06 December 2015

I Am Sorry Poems for Wife

If you punish me
Let it be with a kiss
If you reprimand me
Hug me and give me bliss
If you give me an ultimatum
Let it be a loving touch
I am sorry for hurting you
I love you very much

I am ready to pamper you
All day long
Or carry you around the house
In my arms so strong
I’m prepared to take you out
Wherever you please
As long as our love
Is guaranteed to increase
Anything and everything
I am ready to do
On the condition that my
Apology is accepted by you

I want to be forgiven
By you in every way
For the crazy things
That I did these days
I want you to smile
Just like you did last week
Because your happiness
Is all that I seek
I won’t throw a tantrum
So randomly ever again
I am sorry to have
Caused you so much pain

Upsetting you
Wasn’t my aim
For being so nasty
I am to blame
Hurting you
Was not my choice
I apologize
For raising my voice
I am the reason
For all this mess
Sorry for giving you
All this stress

I messed up today
I am really sorry
Please don’t hold this
Against me for eternity
I screwed up badly
I can’t apologize enough
Please don’t worsen this
Everything’s already tough
I promise that things will
Become much better
And I will regret
My mistake forever

I could not control
What I was saying
I am sorry
If I upset you darling
I was moody
Which I am usually not
Please forgive me
I love you a lot

What a fool I am
To not be able to see
My dearest wife’s
Pain and agony
How stupid I am
To overlook
All the stress and hurt
That you took
I am sorry
For being ignorant
By forgetting something
So important

That woman is just a colleague
Not even barely my friend
So please put all your worries
To a complete end
You are the only one for me
My eyes are all for you
Please get her off your mind
Honey, don’t be so blue
I am sorry

I miss my happy wife
Who used to smile all day long
I miss my cheery companion
With whom my bond was strong
I miss my pretty girl
Whose laughter made my day
I am sorry for goofing up
Is all that I want to say

I need to keep
My work related stress
Out of my personal life
To avoid making a mess
I need to leave
My client related worries
Back in my office
Sweetie, forgive me please
I won’t bring my work home
Nor will I be ignorant
More than anything else
Your happiness is important
I am sorry

I apologize for being so egoistic
My behavior was just not fantastic
I am sorry for being so over the top
I should have known when to stop
I apologize for being so rude
I should have been more calm and subdued
I’m sorry for acting with vengeance
I should have thought things out at least once
I apologize for being so selfish
Forgiveness from you is all that I wish

I could have been brash
Claiming that what I did was right
But I am not the type of husband
Who likes using his might
Instead I want to surrender
By going down on my knees
I am repenting for my mistake
My dear, forgive me please

The word sorry
Has been used and abused
But there is more meaning
In it that I’ve fused
Today I really mean
Every word of my apology
The blame of our fight
Is only on me
I will not say a single
Word of repentance anymore
But only hope for forgiveness
From a person I adore

My apologies
To my dearest wife
For making the worst
Mistake of my life
My sincere regrets
To you my darling
Please forgive me
I am truly regretting

I own up to my mistake
Of putting our marriage at stake
By overlooking what you had to say
I created stress all night and day
Things between us have been tense
Instead of being romantic and intense
Sorry for underestimating your advice
I will not repeat this mistake twice
The reason for all this is me
My dear, I am extremely sorry

Things between us
Have been pathetic
Instead of being
Happy and terrific
Things between us
Have been mad and crazy
Instead of being
Romantic and breezy
Things between us
Can become lovey dovey again
If you forgive me
For causing you pain
I am sorry

I hope I never have to use
The word sorry again
For whenever that happens
It gives nothing but pain
I hope I never have to ask
For your forgiveness
I will never do anything
That ruins our happiness
I am sorry

You are the bedrock
Of my universe
From talking to me
Please don’t be averse
I know I goofed up
Please don’t ignore me
After all sweetheart
I am your hubby

The best part
Of saying sorry
Is that you get
Annoyed at me
I love seeing
You like that baby
For you look hot
When you are angry

Not even for a split second
Did I think of another woman
Not even for a single minute
I flirted or had any kind of fun
Not even for a fleeting moment
Did I fantasize about another lady
If I’ve still made you insecure
I am really very sorry baby

By hurting you
I hurt myself more
In wounding your heart
My own heart I tore
I caused you pain
But I felt the hurt
I bore the consequence
Of being so curt
I am sorry for hurting
Not just you but us
Please forgive me now
Without any more fuss

Being disrespectful
Is just not my style
To understand my own actions
It may take me a while
I was out of my mind
To behave so offensively
There is no justification
For my stupidity

My current state of mind
Is miserable
For the way I dealt with you
I feel terrible
My actions and deeds
Are unforgivable
Please forgive me darling
As soon as possible

Will a bunch
Of flowers do
For me to
Apologize to you
Will a box of
Chocolates be fine
Or should I take
You out to dine
Just tell me what I can
Do for you, dear wifey
Anything for you
I love you baby

In the system of your heart
Please press undo
To delete all the pain
That I gave to you
In the system of your soul
Please press refresh
So that you can forget all this
We can both start afresh
I am sorry

I want my fault
To be an cute excuse
For pampering you
By getting you new shoes
I want to say sorry
For all this mess
I want to make up sweetly
By getting you a new dress
I want my silly mistake
To be a fun reason
For me to make up
To you, my honey bun

 My silly mistake
I will never repeat
You, I can never hurt
You are my heart beat
My stupid error
Is now history
I am sorry to let you down
My dear wifey

I am sorry for forgetting
Such an important date
To wish you on our anniversary
I was terribly late
You are free to punish me
Or call me names
For I am the one
Who is completely to blame

My apology won’t
Mean anything
Until you accept it
Darling, please say something
My continuous sorrys
Will be empty
Until you let go
Baby, please forgive me

o my dear wife…
I hate myself
For hurting you baby
I am sick of myself
For making mistakes repeatedly
I am tired of
Being the one to blame
I am fed up of being
Put to shame
Only your forgiveness
Can now help me
To get back my self esteem
Self worth and integrity
I am sorry

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