09 November 2015

Break Up Messages

BREAKUPS Aren’t Always
Meant To Make Up,
Sometimes They Happen To
Give You A Chance To WAKE UP

I guess that I’m da loser
Cause u hav found some1 new
But I’m still here, still all alone
Just crying over u

You’ll leave me that’s right … but you know what ???
When I meet you again…
I’ll buy you a special gift as a celebration for being together again.
After that I’ll never let you go ever,
Coz I want to live my days with you… just for you .

Most hurting Line by a true Love: If U will leave me, I prOmise U will cOme back Once with ur OPEN EYES to see my CLOSED EYES..!!

It’s painful to say goodbye to someone you don’t want to let go, but more painful to ask someone to stay when you know they want to leave …

It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone & a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

OncE A Guy wHo recenTLy hAd a brEaKoff with Her giRL friend
was aSkEd ….HAv U leFt uR girL frieNd or sHe left u???
He smileD And answerED..
L0vE LefT us!!!

silence between 2 unknown people creates a relation …but silence between 2 known people breaks the relation ….. its all about me

When I look at you, my heart skips 1 beat but later that beat could mean a lifetime of tears wasted on some thing i knew i could never have!

Words from a Lover 4 his love after his breakup: Please Do Not TurN Back N Face Me oNce More..
I DNt Have aNother Heart 2 Lose.! :-( 4 me.

Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time.

The greater the love, the greater the tragedy when it’s over.

Effects of break-up:
It’s just a matter of time when ‘Jaan’ becomes ‘Jaanwar’;
And ‘ Cutie’ becomes ‘kitty ‘!

Don’t Ever Regret Your Love…
Because One Day She Will Find That
She Lost A Diamond
While She Was Busy In Collecting More Stones

Love hurts when you breakup with someone.
Hurts even more when someone breaks up with you
But love hurts the most,
when the person you love has no idea how you feel.. !

The Sweetness of a Chocolate
Remains in Tongue 4 Minutes.
But the sweetness of a person
remains in heart 4ever till the life ends.

It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone & a day to love someone,
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone & a day to love someone,
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

It is saddening how broken up couples
who are madly in love with each other,
won’t get back together because of their ego.!!

The hardest part of losing someone
is when you know that they are
happier without you,
and you want them to be happy,
so you let them go.

I don’t regret loving you.
I don’t regret trusting you.
I regret giving you
the power to hurt me
in a way that
I’ll never be able to be find again..!!

Life is a constant conflict between Love and Ego.
Love always wants to say Sorry and Ego always wants to hear it!

You can’t blame someone for walking away if you didn’t do anything to make them stay.

changes come. time heals everything. ..but hopefully i’ll never need to reference 😉

DoNt dEpend ToO muCh On Anyone in thix WoR£d Coz yUr OwN sHadoW leaves Ew like people do When yOU Are In DarKnesS

even a bird with a broken wing will someday fly again.Just let it be and maybe someday it will return to u

Learn the wisdom of compromise, it’s better to bend a little rather than to break a relationship forever!

They taught me that one hours equals 60 minutes;
And that one minute equals 60 seconds.
But I never knew that one second without you can last forever!

Knowing a person like u, has made me happy in a million ways and if ever I have to let u go… I would find a million reasons to make u stay.
I won’t let you get away

My eyes are hurting coz I can’t see u, my arms r empty coz I can’t hold u, my heart is breaking coz I’m not with u.

O my mind,
Time and again
You have broken my heart
With false promises.
You are so cruel!
You are such a liar!
Even though my heart is broken,
It is healing the wounds
You have inflicted on my dedication-life

Most hurting Line by a true Love:
If U will leave me,
I prOmise U will cOme back Once
with ur OPEN EYES to see my CLOSED EYES..!!
Happy BreaK Up Day

Love hurts when u breakup with some 1.

Hurts even more when some 1 breaks up with u

But love hurts the most when the person, you love has no idea how u feel.

It hurts when you have someone in your heart and can’t have them in your arms!

I hide my tears when i say your name but the pain in my heart is still the same.
Though i smile & seem care free there’s no one who misses u more than me.

My eyes are hurting coz I can’t see U, My arms are empty coz I can’t hold U, My lips are cold coz I cant kiss U bt, My heart is breaking coz I’m not with U!

Please break up with me on a rainy day,
and meet me under a tree.
So when it hurts and I can not breath,
you’ll hear the rain not me.

BREAKUP dont Always
Mean To Make Up,
Sometimes They Happen To
Give You A Chance To WAKE UP..!

It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone & a day to love someone,
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Love is a medicine for any kind of wound,
but there is no medicine found in
the world for a wound given by love.

I miss u in every beats of my heart,
In every blink of my eyes,
In every second of time and
In every moments of the day.

I hide my tears when i say your name but the pain in my heart is stil the same.
though i smile and seem carefree theres no1 who misses u more than me!!

Forgetting you Is hard to do
Forgettin me
Is up to you
Forget me not
Forget me never
Forget this message
But not the sender.

By the timeyou realise
The value of people around you.
It might be the time
For them to leave you.
So, never miss a chance
To say, i care for you.

Both friends will think the other is busy & will not contact,
Thinking it may be disturbing.
As time passes both will think; let the other c0ntact.
After that each will think why should i contact 1st.
Here your love will be converted into hate.
You will eventually forget each other.
So keep in touch with your friends no.

Better never to have met you in my dream than
To wake and reach for hands that are not there.

As we go on
We remember all the times we had together.
And as our life changes come whatever
We will still be “friends forever”

Love hurts when u breakup with some 1.
Hurts even more when some 1 breaks up with u
But love hurts the most when the person,
you love has no idea how u feel.

Sometimes I wish I had never met you
because then I could go to sleep at night
not knowing there was someone like you out there.

Have I told you latley how much I am in love with you??? No?? Think about it, have a great life…

Love is a medicine for any kind of wound, but there is no medicine found in the world for a wound given by love.

I don’t regret loving you. I don’t regret trusting you. I regret giving you the power to hurt me in a way that I’ll never be able to be find again

Life is a constant conflict between love and ego. Love always wants to say sorry and ego always wants to hear it!

Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time.

The greater the love, the greater the tragedy when it’s over.

I know u think u broke my heart but I knew your game right from the start I saw your game and played it 2 so look here I play the jokes on u!

A man may or may not be happy when he/she win's one's mind. But he must be happy when win's one's trust. Trust is the zenith of all relation.

One Of The Best Quote, Always have a BACKUP BEFORE BREAKUP! :p

I Will Wait .. Till The Day "I" Can Forget "You" .. Or The Day You Realize "You" Cannot Forget "Me" ..

Staying In A Relationship When Youre No Longer Happy Is Like Fooling Yourself. Letting Go Of Someone You Love Is Painful But Time Will Come Youll Realize That Its The Best Thing Youve Done For Yourself.

Why did i break up with her? Well, it's like i sat down and looked at the situation, all the pieces lying on the floor. It just wasn't a puzzle anymore. None of the pieces fit together, and even if i tried really hard, the pieces, well, they were just two different puzzles. That's why i did it. She needs to understand that.

"COMPROMISING" doesn't mean that your are wrong and someone is right, it only means that you value your "RELATIONSHIP" much more then your "EGO"

Style of break up: Boy bought gift for His Girl friend- GF:Wat the hell would I do with this rocket? Boy: U wanted stars na? Now sit on it and GET LOST:p

Sometime giving someone second chance is giving them an extra bullet for the gun because they missed you the first time.

Moving on is not about Cut the communication. Delete the number. Ignore each other.. Avoid and Forget. It is about accepting the fact that He/She Is not for you, And you r also not for him/her You don’t have to be bitter When you know you can be better :-)

BREAKUPS Aren't Always Meant To Make Up, Sometimes They Happen To Give You A Chance To WAKE UP

I guess that I'm da loser Cause u hav found some1 new But I'm still here, still all alone Just crying over u

Most hurting Line by a true Love: If U will leave me, I prOmise U will cOme back Once with ur OPEN EYES to see my CLOSED EYES..!!

If A Boy Cries For A Girl, That Doesn’t Mean He Is Stupid, If A Boy Cant Move On To Another Girl, That Doesn’t Mean He Is Stubborn If A Boy Gets Depressed For ‘one Girl’, That Doesn’t Mean He Is A Loser If A Boy Always Dreams About Only ‘one Girl’, That Doesn’t Mean He’s Just Got Addicted To Her If A Boy Is Obsessed For One Girl, That Doesn’t Mean He Cant Be With Any Other Girl If A Boy Is Crazy For One Girl, That Doesn’t Mean He Has Lost His Mind…. But, All That Means Is, He Loves That Girl So Much That He Cant Love Any Other Girl In The Same Way..

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