1. “I took everyone
to the store with me, so you can relax. We will be back in an hour or so.
Please sleep in and relax. I will bring home brunch!”
2. “Hey baby. I know that you had a long night, so I sent you a picture of the sunrise, so you could see how beautiful it looked today.” (send a real picture)
3. “Come downstairs. I have a surprise for you!” (cook her breakfast)
4. “I woke up early and decided to take a picture of the puppy for you. It will make your day.”
5. “Good morning, my love. No matter what happens today or what happened yesterday, I want you to know that you’re the one for me. I love you.”
6. “I wish I had a time machine. I would go back in time to be there every day when you woke up.”
7. “You are my shining light. Now it’s time to wake up and show the world you’re magic.”
8. “Alert! It’s time for the world’s most beautiful woman to wake up and start her day.”
9. “If you’re feeling down today, remember to take a deep breath and always know that I will have your back.”
10. “I didn’t want to wake up this morning, and then I thought of you and couldn’t fall back asleep.”
11. “You’re probably sleeping like a baby all warm and cozy in your bed, but I just wanted to tell you how special and beautiful you are. I hope that my text brings a smile to your face and sets the tone for a wonderful day filled with happiness.”
12. “Start listening to your heart, and shut off your mind. I love you.”
13. “It’s time to rise and shine sleepy head. It’s time to face the day. Remember, our love will help you overcome any of the day’s obstacles.”
14. “I love the spring and I love the summer, but there is nothing I love more than you.”
15. “Its 10:30. I forgot to wake you up for work today. Just kidding, I am downstairs and made you breakfast, so you could sleep in today.”
16. “The day can’t start without a hug and a kiss. So, wake up and come outside – I will be waiting.”
17. “I am feeling a little sad that I didn’t get to say hello to you this morning before work. I hope you have a great day. Wear something nice – we’ll be going out to dinner later.”
18. “You may shine as bright as the stars, but it’s time to get up and get ready to look as hot as the sun.”
19. “When I looked up at the sun, it reminded me of you. It is always so bright and hot. When the cold air breezes, I remember how lonely and cold the world would be without you.”
20. “I almost sent you 100 different good morning texts, but I decided to send just one, so I don’t
seem too overly attached.”
21. “You’re probably wondering why I just sent you a good morning text after we already hugged and kissed this morning, but I was thinking about you and had to say hi.”
22. “Its morning and I already love you more today than before I went to sleep.”
23. “Every day that I wake up next to you is a day that I want to repeat for the rest of my life.”
24. “When I woke up this morning, I was hoping that it was still night time and I could hold you in my arms a little longer.”
25. “I hope your day is filled with love and happiness. You don’t know how much you mean to me.”
26. “I wake up in the morning and smile all day because the first thought on my mind was you.”
27. “Sometimes, I wake up so tired. I dream of you at night, and I dream of you during the day. Even when I am with you, I have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming. You’re my dream girl.”
28. “Some people need coffee in the morning to wake up, but all I need is to think of you. Well, who am I to be choosy? I made you some coffee and left it on the counter.”
29. “Your smile is stronger than any cup of coffee I have ever had. It wakes me up in an instant and keeps me motivated all day long.”
30. “Happiness is
starting the day with a message of how important and special you are to the one
person in the world that matters the most to you. For me, you are most
important, so wake up fast and respond!”
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