25 November 2015

Friendship Messages-14

Friendship is vast like Universe, deep like Ocean, high like Sky, strong like Iron, kind like Mother, cute like Me, and sweet like U!

6 rules to be HAPPY:
Free your heart from hatred;
Free your mind from worries;
Live simply;
Expect less;
Give more & Always have ME as UR FRIEND

I don’t regret the things
I have done and the things I didn’t do.
For somewhere along the way
I must have done something right coz
I ended up with a friend like you.

There r lots of people around u some of them r important 4 u,
out of these some people few r more important 4 u and out of these few people
1 is most important 4 u and 4 me that 1 is u my sweet friend.

When clouds break rain falls.
When coconut break water falls.
when love break tears falls
but when friendship break life falls so never break friendship.

Words begin with ….A….B….C….
Number begin with….1….2….3….
Music begin with….SA….RE….GA….
FRIENDSHIP begins with….’

“Friends” are like balloons once u let them go u cant ever get them back dats y i ll tie u tight tu my heart u r precious to lose

Why do we close our Eyes
When we Pray
When we Cry
When we Dream
When we Kiss
Because the Most BEAUTIFUL thing in life are not seen.
But felt by the heart!
DEFINITELY U, My Friend:) !

Earth may stop rotating
Birds may stop flying
Candles may stop melting
Fishes may stop swimming
Heart may stop breathing
But i will never stop
Missing you my friend.

In this WORLD, where everything seems UNCERTAIN,
only one thing is DEFINITE.  You’ll always be my FRIEND, beyond WORDS, beyond TIME & beyond DISTANCE!

As I saw ants crawl up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they are, they still stop and communicate with each other.
I hope we can be like them my friend

Friend is one, who 
(F)inds you in a 
(R)ush of people, 
(I)nspires you to do something in life, catch your 
(E)motions and 
(N)ever leaves you till 

Your validity of being my friend is going to be expired today, please recharge your friendship immediately by delivering 4-5 sweet & cool messages. So hurry

SMS is one of the easiest and the fastest way to send your message to your friend. A cute sms can really make your friends happy and they feel special because they know how much you care for them. Here are some of the SMS that you can send your near and dear friends!

Friends are gifts wrapped in ribbons of thoughtfulness and trimmed with kisses and smiles, given by God to stay not just for a day, but for life.

It is said that one can never measure his wealth by money but by his friends. I am sure people would be glad to meet you and know how rich I turned out to be!

Friendship is not how long we have been together not how much you have given or received. Not how many times we have helped each other. It’s only how we value one another.

You surely do not need a day like friendship day to tell your friends how much you care for them. Sending a SMS can make them feel special and you can make your friend’s day! Here are some of the SMS that you can send your dear friends!

Look Outside its So Pleasant!
Sun Smiling 4 U !
Trees Dancing 4 U !
Birds Singing 4 U !
Because, I Asked Them All 2 Wish You
A Happy Friendship Day

True friends are like mornings, u cant have them the whole day, but u can be sure, they will be there when u wake up tomorrow, next year and forever.

Making a million friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.

If ur friendship be money, I’ll be richest man. If ur friendship be pounds, I’ll be heaviest man. If ur friendship be luv, I’ll be luckiest man. But ur friendship is trust & I’m the happiest man

FRIENDSHIP isn’t how U forGet but how U forGive, Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand, Not what U see but how U feel, and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!!

For me U r as… Cheese 4 pizza.. passport 4 visa… butter 4 bread.. ice 4 freezer.. cream 4 cake… water 4 lake.. leaf 4 tree.. a FRIEND like u is 4 ever 4 me..!!

When I was born, GOD said, “Oh No! Another IDIOT”. When you were born, GOD said, “OH No! COMPETITION”. Who knew, one day these two will become FREINDS FOREVER!

A friend is like gas blown from the ass, which creates noise n nuisance to others but gives me a great comfort. Thanks for being gas of my ass.

1 Stone is enough 2 break a glass,
1 sentence is enough 2 break a heart,
1 word is enough to fall in love &
1 friend is enough to live in this world.

A deep friend is like rainbow, when the perfect amount of happiness and tears r mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts.

Every morning when I open my eyes I pray to God that everyone should have a friend like u.Why should only I suffer!

Medicines and friendships cure our problems. The only difference is that friendships don’t have an expiry date.

1 Advice- Don’t change, 1 request- take care, 1 wish- Don’t forget me, 1 Lie- I hate U, 1 truth- I Miss U, 1 hope- We’ll always be Gud Friends.

Friendship is not a big fire which burns all day. Its a small lamp, that burns till the last day of life.

The one who likes you most, sometimes hurts you, but again he is the only one who feels your pain.

True friends are those who, When you make a fool of yourself, Don’t believe that this condition is permanent.

Take first letter from each word of the above said statement & then u will get that unique word…

When does a friend become a best friend?
When his dialogue, “I care for you” converts into “I will kill you if you don’t care for me”

R: ROOT of JOy!.. 

I: ISLAND of GOD!.. 
E: END of SoRROW!.. 
N: NAME of HOPE!.. 

thats YOU my FRIEND..

Don’t write your name on sand, waves will wash it. 
Don’t write your name on sky, wind may blow it. Write your name on hearts of your friends, that’s where it will stay.

In this cruel world it is very difficult to find friend with beautiful heart, pure feelings, attractive personality & stylish looks. 
So learn to value me!

Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth, but in having friend like you – a precious gift from God.

If luck is a raindrop, 
I will; send u a shower. If hope is a minute, 
I ll send you an hour. If happiness is a leaf, 
I ll give you a tree. If u need a friend, u already have me.

I can’t find a reason why God gave U to me, but that is not the question to b asked; May b the question is how God did knew that I needed a friend like U.

I’m a friend u can always depend on.
friend, and 4 a friend i need U.ALWAYS

Being a friend is not just sharing a joke, a conversation, a cup of coffee or a funny story. 
It means sharing an honest and true part of yourself.

I May Not Be The Most Important Person In Your Life
But I just Hope That One Day…
When You Hear My Name
You Will Just Smile & Say
Hey That’s My Friend..!!!

Friendship is a promise made in the heart.
Unbreakable by distance.
Unchangeable by time.
Its lovely to have u as one !

Distances never separate any relation, time never builds any relation.
If feelings r true from heart, then friends r always friends forever!

Some friends forget
Some move away
Some keep silent
Some just change
But I’m not 1 of them.
I’m here just 4 two moments
.. now & 4ever…!!:)

0ur Friendship is Like Playing on See-Saw
Not only Because Its Always Fun With You
But Also Because I Wouldnt Mind
Going Down 2 See You Rising !!!

A FaCT :
When you are up in life,
Your friends get to know who you are.
But When you are down in life,
You get to know who your friends are…

What is a friend?
He looks out for you, inspires you, laughs with you, cries with you, understands you, guides you and walks with you.
That’s what a friend is.

The Test Of Friendship
Dosen’t Comes When U R 2gether.
It Comes When U Part Ways &
U Realize That Despite The Distance,
The Friendship Is Still There…

I have a pen which is blue,
I have a friend which is you.
Flowers will die, waters will dry, but our friendship will never say goodbye.

How long shall we be friends?
Do you want a clue?
As long as stars twinkle in the sky, till the water runs dry and till the day I die.
We will be friends.

When you’re down,
I’ll be there to cheer you up.
When you’re tired,
I’ll be there to lift you up.
I’ll be your friend no matter what!

Life is a railway station
Where love is a train,
it would come & go anytime
But Friendship is a railway track
It remains forever
so make Good Tracks

Loveless life is like a fruitless tree
But friendless life is like a rootless tree
Tree can live without fruit but not without roots

I may have forgotten to say that I care.
I may have failed to open up and share, but though no words have been spoken, my promise of friendship won’t be broken.

Colors may fade, the sun may not shine, the moon may not be bright, heartbeats may stop, lives may pass but our friendship,
I’ll treasure ’till the day my heart stops.

A memory lasts forever, and never does it die.
True friends stay together and never say good bye.

I was never tired of this life and it’s not gonna matter if
I fall down twice, coz I know each time I fall, you won’t let me hit the ground.
Thanks for being around my friend.!

The hardest part of missing friends is not their absence,
it’s when you think of all those good times and ask yourself,
‘will those moments ever happen again?’

The importance of good n sincere friendship in our lives is like
the importance of heartbeats they are not visible but they silently support our life

F- field of love
R- root of joy
I- island of God
E-end of sorrow
N-name of hope
D-door of understanding
and thats why you are my good friend

FRIENDS are the thermometers by which we may judge
the temperature of our fortunes

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