05 February 2016

Get Well Soon Wishes-Quotes (1)

I wish you remember this moment and smile.
Smile that it came but you won it all.
I wish you quick get well soon.

 It’s great to have a life free of turmoil.
Great to have all moments in joy.
But whatever comes our way…
We must know that tough times never last.
I wish you well my dear.

 A time like this might not come with much of fun.
It might be sad, even seeing a moment like this…
But know this my dear…
No matter how hard it is, we are more than able.

 Every today becomes yesterday,
Every passing moments soon turn history.
No matter how hard it is now my dear…
This too shall pass and become history.
I wish you well.

 I know that smiling is easy when everything is going on well
And the reverse holds when things take the sorrowful path.
I might not know how much this hurts,
But I know of the end which is better than this beginning.
All will be well my dear.

 Life doesn’t promise an all-time bed of roses.
Sometimes life comes with thistles and thorns…
But no matter what life brings in their numbers,
We have all it takes to get through.
It is well with you, just believe.

 It only takes seconds for nights to turn days,
And takes a moment for wounds to heal.
It is going to take just a moment for you too,
And you will be on your feet, hale and hearty.

 It might not have ended quickly as you expected…
It might even be taking more than you planned…
But one thing is sure – It won’t take your life!
Just believe my dear and all will be well.

 As long as there will be morning,
The night will ever be ready to leave…
As long as there is life,
Hope is worth celebrating.
All will be well my dear.

 Winter doesn’t last forever,
And so does every night.
No matter how hard this is now,
It will come and go.
Be strong my dear.

. In struggles and pains,
In weakness and sickness,
Just remember this one thing...
I will be there for you.
Please get well soon.

. If doctors try their very best
And there is an emptiness within,
Since healing didn't come quick…
I am here to feel the emptiness within you,
And you will see yourself better shortly.

 Take your pills they will help,
Eat some food, they will help more.
But above it all, be strong within!
It takes your inside to get quick delivery.
Be well soon dear.

 If all wishes come true,
I will wish that I take all your pains,
Your struggles and your sickness.
I can't stand you being sick,
Please get well.

 Time will fail me to say how I missed you.
You being down is like I'm losing part of me.
All I want is for you to get on your feet!
Please promise me you will soon.

 If I am a magician,
I will transfer your sickness to my body in seconds.
But I am your lover, and so I will help you get strong.
I love you.

 Like oceans are formed with few drops,
Your health shall come in a moment.
Just stay strong within,
And I will be here for you too.
Get well soonest my love.

 A day without you is like thousands,
A moment without you is but gloom upon gloom!
I missed the moments we shared together,
Please get well and I will be glad.

 I understand how you feel,
In am so sorry for not being there.
Please forgive me, and get well soon.

 This is taking too long,
And it is really telling on me too.
Don't make me feel sad more than I am,
Get well soon, I plead.

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