10 November 2015

Funny Smile Messages

  • Wonderful Combinations in this world... Heart & Beats, Night & Moon, Music & Songs, Roses & Love, Fish & water, My message & Your SMILE..!

  • There is always a reason 4 everything A reason 2 live A reason 2 die A reason 2 cry, But if u can��t find a reason to smile Can I be the reason 4 a while:)

  • Always be Happy, always wear a smile; Not because life is full of reasons to smile but because your smile itself is a reason for many others to smile. . .

  • Smile in ease, Smile in pain, Smile when trouble, pour like rain, smile when someone hurt ur fellings, smiles you know are very hailng...

  • Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu. when someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner, and someone saw my grin. when he smiled I realized. I'd passed it on to him! I thought about that smile, then I realized it's worth. a single smile just like mine, could travel round the Earth

  • Let me guess what U R doing... Reading book? Na Na! Listining Music? Uhu! Watching TV? Nah! Caught U! Missing me and reading my SMS na.!! Oh now U R smiling.

  • It Is Very Ussual 2 Ask Whats Up? H R U? Had Ur Lunch? Hows Life etc etc, So Let Me Ask U Something Different Did U Smile 2day? If not Just do it now;-)

  • It Is Very Usual 2 Ask Whats Up? H R U? Had Ur Lunch? Hows Life etc etc, So Let Me Ask U Something Different Did U Smile 2day? If not Just do it now;-)

  • SMILE: S: Sets u free, M: Makes u special, I: Increases ur face value, L: Lifts up ur spirits, E: Erases all ur tensions, So, please keep smiling.

  • A Perfrect Gift for U! Today! Absolutely at no Cost, Non- taxable, Silent Performance, Extremely Personal, Fully Returnable its a SMILE from me. Enjoy & take care.

  • Smile, It Will Make You Look Better. Pray, It Will Keep You Strong. Love, It Will Make You Enjoy Life.

  • Doctor's prescription 4 u. A cute little smile 4 breakfast. More laughs 4 lunch. Lots of happiness for dinner. Doctor's fee? An sms when u r free.

  • Girls misuse it! models sell it! photograhers cage it! doctors advice it! death freezes it! artists create it! Guess, what's that? It's SMILE! KEEP SMILING!!

  • Some times ur existence gives hope to one person, Your smile may be a pearl for someone, Your presence might be the desire of the 1 who loves U dearly. So value yourself.

  • A line said by a frnd 2 his Frnd aftr both got busy in their livz & did'n contct each other. "Missd ur smile a lot. bt,I missd my own smile more". :-)

  • Some times....When I'm all alone. I close my eyes and think of you... and the thought of your love worms me inside and make me smile.

  • You Can Hide Alot ... Behind A SMILE A B r o k e n H e a r t S h a t t e r e d D r e a m s L o n g i n g D e s i r e s ...

  • Smile to old means Respect Smile to child mean Innocence Smile to friend means Care Smile in front of mobile, a mental case! Still smiling? ;-) Pagal ey oy

  • Living in the favourable and unfavourable situation is called "PART OF LIFE", But smiling in all those situations is called "ART OF LIFE".

  • Do you know what is differance between your smile and my smile? You smile when you are happy, and, I smile, when I see,you happy..!,

  • Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile!

  • In our life happiness is more important than smile cause smile comes from lips but happiness comes from the heart so BE HAPPY FOREVER

  • Smile is completed When It begins with you Lips, Reflects in your Eyes, & Ends with a glow on your Face I Wish U many many Smiling Moments in ur life.

  • Smile For The Ones You Love... A Simple Smile Is All It Takes To Make One Happy... Love Can Come In Many Different Ways, Shapes n Sizes ... But A Simple Smile Will Conquer Everything ... And Leave The Best Of Us Speechless ...

  • Shakespear said don't worry! because if u r worried u get a wrinkle, So why don't u smile & get a dimple. Always smile and be happy

  • My SMILE ... Doesn't always mean "I m Happy ..." Sometimes It Means "I Can Manage ..." And Sometimes It Just Means "I m Tired Of Crying ..."

  • Thousands of languages around this world but "smile" can beat them all. Because "Smile" is the Language even a BABY can speak..

  • In the time of high price of everything, A smile is still something affordable. Stock and use lots of it. As it has huge returns.

  • Rose is Famous 4 Grace... Advocate is Famous 4 his Case... Horses r Famous 4 Race... But u r Famous 4 Smile on Ur Face...! have a nice day

  • A smile gives red colour 2 ur cheeks, White 2 ur teeth, Pink colour 2 ur lips, Silver colour 2 ur eyes, So keep smiling & enjoy the colours of life

  • If 5 seconds of smile can make a photograph more beautiful. Then just imagine if you keep always smiling how beautiful your life will be. So keep smiling !!!!!

  • Tree leaves do not look green forever, Roses do not look fresh forever, But I pray to ALLAH that Smile on your lips stay forever. Good Morning & Have A Nice Day

  • A smile is like a Sim card & Life is like a cellphone Whenever You insert the Sim card of a smile , A beautiful day is Activated ... Good morning & Keep smiling

  • In the morning, sun gazes at me to make me happy... Cool breeze hugs me to see my smile... Birds sings to make me smile.... But my dear, They dont know that my smile is incomplete until I remember your face...

  • Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile.

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