22 November 2015

Funny Messages-1

Men are nice people. It’s proven by Friendship Day survey results. 88% wives hate their husband’s friends; Whereas 98% husbands love their wife’s friends!

Girls who marry for money and guys who marry for beauty are equally robbed in the end.

Sign Board In Front Of A Corporate Office:
Drive slowly, don’t kill the employees, leave them to us. We do it in a legal way. Regards, HR

Dealing with idiots is like soccer.
You can use your head, but a swift kick is usually more effective!

I’m pretty sure the inventor of duct tape was a parent who’d had enough!

In a battle between Sleep and Studies, Internet always wins!

Facebook’s ‘Seen’ and Whatsapp’s ‘Last Seen’ were designed to make everyone single!

Sometimes prayers are like emails. When you pray before exam, it goes directly into God’s spam folder!

I hate when you offer someone a sincere compliment on their mustache and suddenly she’s not your friend anymore!

When people tell me – “You’re going to regret that in the morning.” I sleep in till noon, because I’m a problem solver!

Wife: yesterday-night I saw a dream That u were sending me Jewelry and clothes! Husband: yeah, I saw your dad paying the bill !!!

God saw me hungry, He created pizza. He saw me thirsty, He created Pepsi. He saw me in dark, He created light. He saw me without problems,He created YOU.

Girl To Her Boy Friend : Darling, Do You Know, Handsome n Smart Boys Always Get Stupid Girl Friends … !!!
Boy :Thankx For The Compliment , Darling ..

Will be Ready in 5 Minutes” said by a GIRL.. and “Will Call you Back in 5 Minutes” said by a BOY Are the same.. !

If we both exchange one rupee, we have one rupee. but if we both exchange one good thought, we have two good thoughts…  wooww…….m kinna wadddda Genius naaa  thnku thnku :p

TEACHER- “It’s better to fail than to cheat”
STUDENT- “LOL No, it’s better to cheat than to repeat”
Ab kya kahe aaj kal k bachho ko..

BOY-your teeth are like stars..
Girl-Awwwww,thanks,are they that shining??
Boy-No,they are far from each other..!!
Means tedhe medhe 

Boy to girl before exam: Hey all the best
Girl: All the best to you too But girl scored 80 marks & boy failed
Moral: Only boys wish with true heart.

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