05 February 2016

Get Well Soon Wishes-Quotes (2)

It doesn't matter how long this has been.
And it's irrelevant how much pain you've lived through.
I am assured it's all over and your strength is renewed.
It is well with you in Jesus name.

 This may be your worst moment,
But it won't be your end.
The time of refreshing, soon shall come,
And songs of testimonies you shall sing.
You will be well.

 May peace like outstretched arms engulf your ailing frame
And may healing flow into the same.
May you receive strength to play your favourite game,
May you recover in short time frame.

 Little and little can drugs do,
Even less can the doctors administer;
But God shall be your healer.
You are healed in Jesus name.

 I sincerely hope that once again:
You'll find the ease to smile
And the speed to walk the miles.
You will soon be filled with gale,
And your strength won't be frail.
You will get well, and all shall be well with you. Amen.

 Don't mind what the report says,
Don't mind the prescription of drugs.
Only mind just one thing....
That God is the greatest healer.
You will get well soon.

 Healing with speed
Strength never the less
Might as viable as a seed
And recovery in the express
I wish you quick recovery.

 The doctors have rightly said,
"We cure but God heals."
I hereby leave you in God's hands,
And I trust He will heal you now.
You are healed in Jesus name.

 I am not happy the way things are with you,
I feel so terrible seeing you on sick bed.
I want you to promise me just this...
That you will be better in minutes.
Please get well soon.

 I hope this makes every feeble thing in you bubble,
Like as a horse that has its strength.
I hope it makes you come back alive, like a phoenix.
Stay strong within and don't you lose hope.
All will be well with you.

 There is just a condition I desire for you now...
It is for you to be sound in health.
Seeing you down makes me sad,
Please get well soon.

 Your strength will not fail
And your might will not wane;
You may be down today,
But renewal is just by the way.
Lay hold of it and it is well with you.

I know your body may be weak,
But sure your heart is strong.
Stay strong inside your heart,
And watch how you quickly recover.
You will get well soon.

 I missed your smiling face,
I missed your chuckles,
I missed your pranks,
Get well soon buddy.

 More than the doctors can do,
More than the drugs can work,
I wish you a quick recovery.
Please get well soon.

 Being down, I hate it,
Not being strong, I detest it.
Get on your feet and shame the devil.
You are strong in Jesus name.

 No matter how I try to persuade you,
I can't give you the strength you need.
You have to harness it from within,
For in you lies the will to be well.
Get well and get up friend.

 The dead can't be healed,
Only the living can be.
Stay alive from your within,
And watch how soon you get well.

 If you get weak in your body,
Don't get weak on your within,
Harness the strength in your mind
And watch as you get well soon.

 May the drugs work right.
May your strength come quick.
May you be better than you were before.
This is my wish, and so shall it be.

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