10 December 2015

Belated Birthday Wishes for Friends

Belated Birthday Messages

 Because I forgot your birthday, to your hurt and my regret there is no end. Maybe this is life’s way of showing how much we mean to each other as friends. Happy belated birthday.

    We get so much homework and we are loaded with so many projects. I forgot your birthday and I blame it on the education system. Happy belated birthday mate.

    I didn’t wish you on your birthday because I didn’t want to interrupt you in mourning the passing of yet another youthful year of your life. Happy belated birthday.

    Friendship starts with F but do you know what else starts with F? Forgetfulness and Forgiveness. So please forgive me for forgetting your birthday. Happy belated birthday.

     You are lucky that I forgot your birthday because now you will get two gifts. One for your birthday and one to make you feel better. Happy belated birthday.

    You are my friend and I have sinned by forgetting your birthday. This gives you the right to be angry at me in every way. Be broody, don’t stop sulking and keep throwing your temper tantrums at me. I will tolerate everything as long as you accept my apology. Happy belated birthday.

     It is better to have a friend who forgets your birthday once, feels terrible about it and apologizes honestly – rather than a friend who sends a one-liner birthday wish every year just because of a Facebook reminder. I, your true friend, wish you a happy belated birthday. xoxo

     Birthdays come only once every year, but our friendship is forever. This is not an excuse for being forgetful, but to remind you how our friendship makes life so beautiful. Happy belated birthday.

     I know I forgot your birthday but believe me, it hurts me more that it does to you. I feel down and depressed and I’m suffering, as if I had the flu. Please forgive me.

     My mistake is inexcusable, so take your time in forgiving me. Be rude until my heart’s pain you can feel and see. I can understand that you are sad, I don’t expect you to smile. But I will keep saying sorry until you do, even if it takes the longest while. Happy belated birthday.

       Kick me, be rude to me, spank me, throw tantrums at me, curse at me – do whatever you want but please forgive me. Sorry, happy belated birthday.

    Friendship, less about ifs and buts and more about smiles and hugs. Less about gossip and enemies, more about lifelong memories. I hope that forgetting your birthday isn’t going to ruin something so awesome. xoxo

     Don’t worry, forgetting your birthday is not a sign of a weakening friendship. It is just a sign of my weakening memory. Happy belated birthday.

     I am sorry, my wishes may have come in a tad late. But that doesn’t stop me from calling you my best mate. Happy belated birthday.

      There are two types of friends – one who forget you and the other who just forget your birthday. Thank your stars that I just forget your birthday. Happy birthday to my bestie.

      Please forget that I forgot your birthday. I will be able to forgive myself only if you forgive me by forgetting that I forgot your birthday.

     Just because my birthday wishes for you are belated, doesn’t mean that my feelings for you have become outdated. xoxo

    I forgot your birthday but hey, at least I didn’t forget that I forgot it. Happy belated birthday.

     Sometimes when you remember an important date way too much in advance, you tend to forget it when the day actually comes. That is exactly what happened to me on your birthday. I am sorry.

       Since we are so far apart right now, I think my wishes took longer to reach you. Happy belated birthday.

     Sorry I forgot your birthday. I am less worried about whether you will forgive me, but more about how I will forgive myself. xoxo

     All my life I have been blaming you for being forgetful. Maybe this time it was life’s way of giving you a chance to blame me for a change. I am sorry for my late wishes.

     A lifetime supply of hugs, midnight phone calls, endless gossip, rock solid support and a promise to be with you through thick and thin is what our friendship is all about. I hope that forgetting one birthday won’t mar the most awesome friendship in the whole world. xoxo

     Dear friend… don’t forgive me until I wither and crumble from within in regret and remorse. And even after that if you don’t give me forgiveness, I will take it by force. Happy belated birthday.

     Nothing is impossible – this phrase has been proven right today, because I never thought that I would forget my best friend’s birthday. I am sorry.

     For forgetting your birthday, I deserve nothing but curses. I don’t have any excuses, just shower me with abuses. I know I have hurt you very badly, for which I am really very sorry. I will make it up to you with hugs, gifts and apologies, so we can get on to creating many more beautiful memories. Happy belated birthday.

      I never forget anything that’s got to do with you. I don’t know how I forgot your birthday. Until you forgive me for my stupid mistake, I will keep pampering you in every way. Happy belated birthday.

      Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Plus and Tumblr – I will make my life miserable and not log-in to any of these until you forgive me for forgetting your birthday. I am sorry.

     You have always been late for classes at school. You have always been late for meetings at work. You have always been late for our weekend lunches. Then how would I ever expect you to celebrate your birthday in time? Belated happy birthday.

       It is your fault that I forgot your birthday because you keep me so engrossed in the fun things that we do together every day. xoxo

     I forgot your birthday, it has left me stunned. I just can’t believe this has happened. Nothing can fix what I have done. But please remember that our friendship is second to none. Happy belated birthday.

     I wait for you before doing anything important in my life. How come you didn’t tell your birthday to wait for me? Happy belated birthday.

     I have forgotten your birthday but I haven’t forgotten what a wonderful person you are. So please be the gentleman I portray you to be and forgive me for forgetting your birthday. Belated happy birthday.

     I remember how our school teacher always excused you every time you were late for a class with a simple warning and a smile. Haven’t you learnt anything from her? Happy belated birthday.

     Won’t you forgive a friend who makes your life a celebration every day but forgets to wish you once on your birthday? xoxo

     I am sorry, I am late. For my wishes, I made you wait. I never meant to make you sad, because you are the best friend I’ve ever had. Happy belated birthday.

      In school I was taught that ‘time and tide wait for no one’. If I was taught that birthdays don’t wait for anyone either, I would never have missed your birthday. Sorry, but I blame my forgetfulness on the education system.
      I forget my own wedding anniversary. How do you expect me to remember your birthday? Sorry for the late birthday wishes my friend.

     I never believed that the company of friends could affect my behavior and personality but I have been proven wrong. I guess your forgetfulness has indeed rubbed off on me. Wishing you a belated happy birthday.

       Sometimes you forget to return my stuff. Sometimes you forget to return my calls. Sometimes you forget to tell me something important. Today I forgot your birthday – I guess we are even now. Xoxo

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