17 January 2016

Funny get well soon wishes-2

Hope you get well soon because we have a big assignment on your most disliked subject.

Missing your terrible jokes for the last few days. Hope you get well soon, but don’t bring those terrible things with you.

The whole class is missing its most awful person. Just kidding dear, please get well soon.

During this down time I hope you’ll get rid of those boring joking habits. Get well soon with something funny items.

Heard yesterday that you are in the hospital. I hope that they’ll be releasing you soon as we need you more than them. Have a fast recovery.

One good thing has happened due to your illness because we don’t have to your boring humors for at least a few days. Anyway, get well soon.

Looks like your healing time is taking longer than others. Make sure you don’t miss a trip incoming week.

I’m wishing and praying for your quick recovery because I need to borrow some money from you! You know very well that I don’t take it from anyone else.

Get ready to have more fun with us. You have stayed enough in the hospital. Wish you a speedy recovery.

Who can miss your company for a long time? Get well soon and make me happy like earlier. Wishing you all the best.

I and many others are praying for your complete and quick recovery because you are the best in saving the goals. We want to win in the match and that’s why your recovery is so important.

Your absence cannot be tolerated anymore. Because I can’t find anyone to fight. Get well as quickly as possible.

Everyone is praying so that you get well soon but I was praying the opposite. Because the submission of our latest assignment is getting closer. I hope you won’t have to do it if you are sick.

Your voice is so catchy that cold loves it too much. That’s why you suffer a lot due to cold and your voice becomes horrible. Please get well soon.

Sending this get well card to let you know that I’m coming to see you. Please arrange some good items to enjoy during my visit. Anyhow, get well buddy.

I always want you to smile like an angel and you know no angel can look so beautiful in a hospital bed except you. Have a quick recovery and keep smiling.

No one can make us laugh with a simple joke like you. We are bored of missing that little but long lasting moments. Please get well soon.

I’m missing your cute and contagious smile. Get well soon and smile forever.

All your friends are waiting to celebrate your birthday. Make sure you don’t disappoint them by staying this whole week in the hospital. Please get well soon.

I’m praying for you, really. Not only to get you well, but also to get the money back from you.

Most of the flowers in the garden aren’t blooming because I lost my gardener. Please get well soon and take care of them.

Mom, get well soon very fast. We are almost on the eve of our summer trip.

I’m bringing a magician to make your broken hand okay. May be this is the best way to get well soon that the lengthy recovery process at the hospital.

I told you that I’ll stand beside you forever, but I didn’t mean that you’ll have to break your legs to get that. Please get well as soon as possible.

Hope you feel better fast otherwise I’ll have to inject you more pain killers. You know that I always want to avoid those.

Think of happy thoughts. May be they’ll be able to help you in recovering more quickly than the regular.

You have faced so many times, which were more painful than this simple accident. Hope you can manage it by yourself to get well very soon.

I was hoping for a place on the football team at your absence, but maybe I won’t be able as you are recovering so fast. Anyway, get well.

Do what the doctors suggest. Don’t be a fool by rearranging the medicines prescribed by your physicians. Get well soon and have a quick and complete recovery.

Don’t be so impatient, illness are regular events of human life. Hope you’ll get well very soon.

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