24 November 2015

Nice Christmas Messages-SMS

– “The most wonderful time of the year returns to cheer us up with the most beautiful feelings in our hearts, let us spread the Christmas spirit and share with our families the best Christmas of our lives.”

– “Thank you loving heavenly Father for all the blessings you have bestowed upon my home. I ask you to bless all my friends and family on this Christmas with much happiness. “

– “My dear friends, this text is to tell you that I appreciate you very much and to wish you a wonderful Christmas beside your loved ones. Congratulations to all. “

– “With the great love with which God sent his son to earth, let us receive our relatives this Christmas to share as much or as little we have. Merry Christmas to all. “

– “The most important thing about Christmas is not gifts, but the love we can give to our family and friends. Let us live the true meaning of Christmas. “

– “There is no better Christmas than the one shared beside my loved ones and my good friends because when I am with them I feel tremendously blessed. Many congratulations to all.”

– “The best gifts you can give on this Christmas are also the most valuable, a smile, a hug, to say I love you and a wonderful Christmas Eve in which family unity is the main course. Congratulations to all. “

– “During Christmas, distanced do no matter, although I would have loved to be with you, but my heart is accompanying you. A Happy Christmas to all my loved ones. “

– “My greatest wish for this Christmas is that all my friends have a Merry Christmas beside their loved ones. May God bless you all on this Christmas Eve. “

– “This world would be a much better place to live if the good feelings that Christmas awakens in us lasted throughout the year. Congratulations to all. “

– “The best Christmas gift I have received is your precious friendship. Enjoy this special time next to your family. “

– “Every Christmas is the perfect opportunity to apologize for our mistakes and to forgive those who have offended us. Have a Merry Christmas filled with much peace and tranquility. “

– “Christmas awakens that child that we all have, and so we get excited again. Merry Christmas. “

– “We will miss you so much on this Christmas Eve and that is why we will get together, to remember the best of you and send you our best wishes. Have a Christmas filled with much happiness. “

– “There are many things that I would like to receive as gifts on this Christmas, but none would be as special as your presence during this Christmas Eve. Come so that we can have a very Merry Christmas. “

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