12 November 2015

Decent Text Messages

A word to say, a word to hear
Even in Ur absence I feel U near
Our relation is strong..hope it goes long
we will remain the same till the life goes on!

Character is what you know you are, not what others think you are.

Education gives Quality of Life!
Money gives Quality of Respect!
Wife gives Quality of Love!
But Friendship gives Quality of Heart!

Every new day is a gift.
The longer you wait to open it,
The smaller it gets!
Good Morning!

Fantastic line:The person who made you laugh in his presence
will definitely make you cry in his absence.

Friends are like a page in a book of life,
Every page with a different subject.
But best friends r d index page
covering every subject.
Thx 4 being index page of my life.

Hard Times Are Like a Washing Machine,
They Twist,
Turn & Knock Us Around,
But In The End we Come Out
Cleaner, Brighter & Better Than Before...

How blessed I m 2 b a Muslim!
I say a simple Salam to some,I'm rewarded.
I smile at someone, I'm rewarded.
I pray in Masjid with Jamaat,I'm rewarded 27 times more than those who pray alone.
I begin anything with Bismillah, that action of mine is rewarded.
I think of doing a good deed,I'm rewarded.
I control my temper,I'm rewarded.
I hold the glass with my right hand while drinking,I'm rewarded.

"I studied everything but never topped,
But today the toppers of
the best universities are my employees" (Bill Gates)
Be creative

If you think of someone to share your happiness, you love that person a lot and if you think of someone in tears to melt your pain that person loves you a lot.

If U Look for Gud
U ll find Gud
If U look for Bad
U ll find Bad
In Life U always find
What U look for
Only thing tht matter is
What U choose to see

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.

If u r 2 b paid $1000
for each kind act u'v ever done,
and 2 collect $500
for each unkind act of yours,
would u b rich or poor?

In race between lion & deer,
Many time deer wins.
Because lion runs 4 food & deer 4 life.
Remember; ''Purpose is more important than need"

Just go to hell
yes you
u only !
only you can change
hell into heaven
by your sweetness.!

Life is short.
Break the rules.
Forgive quickly.
Kiss slowly.
Love truly.
Laugh uncontrollably.
And never regret anything that made you smile!

Making The First Move
To Patch Up Things,
Shouldn't Always Come From
The One Who Made The Mistake
It Should Come From The One
Who Understands ... !!

Making mistakes is better than faking perfections!

Never blame a day in your life. Good days give you happiness. Bad days give you experience. Both are essential in life. All are God’s blessings.

Never blame any day in your life.
Good days give u happiness,
Bad days give u experience.
Worst days give u a lesson.

Never Try to Go Back And Repair The Past,
That Is Impossible,
Be Prepared To Construct The Future Which Is Predictable. . .
Have A Splendid Day =)

People only treat you one way, the way you allow them!

People don't always need advice.
Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold,
an ear to listen, and a heart to understand them.

Success and suffering are vitally & organically linked.
If you succeed without suffering,
it is because someone suffered for you;
if you suffer without succeeding,
it is in order that some 1 else may succeed after you.
Good morning!

Special Is Different From Important.
Special Is Someone
You Will Never Forget For The
Rest Of Your Life.
Important Is Someone
You Need For The Rest Of
Your Life.

The Truth Should
Never Cause Anger ,
If It Does Then
You Are Living A Lie

There is always a reason 4 everything
A reason 2 live
A reason 2 die
A reason 2 cry,
But if u can��t find a reason to smile
Can I be the reason 4 a while:)

Three simple rules in life
If you do not GO after what you want, You will never heave it.
If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.
If you do not step FORWARD, you will always be in the same place.

Tree leaves do not look green forever,
Roses do not look fresh forever,
But I pray to ALLAH that
Smile on your lips stay forever.
Good Morning & Have A Nice Day

These line are really very heart touching,
sometime we should understand the condition.
Good Morning / Good Night

When God gives us 'NO'
for an answer Keep in mind
that there is a much greater 'YES' behind it.
His 'NO' is not a 'REJECTION', But a 'REDIRECTION' :-)

When someone hurts u . . . .
Don't feel bad because its the law of nature
that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits
gets maximum number of stones

Wonderful Combinations in this world...
Heart & Beats,
Night & Moon,
Music & Songs,
Roses & Love,
Fish & water,
My message & Your SMILE..!

You! Yes, you
The one reading this.
You are beautiful, talented,
amazing and simply the
best at being you.
Never forget that.

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