14 November 2015

Cute Love Quotes For Her

  • “I’ve searched through the dictionary time and time again and can’t find enough words to express how much I love you.”
  • “A minute with you is more love than I felt in 10 years.”
  • “A single soul is what defines our love.”
  • “All of the blood, sweat and tears are worth the sacrifice when you’re in my arms.”
  • “All of the treasures in the world couldn’t buy the happiness that we share together.”
  • “All those little moments with you mean the world to me.”
  • “As time goes by and our beauty both fades, I will still look at you as I do today.”
  • “Crushes aren’t easy; they’re called crushes for a reason.”
  • “Dreams don’t make me as happy as I am with you.”
  • “Even now, I still get butterflies in my stomach when I say I love you.”
  • “Even on my happiest days; days where I didn’t think I could be happier; you always make sure I am wrong.”
  • “Even when I am old and grey, I will be young at heart with you.”
  • “Every day that you are by my side is a day worth living.”
  • “Every fiber of my being loves you.”
  • “Everyone is going to hurt you, but I think you’re worth the pain.”
  • “Everyone we know is jealous of the love we share.”
  • “Falling in love is about finding the true beauty in a sea of faults.”
  • “For all the money in the world and all the riches in heaven, I wouldn’t trade our love.”
  • “For every kiss we share, I hope there is a thousand more.”
  • “Forever isn’t long enough to be with you.”
  • “Forget the past. I never want to remember a time without you.”
  • “From a distance, I love you. When I am close to you, I love you even more. When I am alone at night, I long for you.”
  • “Happy endings are a fantasy when true love exists.”
  • “Having you is what I live for.”
  • “Hearts are for beating, but mine only beats for you.”
  • “How is it that every day I am with you is better than the day before?”
  • “I always tried to act happy. Now, I have found real happiness with you.”
  • “I am never sad around you. You fill the world with so much joy.”
  • “I am reborn when you kiss me. I would die if you left me. The moments I am with you are when I am truly alive.”
  • “I can’t wait to wake up every morning to find you next to me.”
  • “I could never imagine that your love would make me so happy.”
  • “I don’t even remember what it’s like to be alone.”
  • “I don’t love you because I need you. I need you because I love you.”
  • “I don’t need the whole world; I just need you.”
  • “I fall asleep holding you and wake up with you in my dreams.”
  • “I have searched high and low and know that you’re the only one for me.”
  • “I love you – the end.”
  • “I love you because of the man I am when I am with you.”
  • “I love you more than a drowning man loves air.”
  • “I may forget everything, but I will never forget you.”
  • “I might not be able to express my love in words because you take my breath away.”
  • “I never thought forever existed until I met you.”
  • “I never thought I would be so lucky to call you mine.”
  • “I never thought I would find love until I found you.”
  • “I never want to live without you. If you live to 100, I want to live to 100 minus one second, so we never have to be apart.”
  • “I sin every day I am with you. I want to steal your heart and never give it away.”
  • “I think everyone should meet you, so they have a chance to look love in the eyes.”
  • “I want people to say, “Damn, they’re meant forever.””
  • “I want to feel what it’s like to love like you. Take my hand and bring me to where your heart is.”
  • “I want you forever and always. I want you to forget all the rest.”
  • “I was afraid to meet you. I always saw you in my dreams.”
  • “I will annoy you. I will say stupid things. I will always love you.”
  • “I will count on the love we share together forever and always.”
  • “I will give you all that a girl wants. Love, honesty and happiness.”
  • “I will love you now, when we’re old, and when we’re long gone.”
  • “I will never love you any less or love you any more than I love you this very second.”
  • “I will never ration my love for you. I will let it flow like a river.”
  • “I wish I would have found you sooner. I miss the time we didn’t get to spend together.”
  • “I would be a broken man without you in my life.”
  • “I’m like a child on Christmas when I see you. I never know what the day’s love will hold for us.”
  • “I’m not a rich man, but I can give you all of the love in the world.”
  • “I’ve always dreamed of being your lover.”
  • “If love were an ocean, ours would cover the world.”
  • “In the morning, you’re the first thing I think of. When I fall asleep, you’re the first picture in my dreams.”
  • “Is it normal to completely lose all feelings when we kiss?”
  • “It wasn’t love at first sight. I knew the moment my heart skipped a beat you would be mine forever.”
  • “Knock on the door to your heart, and I will be there.”
  • “Life is crazy. Nothing is guaranteed. But, I love you in the now.”
  • “Love is a fire that I never want to extinguish.”
  • “Love is all there is – not all we need.”
  • “Love is kind and sweet, but putting us together makes it perfect.”
  • “Love is like a catastrophe, and I’m the only one with you.”
  • “Love is the answer to all of life’s troubles.”
  • “Love is what I am when I am with you.”
  • “Love will always be under construction with two hearts growing closer to each other.”
  • “My heart follows the rhythm of our love and beats harder every day.”
  • “My heart sinks every time I smile at you hoping that you will always smile back.”
  • “My heart whispered “that’s’ the one” when I first saw you.”
  • “My heart with always be young because it loves you.”
  • “My love with you will never be the same – it will be complete.”
  • “Nothing is worse than being apart, and nothing is harder than being together.”
  • “Our children will know that I am married to the only woman I ever truly loved.”
  • “Our love can overcome any obstacle; withstand any storm.”
  • “Our love defines who I am as a man.”
  • “Our love is so bright that it guides me through the darkest of days.”
  • “Our love knows no boundaries.”
  • “Possessions can be stolen. Money can be lost. Our love is something no one can take away from us.”
  • “Real love is silly – forget passion.”
  • “The days I am with you are the days that are worth living.”
  • “The moment I saw you, I knew we would be together forever.”
  • “The saying goes “love is for giving.” So, I give my love to you.”
  • “The sweetest joy in life is your loving embrace.”
  • “There is no place you can touch on the body that makes a person go as crazy as the heart.”
  • “There is nothing more valuable than our love.”
  • “There will always be someone prettier or smarter, but real love doesn’t care.”
  • “They say the sweetest place to be is in someone’s thoughts. You never leave mine.”
  • “Time and place do not exist when you’re in my arms.”
  • “To know love is to love you.”
  • “True love is only found when I am with you.”
  • “We must honor your presence while heaven mourns your departure.”
  • “We were friends, and I loved you. We’re lovers, and I love you more.”
  • “We will always meet with a smile that ends in love.”
  • “We’re the epitome of a love story. Our love is boundless and our lives keep getting better.”
  • “When I am scared, thinking of you makes me overcome my fear.”
  • “When I am with you, I lose myself. Without you, I am already lost.”
  • “When I am with you, I lose sight of everything. You are the only thing I can see.”
  • “Who needs coffee to get excited to wake up? I have you.”
  • “You are a constant flame that will always warm my heart.”
  • “You are my constant measure of progress and happiness in a world that is ever changing.”
  • “You are my dream. Can I be yours?”
  • “You are the essence of everything good in my life; love without boundaries.”
  • “You are the queen of my heart. Your wish is my command and always will be.”
  • “You are the world to me.”
  • “You bring joy to a once restless heart.”
  • “You gave me wings. You make me fly.”
  • “You give me joy when I am in times of trial.”
  • “You illuminate the path to heaven.”
  • “You know you’re special when you can make me smile even when I am sad.”
  • “You make me a better man.”
  • “You will be mine forever and always.”
  • “You’re every dream I’ve ever had.”
  • “You’re like a kitten. You look into my eyes and all I see is you wanting endless love.”
  • “You’re the little angel that lives in my thoughts.”
  • “Your face is like a shining light that brightens up my day.”
  • “Your love is like a maze. I am trapped in it.”
  • “Your love is like a parasite that slipped into my blood and stole my heart.”
  • “Your love is the kind of love that inspires poets to pick up a pen.”
  • “Your smile is the sunshine that makes flowers blossom.”
  • “Your smile warms my heart even when the world feels like it’s crashing down on me.”

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