22 November 2015

Good Friendship Messages

Sweetness can be defined without honey. Fragnance can be defined without Rose. But, friendship can’t be defined without YOU

“ My FRIENDSHIP for you is a journey, Starting at forever, And ending at never.”

Friendship is a little more trust, a little less try, a little more laugh, a little less cry, a little more u a little less I, Friendship is simply u and I in this beautiful world.

Friendship is like war… Easy to start… Difficult to end… Impossible to forget… so im having a war with you…
I Hope that u don’t want peace…

Friends are the Best “CALCULATOR”. They help 2 add “JOY” , Minus “FEAR”, Multiply “HAPPINESS” & Divide”GRIEF”. Thanks 4 being my “CALCULATOR”!!!!!!

Sound become music, Movement becomes dance, Smile becomes laughter & Life becomes celebration.

When old friend keep in touch.

A special friend is rare indeed, It beems to be special breed, Yes, perfect friends are every few, So lucky I’m for having you.

Hearts could only luv for a while, Feet could only walk for a mile, Clothes won’t forever be in style But having u as my friend is forever worthwhile.

Star are seen together, Yet they are so far apart, True friends may not speak everyday but Remember they are always linked heart 2 heart.

Heart is like a crystal- preserve it, love is like a perfume- spread it, feelings are like flood- let it flow, friendship is like an umbrella- come lets share it

“Distance never separates any relation, Time never build any relation, If feelings r true from heart,
then friend’s r always forever…!

Friends never make assumptions about U. They never expect a reason to go out with U. In fact friends only expect you to be U!

We met it was Luck! We talked it was CHANCE! We became friends it was DESTINY! We are still friends it is FAITH! We will always be friends its a PROMISE!

I sent this cute little kitty to u to give u company wen u feel lonely & bite u if u ever forget me………………….

Good friends are like tom & jerry sometimes crap keeps them apart, but they always come back together! send this to all your favorite buddies..

Life is 5 star, Mother is top star
Father is king star, Teacher is Ultimate star, Lover is action star, But A friend is the “REAL STAR”

Friendship is vast like Universe, deep like Ocean, high like Sky, strong like Iron, kind like Mother, cute like Me, and sweet like U!

The Test Of Friendship Dosen’t Comes When U R 2gether. It Comes When U Part Ways & U Realize That Despite The Distance, The Friendship Is Still There.

In this WORLD, where everything seems UNCERTAIN, only one thing is DEFINITE. You’ll always be my FRIEND, beyond WORDS, beyond TIME & beyond DISTANCE!

Everyone hears what you say… Friends listen to what you say… Best friends listen to what you don’t say…

A friend is sweet gift an emotional lift, a heart healer, a mood chiller, a gem so rare.

Making a million friends is not an art, but the real art is to make a friend who will stand with u when millions are against u.

My Friendship means
a little heart that never hates, a cute smile that never fades, a smooth touch that never shakes & a strong relationship that never breaks.

Painting is feeling, never spoil it, Face is a book, try to read it, Love is precious, b ready to sacrifice for it,
and Friendship is like a mirror, never break it.

In the cookie of life, Friends r the chocolate chips that make life sweet, surprising and yummy. thanks for being one of the yummy choc chip of my life.

I m not Shakespeare to write about you. I m not Shelley to sing for u. I m not Picasso to paint u. I m your friend who just want to say I m always with u.

friendship doesn’t occur with special people but people become special after being friends. I don’t know what I’m to u but u’ll always be special for me

Few people r like rainbow in your life, who fill your life with colors, I’m very lucky to have u as my Rainbow Friend always fill my life with your love and care.

Do u know the relation between your two eyes? they blink together, they move together, they cry together, they see things together, and they sleep together. even though they never see each other. Friendship should be just like that.

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