10 November 2015

Funny Sincere Messages

A person is happy if he has a problem and enjoys solving it.

Being happy all the time is kind of boring.

Home is the only place where one does not get homesick.

In love, there is always one who kisses and one who offers the cheek.

It is always a pleasure to listen to persons bragging about their humility.

It takes       seconds to say I love you,       minutes to explain,       hours to demonstrate,       days to appreciate,       terms to produce it, but a lifetime to prove it.

It takes 3 seconds to say I love you, 3 minutes to explain, 3 hours to demonstrate, 3 days to appreciate, 3 terms to produce it, but a lifetime to prove it.

It’s better to lose your pride with someone you love, rather than lose that someone with your pride.

Love and stars are similar in one way. They keep you looking up every night.

Love is magic. The more we hide it, the more it shows; the more you suppress it, the more it grows.

Say good about yourself and you’ll be called arrogant; say bad about yourself and you’ll be believed.

Some people don’t get any respect at all because they are asking for the respect they deserve.

The best thing about an enemy is that he tells the truth about you.

The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.

There is no such a thing as ignorance, but only degrees of wisdom.

Traffic. The spell that makes commuters forget they are in love.

We forgive those who bore us but cannot forgive those whom we bore.

Women fall in love through their ears, and men through their eyes.

Women listen to music because they are in love. Men listen to music because they want to fall in love.

Words and hearts should be handled with care… for words when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest things to repair.

You don’t marry someone you can live with. You marry the person who you cannot live without.

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