24 November 2015

Friendship Messages-17

We may never meet often but i will always remain your S.P.A.C.E
A-around u
Think about this my friend.

I wonder why the stars shine even if i am sad,
I wonder why the birds still fly even if i cry,
I wonder why the sun still smiles even if i am blue,
Bcoz the world is telling me i still have a friend like you!!!

Everyday I see lots of strangers passing by me
This makes me realised that,
Life would be boring, without a friend like you.

Hearts could only love for a while,
Feet could only walk for some miles,
Clothes won’t forever be in style,
But having You as my Friend is forever worthwhile.

Best friends are like pairs of scissors…
When together they often go in different directions
But they give punishment to those
Who dare to come between them!

Heart is like a crystal- preserve it,
love is like a perfume- spread it,
feelings are like flood- let it flow,
friendship is like an umbrella- come lets share it.

If ever I sent U a bunch of roses,
I will put 1 fake plastic rose in between,
And make a wish that,
Our friendship should last till the last rose dies….

Our friendship is like the hands of clock
Though we are in the same clock, we r not able 2 meet
Even if we meet.. It is only for few minutes
But still our friendship runs non-stop.

You can buy gifts but not love.
You can pretend smile but not happiness.
You can lie to others but not to yourself.
You can have another friend but not as cute as I am!

Life taught me many things,
Some sweet moments some bitter ones,
Some I remember some I forgot,
But what remained always was our precious friendship.

Sweetness can be defined without honey.
Fragrance can be defined without Rose.
But, friendship can’t be defined without YOU.

Every nice friend is a glimpse of god,
As he is one of his blessings &
Is a priceless gift that can never be bought,
sold or forgotten, just like you.

Everyday is a wonderful opportunity to care,
To smile to pray and to be thankful,
For having a sweet wonderful friend like you…

Friendship is not a game to play,
It is not a word to say,
It doesn’t start on March and ends on May,
It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday.

Friendship is not how long U’ve been together,
Not how much U’ve given or receive,
Not how many times U’ve talk,
And help each other…
It’s how U value one another.

There are 8 billion people around the world.
I don’t know why I keep on messaging you.
May be because 7999999999 can’t replace
a single friend like U.

Everything in this world is so fine,
But everything in this world is not mine,
One thing that is pure n divine-Ur Friendship.

Star are seen together,
Yet they are so far apart,
True friends may not speak everyday but
Remember they are always linked heart 2 heart.

Who is friend?
A friend is one who sees ur first drop of tear,
Catches the second,
Stop the third, &
Turns the 4th into a smile!!!

These are some of the romantic countries in the world.
H.O.L.L.A.N.D. – Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies.
I.T.A.L.Y. – I Trust And Love You.
L.I.B.Y.A. – Love Is Beautiful; You Also.
F.R.A.N.C.E. – Friendships Remain And Never Can End.

Someone asked me 4 how long will you both be friends?
I remained silent because
I didn’t know which is longer..
“Always” or “Forever”

Friends r like street lights along the road.
They don’t make the distance any shorter,
But they light up the path & make the walk worthwhile.

Wonderful people are carefully created by god,
Wonderful moments are carefully planned by god,
Wonderful friends like u are carefully gifted by god.

Friends r not a game 2 play,
Friends r not just a word 2 say,
Friends do not start in March & end in May,
Friends mean 2morrow,yesterday,today & everyday.

Hearts could only luv for a while,
Feet could only walk for a mile,
Clothes won’t forever be in style
But having u as my friend is forever worthwhile.

You are not only the friend I found,
You are an angel who walks on the ground,
I could search my whole life through,
And I know I’ll not find another friend like U.

Keeping a friend is as difficult as losing one.
U sacrifice a lot to keep them.
I may not have sacrificed enough 4 U,
But in my heart I swear I’m keeping U.

The nominee for best friend are you, you & you.
But the winner is me because I have you!

Wen Things go bad n ur strnth is not more enough 2 carry on,
Dnt giv up cuz, wher ur strngth ends, my worth of being ur frnd begins…

Best frnds r lyk a pair of scissors, joint together, often go in opp dirctions,
But they giv punishment to those who come between them……

wat is frndshp? u fight abt d smallest things in lyf wen u r
2gethr n miss those very smallest things wen u r torn apart by tym….

Don’t be angry on your friends
Because at the last moment of your life
We remember not the words of our enemies
But the silence of our FRIENDS.

A rupee is easy 2 earn, a friend is hard 2 find.
A rupee loses its value, a friend increases its worth,
I lost a rupee when I sms U but who cares.
I got a friend like U.

Wat u see as truth wat u see as lies remember that true friendship never dies although we may change & drift apart,
I will always value u deep within my heart!

Love is like missed call.
It stop when u try 2 catch.
But friendship is like sms bcoz it comes &
Stays inside your Inbox.

Friends are like shoes,
Some loose some tight,
Some fit just right,
And they help us as we walk through life.
Thanks for being just right for me!

A lucky star dropped on earth last night,
It asked me what did i want?
A true friend or a million dollar
I had to choose a million dollar
Because I already have you.

Stars has 5 ends
Square has 4 ends
Trinagle has 3 ends
Line has 2 ends
but Circle of our friendship has no end…

God picked up a flower & dipped it in dew
Lovingly touched it which turned in to you, 

Then he gifted to me n’ said,
“This friend is for you”

You’re a true friend,
That I want you to know,
Our love for each other
Has helped us to grow.
We’ve been through some tough times,
But we’ve made it through,
The only one I ever trusted was you.

The rain may be falling hard outside,
But your smile makes it all alright.
I’m so glad that you’re my friend.
I know our friendship will never end.

We met it was Luck!
We talked it was CHANCE!
We became friends it was DESTINY!
We are still friends it is FAITH!
We will always be friends its a PROMISE!

The ball can escape from bat,
The rat can escape from cat,
But you cannot escape from
“My Heart you are always my good friend”
Our friendship will never end.

Of all the friends I’ve ever met.
Your the one I won’t ever forget.
And if I die before you do
I’ll go to heaven and wait for you.

I kept your name in my JOURNAL, and posted you in the LEDGER of my heart, you wont be classified as FIXED ASSETS, because the MARKET VALUE of friendship will never DEPRECIATE from heart.

If u are a chocolate you are the SWEETEST,
If u are a teddy bear you are the most HUGGABLE,
If u are a star you are the BRIGHTEST,
and since you are my friend…U R THE BEST !!!

A friend is sweet when its new.
But it is sweeter when its true,
But U know what? Its sweetest when its U.

If CARE is a WAVE, i give you SEA.
If RESPECT is a LEAF, i give you TREE.
If TRUST is a PLANET, i give you GALAXY, 

if FRIENDSHIP is LIFE, i give you MINE for FREE.. 

"keep smiling."

“LOVE”is a Small Coin
“LIFE” is a BIG Coin
“Wife” is a Lucky Coin
“Lover” is a Sweet Coin
Keep it safe it..!

Treat life as sea, your heart as sea-shore, And friend as waves.
It never matters how many waves are there, What matter is which one touches the shore.

Friendship is like a tree,
It is not measured on how tall it could be,
But is on how deep,
The roots have grown.

Of all the gifts big and small,
Your friendship is the greatest of them all.

Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

What u see as truth what u see as lies,
Remember that true friendship never dies,
Although we may change drift apart,
Will always value u deep within my heart!

There are many stars but the moon is u,
There are many friends but the best is u,
To forget me that’s up to u,
To forget u I will never ever do.

I must have been born under a lucky star,
To find a friend as nice as you are.
I will follow the rainbow to the end,
If you promise to remain my friend!

,;*”*;, is like
*; ,;* a
__)(____ TRee…..
It is not MEASURED by how TALL it could be, but how deeply the roots have grown....

2 golden phrases of frinedship:->
” NEVER belive d doubtd one” n
“NEVER doubt d belivd one”
that retains friendship for a long rtym..

Good FRIENDS CaRE for each Other..
CLoSE Friends UNDERSTaND each Other…
and TRUE Friends STaY forever beyond words,
beyond time…

Friends are the worst tenants:
1. They occupy our heart,
2. They pay no rent,
3. They don’t vacate easily,
4. When they leave, they break the place.

I don’t want a friend like u 4 a SECOND,
Not for a MINUTE, not even for an HOUR,
Neither 4 a DAY nor for a NIGHT,
But I want a friend like u 4 a LIFETIME…

Friends are the Best “CALCULATOR”.
They help 2 add “JOY” , Minus “FEAR”,
Multiply “HAPPINESS” & Divide”GRIEF”.
Thanks 4 being my “CALCULATOR”!!!!!!

Keeping a friend is as difficult as losing one. U sacrifice a lot to Keep Them. I may not have sacrificed enough 4 u… But in my heart i swear i’m Keeping u..

Want to know what is it?
Read again…

FriendShip is a network that needs..
NO Recharge!
NO Roaming!
NO Validity!
NO activation!
NO Signal prbms!
Just don’t switch off ur Heart… 

There is a gift that gold cannot buy,
A blessing that’s rare true,
That’s the gift of a wonderful friend,
Like the friend that I have in u!

U may have someone in ur mind,
Someone in ur heart,
Some in ur dreams,
Someone in ur life,
But I am ur someone
When U have no one as a good friend.

A special friend is rare indeed,
It beams to be special breed,
Yes, perfect friends are every few,
So lucky I’m for having you.

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