09 November 2015

Broken Heart Messages

They say that if you love someone you should let them go,
But they never say what to do when they don’t come back.

They say that time heals all wounds but all it’s done so far is give me more time to think about how much I miss you.

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.

Want to ask you to stay,
Want to block your way..
But just a water drop can’t do anything,
Except fall from the eyes..

When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal.

When love was knocking on my door,
I had to pretend I wasn’t home;
That way, I would never be hurt again.
I will always regret that decision.

When someone loves you,
You dont realize it when u realize it.its to late.
You always leave the one who loves you,
And love the one who leaves you.

With what a deep devotedness of woe
I wept thy absence – o’er and o’er again
Thinking of thee, still thee, till thought grew pain,
And memory, like a drop that, night and day,
Falls cold and ceaseless, wore my heart away!

WORDS & HEARTS shd be handled wd care cz words wen spoken and hearts wen broken r da hardest things to REPAIR

You Can Love Me
Or Hate Me,
I Swear It Won’t
Make Me
Break Me

The most beautiful words by a wounded heart "I Never Stopped Loving You, I Just Stopped Showing It"...

Even though, she hates me in every movement of life, but i love her with very seconds, not because she has broken my heart, but she as thought me to live with broken heart,

Some broken heart, may never mend, Some memories may never end, Some wet tears may never dry, But my love for you will never die...

Break my heart destroy my soul and leave me crying i'd still love you and i won't expect you to love me in return ...

Nobody In The World Can Have A Crystal Clear Heart.!! Because Everyone's Heart Has Some Scratches Scribbled By Their Dear Ones..

Its Not When I Look Back, At All The Memories & Good Times We Had, Makes Me Sad, Its When U Consider Those, Memories As Nothing To you, When They Meant, Everything To Me.

Walking alone is not difficult But when we have walked a mile with someone Then coming back alone that is more DIFFICULT..!!

If The Person U Love Doesn't Love U Back Just Imagine That U Are The Letter 'E' In The Word L O V E - You Are There But Never Pronounced. :(

"The only reason behind broken relation is., Either they think that u r changed., Or Their thinking about u is changed..."

The worst pain in life is when you see Your life being spoiled by the one you trust the most. and you cant do anything except standing quiet and asking yourself that is it the gift of trusting someone or is it what i deserve?

In Relationship, Always Remember: "When the pain of holding on is greater than the pain of letting go"

Its Difficult To Wait For Someone , And Its Difficult To Forget Someone ! But The Most Difficult Thing Is To Decide Whether To Wait Or To Forget Someone.....!!

"I Was Not Always HEARTLESS But After You Broke My HEART I Start Using My HEART - LESS

"I Was Not Always HEARTLESS But After You Broke My HEART I Start Using My HEART - LESS

Which is more painful??? "when a person whom u trusted,hurts u.." or "the person whom u hurted,still trusts u.." keep thinking

Not All Scars Show. Not All Wounds Heal. Sometimes, You Can't Always See The Pain Someone Feels

From All The Toys In The World, People Choose "Feelings" To Play With...!!

"I Don't TRUST Easily Because The People I Have Trusted In The Past Gave Me A Reason Not To. . ."

Line by a broken heart Sorry my heart is Closed for renovation..!!! Be back When the damage has Been repaired..!

Sometimes, Someone Has To Hurt You Deep Enough To Make You Realize How Better Your Life Is Without Them In It. . . !!! ~Author Unknown

If You Leave Someone At Least Tell Them WHY Because What's More Painful Than Being Abandoned Is Knowing You Are Not Worth An Explanation .... !!!

The fact that we can't kiss our elbow is enough to make us realize that something in life may seem to be very close to us but is still beyond our reach...!

"Dont cry for a guy. Let a guy cry for you.. Because a girl give and forgive, but a guy get and forget."

We Dont Succeed In Our 1st Love! Becoz We Lack Certain Qualites. But After Achieving Those Qualities, We Never Love Again!

I want to forget all the times when we were together, Bot because I doesn't love her, Because it hurts too much to remember... :(

You know what hurts the most?? . . The Fact That: I Can't Say, I Lost YOU. Because Apparently I Never HAD YOU...!! :(

Some people hurt by words & some by action... But the biggest hurt i believe is that someone ignoring u when u value them bigger than anything else!

Each drop of a Tear is Costly than anything in World.. But, No One knows its value until they have it in their own eyes For Someone.

Some Battles Have To Be Fought Alone, Some Paths Have To Be Crossed Alone, So Never Be Emotionally Attached With Anyone. You Never Know When You Have To Walk Alone

A Nice Line Said By A Broken Heart "Plz Dont Come One More Time Infront Of Me, Otherwise I'll Trust U Again"

I don't know exactly what being mature is . . . but I think when you are finally able to joke about things that once broke your heart!

Small but Touching Thought: "Before U Break Someone's Heart, Make Sure u r Not In It"

I am still standing on same spot, Where you left my heart to rot, At first i thought i'd make it through, But, seems like i can't stop loving you, It is getting very hard to be strong, Coz i have been missing you since long, And now i don't have anymore tears to cry, Still my heart's can't seem to say goodbye..!!

The hours turned to days, days to weeks, and weeks to months. Nothing has changed, I'm still in love and you're still gone.

I Have Decided To Stay Quiet When You Hurt Me! Because If I Hurt You Back Eventually It Is Gonna Hurt Me More Than You!

Once you've been hurt, you are so scared to get attached again. You have a fear that every person is going to break your heart.

Once you've been hurt, you are so scared to get attached again. You have a fear that every person is going to break your heart.

Once you've been hurt, you are so scared to get attached again. You have a fear that every person is going to break your heart.

At childhood "We cry loudly to get what we like" But now "When we grown up, We cry silently to forget what we like"..!

At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life

IF you broke heart any one. one day your own heart will broke some one. Than you know the pain of broke heart.

Best diference between PROMISES and MEMORIES... PROMISE: we break them.. . . . MEMORIES: they break us.

I'm A Lonely Road Of Broken Dreams Its A Boulevard That I'm Searching For These Stars Are All So Dull Its The Moon That I'm Searching For Happiness Is So Angry At Me Its Life That I'm Searching For There Is A Crowd Around Me At All Times Its a Friend That I'm Searching For My Life Is Just Like Path Its A Destination That I'm Searching For Don't Know What Is It That I've Lost May Be Its 'ME' That I'm Searching For !!

Never cry for the person who hurts you. Just smile & say: Thanks for giving me the chance to find someone better than you.!

Once In A Lifetime Someone Breaks Your Heart & If Yew Still Feel To Hold That Person With Every Broken Piece ... That Amazing Pain Is Called .... TRUE LOVE

The only 1 who will not break ur heart is the one who made it. So always trust & share your problems with "ALLAH THE GREAT"

The only 1 who will not break ur heart is the one who made it. So always trust & share your problems with "ALLAH THE GREAT"

The worst feeling in the world is knowing that You've been used and lied to...!

Sometime giving someone second chance is giving them an extra bullet for the gun because they missed you the first time.

Moving on is not about Cut the communication. Delete the number. Ignore each other.. Avoid and Forget. It is about accepting the fact that He/She Is not for you, And you r also not for him/her You don’t have to be bitter When you know you can be better :-)

I guess that I'm da loser Cause u hav found some1 new But I'm still here, still all alone Just crying over u

Most hurting Line by a true Love: If U will leave me, I prOmise U will cOme back Once with ur OPEN EYES to see my CLOSED EYES..!!

I have tried to move on but with every guy I feel more & more like I'll never be able to replace u. And the sad thing is... I know I have already been replaced

Forget the times he walked by, Forget the times he made you cry, Forget the times he spoke your name, Remember now your not the same. Forget the times he held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can, Forget the times & don't pretend, Remember now he's just your friend.

Broken Trust is like a melted Chocolate, No matter how u tried to freeze it, it will never return to its original Shape..!

No one understands the silence between my words -No one understands the sadness behind my smile -No one understands the unsaid feelings of mine They think I am fine but only I know daily I am dying. :'( I want to be happy again I want to live those moments again I am sick of wearing a fake smile I am waiting for you make me smile again!!!

Sometimes, you have to give up on people. Not because you don't care But Because they dont.

Some People Are So Lucky That Even After Hurting, They Get So Much Love & Some Are So Unlucky That Even After giving So Much Love, They Always Get Hurt

If A Boy Cries For A Girl, That Doesn’t Mean He Is Stupid, If A Boy Cant Move On To Another Girl, That Doesn’t Mean He Is Stubborn If A Boy Gets Depressed For ‘one Girl’, That Doesn’t Mean He Is A Loser If A Boy Always Dreams About Only ‘one Girl’, That Doesn’t Mean He’s Just Got Addicted To Her If A Boy Is Obsessed For One Girl, That Doesn’t Mean He Cant Be With Any Other Girl If A Boy Is Crazy For One Girl, That Doesn’t Mean He Has Lost His Mind…. But, All That Means Is, He Loves That Girl So Much That He Cant Love Any Other Girl In The Same Way..

If you succeed in cheating someone, Don't think that the person is a fool... Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved ...!!

I am a good enough person to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again.

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