17 January 2016

Get Well Soon Messages-5

From dawn to dusk, I pray for your quick recovery and good health.

The little flowers are rising and blooming; it’s the world’s way of saying, “get well soon.”

May you be blessed with good health and a quick recovery.

Cheer up! We want to see you fit and well very soon.

Get well soon, so you can resume bringing brightness and delight into our lives!

I will continue praying for your good health and speedy recovery.

Get Well Soon Messages for Mom, Dad, Brother or Sister

Think happy thoughts, and you may heal more quickly than you thought possible. We miss you, and want you better soon!

Don’t worry: you will be back on your feet in no time, and then you will be wishing you were off your feet again, resting!

I pray God heals you quickly with His miraculously healing hands.

Here’s a get well wish wishing you healing vibes.

I hope you get well really soon! I miss your smile!

Get Well Soon Messages for Boss, Colleague or Coworker

I will stand beside you forevermore. Wishing you good health and a fast recovery.

Feel better fast, so I can see you again soon! I miss you so much!

I wish I was a magician so I could make you fit and healthy with the wave of a wand!

Get Well Soon Messages for your Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Husband or Wife

Even Superman has a weakness. Though you are feeling weak now, know that you will be strong again. Until then, may peace be with you.

Think healthy, lovely, wonderful thoughts, and may your ails cease to exist.

May your tears of sorrow quickly become tears of joy. I am so sorry you aren’t feeling well. I pray you recover to full health soon.

May God bless you with good health and peace through this hard time. Know that I am here for you if you ever need anything. If you ever need to talk, I am always here to listen.

I would wish you well, but I know you don’t need any wishes, because you WILL be better soon. This is me letting you know that I’m thinking about you.

I pray to God that He gives you the strength to overcome your sickness soon, but can you make it quick for me? I’m anxiously waiting to see you well again.

You will do more than just get better; you will be better than you were before. I can’t wait to see you soon in full health.
I ache every second you are sick, and pretty soon I am going to be in that hospital bed next to you. Get better fast, because, even though I love you, I don’t want to join you.

Focus on the future and concentrate on getting well. Here’s to good things happening in your life.

May every cell in your body heal miraculously fast. Know that you are missed greatly.

I hope this get well wish brings a smile to your face. You are too beautiful to be feeling down.

Remember to just take it one day at a time, and, in no time, you will be completely healthy and smiling once again.

I heard you were in pain. Well, don’t focus on it (LOL, as I mention it). No, really: think nice thoughts. I love ya! Get well soon!

Do what the doctor says, and feel better soon! I can’t wait to see you again.

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