06 December 2015

Anniversary Messages

I first witnessed love when I was kid. It’s from the two people I call mom and dad. Happy anniversary!

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If I were to pick my favourite superheroes, I will pick my parents. Because first of all, they raised me wonderfully; second, is because they were there for each other through all the rough times.

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Mom and dad, your relationship taught me how to trust, take care of the ones you love and stay all throughout. It is what they call true love. Happy anniversary![/snip]

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Happy anniversary mom and dad! Thank you for raising us properly and bringing out the best in us. You are our inspiration, we love you!

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Thank you for showing us that, what you need all along to surpass all the rocky roads in life is each other. Happy anniversary!

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You guys are smart. You figured out that you need each other as much as your kids need you guys together. For that, happy anniversary!

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It makes me proud that I have parents that raised me decently and that, They love each other endlessly. Happy anniversary!

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When I grow up, I want my husband and I to be just like the both of you. Happy anniversary!

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Sticking to each other for many years; Loving endlessly and cherish each other. You guys rock! We love you! Happy Anniversary.

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In these years together you’ve shared so many things.
That’s why this very special Anniversary brings to you,
a wish that love, laughter, joy, contentment too.
Will be yours to share throughout the years ahead of you!

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May your bonds of marriage strengthen,
Holding strong amidst all fears.
And may our friendship stay untarnished,
Through the wearing of the years.

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Why are you two still together up to now?
Maybe God thinks that you are the perfect match.
Happy anniversary!

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Happy anniversary!
May the ever growing days be the testimony of your love for each other,
It may not have been happy all throughout,
But you make use of what’s there.

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Another year of being together,
That’s for a record, I must say.
You guys rock!
Stay in love to each other.
Happy Anniversary!

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You are true example of how a couple should be
Happy Anniversary to you
May you continue love each other!

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Love is the base of marriage
And you are showing us what true love is.
Happy Anniversary

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Happy anniversary to the
Most romantic couple of the town
Happy anniversary

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After all these years, how do you do it?
Who made a voodoo spell on whom?
Because it’s too amazing that you are still together after all.
Happy Anniversary for both of you!

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It takes a lot of effort and sacrifice to be where you are right now.
And for that, I would like to say congratulation
And happy anniversary!

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Anniversaries are days to celebrate
The love that makes your marriage great.
Wishing you still more dreams come true,
More joy, more love for both of you.

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Each year of marriage is very special and unique.
And the soul sings anthems of love.
We wish you to hear this divine music forever!

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An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today,
the memories of yesterday,
and the hopes of tomorrow.

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Now is the time to celebrate,
The love in your hearts today,
For another year so quickly passed,
Since your last anniversary day,
May you share your love together,
Remembering the past,
And look forward to the future,
With love that’s set to last.

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One of the most beautiful things I have witnessed
is your love for one another through the years.
Happy anniversary my dearest friends!

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Happy anniversary!
You guys are still a wonderful couple even after all these years.

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Today is a special day,
For a special couple,
Sharing a very special love.
Happy anniversary!

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Best wishes for both of you.
Keep loving and cherishing each other.
Happy Anniversary!

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It’s really wonderful to sleep and wake up
Having someone you love beside you
And thinking it will be for a lifetime
How wonderful it can be?
Happy Anniversary!

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It takes forever to cherish and love someone you really love
Make the best out of it and be grateful that your together
Best wishes on your anniversary!

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Make the most out of your marriage
Stay in love with each other
And keep the words of God in your hearts
Happy Anniversary!

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You two met, the love grew
You tied the knot and vowed to each other
May God bless you in keeping that vow
Happy Anniversary!

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To hold and love each other forever
Is one of the most romantic vows you could ever make
May God bless your marriage even more
Best wishes for both of you!

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This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.
“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.

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There is no fear in love;
but perfect love casts out fear,
because fear involves punishment,
and the one who fears is not perfected in love.

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A wedding anniversary is the celebration of
love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity.
The order varies for any given year.

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A day of loving
A week of quarrel
A month of war
A year of marriage
Happy Anniversary!

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Being married is like being in a battlefield.
You have to always prepare yourself for the war.
Happy Anniversary though!

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Bachelors know more about women than married men;
If they didn’t, they’d be married too.

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Thank you for wedding me and given me a chance,
To scream at you whenever I feel,
And I am sure I have you to do the same in future.
So let us celebrate our Happy Anniversary!

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Oh dear!! You know how much I enjoyed annoying you on all these days,
And I am rejoiced again now to think that I am still having that opportunity ,
So let us celebrate the Anniversary.

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Anniversaries remind me that I am can annoy you again.
Thanks for last year giving me plenty of opporchunity.
For now, happy anniversary!

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I deserve a special gift for living with you all these years !
With my advice you kicked all others and now living happily with me!
We’ll look forward for another year.

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Cheer’s to another year of suffering and misery.

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A day of loving
A week of quarrel
A month of war
A year of marriage
Happy Anniversary!

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I thought I’ll collapse,
Imagine, it’s been another year since we last celebrate the day our suffering, errr loving, starts!
We must really in love with each other, don’t you think?
Happy Anniversary!

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Looking back through the years, I must have been so in love with you,
Imagine, I stick with you for years. Congratulation to me.

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I’ve been crazy,
I’ve been a fool,
I’ve done things that out of control,
So I’m really wondering why you’re still with me.
Probably because you’re just like me.
Happy Anniversary!

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I can’t imagine living a life without you,
I’d probably doing the dishes, laundry and cook by myself.

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Anniversaries are meant to be celebrated
But in our case, it serves as reminder
That we will spend the rest of our life together
Now, then and forever.

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Give me a trophy
I remember our anniversary!
Can I have a reward?
Can I go outside our ward?
Happy Anniversary!

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Each year that we celebrate our anniversary
I still can’t stop wondering what made me marry you and stay with you all these years,
Happy Anniversary though.

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Before, I thought I know what happiness is,
I just realize what it was when I got married
Then I wake up, it’s already too late!

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I remember our anniversary,
So, is it OK to forget your birthday?
Happy anniversary anyway.

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Opposite poles attract, they say.
I proved that in our wedding day.
I was wedded to you, so as you to me,
And then we started our war, errrr journey.

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Thinking about it, I wouldn’t have married you if I want a peaceful life.
My life would have been so unexciting and boring.
Happy Anniversary!

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Being married is like being in a battlefield.
You have to always prepare yourself for the war.
Happy Anniversary though!

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No words can ever express what I feel for you,
How can I express it if I can’t even know what I exactly feel for you.
One thing is for sure, I am married to you.
Happy Anniversary.

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I congratulate you, you’ve been working so hard.
Dealing with a man like me for all these years.
Happy Anniversary, dear!

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If I just know how to do laundry by myself,
Wash dishes in the sink and cook for myself,
I shouldn’t have married all these years.
But I’m thankful that I don’t have to do those things.
Just kidding, happy anniversary wifey!

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One thing we will always have in common is that neither of us is perfect. Thanks for accepting that and staying with me anyway.

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If love is an amazing dream,then marriage is the alarm clock.

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There is one place I would love to go for our anniversary that I feel we don’t go to enough throughout the year. The bedroom!

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We are like salt and a paper cut, two things that aren’t supposed to be together but end up that way anyways!

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I am having a hard time trying to think of a reason why you put up with me all these years. I guess I will have to think harder next year.

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Nothing makes me happier than knowing that you love me for who I am and letting me be myself. Even if I am obnoxious and crazy.

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Thinking of my life without you makes me think of a calm life. But that would be so boring. Happy anniversary!

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After all these years, I think that I got the better end of the deal. Thanks for putting up with me all these years.

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I can’t think of the words to express how I feel for you. Thanks for loving me anyways.

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Today we celebrate the greatest feat of any woman. Dealing with me all of these years.

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If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change marrying you for anything in the world. The kids though…

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I thought that a condolences card was more fitting for you for our anniversary.

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I wouldn’t have stayed married all this time if I could remember how to do the laundry for my single

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God proved two things when he brought us together: his genius and his sense of humor.

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