And The other 80% are glad you have them.
This is True, isn't it?

Life is like a river.You can't touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. So enjoy every moment of your life...

When I got enough confidence,
The stage was gone.
When I needed people the most,
They left me.
When I was sure of losing,
I won.
When I learnt to dry my tears,
I found a shoulder to cry on.
When I mastered the skill of hating,
Somebody started loving me.
That is Life!!!!
So Enjoy it.......

Never give a chance 2 anyone 2 snatch your smile, Remember! The world is 4 you, you are not 4 the world.......
Life is more strict than a teacher, A teacher teaches lesson & then gives an exam. But LIFE gives an exam first & then teaches lession...

 Silence is the fence around wisdom, If your foot slips, you can always regain your balance, But if your tongue slips, you can never regain your balance...
Success is like your own shadow, if you try to catch it then you will never succeed, ignore it and walk in your own way.....it will follow you...

 After a marriage, husband & wife become two sides of a coin; they just can not face each other, but still they stay together.
When You Want 2 Enjoy Life,Think Today Is Your Life's first Day, And When You Want 2 Achieve Something In Life, Think Today Is Your Life's Last Day ...

 Instead of Thinking about what you are MISSING. Sometimes it's GOOD to THINK About what you have but many people are MISSING them.

 Marriage is give & take. You would better give it to her or she will take it anyway..

 Life is like a coin. Pleasure & pain are the two sides, Only one side is visible at the time, But remember Other side is also waiting for its turn.
To accomplish great things in your life, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe. Best wishes
Nobody will ever remember How you speak, How you look, What you did or anything else. But the only thing they remember is How you made them feel….!!!

Night is long for those who are dreaming, And day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS COME TRUE..

 What do you do when the only person who can stop you crying, is the person who makes you cry in the 1st place?

 There is always going to be people that hurt you, so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you will trust next time around.

 Laugh about your mistakes, But, learn from them. Have fun with your difficulties, But, overcome them. Joke over your troubles, But, gather strength from them. That is the way to live LIFE. Have a great and nice day ahead !!
We always feel bad and think that good things happen only 2 others But we forget that we are others 4 someone else.
Never feel sad on losing something in your life because whenever a tree loses its leaf a new leaf is ready to take its place.
Never let the fear of failure be an excuse for not to trying. Society tells us that 2 fail is the most terrible thing in the world, but I know it is not. Failure is part of what makes us a human.

When I asked the Super-Power for brain, he gave me puzzles in life to solve
When I asked him for strength, he gave me difficult situation to face
When I asked him for wealth, he showed me how to work hard
When I asked him for happiness, he gave me sum unhappy people
When I asked him for favors, he showed me opportunities to do hard jobs
When I asked him for peace, he showed me how to help others.
So Nothing I wanted But everything I needed.

Psychological fact: when a person cries due to happiness the first drop of tear comes from right eye, but when it comes from left eye, it is a pain tear….

 Two thoughts that decide who are you; First, What you think of yourself when you have nothing. Second. What you think of others when you have everything.

 What if you gave someone a gift & they neglected to thank you for it ? would you be likely to give them another one? Life is the same way, In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.

 Whenever there is a hard job to be done, I assign it to a lazy man; he's sure to find an easy way of doing it.

 Miracles do occur, but it is not happening from nothing, one has to work hard for them to happen. Keep the hard work !!
Do not waste your time with jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes behind. The race is very long and in the end its only with yourself.
Never cry for those who do not deserve your tears because who deserve your tears never let you cry.
So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key for that! Gook Luck
The candle of hope is the source of light for success in life so do not loose it. Failures try to blow it out but try to guard it with both your hands. Best Wishes and Good Luck to You.

Nothing In Nature Is For Itself
Trees Don't Eat Their Own Fruit
Rivers Don't Drink Their Own Water
Sun Doesn't Give Heat For Itself
Flower Don't Spread Fragrance For Themselves
Living For Others Is The Way Of Life...!

If you can not be a Pencil to write any ones happiness Then try to be nice rubber to erase the sadness of others.

 Fly in the plane of Ambition and Land in the Airport of Success... Luck is yours, Wish is mine... May your future always shine... Best wishes ... Good Luck ...
A Good Plan Of Today Is Better Than A Great Plan Of Tomorrow, Look Backward With Satisfaction & Look Forward With Confidence.

 Someday somehow whatever you prayed for will COME TRUE... It may not be in the exact package you wanted... But... It will be what GOD thinks is best for YOU..

Hate but LOVE more!
Punish but FORGIVE more!
Talk but LISTEN more!
Argue but AGREE more!
Then "You" will love people
But people will "LOVE You" more.

When one door of happiness closes, another one opens! But often we look so long at closed door that we do not see the new door opened for us…..

 Peoples will always throw stones in your path It all depends on you what do you make from them!!!
A "Wall" of difficulties OR A "Bridge" of Success.

 See the Good In Everyone Be Blind to The Faults Of Others It Brings Peace In your Life. Things Do not Change, You Change Your Way Of Looking at Them.

Laugh like you have never cried
Play like you have never lost
Love like you have never been hurt
Live like there is no tomorrow.

The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness;
To an opponent, tolerance;
To a friend, your heart;
To ur child, a good example;
To a father, deference;
To ur mother, conduct that will make her proud of you;
To yourself, respect;
To all men, charity.

Too many people spend money they have not earned to buy things they do not want just to impress people they do not even like.

Everyday is special if you THINK so.
Every one is unique if you SEE so.
Every moment is memorable if you FEEL so.
Life is Beautiful if you LIVE so.

People are made to be loved and money are made to be used. The confusion in the world is people are being used and money are being loved.
Heart is equal to a mirror, Mirror shows reflection, and Heart shows affection. Both have one equal quality, can not be reformed once they are broken.

 Trust is the Easiest thing in the world to Lose, And the Hardest thing in the world is to Get it Back. To be Trusted is a Greater Compliment than to be Loved.

Do not Pray for Task Equal To your Powers!
Pray for Power Equal To your Tasks!
Do not pray for Easy Lives
Pray To Be a Strong Man!

Watch your Thoughts, they become Words!
Watch your Words, they become Actions!
Watch your Actions, they become Habits!
Watch your Habits, they become Character!
Watch your CHARACTER! ...It becomes your DESTINY!!!

I have learned.. I came alone and i have to go alone
I have learned. Extra care of anyone by you will ultimately bring a blame for you, not appreciation
I have learned People are with you only when they need you, not otherwise
I have learnd.. A simple Lie of your close one can break you more than anything
I have learnd
It's very hard to weep alone when there is no shoulder to support you
I have learnd.. Help people but not upto the point beyond your dignity..!

Always remember in life... There are people worse than you... There are people better than you... But, there will never be anyone who is you. So Enjoy Being You......

 It is curious that all choose to live long, But none choose to be old.

Unexpected results and Problems are part of life.
Never loose hope under any condition,
because darkness of night always finish with light of day.
Human can live about twenty days without food,
And about Three days without water, Five minutes without air,
But not for one second without HOPE.
Always be hopeful.

A foolish man tells a woman to (stop) talking, An idiot man tells a woman to (shut up), But a WISE man tells her that she looks extremely beautiful when her lips are closed.
 A man can get discouraged many times but he's not a failure until he begins to blame someone else and stops trying.

Every sunset gives us,
One day less to live
But every sunrise give us,
One day more to hope
So, hope for the best
Good Day & Good Luck

It isn’t the size of your house as such That matters so much at all.
It’s the gentle hand and its loving touch, That make it great or small.

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
Never walk away from someone you love, if you see some faults. Be patient & realise that no-one is perfect. Its affection that matters & not perfection

 Each moment in a day,has its own value, Morning brings hope, Afternoon brings faith, Evening brings luv, Night brings rest, wish u find them all today n forever ...

 We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. We often discover what we will do, by finding out what we will not do.
Life is like a library owned by the author. In it are a few books which he wrote himself, but most of them were written for him.

Talent” Is Like A Perfume Bottle.
If U Never Open It Noboday Knows The Fragrance Inside It.
Act Wisely, Be Open N Fragrance In Ur Life

Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful
1 tree can start a forest; 1 smile can start a friendship; 1 touch can show u care; 1 friend can make life worth living for.

Life Is Like A Piano,
White Keys Are Happy Moments,
And Black Keys Are Sad Moments.
But Remember Both Keys Are Played,
Together To Give Sweet Music,
So Enjoy Every Moments.

For true success ask
yourself these four questions:
Why not?
Why not me?
Why not now?

Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising up every time we fail.
R. W. Emerson

Life is never measured by the years u hav, but by the carying u do, the cheer and love u shared, and the happy people whose hearts u hav touched. God bless you.

Change Does Not Happen
When Circumstances IMPROVE,
Change HAPPENS When
YOU DECIDE to Improve
Your Circumstances.!.
So Start Now 

I will be a reason for your happiness and not be a part of it &
I will be a part of your sadness and not a reason for it.

Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

 Luck is like sand in hands, it will sneak out through the fingers, no matter gripped firmly or held loosely. Only hands in the praying posture can save it. proper prayer hands is the universal of luck

A Poster Showing
A Fish Caught On
A Hook With The
Caption Read:
 …”Even A Fish Would
Have Stayed Out Of
Trouble If It Had Kept
Its Mouth Shut… "
Ture, isn't it ?

Nothing can be changed by changing the face, but everything can be changed by facing the change!! Just think about it.
A good heart and a good nature are two different issues A good heart can win many relationships, But a good nature,can win many good hearts

 Two thoughts that decide your attitude First, “What you think of yourself when you have nothing”. Second. “What you think of others when you have everything”

Three great philosophies
1. Ability can never remain hidden.
2. No injury is deeper than insult.
3. The birth of tension is the death of talent.

Life is like a coin. Pleasure and pain are the two sides, Only one side is visible at time,
But remember Other side also waiting for its turn.

If a drop falls on lake, it loses its identity.
If it falls on a rose, it shines
if it falls on a shell, it becomes a pearl the drop is same but company matters

If someone hurts you, don’t mind because its the law of nature that tree that bears the sweetest fruit, gets the maximum number of stones.

Silent lips may avoid many problems, But smiling lips may solve many problems,
So always have a smile on ur face in the beautiful journey called “LIFE”

If you can solve your problem then whats the need of worrying
If you can’t solve it then whats the use of worrying
Just think about it !

You may fall in love with the beauty of someone But remember, finally you have to live with character, not beauty.

 Success is like your own shadow, if you try to catch it you will never succeed. But if you ignore it and walk in your own way it will follow you.

Future is Not something U Await!
It is something U Must Create!
Plan ur Future in Advance coz thts where
U will Spend the Rest of ur Life!

If you don’t like any rule , just follow it reach the top and then change the rule.

 Do not count what you have lost. Just see what you have now, because past never comes back but sometimes future can give you back your lost things!

Living in the favorable and unfavorable situation is called “PART OF LIFE”,
But smiling in all those situations is called “ART OF LIFE”.

Luck decides whom you meet in Life.. Your Heart decides whom you want in Life.. But time decides who gets to stay in your life.

The total history of almost anyone would shock almost everyone.
M. McLaughlin

Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.
N. Bonaparte

I know everything about HER Except dat She Luvs me or not..
She doesn't know anything about me Except that i luv her.

 If it's very painful for you to criticize your friends - you're safe in doing it.
But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue.
A. Duer-Miller

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?
S. Levine

One moment of patience may ward off great disaster.
One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

 What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.

There are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened.
To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.
J. Lovell

Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
O. Winfrey

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
B. Cosby

You see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?'
B. Shaw

When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it.
W. Howe

You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong.

Everyone may not be good But, there's always something good in everyone.
Never judge anyone shortly,
Because Every Saint has a Past & every Sinner has a Future.

If u r in prayer, take care of your Heart,
If u r eating, take care of your Throat,
If u r in another man’s house, take care of ur Eyes,
If u r talking to close person, take care of ur tongue.
-Hakeem Luqman

Lucky means who get the opportunity. Brilliant means who create the opportunity. Winner means who use the opportunity. Be a winner always.

Often people attempt to live their lives backwards;
they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier.
The way it actually works is the reverse.
You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.
Margaret Young

Kill the stress b4 stress kills you,
Reach the goal b4 goal kicks you,
Help everyone b4 someone helps you,
Live the LIFE b4 the LIFE leaves You!.

If som 1 hurts u dont mind it...
Bcoz...Its law of nature that
The tree that has the SWEETEST fruit
bears the maximum no of stones..!

Laugh like U've never cried
Play like U've never lost
Love like U've never been hurt
Live like there is no tomorrow

Risk more than others think is safe.
Care more than others think is wise.
Dream more than others think is practical.
Expect more than others think is possible.
Claude Bissell

As long as we have memories, yesterday remains,
As long as we have hope, tommorrow awaits,
As long as we have friendship, each day is never a waste.

Always take extra care of 3 things in ur life:
* Trust..
* Promise..
* Relation..
Bcoz they dont make noise when they break..!!

Before You Speak-Listen!
Before You Write-Think!
Before You Spend-Earn!
Before You Criticize-Wait!
Before You Pray-Forgive!
Before You Quit-Try!
Before You Die-Live…

Life is “EEE”
Yesterday is EXperience,
2day is EXperiment,
2moro is EXpectation.
Use ur EXperience
In ur EXperiments to Achieve ur EXpectations…!

"It isn't what you have,or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy.
It is what you think about. "
Dale Carnegie

Hard work pays off in the future; laziness pays off now.

"There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is not learning from experience."Archibald MacLeish

"If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it"Mary Engelbreit

Every King was once a helpless baby & every great building was once only a sketch. It is not important where you are today, rather where you’ll reach tomorrow.

Small minds talk abt Sales. Average minds talk abt Business, Great minds talk abt Growth, Bt CHAMPIONS like u Nevr talk, they just PERFORM n d WORLD talks.

Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!!
 Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me !

"Breathe when you breathe, Walk where you walk. talk when you talk, cry when you cry, die when you die, let go when you let go."- Allen Ginsberg -

"For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.
For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.
For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it."
~Ivan Panin ~

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something." Plato

"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and THEN do your best."
W. Edwards Deming

When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss

 "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz

 "A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. That's a basic spelling that every woman should know." Jeanne Bourgeois

 I'm jealous of all the people who ever hug u.. Because for a moment they hold my whole world..

"The more you learn, the more you know
The more you know, the more you forget
The more you forget, the less you know"
So.. Why learn.

Life is too short,
Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.
Laugh when you can
Apologize when you should
And let go of what you can’t change.
Kiss slowly Love deeply and FORGIVE QUICKLY.
Take chances. Give everything
And have no regrets.
Life is too short to be unhappy.
You have to take the good with the bad
Love what you got
And always remember what you had.
Always forgive but never forget.
Learn from your mistakes
But never regret.
People change and things go wrong
Life goes on!!

Wah prabhu kya therri leela:
Chuha Billi se darta hai,
Billi Kutte se darti hai,
Kutta Aadmi se darta hai,
Aadmi Biwi se darta hai,
Biwi Chuhhe se darti hai

Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don’t need to carry…
Life is beautiful, Enjoy it.
Happy New Year.

Each moment in a day has its own value.
Morning brings HOPE,
Afternoon brings FAITH,
Evening brings LOVE,
Night brings REST,

Great scholar Aristotal says? ...Don?t make friends before understanding & ...Don?t break friendship after missunderstanding

Shakespear Said.
Love me
Hate me
Both are in mY Favour.
If You Love me, I Will alwaYs be in Your Heart.
If U hate me,
I Will alWays be in Ur Mind.

"Acha Dost Kitni Dafa Hi Q Na Rooth Jaye Usay Mana Lena Chahiye
Kiyon K Tasbeeh K Danay Kitni Dafa b Kiyon Na Bikhrein Chun Liye Jatay Hain."
(Hazrat Ali)...!!

"Share these pearls of wisdom with ur friends: If we don t change, we don t grow. If we don t grow, we are not really living." Gail Sheehy

 "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." Albert Einstein 

  The beauty of life does not depend on how much HAPPY U r but Its totally depend on how many others r HAPPY because of U.
Defeat is not when u fall down; It is when u refuse to get up! The most determinative thought to follow in world: “The race is not over, cuz I haven’t won yet”

Shekespere said.......
"Over the years, i have learned that real love is not based on romance, candlelight dinner, and walks along the beach.
In fact it is based on respect, friendship and trust."

"CRYING alone is really better than LAUGHING with the people who HATE u but ACT like LOVING u"

The Amazing Truth About Human Tongue:
It Takes 3 Years To Learn How 2 Use It
But, It Takes A Life Time 2 Learn When & Where 2 Use It..

Erasers are for people who MAKE errors is an old saying, But a better saying is Erasers r for people who r willing 2 CORRECT their mistakes

 "Keep yourselves far from envy, because it eats up and takes away good actions, like the fire that eats up and burns wood."

 Difficulties in your Life don’t Come to Destroy u, But to Help u realize your Hidden Potential. “Let Difficulties Know that u r More Difficult.”

 A beautiful girl can not gv u a beautiful future, Bt a butiful future can gv u a butiful girl. So bright ur future.
Future is not what we plan for tomorrow… It is the result of what we do today..
Fact  Every Thing is Fear in Love and War But I suggest you WAR and never Love Because In WAR either you win or die but in love Neither you live not you die

 Life is like a fingerprint that can't be changed, so make the best impression with it.

 The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials."

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