06 February 2016

Sweet Cute Love Sms Messages (5)

 Your love is awesome and wonderful. It makes unforgettable memories.
I can do without my daily meal, but not without your love! I love you.

Loving you is more than thousands of goals and desire... Loving you is my destiny and my heritage! I love you until the end of time.

 I can't watch you go away from me. I can't see myself staying complete without you in my life. You are more than complement to me! I love you.

 I don't want to care what your love cannot give. I choose to stay with you and enjoy the best you are giving! There may be more out there, but I care less. Your love is all I forever want. I love you.

 One day, I wish I will have enough word to describe what your love has added to my life. I have tried so many times, but I failed! Your love is the reason for all the merriment in me. I love you.

Let every sweet things in the world be put together, and you will be more than sweet than them all. Just checking on you my love.

Your thought is ever like millions of hormones sent through my vein! Your love is supernatural. I love you.

I go through the most beautiful place in the world by just a few seconds thought, and that thought is the very thought of you. I love you.

In plight of danger, I promise to take all precautions I can to keep you ever safe. This is my sincere promise to you my love. I love you and I do care for you.

I have tried a millions times, but I failed to stop thinking about you. Whenever I failed, I asked, why wouldn't I? I can't stop thinking about you. I love you.

I know I love you so much bit it can't be as much as you love me. Your love is unquantifiable! Thanks for making me your choice. I love you.

If I try it a thousand times, words would ever fail me to describe your love for me. The last time I checked, your love is unquantifiable! I love you.

Every moment comes with joy knowing you are always there for me. When sadness wants to come, I think about your love and care and off it goes! Thanks for loving me this much. I love you too.

 In my schedules, you will always come first. Sticking with you forever, and never will I leave. You've got the whole of me, forever. I love you.

 I want to take this love as far as I can imagine. If I fail, I will try again until my imagination meets my desire. I love you.

All I ever wanted in a lover, seeing you I know I've got it all! You are complete and more than perfect for me. I can't let you go, never! I love you my heart, my desire.

I once felt so weak and helpless knowing there was no one who would understand my thoughts, and my hurts cum pains... But what a joy that overflew my heart the moment you came. Your love is awesome! I love you.

I have no regrets ever meeting you and coming this far with you. Your love is awesome and I wish I could describe how the thought of you makes me feel. I love you so much my heart. 1000kisses. Mwah!

 I won't be the one that causes grief to you. But the one that will cause you to enjoy it all for being mine. I love you.

 Even if your heart is full of scars, I have come to make it whole and ever beaming with shining lights as would thousands stars. I love you.

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