22 November 2015

Funny Messages-4

u r many kilometers away from me. still i m watching ur every move through 3 different channels
1. pogo
2. cartoon network
3. animal planet

Have a horrible day without water in ur bathroom,
while soap in ur eyes.
Oh! sorry, dis msg is not 4 u.
Its only 4 those who do not take bath everyday…

If you need advice, text me…
If you need a friend, call me…
If you need me, come to me…
But If you need money.


Man: Doctor ! My Son has swallowed a key.
Doctor: When ?
Man: Three Months Ago
Doctor: What were you doing till now?
Man: We were using duplicate key

We will now upgrade your brain, please wait….
Searching…. searching… still searching….
Sorry, NO BRAIN found…!

I send you this fish as a sign of our
FRIENDSHIP please take care of it, Keep it
in your mobile.
Daily put your mobile in water,
So that this fish won’t die.

Open with Love…
If I disturb U
I am Sorry!
But I need
To Say
Disturbing you…

All were busy writing except one student.
He wrote No match, due to rain!!!

Today, tomorrow and yesterday there will be,
one heart that would always beat for you,
You know Whose??? your Own Stupid!!!

Can u pronounce good English:- read along woof,
roof, loof, shoof, shoof, woof, loof, roof,
poof, woof woof, hoof, woof, roof, shoof.

Test results: U r a good dog. Now stop barking.
3 Facts in the world
1st fact – can you touch all your teeth with your tongue
2nd fact – after reading this all fools will try
3rd fact – now they will smile

System of love:
Jan – Rose
Feb – Propose
Mar – Gift
April – Lift
May – Chating
June – Dating
July – Kiss
Aug – Miss
Sept – Drop
Oct – Escape
Nov – Rest
Dec – Next

Wife : Do you want dinner?
Husband : Sure, what are my choices?
Wife : Yes and no.

3 ways to catch tiger
Newton : allow tiger to catch u & catch it
Einstein : chase until it became tired then catch.
Police: catch a cat & beat until it accepts that it is tiger

Son : Dad, are you getting taller?
Dad : No, why do you ask?
Son : Because your head is growing through your hair!

Raj : What is your baby brother name?
Raju : I don’t know he can’t talk yet

Tina : We should use soap to keep our body clean.
What should we do to keep our heart clean?
Mona: I don’t know. Probably we must eat the soap.

Ric: What sort of a car has your dad got?
Avi: I can not remember the name. I think it starts with T.
Ric: Really – Ours only starts with petrol.

Teacher: What is the meaning of a school?
Tom: A school is a place where father pays and the child plays!

Santa & Banta got tired of mobile & decide 2 use pigeons.
One day a pigeon reaches Banta without message.
Angry Banta calls Santa!
Santa: Man, this was a missed call

If U want 2 protect your face from dust,sunrise & other such things, then apply

ASIAN PAINTS exterior emulsion 7 years guarantee!
When you get this SMS, send it to 1 person u love,
1 u hate, 1 u always think of and 1 u wish to kill.
Now, keep guessing why I sent it to u.

God made man and then rested, god made women and then no one rested.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if doctor is cute, forget the fruit.

Why do men fart more often than women?
A: Because women do not keep their mouth shut long enough to build up the pressure.

When i open my eyes every morning i pray to God that everyone should have a friend like you Are Why should only i suffer!

Sweet candies are nice to eat, Sweet words are easy to say, but, sweet ppl are hard to find, OH MY GOD! how did u find me?

How to kill a girl?
Ans: give her a beautiful dress, nice jewelery, costly cosmotics… and “Lock her in a room without a mirror”

Mon to Sun, From Jan To Dec, From birth till my death, my feelings 4 u have never changed. For me, you’ve always been a headache!

The more I learn the more I get to know, the more I know the more I forget, the more I forget the less I know, so why should I be learning??

Classroom is like a train… 1st 2 benches are 4 VIP executives…middle 2 benches are general compartments & last 2 benches are sleeper coaches.

If you are in tension, If nothing seems right, If u find no way out, Then just think of me only once, I will be always there to INCREASE your tensions.

After a quarrel, a wife said to her husband, You know, I was a fool when I married you. The husband replied, Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn’t notice.

Boy: Ur d sunshine, without u, life is a dreamy cloud. Ur in my heart, like d cloud wind in d sky.
Girl: is this a proposal or weather report??

Pledge Of Boys:
India is my nation, girls r my destination, dating is my occupation, flirting is my profession, what the hell is this education?

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