10 November 2015

Exams Messages - 1

Nothing can come in-between you and your destiny, if you grab hold of every opportunity. Nothing can come in-between you and your fate, if you strive to be great. Nothing can come in-between you and success, if you give it your best shot and nothing less. Good luck for your exams.

Examiner:y r u under tension? Did u forget admit card,ID,or calculator? studnt:No Sir! By mistake i have brought tomorrow exam's pharray (Cheating material) today:-)

Exams are like Girl friends - Too many questions - Difficult to understand - More explanation is needed - Result is always fail! :D

A Good Teacher Is Who Tells To Study Hard... But,, A Best Teacher Is Who Stands Outside D Examination Hall N Shouts. . . "OYE CHECKING WALE AA GAYE APNI APNI PARCHIY CHUPA LO..." =P =D

Being successful in exams and tests is a simple two step process – believe in yourself and back it up with plain old hard work. Good luck.

Stop feigning nervousness before exams just so that you can get your friends to pamper you and reassure you that you are brilliant.

Passing your exams with good grades will gradually make a strong foundation which will help you create rainbows even when you face severe storms in life. Good luck.

You have the sharpest memory anyone has ever got, so ace your exams by giving it your best shot. All the best.

Do you worry about losing before you start playing ball with your friends? Then why worry about failing before you even start giving your exams? Good luck mate.

Human brain is the most outstanding object in world. It functions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It functions right from the time we are born, and stop only when we enter the examination hall.

My nights are going sleepless, my days are going useless. So I asked GOD, is this love? GOD replied, no dear, result is near

Question: "How to kill an ant?" Asked in an exam for 10 marks! Student: Mix chilli powder with sugar, & Keep it outside the ant's hole After eating, ant will search for some water near a water tank. Push ant in to it! Now ant will go to dry itself near fire, When it reaches fire, put a bomb into d fire! Then admit wounded ant in icu! And then remove oxygen mask from it's mouth and kill the ant :-| Moral: Don't play with students! They can do any thing for 10 marks

Exams are like GIRL FRIENDS 1 Too Many Questions. 2 Difficult to Understand. 3 More Explanation is Needed. 4 Result is always FAIL!

Exams are like girlfriends. Too Many Questions. Difficult to understand. More explanation is needed. Result is always fail!

Height of coolness: 2 Guys coming out of the examination Hall with chips and coke in hands.... 1st guy:which paper was it? 2nd guy:I think maths...... 1st guy:(surprisingly) you read the question paper? 2nd guy: no I see a girl sitting besides me using calculator:>

Good luck strikes when you least expect it too. Guess what, it just struck you with this message. All the best.

To accomplish great things, We must not only act, But also dream, Not only plan but also believe, Best wishes for your exam.

Tomorrow is my exam But I don't care Because a single sheet of paper can't decide my future. ~Thomas Edison

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe, best wishes for your exam.

Two reasons to give exams. You can spend 3 hours in self meditation and you can see your teachers being bored who usually bore you.

The most unfulfilled desire Of all science students is A bomb should have Fallen instead of An apple on newton!

Rain of summer, snow of winter, grace of autumn, glory of spring, May beauty of every season give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile. May God suceed u in every exams of ur life. Good luck & all the best

Question by a student !! If a single teacher can't teach us all the subjects, Then... How could you expect a single student to learn all subjects ?

Height of confidence Once many professors were called and asked to sit in an airplane. After they sat. They were informed that the plane is made by their students. All of them ran and got out of plane exdcept one. People asked him the reason He said,"If it's made by my students it will not even start."

Question: Why most of the engineering students Can't clear all subjects in 1st attempt..? ? ? ? Answer: Smooth roads never make good drivers, Clear sky never makes good pilots & Clearing all subjects in the 1st attempt, Never makes good engineers.

eXams are there, at the paper u stare; the answer is nowhere, which makes u pull ur hair. The teachers make u glare, the grades r not fair, but just like the past 20 yrs, WE DONT CARE !!

The Shortest Relationship Ever Is Between Students & Books . . . They Commit 0ne Day Before Exam & After Exam Break Up ! !

Wats d height of hope?? It is: sittin in d exam hall, holdin d question paper in hand n tellin ur self "dude,dnt worry. Exams wil get postponed!"

To b A "Gud ProfesionaL" aLways Start to study Late for "Exams" Bcoz, it Teaches how 2 Manage "Time" & TackLe "Emergencies"! Think Different

Why We Sometimes Write "Etc" In Exams? Because It Means. . . . E-End Of T-Thinking C-Capacity But Teacher Won't Ever Understand Our FEelings... ;->

Cricket is getting excited day by day with the introduction of ICL n T20... Same rules should be applied in Examz! (1) Exams Timing Should Be Reduced To One Hour. (2) Power Play - No Invigilator In Exam Hall For 1st 15 mins. (3) Cheer Leaders - To Dance After Every Right Answer Written. (4) Strategic Time-Out - Time For Students For Discussion. (5) Super Over - Chance For Students To Form Their Own Question. :-)

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