05 February 2016

Good Afternoon Messages-SMS (3)

Great friends are not easy to find, I concur. It was destiny that brought you close to me. And remembering you this noon, I wish you have a prosperous ending in all your endeavours. You are a friend indeed.

 Thank you for always being near whenever i need you. Thanks for being a friend indeed that you are. Wishing you happiest noon my dear friend.

 As long as there are great people to be remembered, you will have a special place in my heart. You are my choicest of friends. You are envied!

 Thanks for always being there. Thanks for your numerous love and care. You deserve more than this tiny text messages. In all, thank you for all you've done for me.

 When I get to a height greater than this, I will not forget your all-time love and care, more than would a brother. You are precious to me. I love you.

You care is priceless. Your deeds are adorable. Your ways are to be emulated. You are nothing short of a friend indeed. Thanks for being my friend.

 My confidant when I was helpless and hopeless and my strength in weak and weary moments. Your care will be evergreen in my life. Thanks.

 Million Thanks wouldn't be enough for the kindness you show to me daily. You are one in a million. Thanks for it all.

 He who cares is the one who loves. The last time I checked, you are qualified to be one. I duff my cap for your true friendship.

 You are so caring, I must confess. Your match is truly second to none. You are matchless, to be sincere. Thanks friend.

 I wish you all the good things you ever wish yourself in life. It shall be well with you all your days.

 Your ways will never be slippery. Your paths will never be dark. You will never be a victim of evil circumstances. Thanks for your help and care.

 There can never be a goodbye from me to you. You have become a part of me and your care have found a perfect place in my very heart. You are a friend forever.

 Thanks for always being here in times of needs. Thanks for making the best out of my worst. Thanks still for being such a lovely friend that you are.

 This is one in a lifetime! You are the only proof that great friends still exist. I wouldn't have asked for this much. You are lovely on your way. Thanks for your helping hand.

 You are the definition of a true friend. May the day we met be ever blessed. Thanks for always being there.

 I wish you know how lucky I always feel to have met such a great friend like you. I am most favoured of all the living. And thank you for accepting me too. You are great.

 If I will remember great persons in the nearest future, I sure know you will still make the list. I admire your ways and deeds.

Good Afternoon Messages-SMS (2)

I want to love you forever. I want to be the reason for your smiles and fun filled laughter. Your love to me daily, is all that matter. It's done!

 Things are changing. I see everything turning around for my favour. And the last time I checked, it's courtesy of your love. 1000 kisses from me to you. I love you dearly.

 You are way too gorgeous than what I ever dreamt of. You changed my taste and changed my life in turn. I love you forever.

 Your love is sweeter than what I read in romantic novels and fulfilling more than I see in epic films. I couldn't have been me, without you. I love you.

 Just came to check on you my love and heart desire. I wish you have a wonderful afternoon! Take care, until I see your lovely face. I love you.

 You are the very reason my heart leaps for joy. I would never wish I have a moment away from you. You deserve my all. I love you.

 Whichever way my life tends, I wouldn't want to miss a moment without you.

 You are all that my life seeks. The merriment I ever desired. You rock my world and you deserve to be loved forever. Mwah.

The last time I checked - which is forever - I discovered that no one can ever separate us. You and me together forever.

You are my fit under any kind of weather. You are my missing piece and the perfection that my life ever longed for. I love you is all I can say.

 If only I could talk about your love for me in a lifetime, I will still fall short of its real description. Your love is unfathomable! I love you.

 Forever in your love is where I want to dwell. For I've seen love but never seen this, I swear. Take it or leave it, you are my world best! I love you.

 How I wish the sun could obey me for a second, to stop its scorching ride on my angel. So sorry it will be hot there. Don't worry, the evening will soon come. I love you.

 Just to see your face is the best description of being optimistic. To hug you in my arms is the perfect definition of a dream come true. I miss you.

 When my songs want to end, thinking about you is the choicest of lyrics. My life goes on as long as I have you. You are mine forever.

 My family clinic is nothing compared to your love. They help my body but you help my spirit and soul. Thanks for coming into my life. I love you.

 Like fire, your love burns within my heart and I never want this to be quench able. You are what I call, "My burning desire."

 As your morning was refreshing, may your afternoon be fun filled, and I wish your night be relaxing also. Just checking on you. I love you.

 My wishes doesn't end in the morning. I am here to wish you a better afternoon and wishing you the best night ahead. Take care my love. I hope you

 Even if your love is fairytale, I would rather believe in it, than cling to the reality the world would prove to offer. Just to let you know that you are mine forever.

 Before the day goes over and the night draws near, I wish you enjoy this afternoon my love. Have a good afternoon my dear.

 I wish it, I pray it and I hope it: that a afternoon will come when we will be together to part no more. Wish granted and prayer answered? Just checking on you.

 Hope it's not stressful there my love. I am here wishing it all ends in your favour. Stay lovely and unshaken for me sweetheart. I love you.

 I am so sorry to be away from you. How I wish you know how much I'd love to be with you there. Stay strong anyways. I love you.

 I wish you have a wonderful afternoon from these cool wishes. May the sun shine in your favour. Stay lovely and great.

 Walking in the sun, I remember how good it is to enjoy a cool breeze and then I remember how great it is, when one has a friend who cools one's heart. You deserve more than my best.

Good Afternoon Messages-SMS (1)

With you every day is my lucky day. So lucky being your love and don't know what else to say. Morning night and noon, you make my day.

 I have tasted things that are so sweet, heard words that are soothing to the soul, but comparing the joy that they both bring, I'll rather choose to see a smile from your cheeks. You are sweet. I love you.

If I never met you, I would brag all my life, that the best female on earth is my mum. Don't tell her - secret between you and me. I love you.

Truth be told, your love and care are second to none. I just can't choose to lose you for anything else. I love you. Good afternoon.

Nice and caring people like you are difficult to find. And I understand that it must have been favour, finding someone like you. Good afternoon, I love you.

I just remembered this: It was when I met you that my whole life began to be sweet as yours. You have added more than joy to me. I love you. Good afternoon.

I knew I was so close to believing in miracles the very first time I saw you. Having someone like you was a miracle I never thought could happen to me. Thanks goodness I found you. I love you.

My nightmares are over. I sing dirge no more. You become my best of song and my dream come true the moment you came into my life. I pledge my allegiance to your love. Good afternoon.

I choose to live all my life with you. I choose to stay timelessly in the dark with you instead of living in booming light without you. You rock my world. I love you.

When you start to work in the morning and through the rigorous activities of the day, I will always be there to stand by you. Good afternoon. I care.

Your love is not feelings, not even feelings of impulse. You are worth the whole world to me. Good afternoon. I love you my sweet.

I have counted it and it's uncountable: that is your care for me. I have measured it and it's immeasurable: that is again the depth of your love in my heart. Secret of the century it is! I love you.

Every afternoon is to remember the one whom my earth beats for. The one I live and sure can die for. Hope you doing good there my love. Missing your face.

Calling you my dear would be an understatement. I would rather call you my heart. Because, with you my life is kept lively. I love you.

I would possibly be living in lifetime regret if you are part of my family. I couldn't have watched you been taken away by another person. Thank God I found you.

If I am a mathematician, "you plus me" would be equal to "everlasting love." Isn't that what we are! I love you my heart.

01 February 2016

I Love You Mrssages

I love many things about this life including moonlit nights and the sound of the ocean. However, nothing can touch the beauty of the deep love I feel for you.

If ever you doubt my love, please look into my eyes and you will see into my heart and into my soul.

I don’t fear insects or spiders. At great heights, I jump off, smiling. In the face of death I wink. But, when I look into your eyes, I’m in fear of how much I ♥ you.

You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. How I got so lucky I will never know.

Don’t ever hold my hand if you are going to let it go. Don’t ever say, ‘I ♥ you,’ if you are going to leave me alone.

I’ve written your name on the pages of my heart, reflected your face on the mirrors of my soul and displayed you in the galleries of my eyes. I ♥ you.

The greatest distance on earth is not north and south, it is when I am right in front of you and you do not know that I ♥ you.

Listen to my heart beat as it goes, Thump, Thump, Thump. It is saying I ♥ you, I ♥ you, I ♥ you.

Being in your arms makes me feel as though I am truly in heaven showered in an endless rain of happiness for eternity. I ♥ you, Baby. You’re my heaven for eternity.

I ♥ you more than I miss you. If you put that in numbers, you will need more than just a computer.

It was you who made me see how truly happy it was to have you; you were a godsend. Now, with ♥ crushed, I have only the memory of your face and the ♥ we had to cherish forever and for always. I ♥ you.

I ♥ you because you bring out the best in me, and holding on to that thought, I sincerely believe that just by being with you shall bring out the best life I ever could live.

When time has passed and we grow old, I want you to know that my love will be as strong as ever.

Love is the power that blesses everything it touches. When your beloved is by your side, you cannot help but be blessed and bless others.

No foe, no heartache, no disease, no natural disaster, no tragedy can win against the power of true, unconditional love.

Even though were far apart I ♥ you dearly with all my heart.

I have seen old couples walking hand and hand, and I used to wonder how they kept their love alive for so long. Since we have been together, I finally understand.

There are only two times that I want to be with you… Now and Forever.

You brighten all my days, and you put the sizzle in my nights. My world is a paradise with you in it.

When we first met you took my breath away. Now, after being with you for all this time, I feel I couldn’t breathe without you.

I love the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you hold me close and the many ways you show me how much you love me.

I Love You Messages

I thought I knew what love is, but now I understand it is beyond anything I ever imagined. You are amazing and I cherish our love.

For yesterday’s memories, today’s ♥, and tomorrow’s dreams I ♥ you.

When we are together, I never want to be apart. When we are apart, I long to be together again.

If I could give you only one thing in this life, I would give you the beautiful feeling I have each time I see you.

The more I know you, the more I ♥ you.

It takes a second to say I ♥ you, but a lifetime to show it.

I have heard that love is the greatest power in the universe. If this is true, then together we just might rule the universe.

I never really believed in love. It seemed to be a fairy tale, but then I met you. Now I understand what love is, and I am so grateful for you.

I ♥ you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

If you want to know how much I ♥ you, look into my eyes with your heart open.

From the first time we met, I just knew we were meant to be together. Each day, my love for you only grows stronger.

With your unconditional love, you have given me the best gift anyone has given to me. I am yours now and always.

Whether we walk on the shore, down a pebbled path or city street, I am happy because I walk with the one who holds my heart and my soul.

The day you came into my life was the day I found the love that my life had been missing.

Multiply it by infinity, take it to the depths of forever and you’ll still only have a glimpse of how much I ♥ you.

Love is the only thing that is truly worth fighting for. Thank you for showing me what love is and for fighting for me.

The love that we share is just like what I dared to dream about when I was younger. Together we are making dreams come true.

Why do I ♥ you? Because you are and always have been my dream.

If I told you I would move mountains for you, would you believe me? I hope so. I hope you know how very much I love you.

Do I ♥ you? My God, if your ♥ were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.

When life gets stressful, I still feel so lucky because I have you. The love we share makes life’s challenges and obstacles so much easier to bear.

You may not have heard me tell you that I ♥ you, but the way that I look into your eyes, the way I smile when you pass by, and the way that my heart feels when you are near all speaks of what best describes the ♥ that I feel.

30 January 2016

Sad Quotes for Facebook

"Dear Hear, please stop getting involved in everything. Your job is to pump blood that's it."

"The strongest among us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors and fight battles nobody knows about."

"It hurts the most when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today."

"Sometimes the people who are thousands of miles away from you can make you feel better than the people who are right beside you."

"My silence/smile is just another word for my pain."

"Trying to hide your feelings and pretending like nothing is wrong."

"People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long."

"You made me feel like you really liked me and then you just left like nothing even mattered."

"Sometimes when I say: I'm okay. I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say: I know you're not."

"Best way to not get your heart broken, is pretend you don't have one."

"Smile. It will make him so jealous to see you're happy without him."

"When I see you smile and know that it is not for me, that is when I will miss you the most."

"I want to write 'I miss you' on a rock and throw it at your face, so you know how much it hurts to miss you."

"I'm not afraid to fall in love. I'm afraid to fall for the wrong person again."

"Sometimes life doesn't want to give you something you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve more."

Indian Hero - Swami Vivekananda Quotes

"Be a hero, always say, I have no fear."

"Take risks in your life, if you win, you can lead! if you loose, you can guide!"

"Strength is life weakness is death."

"Who is helping you, don't forget them. Who is loving you, don't hate them. Who is trusting you, don't cheat them."

"Talk to yourself once in a day... you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world."

"Arise, awake, do not stop until the goal is achieved."

"You are the creator of your own destiny."

"Your aim is yours so don't change it for others but your character is not yours so change it for others."

"All power is within you; you can do anything and everything."

"You cannot believe in God, until you believe in yourself."

"To be good and to do good that is the whole of religion."

"Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals place them day and night before you and out of that  will come great work."

"By the study of different religions we find that in essence they are one,"

Teddy Bear Day Quotes

You really don’t have to be young to find a friend in a teddy bear.

A bedroom without a teddy is like a face without a smile.

Bears like honey that comes from bees.
Bears like to nap under shady trees.
Bears can be cuddly, or big and mean.
My little Teddy Bear is the cutest I’ve seen.
He’s at my side when I’m happy or blue,
Here’s to my Teddy Bear ‘I love you!’

My Teddy Bear is a faithful friend
You can pick him up and either end
His fur is the color of breakfast toast
And he’s always there When you need him the most!

If you like I can give you
A big bear hug.
It will make you feel snug
As a bug in a rug.
As soon as a bear hug
Comes your way,
Find yourself a good friend,
And give It Away!

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping Little bear, little bear?
You will sleep all winter, through the cold, cold winter,
Little bear, little bear.
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, Little bear, little bear?
You will wake in springtime,
In the warm, warm springtime, Little bear, little bear

I miss the laughs, I used to get from you, I miss the talks we used to have & above all, I just miss you! 
Happy Teddy Bear Day. 

I am gifting you a sweet teddy bear.
It is indication to you that,
I can’t wait and I am ready,
To make you mine and just mine.
Now its depend on you,
Please make my life with sunshine.
I love you sweety.
The Soft Cuddly Teddy Is There To Show
I Will Always Be There,
This You Should Know
Love me Love my Teddy Bear
Kiss me Kiss me my Teddy Bear
Hug me Hug me my Teddy Bear
Happy Teddy Bear Day”

I want everyone to meet you. You’re my favorite Teddy Bear of all time.

The most magical moments are those when you forget yourself in the joy of someone’s presence.

Without you, I am nothing. With you, I am something. Together we are everything.