27 November 2015

Friendship Messages-13

Ur validity of being my friend is going 2 b expired today, plz recharge ur friendship immidiately by delivering 4-5 sweet & cool sms.
So hurry

When clouds breaks rain fall.
When coconut breaks water falls.
When luv breaks tears falls.
But, when friendship breaks life falls completly
So never break friendship..

God was too wise to make friends without price tags otherwise
how much would a friend like you cost and where could I get the money to buy you? 

Friendship is a collection of hearts, ready to give, share and understand.
It never fades & never ends.
It only reminds us that life is not perfect without  friends…

A good friendship does not depend on how good  nderstanding we have.
But it depends on how better we avoid Misunderstandings.

True friends see you true,
Believe in things u want to do,
Feel glad when your dreams are true,
Best of all they dont judge you,
They simply love you because you are you.

Good friends are like tom & jerry sometimes crap keeps them apart, but they always come back together!

When heart beats it says “lub-dub”.
Do U know whats it means?
LUB says “Live Ur life Best”
DUB says “Do Ur Best in life”
Enjoy every heart beat.
“Happy Friendship Day.”

Friendship is a promise spoken by the heart is not given by plege, nor written on paper, but promise renewed everytime friends keep in touch.

Friendship is not history 2 forget
Friendship is not maths 2 calculate
Friendship is not english 2 learn
its o
nly chemical locha dont try to understand it just enjoy it

A friendship is like a winding road,
You never know where it is going to go.
But there is something that I do know,
Which is that our friendship will continue to grow.

Friends are like bum cheeks.
Crap might separate them,
But they always come back together.

Think of me and keep in mind
A faithful friend is hard to find
But if you find one equal and true
Never leave him for the new 

24 sweet hours make 1 sweet day!
7 sweet days make 1 sweet week!
4 sweet weeks make 1 sweet month!
But 1 sweet friend like ‘U’
Make my whole life sweet.

There are 3 Chambers in my HEART.
1 forDAD,
1 for MOM,
1 for GOD.
oh! wat about u dear
Sorry no place for u in my heart……..
bcoz frendz like u are my heartbeat..!

You’re… My Friend, my companion, through good times and bad my friend, my buddy, through happy and sad, beside me you stand, beside me you walk, you’re there to listen,
you’re there to talk, with happiness, with smiles, with pain and tears,
I know you’ll be there, throughout the years!

There r times i find my hands full of friends… i want 2 hold them hard as i fear losing them.
I laugh when i realize that they r the ones holding me. .
Thanks 4 being 1

From MY side to YOU- knowing a friend like u has made me happy in a million ways and if
I ever have to let u go… i’ll find a million reasons to make u stay. 

Sweet but not honey, precious but not money, bright but not sunshine,
Improves with time but not wine, dont know?? ,it’s friendship..!

Life is like a novel.
Many chapters read and forgotten.
But there is one I wont forget.
It’s the chapter
“I met u and we became friends”.

I feel happy. Do u know y? Coz i’m lucky U know y? coz GOD loves me U know how? coz god send me a wonderful friend
U know who? ITS U!!!

Dear O Dear, You are not Near, But I can Hear,
Dont Get Fear, Your memories Here, Live with Cheer,
No more Tear!…….

A lovely star dropped on earth one night.
Asked me u want a million dollar or a good friend?
I chosen to have million dollars. .
Because I already have you 

Don’t make friends before understanding
Don’t break a friendship after misunderstanding

Ice is a cream,
Love is a dream,
But our Friendship is evergreen.

U make 10 friends,
Laugh wid 9,
Meet 8 of them,
Talk to 7,
Celebrate wid 6,
Share secrets with 5,
Trust 4,
Cry wid 3,
Take help of 2,
But never forget 1 like me:)

To live a life i need a heartbeat,
2 have a heartbeat i need a heart,
2 have a heart i need happiness,
2 have happiness i need a friend

4 a friend i need U!

Longest LOVE is MOTHER”s LOVE,
Shortest LOVE is other LOVE,
sweetest LOVE is LOVER”s LOVE,
but strongest LOVE is FRIEND LOVE….

Never walk away from a true friend.
When u c some faults, b patient & realize that nobody is perfect.
It’s affection that matters, not perfection.

Friendship is about writting
HURTS on the SAND where wind blows it and forget,
CARVING the BENEFITS in the STONE and never 4get.

Age appears to be best in some things.
Old wood best to burn.
Old books best to read.
Old rice best to eat and old friends best to keep.

Friends are like a page in a book of life,
Every page with a different subject.
But best friends r d index page covering every subject.
Thx 4 being index page of my life.

Just go to hell,
 yes you only !
because only you can change hell into heaven by your sweetness.!

Gate of memories will never close,
How much we miss our freinds nobody knows, will pass like years,days
And we will remeber those memories like silent tears.

Both friends will think da other is busy & will not contact, thinking it may be disturbing
As time passes both will think let da other contact
After dat each will think Y shud I contact 1st
Here U’R Love will be converted to Hate
U 4get each other One fine day u will meet & blae 1 another
So keep in touch wid u’r friendz & pass dis 2 all u’r friendz.

If you are an “ICECREAM” then u r so sweet.
If you are “Rose”
Then you are so soft
If you are a “Star”
Then you are so bright.
If you are my “Friend”
then Oh My GOD
You are so “Lucky”.

Its not an achievement to make 1000’s friends in a year,
but an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000’s years.

Never abandon old friends.
They are hard 2 replace.
Friendships is like wine:
it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER.
Just like us… i get BETTER, u get OLDER.

True friends are rare to find
True friends are always very kind.
True friends are ornaments so beautiful.
True friends always make us cheerful.
True friends are the work of perfection.
True friends give us right direction.
True friends always shine like moon.
True friends are the greatest boon

Missing u iz my “HOBBY”
Care 4 U, is my “JOB”
Make u happy, is my “DREAM”
Pray 4 u, is my “DUTY”

2 keep friendship wid u, is my “CHOICE”

A cute thought for those who believe in friendship.
It’s not necessary 2 share every secret between true friends
but it’s important that whatever u share is true.

If ur sms is not coming,
I think u r sending but its undelivered,
if U r not calling i think u r trying but d network is busy,
bcoz believing is most important in friendship.

Last night God gave me 2 choices:-
Either to have a good friend like you or
To have excellent memory .
I don’t remember what did I choose

F: Filed Of Love!
R: Root Of Joy!
I: Island Of GOD!
E: End Of Sorrow!
N: Name Of Hope!
D: Door Of Understanding!
Thats U my FRIEND

Friendship doesn’t occurs with special peple, 
people becomes special after becoming friends,
Just wanted to let u know that
U r very “Special” to me 

The wrong kind of people dislikes you 4 the good in you
The right kind of peoples like you knowing even the bad in you.
That makes a Friendship strong…

MY friendship is just like a rubber band,
It is too flexible,
Stretch it as much as u can, but if u leave it,
it will hurt u a lot, really a lot!

God picked up a flower n dipped it in dew,
He lovingly touched it, & it turned into you.
And then he gifted it to me n said this friend is 4 you.

Before I got in touch with u,
I used to gaze at stars as they were only my friends.
But after I met u,I started believing that stars do fall on Earth.

My heart’s like an open book, it depends on how u read me.
Don”t judge me by my cover..
Look in and discover..
i will be ur True friend for ever…

a friend gives hope when ur life is low,
a friend is place wen u hav no place to go,
a friend is a precious,
a friend is ”””you””””

People like U are found only once in a lifetime.
So U better take care of yourself because
I don t want to waste another lifetime to find a such a SWEET Friend.

A true friend understands when u say ?I forgot?,
waits 4ever when u say ?just a min?,
stays with u when u say ?leave me alone?
opens his heart even b4 u knock

In a year I m:
365 Days Dreaming of U
8760 hours Thinking of U
5,25,600 Minutes Missing U
3,15,36,000 Seconds Treasuring U

Relationship is like a violen,
Music may stop now n then,
But strings are attached forever.
So if u r in touch or not,
U r always remembered.

Friendship never speaks volumes, it never demands proof, it never has a happy ending too simply coz it doesn’t end as long as friends r true, just like U!

Whenever I look at my palm, I wonder which of those tiny cute crisscross lines made me so lucky to have a sweet & nice friend like U.

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